1,119 research outputs found

    Identification of critical areas for mammal conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve

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    Herein we identified the geographic location of protected areas (PAs) critical for strengthening mammalian conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve (RMBA) by assessing sites of particular importance for mammal diversity using different biodiversity criteria (richness, rarity, vulnerability) and a connectivity index. Although 95% of mammal species were represented by PAs, most of them had less than 10% of their distribution range protected by these areas. A total of 94 critical areas for mammal conservation-representing 49.60% of the total PAs were identified. Most of these areas were located at endangered ecoregions. We recommend that conservationists and policy makers should identify critical areas in order to guarantee biodiversity fluxes among landscapes, and enhance the connectivity between PAs to increase biodiversity protection and conservation. Knowledge about the location of critical areas may encourage managers and policy makers to develop specific programs to strengthen mammal biodiversity protection, especially for threatened species.This study was supported by BIOTREE-net - project funded by BBVA Foundation and M.J.T. Assunção-Albuquerque was supported by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, through CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) Doctorate scholarship.Peer Reviewe

    Supporting underrepresented forests in Mesoamerica

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    AbstractThe third largest Biodiversity Hotspot of the world, Mesoamerican forests are declining due to human pressures. Based on species distribution models calibrated for 1224 native tree species in Mesoamerica, we identified high-value forest conservation areas at the resolution of a 10km×10km cells using the Zonation Reserve Selection software, and investigated whether these high-value forest conservation areas are well represented by the World Database on Protected Areas network. We had three key findings. First, dry forest is the least protected biome in Mesoamerica (4.5% protected), indicating that further action to safeguard this biome is warranted. Secondly, the poor overlap between protected areas and high-value forest conservation areas found herein may provide evidence that the establishment of protected areas may not be fully accounting for tree priority rank map. Third, high percentages of forest cover and high-value forest conservation areas still need to be represented by the protected areas network. Because deforestation rates are still increasing in this region, Mesoamerica needs funding and coordinated action by policy makers, national and local governmental and non-governmental organizations, conservationists and other stakeholders

    Arquitectura de seguridad multinivel: una guía para las organizaciones modernas

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    La información puede considerarse como el activo más importante de cualquier organización moderna. Garantizar la seguridad de esta información implica preservar la confidencialidad, la integridad y la disponibilidad de la misma, tríada conocida como CIA en inglés. Este trabajo presenta una arquitectura de seguridad multinivel motivado por la necesidad de considerar la información desde diferentes puntos de vista con el fin de protegerla. Además, se sugiere una nueva clasificación de los elementos de información, operaciones, entidades y componentes que se pueden integrar para mostrar las distintas fuentes de riesgos al tratar con información sensible. Se muestra también una visión general de cómo se trata y se representa actualmente la información y por qué es tan difícil garantizar la seguridad en todos los aspectos del tratamiento de la información

    O esporte coletivo no contraturno das escolas públicas estaduais de Curitiba-PR : métodos de ensino, perfil de liderança do professor e suas relações com alguns fatores do desenvolvimento humanos de alunos/atletas

