89 research outputs found

    A study on schedule management for BIM projects in the construction industry

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    There is an advance modelling tool that currently been pushed by the industry is BIM. BIM as known as Building Modelling Information is a computerized process that is used to design, understand and establish the key physical and functional characteristic of a building on a ‘virtual’ computerized model basis at its most basic level [4]. Basically the resulting model is a digital representation of the building which the data can be extracted and analyzed to generate information that can be used for decision making and enhance the process of delivering the building and the entire life cycle use of the building [4]. BIM implementation can help to improve the quality of project especially the schedule management. By implementing BIM into construction project, it can provides schedule visualization which can make the construction planning more efficient. Besides that, through the BIM model clash detection can be detected in the preconstruction phase which save a lot of time on rework during construction phase

    Entrepreneurial characteristics of indigenous housing developers: the case of Malaysia

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    Since the colonisation era, the immigrants from mainland China (and now their descendents) dominate the Malaysian housing industry. Their high entrepreneurial ethics stimulated early venture in all economic sectors to become dominant in business. To increase the participation of indigenous entrepreneurs in economic activities, Malaysia has practiced its own version of the affirmative policy since the 1970s which is known as National Economic Policy (NEP). Unlike other economic sectors such as construction, manufacturing and agricultural, the government has not provided special assistance (other than those that are generic in nature) for the indigenous populace to penetrate and thrive in housing development. As a consequence, their participation in this sector is conspicuous by their absence. A study was conducted to look into the involvement of indigenous housing developers in housing industry. Data was collected through postal questionnaires followed by face-to-face interviews. The discussion on the data analysis is presented together with interview findings.indigenous housing developer, housing development industry, entrepreneur characteristic

    Entrepreneurship-Related Factors And Firm Performance: A Study On The Bumiputera Housing Developers In Peninsular Malaysia

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    Housing is a basic need for humans since they require roofs over their heads no matter where they reside. Apart from providing shelter and as a sense of security for a family to live in, housing also acts as a basis for investments for buyers who buy houses not for dwelling purposes, and as a creation of job employment opportunities in the upstream and downstream industries. The housing industry in Malaysia is dominated by the private sector, wherein they have exceeded the targets set for housing construction in the last three Malaysia Plan outlines consecutively, i.e. the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Malaysia Plans

    [Drug Addiction Among Female Drug Addicts at Puspen Bachok, Kelantan: A Pilot Study on Appreciation of Aqidah] Ketagihan Dadah di kalangan Penagih Dadah Wanita di Puspen Bachok, Kelantan: Kajian Rintis Mengenai Penghayatan Aqidah

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    According to the National Anti-Drugs Agency (NADA), the number of female drug addicts has been decreasing in the period of 2009 to 2013. The highest amount was recorded in 2010 with 580 female drug addicts. There are nowadays a lot of issues of drug addiction among women in the newspaper and also other sources of media such as the internet or television. Therefore, a pilot study was conducted to identify the appreciation of Aqidah among female drug addicts in Narcotics Addiction Rehabilitation Centre (PUSPEN) Bachok, Kelantan. By using quantitative methods, this study focused on 30 Muslim drug addicts from PUSPEN as respondents. Data was collected by using a set of questionnaire and analyzed with a 'Statistical Program for Social Sciences’ (SPSS) software Version 21.0 for windows to see the percentage, frequency and mean. This study found out that the overall score of the mean for appreciation of Aqidah from the point of understanding, feeling and practice, were in the high rate of 4.00 to 5.00. Keywords: Female Drug Addicts, PUSPEN, Appreciation of Aqidah    Menurut laporan Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK), jumlah penagih dadah wanita semakin menurun dalam tempoh 2009 hingga 2013. Jumlah tertinggi dicatatkan pada tahun 2010 dengan 580 orang penagih wanita. Isu dan masalah ketagihan dadah dalam kalangan wanita seringkali mendapat perhatian dalam keratan akhbar dan media massa. Kajian rintis ini dilakukan untuk mengenalpasti penghayatan akidah dalam kalangan penagih dadah wanita di Pusat Pemulihan Penagihan Narkotik (PUSPEN) Bachok, Kelantan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif. Responden terdiri daripada 30 orang penagih dadah wanita PUSPEN yang beragama Islam. Data dikumpul menggunakan kaedah soal selidik dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian„Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 21.0 for windows untuk melihat peratus, kekerapan dan min. Kajian ini mendapati keseluruhan min skor penghayatan akidah dari sudut kefahaman, perasaan dan amalan adalah tinggi iaitu 4.00 hingga 5.00. Kata kunci: Penagih Dadah Wanita, PUSPEN, Penghayatan Akida

