132 research outputs found

    Evolución de la sintaxis de Góngora

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Central (Madrid), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, leída en 1928.Universidad Central (Madrid)TRUEunpu

    Cartas a G* Díaz-Plaja

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    Del Occidente de la Península Ibérica

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    En este número no se incluyeron resúmenes ni palabras clave. 

    Vocales andaluzas. Contribución al estudio de la fonología peninsular

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    En este número no se incluyeron resúmenes ni palabras clave. 

    A global perspective on carotenoids: metabolism, biotechnology, and benefits for nutrition and health.

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    Carotenoids are lipophilic isoprenoid compounds synthesized by all photosynthetic organisms and some non-photosynthetic bacteria and fungi. With some notable exceptions, animals (including humans) do not produce carotenoids de novo but take them in their diets. In photosynthetic systems carotenoids are essential for photoprotection against excess light and contribute to light harvesting, but perhaps they are best known for their properties as natural pigments in the yellow to red range. Carotenoids can be associated to fatty acids, sugars, proteins, or other compounds that can change their physical and chemical properties and influence their biological roles. Furthermore, oxidative cleavage of carotenoids produces smaller molecules such as apocarotenoids, some of which are important pigments and volatile (aroma) compounds. Enzymatic breakage of carotenoids can also produce biologically active molecules in both plants (hormones, retrograde signals) and animals (retinoids). Both carotenoids and their enzymatic cleavage products are associated with other processes positively impacting human health. Carotenoids are widely used in the industry as food ingredients, feed additives, and supplements. This review, contributed by scientists of complementary disciplines related to carotenoid research, covers recent advances and provides a perspective on future directions on the subjects of carotenoid metabolism, biotechnology, and nutritional and health benefits


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    En la actualidad, el mundo entero está pasando por una situación excepcional y retadora. Esto se debe a la pandemia que ha tocado vivir atodos los ciudadanos en estos tiempos. Por ello, se ha visto necesario acceder a cuarentenas focalizadas para evitar cualquier tipo de contagios por el acercamiento o aglomeración de personas, ello ha ocasionado que varios negocios quiebren al disminuir notoriamente sus ingresos mensuales.En el presente trabajo, se busca la viabilidad de un servicio que mezcla las ventas online junto con productos que ayuden a levantar las defensas en las personas, especialmente en estos tiempos que se amerita estar muy bien alimentados. Lo que busca este proyecto es poder combatir los malos hábitos de consumo a través de frutos exóticos de la selva peruana que aporten vitaminas y/o nutrientes que mejoren el estilo de vida con fines sociales para comunidades de la selva peruana.Por ello, luego de realizar un proceso de idealización el cual permitió escoger la idea de negocio más asertiva, se realizó el modelo de negocio que permite una mayor descripción de nuestro proyecto. Posterior a ello, se realizaron experimentos para validar el mismo. Finalmente, se realizó el concierge con todos los resultados obtenidos de las validaciones y estrategias junto con los objetivos a desarrollar.Currently, the entire world is going through an exceptional and challenging situation. This is due to the pandemic that all citizens have experienced in these times. For this reason, it has been necessary to access focused quarantines to avoid any type of contagion due to the approach or agglomeration of people, this has caused several businesses to go bankrupt by significantly reducing their monthly income.This proyect triesto find the viability of a service that mixes online sales with products that helps to raise people's defenses is sought, especially in these times when it is necessary to be very well fed. This project seeks is to be able to combat bad consumption habits through exotic fruits from the Peruvian jungle that provide vitamins and / or nutrients that improve the lifestyle for social purposes for communities in the Peruvian jungle.Therefore, after carrying out an idealization process which allowed us to choose the most assertive business idea, the business model that allows a greater description of our project was created. After that, experiments were carried out to validate it. Finally, the concierge was held with all the results obtained from the validations and strategies together with the objectives to be developed.Trabajo de investigació

    Diagnóstico e intervención del clima organizacional de la Clínica Skin Care S.A.S

