442 research outputs found

    Symplectic evolution of Wigner functions in markovian open systems

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    The Wigner function is known to evolve classically under the exclusive action of a quadratic hamiltonian. If the system does interact with the environment through Lindblad operators that are linear functions of position and momentum, we show that the general evolution is the convolution of the classically evolving Wigner function with a phase space gaussian that broadens in time. We analyze the three generic cases of elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic Hamiltonians. The Wigner function always becomes positive in a definite time, which is shortest in the hyperbolic case. We also derive an exact formula for the evolving linear entropy as the average of a narrowing gaussian taken over a probability distribution that depends only on the initial state. This leads to a long time asymptotic formula for the growth of linear entropy.Comment: this new version treats the dissipative cas

    Fredholm methods for billiard eigenfunctions in the coherent state representation

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    We obtain a semiclassical expression for the projector onto eigenfunctions by means of the Fredholm theory. We express the projector in the coherent state basis, thus obtaining the semiclassical Husimi representation of the stadium eigenfunctions, which is written in terms of classical invariants: periodic points, their monodromy matrices and Maslov indices.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E. Comments or questions to [email protected]

    Expressão da esterilidade feminina e da carpeloidia em mamoeiro sob diferentes ambientes de cultivo protegido.

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    O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de esterilidade feminina e de carpeloidia em mamoeiros hermafroditas 'Baixinho-de-Santa Amália' cultivados sob manejo orgânico, em diferentes tipos de ambiente de proteção,e conduzido com ou sem bifurcação do tronco no transcorrer das quatro estações do ano. Foram construídos três tipos de estruturas de proteção contíguas: (i) estufa (cobertura de plástico); (ii) estufa sombreada (cobertura adicional de tela 'sombrite' - 30% sobre o plástico), e (iii) telado (cobertura exclusiva de tela 'sombrite' - 30%), ao lado de uma área de ambiente natural, a pleno sol. Nestes locais, foram cultivados, dentro das normas técnicas da agricultura orgânica, mamoeiros da cv. Baixinho-de-Santa-Amália. Em metade das plantas, abrangendo todos os ambientes de cultivo, a gema apical foi incisada, logo após a sexagem, visando à bifurcação do tronco. Para efeito de análise de variância, foram considerados quatro blocos por ambiente de cultivo, tendo cada bloco três repetições relativas ao modo de condução das plantas (com e sem bifurcação do tronco). Para análise estatística, procedeu-se à "análise conjunta de experimentos", no caso, os ambientes de cultivo. Nos mamoeiros com tronco bifurcado, houve diminuição do número de frutos carpeloides e aumento do número de flores fêmeas estéreis. No entanto, essa bifurcação não influenciou a frequência de frutos normais. Durante a primavera (setembro a dezembro), e notadamente na estufa, o maior número de frutos carpeloides por planta correlacionou-se a temperaturas mais elevadas, maior amplitude térmica e maior vigor vegetativo; já, a maior ocorrência de flores estaminadas correlacionou-se também a temperaturas elevadas, baixa luminosidade e menor vigor vegetativo. Por outro lado, essas mesmas condições ambientais e fenológicas favoráveis à carpeloidia aumentaram a quantidade de frutos normais, assim contribuindo positivamente para a produtividade do mamoeiro

    Schottky barrier heights at polar metal/semiconductor interfaces

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    Using a first-principle pseudopotential approach, we have investigated the Schottky barrier heights of abrupt Al/Ge, Al/GaAs, Al/AlAs, and Al/ZnSe (100) junctions, and their dependence on the semiconductor chemical composition and surface termination. A model based on linear-response theory is developed, which provides a simple, yet accurate description of the barrier-height variations with the chemical composition of the semiconductor. The larger barrier values found for the anion- than for the cation-terminated surfaces are explained in terms of the screened charge of the polar semiconductor surface and its image charge at the metal surface. Atomic scale computations show how the classical image charge concept, valid for charges placed at large distances from the metal, extends to distances shorter than the decay length of the metal-induced-gap states.Comment: REVTeX 4, 11 pages, 6 EPS figure

