771 research outputs found

    Requirements traceability in model-driven development: Applying model and transformation conformance

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    The variety of design artifacts (models) produced in a model-driven design process results in an intricate relationship between requirements and the various models. This paper proposes a methodological framework that simplifies management of this relationship, which helps in assessing the quality of models, realizations and transformation specifications. Our framework is a basis for understanding requirements traceability in model-driven development, as well as for the design of tools that support requirements traceability in model-driven development processes. We propose a notion of conformance between application models which reduces the effort needed for assessment activities. We discuss how this notion of conformance can be integrated with model transformations

    Enumeration and characterization of arsenic-tolerant diazotrophic bacteria in a long-term heavy-metal-contaminated soil

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    The abundance of arsenic-tolerant diazotrophic bacteria was compared in a long-term contaminated soil versus a non-contaminated one. In addition, the characterization of tolerant diazotrophic bacteria was carried out. Differences in the number of heterotrophic N2 fixers were found between soils. Contaminated soil showed a decrease in the microbial population size of about 80%, confirming the great sensitivity of this group of soil bacteria to metals. However, quantitative analysis of the response to increased doses of arsenic reveals that the proportion of the culturable diazotrophic community tolerant to arsenic was identical for both soils (contaminated and non-contaminated). Twentytwo arsenic-tolerant diazotrophic isolates were obtained and further characterized. 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis revealed that these bacterial isolates were distributed among four taxons (Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, γ-Proteobacteria, and β-Proteobacteria). Most genera recovered from the contaminated soil were also found in the uncontaminated soi

    Meat quality of lambs fed different saltbush hay (Atriplex nummularia) levels

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    Climate changes have increased soil and water salinity, compromising animal produc- tion especially in dry areas where scientists have become more interested in halophyte plants, like saltbush. The effects of saltbush hay levels (30, 40, 50 and 60%) were evaluated based on physical-chemical, nutritional and sensory parameters of Santa Ine^s lamb meat. Thirty-two 8-month-old castrated Santa Ine^s lambs, with initial weights of 22±1.97 kg were used; they were slaughtered after 60 days in the feedlot. The pH, colour, moisture, protein and cholesterol contents did not differ among treatments. Panelists observed a greater inten- sity of lamb smell and flavour (P=0.0035) in the meat of animals that received more con- centrate in the diet. An increase in the inclu- sion of saltbush increased ash percentage (P=0.0232), total saturated (P=0.0035) and polyunsaturated (P=0.0287) fatty acids and reduced the lipids (P=0.0055) and the n-6:n-3 ratio (P=0.0058) of the meat. Therefore, salt- bush hay can be used as a feeding resource in regions with problems of water and soil salini- ty because it does not impair the physical- chemical, nutritional and sensory quality of sheep meat

    Bird community composition of two riparian forests at Jacaré-Pepira river, São Paulo, Brazil

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    A quali-quantitative survey was carried out in two riparian forests fragmente (approximately 40 ha each) at Jacaré-Pepira river. Our intention was to characterize its bird community conceming richness, abundance and species occurrence in these areas. The qualitative survey showed 130 species at Santa Elisa (Brotas, São Paulo) and 151 at Morro Chato (Dourado, São Paulo), whereas the quantitative survey revealed the presence of 69 and 75 species at Santa Elisa and Morro Chato, respectively. The small size and the isolation might be responsible for the low number of species found. Observing the abundance index values (IPA) we realize that there are a few number of species with a high IPA on the one hand, while on the other there is a large number of species with intermediate and low IPA rates. A high detection coefficient (vocalization), low predatoiy rates and competition might have contributed for the higher abundance values found among these species. Furthermore, we have also registered species which are abundant in a fragment, but absent in the other, which might be explained by initial exclusion or local extinction. In spite of the riparian forests being protected by law, its clearing process has not stopped yet. Therefore, the study of this bird community is of uppermost impoitance for the elaboration of both conservation and management projects regarding these areas.10871098Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Experimental characterization of combustion in recirculation zone of double-stage swirl chamber

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    Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malta, 16-18 July, 2012.The focus of the present work is a new Low-NOx combustor configuration to especial application in gas turbine. The combustion happens in two phases; the first one with oxidant deficiency, or fuel rich combustion, and the second one is a fuel lean combustion. This combustion structure allows the conciliation of low NOx emissions and partial oxidation combustion products, as carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. In the new concept proposed here, these unfavorable combustion conditions for NOx formation are reached through the dynamic control of reactants mixing process into the chamber. However, the success of this strategy depends on the formation of a strong recirculation zone in the secondary chamber and quick-mixing between air, reminiscent fuel and combustion products. So that the present work shows experimental results about the structure of the recirculation zone using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and the combustion dynamics using Planar Laser Inducing Fluorescence (PLIF). Both techniques were applied in the secondary zone of combustion. The conclusion based on the results presented in this paper can be summarized according to the increase of the recirculation zone intensity: 1. the volume occupied by recirculation zone is greater, the transition to reverse flow is more abrupt and the magnitude of the reverse velocity is higher; 2. intensify the vortices formation; 3. the combustion reactions take place in the central region of recirculation zone.dc201