    A Comparative Study Between Conventional Concrete and Concrete Made from Plastic Waste by Using SolidWorks Software

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    Production of conventional concrete leads to several negative impacts on the environment while the plastic waste concrete can effectively overcome the environmental issues and having better performance than conventional concrete. Therefore, this research presents the works in producing new concrete by replacing the fine aggregates in concrete by using a mixture of soft and hard plastic waste with different ratios density. In addition, this research also aims to evaluate the mechanical and physical properties of different ratios of fine aggregate plastic waste in producing a concrete. At the end of this research, a comparison is made between the optimum composition of plastic waste concrete and conventional concrete. This study is conducted by using SolidWorks software version 2021. The tests conducted include compressive strength test, drop test, and failure analysis. The results from the compressive strength test revealed that a force at 100kN with 20% plastic waste (Sample B) showed the highest stress (18.91 MPa). Meanwhile, from the drop height of 2.0m, the impact strength of Sample B showed the highest result with a value of 7.830 x106 N/m2. However, failure analysis results revealed that Sample B has more cracking than Sample A. From the study carried out, it can be summarised that an optimum replacement of 20% plastic waste as fine aggregates in a concrete gives the best performance is the most suitable option to be used as a replacement concrete in lightweight construction

    Numerical solutions of Wang's stretching/shrinking sheet problem for nanofluids

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    The steady stagnation-point flow of a viscous and incompressible fluid over a continuously stretching or shrinking sheet in its own plane in a water-based copper (Cu) nanofluid is studied theoretically. The formulation of the present problem in a nanofluid follows that of Wang's stretching/shrinking sheet problem in a viscous fluid. The nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations via the similarity transformation. The transformed boundary layer equations are solved numerically using the shooting method. The numerical solutions are obtained and discussed for the skin friction coefficient and the velocity profiles for various values of the governing parameters, namely the nanoparticle volume fraction and stretching/shrinking parameters. It is found that dual solutions exist for the shrinking sheet case

    Awareness on 3R practice: a case study at UTHM Pagoh residential college

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    Solid waste can be defined as any scrap material; or unwanted surplus substance; or rejected products arising from the application of any process [1]. This also includes any substance required to be disposed of as being broken, worn out, contaminated or otherwise spoiled. Over the years, the problems of solid waste generation are increasing all over the world. In the year 2016, cities around the world generated 2.01 billion tonnes of solid waste, amounting to a footprint of 0.74 kilograms per person per day [2]. With rapid population growth and urbanisation, the annual waste generation is expected to increase to 3.4 billion tonnes by year 2050. The same trend can be seen in Malaysia. The waste generation rate in this country has been steadily increasing from 12.3 million tonnes in year 2013 to 13.9 million tonnes in year 2018 [3]. This amount is expected to increase to 14.4 million tonnes by year 2020

    Radiation effects on Marangoni convection over a flat surface with suction and injection

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    The radiation effect on a steady two-dimensional Marangoni convection flow over a permeable flat surface is studied numerically. The general governing partial differential equations are transformed into a set of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations by using unique similarity transformation. Numerical solutions of the similarity equations are obtained using the shooting method. Numerical results are obtained for the interface velocity and the surface temperature gradient as well as the velocity and temperature profiles for some values of the governing parameters. The results indicate that the heat transfer rate at the surface decreases as the radiation parameter increases. The effects of suction or injection parameter on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are discussed

    Potential application of bitter gourd (Momordica Charantia) peel as an adsorbent for the removal of total hardness In Kangkar Senangar’s groundwater

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    Lately many countries in the world are suffering with the shortage of fresh and clean drinking water as it is a source of life and energy. Rapid pace of industrialization, population expansion, and unplanned urbanization have largely contributed to the severe water pollution and surrounding soils [1]. The main sources of water pollution can be attributed by discharge of untreated sanitary and toxic industrial wastes, dumping of industrial effluent and runoff from agricultural fields. It is well known that 70–80% of all diseases in developing countries are related to water contamination, particularly that susceptible to women and children [2]. This is because water sources now become limited as drinking water quality has been reduced by pollution. Hardness is one of the problem related to unpalatable drinking water that need to be control at acceptable level