195 research outputs found

    Effects of maternal subnutrition during early pregnancy on cow hematological profiles and offspring physiology and vitality in two beef breeds

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    This experiment evaluated the effects of subnutrition during early gestation on hematology in cows (Bos Taurus) and on hematological, metabolic, endocrine, and vitality parameters in their calves. Parda de Montaña and Pirenaica dams were inseminated and assigned to either a control (CONTROL, 100% requirements) or a nutrient‐restricted group (SUBNUT, 65%) during the first third of gestation. Dam blood samples were collected on days 20 and 253 of gestation, and calf samples were obtained during the first days of life. Pirenaica dams presented higher red series parameters than Parda de Montaña dams, both in the first and the last months of gestation. During early pregnancy, granulocyte numbers and mean corpuscular hemoglobin were lower in Pirenaica‐SUBNUT than in Pirenaica‐CONTROL cows. Calves from the SUBNUT cows did not show a physiological reduction in red series values in early life, suggesting later maturation of the hematopoietic system. Poor maternal nutrition affected calf endocrine parameters. Newborns from dystocic parturitions showed lower NEFA concentrations and weaker vitality responses. In conclusion, maternal nutrition had short‐term effects on cow hematology, Pirenaica cows showing a higher susceptibility to undernutrition; and a long‐term effect on their offspring endocrinology, SUBNUT newborns showing lower levels of IGF‐1 and higher levels of cortisol.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business and the European Union Regional Development Funds (INIA RTA 2013‐00059‐C02 and INIA RZP 2015‐001) and the Government of Aragon under the Grant Research Group Funds (A14_17R). A. Noya received a PhD grant from INIA‐Government of Aragon

    Ranger Block III attitude control system - Manufacturing, testing, and performance

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    Manufacturing, test program, and performance characteristics of Range Block III attitude control syste

    Sensibilidad in vitro de cepas cubanas de Aspergillus spp. de origen clínico y ambiental

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    Introduction: The behavior of antifungal susceptibility of Aspergillus spp. in Cuba remains unknown. The antifungals recommended to treat aspergillosis are amphotericin B, itraconazole, voriconazole and echinocandins. The influence of the environment may set off the emergence of drug-resistance in these microorganisms.Objective: To evaluate in vitro susceptibility of Aspergillus spp. strains to amphotericin B, itraconazole and voriconazol, and the relationship between susceptibility patterns and their origin.Materials and methods: Minimum inhibitory concentrations of amphotericin B, itraconazole and voriconazole were determined for 60 Aspergillus spp. strains of clinical and environmental origin using the M38-A2 method of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.Results: We found 21 amphotericin B resistant strains (mainly from clinical samples and hospital environments), as well as three itraconazole resistant strains (from non-hospital outdoor and indoor environments). No voriconazole resistance was found. No relationship was found between strain origin and susceptibility.Conclusions: Results suggest the possible existence of environmental factors or interactions with resistant genotypes which may give rise to resistant phenotypes in our country. This is the first report of in vitro  Aspergillus spp. resistant strains in Cuba. These studies should be broadened and include molecular and phylogenetic analyses.Introducción. En Cuba se desconoce el comportamiento de la sensibilidad de Aspergillus spp. a los antifúngicos recomendados para el tratamiento de la aspergilosis: la anfotericina B, el itraconazol, el voriconazol y las equinocandinas. La influencia del ambiente puede condicionar la aparición de resistencia en estos microorganismos.Objetivo. Evaluar la sensibilidad in vitro de cepas de Aspergillus spp. a la anfotericina B, el itraconazol y el voriconazol, y la relación de los patrones de sensibilidad con su origen.Materiales y métodos. Se determinaron las concentraciones inhibitorias mínimas de la anfotericina B, el itraconazol y el voriconazol para 60 cepas de Aspergillus spp. de origen clínico y ambiental mediante el método M38-A2 del Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute.Resultados. Se encontraron 21 cepas resistentes a la anfotericina B (principalmente en muestras clínicas y ambientes hospitalarios) y tres cepas resistentes al itraconazol (en ambientes interiores y exteriores no hospitalarios). No se hallaron cepas resistentes al voriconazol. No se encontró relación entre el origen de las cepas y su sensibilidad.Conclusiones. Se sugiere la posible existencia de factores ambientales o interacciones con genotipos resistentes que pueden dar origen a fenotipos resistentes en Cuba. Este es el primer reporte del país de cepas de Aspergillus spp. resistentes in vitro. Los resultados ameritan ampliar el estudio para incluir análisis moleculares y filogenéticos

