656 research outputs found

    Project ‘play and tell’: occupational therapy in primary health care

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    This paper reports the experience of a “storytelling and playing” group that took place in a FamilyHealth Unit in Sao Carlos, State of Sao Paulo. The group was formed as from the evaluation of the occupationaltherapist in the context of Primary Health Care, which broadly considers the daily lives of the actors involved:children, one user of the system, and the health team. From the viewpoint of Occupational Therapy, with focuson the problems of the territory, interventions linking the following matters were proposed: individual care,collective care, and co-responsibility of the community and staff in pursuit of the resignificance of the everydaylives of the actors involved. This is a concrete example of paradigm shift from the existing health model to theprecepts of the Family Health Strategy, with the involvement of users and professionals from various areas.The occupational therapist identified different demands of the territory: the need for transformation of dailylife and routine of a user; the need for children’s leisure; and the desire of the health team to build this spacethrough a playroom. The possible combination of the user, children and the team’s everyday realities composedan intervention project based on the vision of the clinic expanded. The “playing and storytelling” was able toactually transform the health care model

    Surveying Rubisco diversity and temperature response to improve crop photosynthetic efficiency.

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    The threat to global food security of stagnating yields and population growth makes increasing crop productivity a critical goal over the coming decades. One key target for improving crop productivity and yields is increasing the efficiency of photosynthesis. Central to photosynthesis is ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, Rubisco, which is a critical but often rate-limiting component. Here we present full Rubisco catalytic properties measured at three temperatures for 75 plants species representing both crops and undomesticated plants from diverse climates. Some newly characterised Rubiscos were naturally 'better' compared to crop enzymes and have the potential to improve crop photosynthetic efficiency. The temperature response of the various catalytic parameters was largely consistent across the diverse range of species, though absolute values showed significant variation in Rubisco catalysis, even between closely related species. An analysis of residue differences amongst the species characterised identified a number of candidate amino acid substitutions that will aid in advancing engineering of improved Rubisco in crop systems. This study provides new insights on the range of Rubisco catalysis and temperature response present in nature, and provides new information to include in models from leaf to canopy and ecosystem scale

    Controle em agronegócio: um estudo sobre a inclusão de eventos ambientais mensuráveis monetariamente aos softwares Contagri 2000 e Bonanza 2.0

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Curso de Ciências Contábeis0 objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar ferramentas de controle em agronegócio considerando eventos ambientais mensuráveis monetariamente. Para o cumprimento do objetivo proposto o trabalho dividiu-se em três fases: na primeira trata-se da fundamentação teórica onde são apresentados termos da contabilidade rural e ambiental; na segunda são apresentadas duas ferramentas de controle em aaronegócio e por Ultimo um estudc de caso. Foi escolhida como objeto de estudo uma propriedade rural situada no município de Rio do Campo, em Santa Catarina produtora de arroz ecológico inspecionada pelo IBD — Instituto Biodinâmico, órgão certificador de produtos orgânicos no Brasil Os softwares utilizados para o trabalho foram o Contagri 2000 da EPAGRI — Empresa de Pesquisa e Extensão Rural do Estado de Santa Catarina e o Bonanza 2.0 da TD Software Ltda / UFV — Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Além da evidência dada ao tema, foram feitas algumas adaptações no Contagri 2000 preparando-o para futuras implementações em sua forma de apresentação do Balanço Patrimonial/Ambiental buscando informar e motivar pessoas envolvidas na cadeia do agronegócio, principalmente aquelas que têm o cuidado de investir no meio-ambiente

    Avaliação de genótipos de feijão-caupi no Estado da Bahia no biênio 2010/11-2011/12.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar genótipos de feijão-caupi de portes ereto, semiereto e semiprostrado no Estado da Bahia. Foram avaliados 40 genótipos, sendo 20 de portes ereto e semiereto e 20 de porte semiprostrado, em cinco ambientes do estado da Bahia, no biênio 2010/11 e 2011/12. Todos os ensaios foram conduzidos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. As médias dos genótipos foram comparadas, dentro de grupo de porte, pelo teste de Scott-Knott (P<0,05). A cultivar BRS Guariba e a linhagem MNC03-737F-5-1 apresentaram médias de rendimento de grãos semelhantes á testemunha e outros oito genótipos. Os genótipos MNC02-675F-5, MNC03-761F-1, MNC03-736F-2, BRS Xiquexique e Pingo de Ouro 1-2 foram superiores à testemunha em rendimento de grãos.CONAC 2012. Disponível em: http://www.conac2012.org/resumos/pdf/124q.pdf. Acesso em: 19 jul. 2013