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    El presente trabajo de investigación correspondió al interés de un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD en profundizar y conocer los factores que más influyeron en el deterioro del clima organizacional de la Clínica Skin Care S.A.S. En el cual, a través de la aplicación de una encuesta virtual y la extracción de resultados, se logró diseñar un plan de acción y emitir recomendaciones que permitieron su intervención, teniendo en cuenta que, cuando el ambiente de trabajo es positivo, es posible impulsar la innovación y la creatividad, pues finalmente los empleados tienden a compartir ideas y contribuir con soluciones innovadoras, pero, cuando este es negativo, se genera falta de interés, aumento de conflictos y comportamiento no ético, disminuyendo el índice de desempeño y la salud de la organización en general. Su construcción se realizó tomando como base las investigaciones teóricas e investigaciones realizadas en otras empresas del sector salud, las cuales han permitido definir el clima organizacional y caracterizarlo como un factor de gran relevancia para las organizaciones, dado que, define los niveles de satisfacción, valores, interacciones, eficiencia de políticas, gestión organizacional, y otras influencias que afectan de alguna u otra manera las empresas. Por otro lado, se buscó identificar como el clima organizacional se reflejó en las actitudes y comportamientos de las personas que conforman la organización y establecer cuál es su grado de satisfacción, motivación y compromiso, marcando una pauta en temas de crecimiento y proyección institucional.The present research work corresponded to the interest of a group of students of the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD in deepening and knowing the factors that most influenced the deterioration of the organizational climate of the Clínica Skin Care S.A.S. In which, through the application of a virtual survey and the extraction of results, it was possible to design an action plan and issue recommendations that allowed its intervention, taking into account that, when the work environment is positive, it is possible to promote innovation and creativity, because finally the employees tend to share ideas and contribute with innovative solutions, but, when this is negative, it generates lack of interest, increase of conflicts and unethical behavior, decreasing the performance index and the health of the organization in general. Its construction was based on theoretical research and investigations carried out in other companies in the health sector, which have allowed defining the organizational climate and characterizing it as a factor of great relevance for organizations, since it defines the levels of satisfaction, values, interactions, efficiency of policies, organizational management, and other influences that affect companies in one way or another. On the other hand, we sought to identify how the organizational climate was reflected in the attitudes and behaviors of the people who make up the organization and to establish their degree of satisfaction, motivation and commitment, setting a guideline in terms of growth and institutional projection

    Neumatosis intestinal y gas portomesentérico: a propósito de un caso

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    La neumatosis intestinal (presencia de gas en el interior de la pared intestinal y en el complejo venoso portomesentérico) es una situación clínica poco frecuente que ha sido característicamente relacionada con la isquemia intestinal y con un desenlace fatal. Existen otras causas que pueden justifi car estos hallazgos y cuya repercusión para el paciente no es inevitablemente trágica. Los avances recientes en técnicas de imagen, sobre todo en tomografía computarizada multicorte (TCMC), permiten un diagnóstico preciso fi able y precoz de estos hallazgos. En este artículo, repasamos las manifestaciones radiológicas de la neumatosis intestinal en TC así como las distintas causas relacionadas con esta entidad, en relación con los hallazgos presentes en un paciente diagnosticado de carcinoma de esófago y en tratamiento quimioterápico. INGLÉS: Intestinal pneumatosis (presence of gas in the intestinal wall and in the portomeseteric veins) is an infrequent clinical situation that has been associated with extended bowel necrosis and fatal outcome. However, there are other reasons that can justify these findings without such an outcome. Recent advances in diagnostic imaging techniques, especially multislice computerized tomography (MSCT), have allowed precise and quick diagnosis of these entities. In this article, we review the MSCT radiological manifestations of intestinal pneumatosis, as well as the different diagnoses related with the findings observed in a patient diagnosed with esophageal carcinoma under chemotherapy treatment

    Primary constitutional MLH1 epimutations: a focal epigenetic event

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    BACKGROUND: Constitutional MLH1 epimutations are characterised by monoallelic methylation of the MLH1 promoter throughout normal tissues, accompanied by allele-specific silencing. The mechanism underlying primary MLH1 epimutations is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to perform an in-depth characterisation of constitutional MLH1 epimutations targeting the aberrantly methylated region around MLH1 and other genomic loci. METHODS: Twelve MLH1 epimutation carriers, 61 Lynch syndrome patients, and 41 healthy controls, were analysed by Infinium 450 K array. Targeted molecular techniques were used to characterise the MLH1 epimutation carriers and their inheritance pattern. RESULTS: No nucleotide or structural variants were identified in-cis on the epimutated allele in 10 carriers, in which inter- generational methylation erasure was demonstrated in two, suggesting primary type of epimutation. CNVs outside the MLH1 locus were found in two cases. EPM2AIP1-MLH1 CpG island was identified as the sole differentially methylated region in MLH1 epimutation carriers compared to controls. CONCLUSION: Primary constitutional MLH1 epimutations arise as a focal epigenetic event at the EPM2AIP1-MLH1 CpG island in the absence of cis-acting genetic variants. Further molecular characterisation is needed to elucidate the mechanistic basis of MLH1 epimutations and their heritability/reversibility