2,368 research outputs found

    Melting behavior of large disordered sodium clusters

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    The melting-like transition in disordered sodium clusters Na_N, with N=92 and 142 is studied by using a first-principles constant-energy molecular dynamics simulation method. Na_142, whose atoms are distributed in two (surface and inner) main shells with different radial distances to the center of mass of the cluster, melts in two steps: the first one, at approx. 130 K, is characterized by a high intrashell mobility of the atoms, and the second, homogeneous melting, at approx. 270 K, involves diffusive motion of all the atoms across the whole cluster volume (both intrashell and intershell displacements are allowed). On the contrary, the melting of Na_92 proceeds gradually over a very wide temperature interval, without any abrupt step visible in the thermal or structural melting indicators. The occurrence of well defined steps in the melting transition is then shown to be related to the existence of a distribution of the atoms in shells. Thereby we propose a necessary condition for a cluster to be considered rigorously amorphouslike (totally disordered), namely that there are no space regions of the cluster where the local value of the atomic density is considerably reduced. Na_92 is the only cluster from the two considered that verifies this condition, so its thermal behavior can be considered as representative of that expected for amorphous clusters. Na_142, on the other hand, has a discernible atomic shell structure and should be considered instead as just partially disordered. The thermal behavior of these two clusters is also compared to that of icosahedral (totally ordered) sodium clusters of the same sizes.Comment: LaTeX file. 7 pages with 12 picture

    Ultra High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Matrix Mineral Grains in CM Chondrites: Preaccretionary or Parent Body Aqueous Processing?

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    CM chondrites are highly hydrated meteorites associated with a parent asteroid that has experienced significant aqueous processing. The meteoritic evidence indicates that these non-differentiated asteroids are formed by fine-grained minerals embedded in a nanometric matrix that preserves chemical clues of the forming environment. So far there are two hypothesis to explain the presence of hydrated minerals in the content of CM chondrites: one is based on textural features in chondrule-rim boundaries [1-3], and the other ‘preaccretionary’ hypothesis proposes the incorporation of hydrated phases from the protoplanetary disk [4-6]. The highly porous structure of these chondrites is inherited from the diverse materials present in the protoplanetary disk environment. These bodies were presumably formed by low relative velocity encounters that led to the accretion of silicate-rich chondrules, refractory Ca- and Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), metal grains, and the fine-grained materials forming the matrix. Owing to the presence of significant terrestrial water in meteorite finds [7], here we have focused on two CM chondrite falls with minimal terrestrial processing: Murchison and Cold Bokkeveld. Anhydrous carbonaceous chondrite matrices are usually represented by highly chemically unequilibrated samples that contain distinguishable stellar grains. Other chondrites have experienced hydration and chemical homogeneization that reveal parent body processes. We have studied CM chondrites because these meteorites have experienced variable hydration levels [8-10]. It is important to study the textural effects of aqueous alteration in the main minerals to decipher which steps and environments promote bulk chemistry changes, and create the distinctive alteration products. It is thought that aqueous alteration has particularly played a key role in modifying primordial bulk chemistry, and homogenizing the isotopic content of fine-grained matrix materials [7, 11, 12]. Fortunately, the mineralogy produced by parent-body and terrestrial aqueous alteration processes is distinctive [5, 11]

    A new mechanism of mass protection for fermions

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    We present a way of protecting a Dirac fermion interacting with a scalar (Higgs) field from getting a mass from the vacuum. It is obtained through an implementation of translational symmetry when the theory is formulated with a momentum cutoff, which forbids the usual Yukawa term. We consider that this mechanism can help to understand the smallness of neutrino masses without a tuning of the Yukawa coupling. The prohibition of the Yukawa term for the neutrino forbids at the same time a gauge coupling between the right-handed electron and neutrino. We prove that this mechanism can be implemented on the lattice.Comment: LATTICE99(Higgs,Yukawa,SUSY), 3 page

    Almost strictly sign regular rectangular matrices

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    Almost strictly sign regular matrices are sign regular matrices with a special zero pattern and whose nontrivial minors are nonzero. In this paper we provide several properties of almost strictly sign regular rectangular matrices of maximal rank and analyze their QR factorization

    Comparing pivoting strategies for almost strictly sign regular matrices

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    In this paper some properties of two-determinant pivoting for Neville elimination are presented. In particular, we consider a zero-increasing property and we show an optimal normwise growth factor. Comparisons with other pivoting strategies for Neville elimination and with Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting of almost strictly sign regular matrices are performed. Numerical examples are included

    Almost strictly sign regular matrices and Neville elimination with two-determinant pivoting

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    In 2007 Cortés and Peña introduced a pivoting strategy for the Neville elimination of nonsingular sign regular matrices and called it two-determinant pivoting. Neville elimination has been very useful for obtaining theoretical and practical properties for totally positive (negative) matrices and other related types of matrices. A real matrix is said to be almost strictly sign regular if all its nontrivial minors of the same order have the same strict sign. In this paper, some nice properties related with the application of Neville elimination with two-determinant pivoting strategy to almost strictly sign regular matrices are presented

    Wrapped M2/M5 Duality

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    A microscopic accounting of the entropy of a generic 5D supersymmetric rotating black hole, arising from wrapped M2-branes in Calabi-Yau compactified M-theory, is an outstanding unsolved problem. In this paper we consider an expansion around the zero-entropy, zero-temperature, maximally rotating ground state for which the angular momentum J_L and graviphoton charge Q are related by J_L^2=Q^3. At J_L=0 the near horizon geometry is AdS_2 x S^3. As J_L^2 goes to Q^3 it becomes a singular quotient of AdS_3 x S^2: more precisely, a quotient of the near horizon geometry of an M5 wrapped on a 4-cycle whose self-intersection is the 2-cycle associated to the wrapped-M2 black hole. The singularity of the AdS_3 quotient is identified as the usual one associated to the zero-temperature limit, suggesting that the (0,4) wrapped-M5 CFT is dual near maximality to the wrapped-M2 black hole. As evidence for this, the microscopic (0,4) CFT entropy and the macroscopic rotating black hole entropy are found to agree to leading order away from maximality.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Antiferromagnetism in four dimensions: search for non-triviality

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    We present antiferromagnetism as a mechanism capable of modifying substantially the phase diagram and the critical behaviour of statistical mechanical models. This is particularly relevant in four dimensions, due to the connection between second order transition points and the continuum limit as a quantum field theory. We study three models with an antiferromagnetic interaction: the Ising and the O(4) Models with a second neighbour negative coupling, and the \RP{2} Model. Different conclusions are obtained depending on the model.Comment: 4 pages LateX. Contribution to Lat9