    Universality of the Lyapunov regime for the Loschmidt echo

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    The Loschmidt echo (LE) is a magnitude that measures the sensitivity of quantum dynamics to perturbations in the Hamiltonian. For a certain regime of the parameters, the LE decays exponentially with a rate given by the Lyapunov exponent of the underlying classically chaotic system. We develop a semiclassical theory, supported by numerical results in a Lorentz gas model, which allows us to establish and characterize the universality of this Lyapunov regime. In particular, the universality is evidenced by the semiclassical limit of the Fermi wavelength going to zero, the behavior for times longer than Ehrenfest time, the insensitivity with respect to the form of the perturbation and the behavior of individual (non-averaged) initial conditions. Finally, by elaborating a semiclassical approximation to the Wigner function, we are able to distinguish between classical and quantum origin for the different terms of the LE. This approach renders an understanding for the persistence of the Lyapunov regime after the Ehrenfest time, as well as a reinterpretation of our results in terms of the quantum--classical transition.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, uses Revtex

    What is the Nature of EUV Waves? First STEREO 3D Observations and Comparison with Theoretical Models

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    One of the major discoveries of the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on SOHO were intensity enhancements propagating over a large fraction of the solar surface. The physical origin(s) of the so-called `EIT' waves is still strongly debated. They are considered to be either wave (primarily fast-mode MHD waves) or non-wave (pseudo-wave) interpretations. The difficulty in understanding the nature of EUV waves lies with the limitations of the EIT observations which have been used almost exclusively for their study. Their limitations are largely overcome by the SECCHI/EUVI observations on-board the STEREO mission. The EUVI telescopes provide high cadence, simultaneous multi-temperature coverage, and two well-separated viewpoints. We present here the first detailed analysis of an EUV wave observed by the EUVI disk imagers on December 07, 2007 when the STEREO spacecraft separation was 45\approx 45^\circ. Both a small flare and a CME were associated with the wave cadence, and single temperature and viewpoint coverage. These limitations are largely overcome by the SECCHI/EUVI observations on-board the STEREO mission. The EUVI telescopes provide high cadence, simultaneous multi-temperature coverage, and two well-separated viewpoints. Our findings give significant support for a fast-mode interpretation of EUV waves and indicate that they are probably triggered by the rapid expansion of the loops associated with the CME.Comment: Solar Physics, 2009, Special STEREO Issue, in pres

    Holographic dark energy in a non-flat universe with Granda-Oliveros cut-off

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    Motivated by Granda and Oliveros (GO) model, we generalize their work to the non-flat case. We obtain the evolution of the dark energy density, the deceleration and the equation of state parameters for the holographic dark energy model in a non-flat universe with GO cut-off. In the limiting case of a flat universe, i.e. k=0k = 0, all results given in GO model are obtained.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Multiwavelength studies of MHD waves in the solar chromosphere: An overview of recent results

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    The chromosphere is a thin layer of the solar atmosphere that bridges the relatively cool photosphere and the intensely heated transition region and corona. Compressible and incompressible waves propagating through the chromosphere can supply significant amounts of energy to the interface region and corona. In recent years an abundance of high-resolution observations from state-of-the-art facilities have provided new and exciting ways of disentangling the characteristics of oscillatory phenomena propagating through the dynamic chromosphere. Coupled with rapid advancements in magnetohydrodynamic wave theory, we are now in an ideal position to thoroughly investigate the role waves play in supplying energy to sustain chromospheric and coronal heating. Here, we review the recent progress made in characterising, categorising and interpreting oscillations manifesting in the solar chromosphere, with an impetus placed on their intrinsic energetics.Comment: 48 pages, 25 figures, accepted into Space Science Review