    Livro Vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal

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    Os Livros Vermelhos têm sido reconhecidos, pelas entidades responsáveis pela conservação da natureza, as organizações não-governamentais, a co- munidade científica e os decisores de projectos com incidência no ordena- mento e gestão do território, como elementos de consulta e instrumento de apoio à tomada de decisão de inegável utilidade. Neles se indica o esta- tuto de ameaça das espécies selvagens, de acordo com critérios quantitati- vos para avaliar níveis de risco de extinção e, ainda, informação sobre as populações, causas de ameaça e medidas de conservação. Estes são documentos em permanente actualização, reflectindo cada edição o melhor conhecimento científico disponível, e a sua elaboração deve ser considerada como uma tarefa de interesse público e mobilizadora de todos os que disponham de informação relevante e actualizada para a avaliação do estatuto das diferentes espécies. Um Livro Vermelho é ainda uma chamada de atenção e uma tomada de consciência perante a diminuição da diversidade biológica à escala global. Desde 1500, registou-se a extinção de 92 espécies de peixes, 5 de anfíbios, 22 de répteis, 131 de aves e 87 de mamíferos (Hylton-Taylor 2000). Regularmente, a União Mundial para a Conservação (IUCN) actualiza e alarga a avaliação do risco de extinção à escala mundial a um ainda maior número de espécies. Assim, de acordo com o exercício realizado em 2004 (IUCN 2004a) verifica-se o seguinte: para os mamíferos, a avaliação revela 23% de espécies ameaçadas, correspondente a 20% do total das espécies co- nhecidas; nas aves, a avaliação perfaz a quase totalidade das espécies conhecidas e atinge os 12% de espécies ameaçadas; os répteis avaliados apresentam uma percentagem muito elevada de espécies ameaçadas (61%), muito embora esta percentagem corresponda apenas a 4% do to- tal das espécies conhecidas; os anfíbios ameaçados são cerca de 31% das espécies conhecidas; nos peixes, grupo cuja proporção de avaliações está muito aquém das espécies conhecidas, os resultados revelam 46% de ameaçadas, correspondentes a 3% do total de espécies conhecidas. Nesta edição são listadas as espécies de peixes dulciaquícolas e migradores, anfíbios, répteis, aves e mamíferos que ocorrem em Portugal. Mas este é sobretudo o livro das espécies ameaçadas que enfrentam risco de extinção e a que, por isso, foram atribuídas as categorias de .Vulnerável., .Em Perigo. ou .Criticamente em Perigo.; é também o livro de algumas espécies às quais foi atribuída a categoria de .Quase Ameaçado. e ainda daquelas com .Informação Insuficiente. sobre a sua distribuição, requisitos de habitat, dimensão ou tendência populacional (entre outros aspectos) o que impediu a avaliação do risco de extinção. Atribuído um estatuto, identificam-se ainda os factores de ameaça, devendo estes ser entendidos como os fenómenos ou processos que sendo contí- nuos, esporádicos ou recorrentes, localizados ou generalizados, afectam as populações ou alteram a estrutura ou o funcionamento dos sistemas na- turais em que elas se integram, de um modo que afecta a sua reprodução ou mesmo sobrevivência. Estes factores são alterações das características físicas, químicas ou biológicas dos habitats das espécies ou acções que causam mortalidade intencional ou acidental ou, ainda, a redução do sucesso reprodutor das espécies. Com esta edição, alcançou-se uma meta no processo de avaliação da fau- na de vertebrados de Portugal, remetendo-se para uma segunda etapa a avaliação das espécies de peixes marinhos e estuarinos. Tendo a clara noção da efemeridade da avaliação do risco de extinção suportada pelas condições e conhecimentos de um momento, espera-se que o Livro Vermelho seja um documento periodicamente actualizado. Finalmente, é elevada a expectativa de todos os que participaram na sua elaboração, de que este venha a contribuir decisivamente para um reforço da conservação das espécies ameaçadas em Portugal

