154 research outputs found

    Multisensory data fusion for localisation in mobile robotics

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    Mobile robotics is an essential application field for multisensor fusion . This paper presents some works performed in three Frenc h laboratories concerning the localisation of mobile robots . The proposed methods and algorithms combine the relative localisatio n obtained from vehicle referenced sensors (odometers and accelerometers) and measurements from world characteristics (punctua l beacons and landmarks) such as distances or angles . The main discussed formalism is Kalman filtering . Anyway, the method is shown to be adaptable to the use of bounded erro r estimation algorithms . This last technique has been found to be well suited to the treatment of blind zones in (restricted) visio n problems . Sensor fusion yields at the same time an estimation of the robot configuration (position, orientation, . . .) together wit h the uncertainty of this estimation . A generalisation of localisation algorithms in a partially known environment is further discussed . In this case, the position of poorly known beacons is updated in the same time the localisation of the robot is obtained from accurately known references . Additionally, an intelligent management of world referenced measurements is used to select the most useful data in order to limit th e computational burden of the localisation and to speed up the real time execution of the algorithms without significant degradatio n of estimator performances . The different solutions have been validated and are illustrated by simulations and real experiments .La robotique mobile est un champ d'application privilégié de la fusion de données multisensorielles. Cet article est une synthèse de travaux effectués dans trois laboratoires sur la localisation de véhicules mobiles. Après avoir défini le problème, nous présentons les algorithmes proposés combinant la localisation relative - obtenue par exploitation des données fournies par différents capteurs proprioceptifs (odomètre et centrale à inertie) - avec un recalage absolu par rapport à des balises ponctuelles ou des segments de droite - les mesures étant des distances et/ou des angles. Le formalisme retenu est principalement celui du filtrage de Kalman mais, de manière similaire, la localisation des véhicules peut être obtenue en mettant en oeuvre un algorithme d'estimation à erreur bornée. Cette dernière technique est bien adaptée pour la gestion de données manquantes dans des angles morts, point qui est également abordé. La fusion de données fournit non seulement une estimation de la configuration du robot (position, orientation,...) mais également l'incertitude avec laquelle cette grandeur est connue. Une généralisation des algorithmes dans un environnement qui n'est que partiellement connu est également présentée : la position des repères mal connus est recalée et la localisation du robot est effectuée avec des repères bien connus. Une gestion intelligente des données extéroceptives permet de sélectionner ou de prévoir celles qui sont les plus pertinentes, limitant ainsi les traitements et les calculs sans pour autant dégrader de façon significative les performances de l'estimateur de la configuration du véhicule. Les différentes solutions proposées ont été validées en simulation et partiellement testées sur site réel avec différents robots et capteurs

    A Novel Extracytoplasmic Function (ECF) Sigma Factor Regulates Virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Next to the two-component and quorum sensing systems, cell-surface signaling (CSS) has been recently identified as an important regulatory system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. CSS systems sense signals from outside the cell and transmit them into the cytoplasm. They generally consist of a TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor, a sigma factor regulator (or anti-sigma factor) in the cytoplasmic membrane, and an extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factor. Upon perception of the extracellular signal by the receptor the ECF sigma factor is activated and promotes the transcription of a specific set of gene(s). Although most P. aeruginosa CSS systems are involved in the regulation of iron uptake, we have identified a novel system involved in the regulation of virulence. This CSS system, which has been designated PUMA3, has a number of unusual characteristics. The most obvious difference is the receptor component which is considerably smaller than that of other CSS outer membrane receptors and lacks a β-barrel domain. Homology modeling of PA0674 shows that this receptor is predicted to be a bilobal protein, with an N-terminal domain that resembles the N-terminal periplasmic signaling domain of CSS receptors, and a C-terminal domain that resembles the periplasmic C-terminal domains of the TolA/TonB proteins. Furthermore, the sigma factor regulator both inhibits the function of the ECF sigma factor and is required for its activity. By microarray analysis we show that PUMA3 regulates the expression of a number of genes encoding potential virulence factors, including a two-partner secretion (TPS) system. Using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos as a host we have demonstrated that the P. aeruginosa PUMA3-induced strain is more virulent than the wild-type. PUMA3 represents the first CSS system dedicated to the transcriptional activation of virulence functions in a human pathogen

    Structure-Function Analysis of the HrpB2-HrcU Interaction in the Xanthomonas citri Type III Secretion System

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    Bacterial type III secretion systems deliver protein virulence factors to host cells. Here we characterize the interaction between HrpB2, a small protein secreted by the Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri type III secretion system, and the cytosolic domain of the inner membrane protein HrcU, a paralog of the flagellar protein FlhB. We show that a recombinant fragment corresponding to the C-terminal cytosolic domain of HrcU produced in E. coli suffers cleavage within a conserved Asn264-Pro265-Thr266-His267 (NPTH) sequence. A recombinant HrcU cytosolic domain with N264A, P265A, T266A mutations at the cleavage site (HrcUAAAH) was not cleaved and interacted with HrpB2. Furthermore, a polypeptide corresponding to the sequence following the NPTH cleavage site also interacted with HrpB2 indicating that the site for interaction is located after the NPTH site. Non-polar deletion mutants of the hrcU and hrpB2 genes resulted in a total loss of pathogenicity in susceptible citrus plants and disease symptoms could be recovered by expression of HrpB2 and HrcU from extrachromossomal plasmids. Complementation of the ΔhrcU mutant with HrcUAAAH produced canker lesions similar to those observed when complemented with wild-type HrcU. HrpB2 secretion however, was significantly reduced in the ΔhrcU mutant complemented with HrcUAAAH, suggesting that an intact and cleavable NPTH site in HrcU is necessary for total functionally of T3SS in X. citri subsp. citri. Complementation of the ΔhrpB2 X. citri subsp. citri strain with a series of hrpB2 gene mutants revealed that the highly conserved HrpB2 C-terminus is essential for T3SS-dependent development of citrus canker symptoms in planta

    Two-component spike nanoparticle vaccine protects macaques from SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Brouwer et al. present preclinical evidence in support of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate, designed as a self-assembling two-component protein nanoparticle displaying multiple copies of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which induces strong neutralizing antibody responses and protects from high-dose SARS-CoV-2 challenge.The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is continuing to disrupt personal lives, global healthcare systems, and economies. Hence, there is an urgent need for a vaccine that prevents viral infection, transmission, and disease. Here, we present a two-component protein-based nanoparticle vaccine that displays multiple copies of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Immunization studies show that this vaccine induces potent neutralizing antibody responses in mice, rabbits, and cynomolgus macaques. The vaccine-induced immunity protects macaques against a high-dose challenge, resulting in strongly reduced viral infection and replication i

    In situ Sn-119 Mossbauer spectroscopy used to study lithium insertion in c-Mg2Sn

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    The electrochemical reactions of Li with c-Mg2Sn have been investigated by in situ Mossbauer spectroscopy of Sn-119 and X-ray diffraction. The lithiation transforms initially c-Mg2Sn part into Li (x) Mg2Sn alloy (< 0.5). On further lithiation Mg is extruded from the structure with formation of Li2MgSn ternary alloy. In situ Mossbauer spectroscopy provides valuable information on local environment of tin and swelling behavior and cracking of the particles during discharge and charge processes
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