    “I am solid, and I have (or am) a work”: Herberto Helder and the ambition to be a poem

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    This article aims to present a hypothesis about authorship in Herberto Helder's poetry. In some poems and also in some of his reflective works in prose, it is possible to perceive the possibility that the poet's participation in his poems, although not confessional, may have a biographical character. Besides that, the poet's misanthropy (in his vow of silence started in 1968) would be an indication of his desire to speak only through his work; a desire to be a poem. The apprehension of Herberto Helder's poetry, thereby, would show the blurred glimpse of a self-portrait.O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma hipótese acerca da autoria na poesia de Herberto Helder. A partir da leitura de alguns poemas e também de algumas de suas obras reflexivas em prosa, percebe-se a possibilidade de que a participação do poeta em seus poemas, embora não confessional, possua caráter biográfico. Ainda: a misantropia do poeta (em seu voto de silêncio iniciado em 1968) seria indício de seu desejo de dizer-se somente por meio de sua obra; um desejo de ser poema. A apreensão da poesia de Herberto Helder, nesse sentido, possibilitaria o vislumbre borrado de um autorretrato

    Hamlet e Sons of Anarchy: modelização das personagens do teatro à ficção seriada televisiva

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    This research aims to realizes an investigation of the structuring and interaction of the different semiotics languages, as well as the semiosis produced from these dialogically interacts. In this perspective, our study seeks to understand how happen the resignification of the dramatic text Hamlet (1599-1601), by William Shakespeare; throught the construction of the television series Sons of Anarchy (2008-2014), by Kurt Sutter. The category of the character will be considered as a sign modeling in the process of dialogue between works of art of different languages, observing its modeling process from the Russian studies on the Semiotics of Culture. In this way, this research intends to contribute to the understanding of the mentioned works as semiotic texts that are resignified in constant creative movement.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqEsta pesquisa visa realizar uma investigação a respeito da estruturação e interação das diferentes linguagens semióticas, bem como a semiose produzida a partir desses encontros dialógicos. Nessa perspectiva, nosso estudo busca compreender como acontece a ressignificação do texto dramático Hamlet (1599-1601), de William Shakespeare a partir da construção da ficção seriada televisiva Sons of Anarchy (20082014), de Kurt Sutter. A categoria da personagem será considerada enquanto signo modelizado no processo de diálogo entre as obras de distintas linguagens, observando seu processo de modelização a partir dos estudos russos sobre a Semiótica da Cultura. Dessa forma, essa pesquisa pretende contribuir para o entendimento das referidas obras enquanto textos semióticos que são ressignificados em constante movimento criativo

    Hydro-physical processes at the plunge point: an analysis using satellite and in situ data

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    The plunge point is the main mixing point between river and epilimnetic reservoir water. Plunge point monitoring is essential for understanding the behavior of density currents and their implications for reservoir. The use of satellite imagery products from different sensors (Landsat TM band 6 thermal signatures and visible channels) for the characterization of the river-reservoir transition zone is presented in this study. It is demonstrated the feasibility of using Landsat TM band imagery to discern the subsurface river plumes and the plunge point. The spatial variability of the plunge point evident in the hydrologic data illustrates the advantages of synoptic satellite measurements over in situ point measurements alone to detect the river-reservoir transition zone. During the dry season, when the river-reservoir water temperature differences vanish and the river circulation is characterized by interflow-overflow, the river water inserts into the upper layers of the reservoir, affecting water quality. The results indicate a good agreement between hydrologic and satellite data and that the joint use of thermal and visible channel data for the operational monitoring of a plunge point is feasible. The deduced information about the density current from this study could potentially be assimilated into numerical models and hence be of significant interest for environmental and climatological research

    Short-term retrieval of water transparency from a caged-fish farm using Landsat-8/OLI images.

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    Abstract: The intense growth of fish farming in Brazil requires an operational monitoring of water quality. Water transparency is an important parameter to investigate the biological balance in productive waters. Empirical algorithms based on remotely sensed data can be used to monitoring the spatial and temporal variability in such productive system. This work aimed to map the water transparency in caged-fish farm from space and to evaluate the short-term impact of this activity on eutrophication. The results showed that the empirical algorithm (band ratio 443/665 nm) was satisfactory for study area (MAPE = 17.5%) and the water transparency was an indicator of algal presence in fish farms

    Development and validation of a reversed phase HPLC method for determination of anacardic acids in cashew (Anacardium occidentale) nut shell liquid.

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