    El impacto del embarazo en el desenlace de pancreatitis biliar aguda

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    Antecedentes y objetivo: La pancreatitis aguda es una de las condiciones gastrointestinalesmás comunes que requieren hospitalización. Aunque su aparición durante el embarazo es pococomún, representa un reto médico. Actualmente, no existen estudios que comparen los desen-laces clínicos entre mujeres embarazadas con pancreatitis aguda y pacientes no embarazadascon pancreatitis aguda. Nuestro objetivo fue comparar las características y desenlaces clínicosde las mujeres embarazadas y no embarazadas con pancreatitis aguda.Métodos: Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo que incluyó a todas las pacientes admitidas ennuestro hospital con pancreatitis aguda durante un periodo de 10 a˜nos. Se evaluaron y compa-raron los datos demográficos, las características generales y los desenlaces clínicos entre lasmujeres embarazadas y las mujeres no embarazadas con pancreatitis aguda, con una razón de1:5.Resultados: Se trató a 27 pacientes embarazadas con pancreatitis aguda en un periodo de10 a˜nos. La etiología fue biliar en el 96% de los casos y en el 3.4% de los casos la causa fuehipertrigliceridemia (un paciente). La edad media de las pacientes fue de 26.2 a˜nos (rango de15-36 a˜nos). La causa principal de la pancreatitis aguda fue la enfermedad biliar (96%). Laspacientes en el grupo de estudio cursaban su primer, segundo o tercer trimestre del embarazo,con una distribución del 7.4, el 33.3 y el 59.3%, respectivamente. En la comparación entrepacientes embarazadas y no embarazadas con pancreatitis aguda, no existieron diferencias enedad, tiempo de hospitalización (7.37 vs. 10.8, p = 0.814), gravedad (grave, 3.7% vs. 16.7%,p = 0.79), complicaciones locales (0% vs. 1.9%, p = 0.476) o mortalidad (0% vs. 1.9%, p = 0.476). Conclusiones: La evolución clínica de ambos grupos con pancreatitis biliar aguda fue similar,con baja morbimortalidad

    “I Kiss Them Because I Love Them”: The Emergence of Heterosexual Men Kissing in British Institutes of Education.

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    In this article, we combined data from 145 interviews and three ethnographic investigations of heterosexual male students in the U.K. from multiple educational settings. Our results indicate that 89% have, at some point, kissed another male on the lips which they reported as being non-sexual: a means of expressing platonic affection among heterosexual friends. Moreover, 37% also reported engaging in sustained same-sex kissing, something they construed as non-sexual and non-homosexual. Although the students in our study understood that this type of kissing remains somewhat culturally symbolized as a taboo sexual behavior, they nonetheless reconstructed it, making it compatible with heteromasculinity by recoding it as homosocial. We hypothesize that both these types of kissing behaviors are increasingly permissible due to rapidly decreasing levels of cultural homophobia. Furthermore, we argue that there has been a loosening of the restricted physical and emotional boundaries of traditional heteromasculinity in these educational settings, something which may also gradually assist in the erosion of prevailing heterosexual hegemony

    Spatio-Temporal Credit Assignment in Neuronal Population Learning

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    In learning from trial and error, animals need to relate behavioral decisions to environmental reinforcement even though it may be difficult to assign credit to a particular decision when outcomes are uncertain or subject to delays. When considering the biophysical basis of learning, the credit-assignment problem is compounded because the behavioral decisions themselves result from the spatio-temporal aggregation of many synaptic releases. We present a model of plasticity induction for reinforcement learning in a population of leaky integrate and fire neurons which is based on a cascade of synaptic memory traces. Each synaptic cascade correlates presynaptic input first with postsynaptic events, next with the behavioral decisions and finally with external reinforcement. For operant conditioning, learning succeeds even when reinforcement is delivered with a delay so large that temporal contiguity between decision and pertinent reward is lost due to intervening decisions which are themselves subject to delayed reinforcement. This shows that the model provides a viable mechanism for temporal credit assignment. Further, learning speeds up with increasing population size, so the plasticity cascade simultaneously addresses the spatial problem of assigning credit to synapses in different population neurons. Simulations on other tasks, such as sequential decision making, serve to contrast the performance of the proposed scheme to that of temporal difference-based learning. We argue that, due to their comparative robustness, synaptic plasticity cascades are attractive basic models of reinforcement learning in the brain

    Motor Decline in Clinically Presymptomatic Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 Gene Carriers

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    BACKGROUND: Motor deficits are a critical component of the clinical characteristics of patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 2. However, there is no current information on the preclinical manifestation of those motor deficits in presymptomatic gene carriers. To further understand and characterize the onset of the clinical manifestation in this disease, we tested presymptomatic spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 gene carriers, and volunteers, in a task that evaluates their motor performance and their motor learning capabilities. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 28 presymptomatic spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 gene carriers and an equal number of control volunteers matched for age and gender participated in the study. Both groups were tested in a prism adaptation task known to be sensible to both motor performance and visuomotor learning deficits. Our results clearly show that although motor learning capabilities are intact, motor performance deficits are present even years before the clinical manifestation of the disease start. CONCLUSIONS: The results show a clear deficit in motor performance that can be detected years before the clinical onset of the disease. This motor performance deficit appears before any motor learning or clinical manifestations of the disease. These observations identify the performance coefficient as an objective and quantitative physiological biomarker that could be useful to assess the efficiency of different therapeutic agents

    Glutathione Restores the Mechanism of Synaptic Plasticity in Aged Mice to That of the Adult

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    Glutathione (GSH), the major endogenous antioxidant produced by cells, can modulate the activity of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) through its reducing functions. During aging, an increase in oxidative stress leads to decreased levels of GSH in the brain. Concurrently, aging is characterized by calcium dysregulation, thought to underlie impairments in hippocampal NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP), a form of synaptic plasticity thought to represent a cellular model for memory