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Valdomiro de OliveiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa : Curitiba, 21/08/2020Inclui referências: p.107-119Resumo: Introdução: O esporte é considerado um contexto social único e com inúmeras possibilidades para o desenvolvimento de indicadores de desenvolvimento humano de jovens. Em um momento de instabilidades provocadas pela adolescência, o esporte pode ser um recurso para prevenir futuros problemas individuais e sociais. Além das intensas relações entre pares, a figura do professor/treinador pode ser fundamental para o desenvolvimento de um ambiente benéfico. Apesar da importância do papel do professor/treinador, poucos estudos buscam identificar os efeitos dos seus comportamentos psicopedagógicos sobre fatores associados ao desenvolvimento humano de jovens. Objetivo: Investigar os métodos de ensino e o perfil de liderança dos professores/treinadores e suas relações com alguns fatores do desenvolvimento humano de alunos/atletas de diferentes categorias, sexo e praticantes de diferentes modalidades esportivas coletivas. Materiais e métodos: Participaram 910 alunos/atletas (14,00 ?? 1,8 anos) e 57 professores/treinadores (45,57 ?? 7,25 anos) brasileiros, frequentando um programa de esportes de contraturno, em 37 escolas públicas, na cidade de Curitiba, no estado do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma pesquisa que avaliou as metodologias de ensino e o perfil de liderança dos professores/treinadores e o seu desfecho no desenvolvimento positivo e na percepção subjetiva da tomada de decisão dos alunos/atletas. A regressão logística ordinal foi utilizada para verificar as associações independentes entre as variáveis sexo, categoria, modalidade, metodologia do professor/treinador, percepção dos professores/treinadores e percepção dos alunos/atletas com os tercis dos escores de cada característica de desenvolvimento positivo e da percepção de tomada de decisão. Razões de chances (RC) foram obtidas com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) adotando p<0,05. Resultados: O método de ensino sintético esteve positivamente associado às habilidades cognitivas (RC = 1,32, IC95% = 1,09 - 1,59), estabelecimento de metas (RC = 1,36; IC95% = 1,07 - 1,69) e compromisso com a aprendizagem decisional (RC = 1,21, IC95% = 1,01 - 1,49). Associações positivas também foram verificadas entre as percepções dos atletas sobre o perfil de liderança dos treinadores com: habilidades pessoais e sociais; habilidades cognitivas; estabelecimento de metas; iniciativa; competência decisional e compromisso com a aprendizagem. Adicionalmente, a percepção dos atletas sobre o comportamento autocrático dos treinadores esteve inversamente associada às habilidades pessoais e sociais (RC = 0,82, IC95% = 0,70 - 0,95) e estabelecimento de metas (RC = 0,81, IC95% = 0,69 - 0,94) e positivamente associada à ansiedade e medo ao decidir (RC = 1,34 IC95% = 1,11 - 1,62). Conclusão: Para o programa avaliado, os resultados sugerem a escolha do método sintético, combinado com um perfil de liderança democrático, motivador, socializador e que forneça instruções técnicas que reflitam em melhoras no desempenho esportivo. Palavras-chave: Métodos de ensino. Liderança. Desenvolvimento humano. Esportes de equipe. Jovens.Abstract: Introduction: Sports are considered a unique social context with numerous possibilities to develop indicators of human development of young people. In a time of instability caused by adolescence, sports can be a resource to prevent future individual and social problems. Besides the intense relationships between peers, the figure of the teacher/coach can be essential to develop a beneficial environment. Despite the relevance of the teacher/coach's role, few studies focus on identifying the impact of their psycho-pedagogical behaviors on factors related to human development of the young people. Objective: To investigate the teaching methods and leadership profile of teachers/coaches and its association with factors related to human development of young people from different categories, sex and types of collective sports. Materials and methods: The study involved 910 adolescents (14.00 ?? 1.8 years) and 57 physical education teachers (45.57 ?? 7.25 years), all of them Brazilians, who participated in an after-school sports program in 37 public schools, in the city of Curitiba, Paraná state. Data was collected through a survey that assessed the teaching methodology and the leadership profile of the teachers and its impact in the positive development and in the decision-making subjective perception of the young people. An ordinal logistic regression was used to verify the independent associations among the variables sex, category, type of sports, coach methodology, coaches' perception and athletes' perception with terciles scores for each characteristic of positive development and decision-making perception. Odds ratios (OR) were obtained with a 95% confidence interval (CI95%) adopting p<0.05. Results: The synthetic teaching method was positively associated with cognitive skills (OR=1.32, CI95%=1.09 - 1.59), goal setting (OR = 1.36; CI95%= 1.07 - 1.69) and commitment to decision-making learning (OR=1.21, CI95%=1.01 - 1.49). Positive associations were also verified in the athletes' perception of the leadership profile of coaches with: personal and social skills; cognitive skills; goal setting; initiative; decision-making competence and commitment to decisionmaking learning. Furthermore, the athletes' perception of the autocratic behavior of coaches was inversely associated with personal and social abilities (OR= 0.82, CI95%= 0.70 - 0.95) and setting of targets (OR= 0.81, CI95%= 0.69 - 0.94), and positively associated with anxiety and fear to make decisions (OR= 1.34 CI95%= 1.11 - 1.62). Conclusion: For the program evaluated, the results suggest the choice of the synthetic method, combined with a democratic, motivating, socializing leadership profile that provides technical instructions that reflect improvements in sports performance. Key words: Teaching methods. Leadership. Human development. Team sports. Young people

    Principal curves to fractional mm-Laplacian systems and related maximum and comparison principles

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    In this paper we develop a comprehensive study on principal eigenvalues and both the (weak and strong) maximum and comparison principles related to an important class of nonlinar systems involving fractional mm-Laplacian operators.Comment: 18 page

    Ethnobotany research and applications

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    Vegetable ivory is a raw material used to make small objects, such as buttons, adorns for personal use or home decorations. It comes mainly from the seed endosperm of species belonging to the genus Phytelephas Ruiz & Pav.. The collection of Beja Botanical Museum includes a set of historical photos that show all the stages of vegetable ivory processing from seed to buttons, allowing us to have a more complete understanding of the raw materials and technologies used by this industry in the early 1930’s

    A new species of the genus Canthon Hoffmannsegg (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae, Deltochilini) from central Brazil

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    A new species of Canthon is described, illustrated and the morphological similarities with related species are discussed. The species Canthon cleidecostae was named after Dr. Cleide Costa a great beetles specialist. The subgeneric category of species is considered incertae&nbsp;sedis until the taxonomic revision of the genus Canthon is fully addressed. Also, we provide a key for genera, subgenera and isolated species-groups that can be confused with the genus Canthon