    Ancient marine sediment DNA reveals diatom transition in Antarctica

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    Antarctica is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change on Earth and studying the past and present responses of this polar marine ecosystem to environmental change is a matter of urgency. Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) analysis can provide such insights into past ecosystem-wide changes. Here we present authenticated (through extensive contamination control and sedaDNA damage analysis) metagenomic marine eukaryote sedaDNA from the Scotia Sea region acquired during IODP Expedition 382. We also provide a marine eukaryote sedaDNA record of ~1 Mio. years and diatom and chlorophyte sedaDNA dating back to ~540 ka (using taxonomic marker genes SSU, LSU, psbO). We find evidence of warm phases being associated with high relative diatom abundance, and a marked transition from diatoms comprising <10% of all eukaryotes prior to ~14.5 ka, to ~50% after this time, i.e., following Meltwater Pulse 1A, alongside a composition change from sea-ice to openocean species. Our study demonstrates that sedaDNA tools can be expanded to hundreds of thousands of years, opening the pathway to the study of ecosystem-wide marine shifts and paleo-productivity phases throughout multiple glacial-interglacial cycles.Antarctica is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change on Earth and studying the past and present responses of this polar marine ecosystem to environmental change is a matter of urgency. Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) analysis can provide such insights into past ecosystem-wide changes. Here we present authenticated (through extensive contamination control and sedaDNA damage analysis) metagenomic marine eukaryote sedaDNA from the Scotia Sea region acquired during IODP Expedition 382. We also provide a marine eukaryote sedaDNA record of ~1 Mio. years and diatom and chlorophyte sedaDNA dating back to ~540 ka (using taxonomic marker genes SSU, LSU, psbO). We find evidence of warm phases being associated with high relative diatom abundance, and a marked transition from diatoms comprising <10% of all eukaryotes prior to ~14.5 ka, to ~50% after this time, i.e., following Meltwater Pulse 1A, alongside a composition change from sea-ice to open-ocean species. Our study demonstrates that sedaDNA tools can be expanded to hundreds of thousands of years, opening the pathway to the study of ecosystem-wide marine shifts and paleo-productivity phases throughout multiple glacial-interglacial cycles.Postprin

    Diversity and Genetic Relationship of Free-Range Chickens from the Northeast Region of Brazil

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    In this study, we aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity within and among chicken breeds from the northeast region of Brazil (states of Bahia and Piauí) using microsatellite markers. In addition, we assessed the identity and genetic relationships of chickens from Europe, Africa, and South America, as well as their influence on the formation of the Brazilian breeds. A total of 25 microsatellite markers and a panel containing 886 samples from 20 breeds (including the Brazilian chickens) were used in this study. Different statistical parameters were used to estimate the genetic diversity and relationship among the genetic groups studied. Our study indicates that the Brazilian Creole chickens have high genetic variability. The results show that chickens reared in the states of Bahia and Piauí could have originated from different ancestors. The Brazilian breeds studied have an evolutionary relationship with chickens from Portugal, Nigeria, Chile, and Spain. Our results will contribute directly to the conservation and recognition of Brazilian Creole chicken breeds and provide a solid basis for the demonstration of their genetic identity and genetic conservation of American Creole chicken populations

    Study On The Introgression Of Beef Breeds In Canchim Cattle Using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of introgression of breeds in the Canchim (CA: 62.5% Charolais-37.5% Zebu) and MA genetic group (MA: 65.6% Charolais-34.4% Zebu) cattle using genomic information on Charolais (CH), Nelore (NE), and Indubrasil (IB) breeds. The number of animals used was 395 (CA and MA), 763 (NE), 338 (CH), and 37 (IB). The Bovine 50SNP BeadChip from Illumina panel was used to estimate the levels of introgression of breeds considering the Maximum likelihood, Bayesian, and Single Regression method. After genotype quality control, 32,308 SNPs were considered in the analysis. Furthermore, three thresholds to prune out SNPs in linkage disequilibrium higher than 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 were considered, resulting in 15,286, 7,652, and 1,582 SNPs, respectively. For k = 2, the proportion of taurine and indicine varied from the expected proportion based on pedigree for all methods studied. For k = 3, the Regression method was able to differentiate the animals in three main clusters assigned to each purebred breed, showing more reasonable according to its biological viewpoint. Analyzing the data considering k = 2 seems to be more appropriate for Canchim-MA animals due to its biological interpretation. The usage of 32,308 SNPs in the analyses resulted in similar findings between the estimated and expected breed proportions. Using the Regression approach, a contribution of Indubrasil was observed in Canchim-MA when k = 3 was considered. Genetic parameter estimation could account for this breed composition information as a source of variation in order to improve the accuracy of genetic models. Our findings may help assemble appropriate reference populations for genomic prediction for Canchim-MA in order to improve prediction accuracy. Using the information on the level of introgression in each individual could also be useful in breeding or crossing design to improve individual heterosis in crossbred cattle. © 2017 Buzanskas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.12202663/09-0, CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior449564/2014-2, CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq