80 research outputs found

    Metodología para la estimación de indicadores armonizados a partir de los inventarios forestales nacionales europeos con especial énfasis en la biodiversidad forestal

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    Durante las últimas décadas el objetivo principal de la silvicultura y la gestión forestal en Europa ha pasado de ser la producción de madera a ser la gestión sostenible de los ecosistemas, por lo que se deben considerar todos los bienes y servicios que proporcionan los bosques. En consecuencia, es necesario contar con información forestal periódica de diversos indicadores forestales a nivel europeo para apoyar el desarrollo y la implementación de políticas medioambientales y que se realice una gestión adecuada. Para ello, se requiere un seguimiento intensivo sobre el estado de los bosques, por lo que los Inventarios Forestales Nacionales (IFN), (principal fuente de información forestal a gran escala), han aumentado el número de variables muestreadas para cumplir con los crecientes requerimientos de información. Sin embargo, las estimaciones proporcionadas por los diferentes países no son fácilmente comparables debido a las diferencias en las definiciones, los diseños de muestreo, las variables medidas y los protocolos de medición. Por esto, la armonización de los datos que proporcionan los diferentes países es fundamental para la contar con una información forestal sólida y fiable en la Unión europea (UE). La presente tesis tiene dos objetivos principales: (i) establecer el diseño de una metodología para evaluar la biodiversidad forestal en el marco del Inventario forestal nacional de España teniendo en cuenta las diferentes iniciativas nacionales e internacionales, con el objetivo de producir estimaciones comparables con las de otros países de la UE y (ii) armonizar los indicadores más relevantes para satisfacer los requerimientos nacionales e internacionales. Como consecuencia del estudio realizado para alcanzar el primer objetivo, la metodología diseñada para estimar la biodiversidad fue adoptada por el Tercer Inventario forestal nacional. Ésta se componía de indicadores agrupados en: cobertura del suelo, composición de árboles y especies de arbustos, riqueza de especies herbáceas y helechos, especies amenazadas, estructura, madera muerta, y líquenes epífitos. Tras el análisis del diseño metodológico y de los datos proporcionados, se observó la conveniencia de modificarla con el fin de optimizar los costes, viabilidad, calidad y cantidad de los datos registrados. En consecuencia, en el Cuarto Inventario Forestal Nacional se aplica una metodología modificada, puesto que se eliminó el muestreo de especies herbáceas y helechos, de líquenes epífitos y de especies amenazadas, se modificaron los protocolos de la toma de datos de estructura y madera muerta y se añadió el muestreo de especies invasoras, edad, ramoneo y grado de naturalidad de la masa. En lo que se refiere al segundo objetivo, se ha avanzado en la armonización de tres grupos de variables considerados como relevantes en el marco de los IFN: los indicadores de vegetación no arbórea (que juegan un papel relevante en los ecosistemas, es donde existe la mayor diversidad de plantas y hasta ahora no se conocían los datos muestreados en los IFN), la determinación de los árboles añosos (que tienen un importante papel como nicho ecológico y su identificación es especialmente relevante para la evaluación de la biodiversidad forestal) y el bosque disponible para el suministro de madera (indicador básico de los requerimientos internacionales de información forestal). Se llevó a cabo un estudio completo de la posible armonización de los indicadores de la vegetación no arbórea en los IFN. Para ello, se identificaron y analizaron las diferentes definiciones y diseños de muestreo empleados por los IFN, se establecieron definiciones de referencia y se propusieron y analizaron dos indicadores que pudiesen ser armonizados: MSC (mean species cover) que corresponde a la media de la fracción de cabida cubierta de cada especie por tipo de bosque y MTC (mean total cover). Se estableció una nueva metodología que permite identificar los árboles añosos con los datos proporcionados por los inventarios forestales nacionales con el objetivo de proporcionar una herramienta eficaz para facilitar la gestión forestal considerando la diversidad de los sistemas forestales. Se analizó el concepto de "bosque disponible para el suministro de madera" (FAWS) estudiando la consistencia de la información internacional disponible con el fin de armonizar su estimación y de proporcionar recomendaciones para satisfacer los requerimientos europeos. Como resultado, se elaboró una nueva definición de referencia de FAWS (que será adoptada por el proceso paneuropeo) y se analiza el impacto de la adopción de esta nueva definición en siete países europeos. El trabajo realizado en esta tesis, puede facilitar el suministrar y/o armonizar parcial o totalmente casi la mitad de los indicadores de información forestal solicitados por los requerimientos internacionales (47%). De éstos, prácticamente un 85% tienen relación con los datos inventariados empleando la metodología propuesta para la estimación de la biodiversidad forestal, y el resto, con el establecimiento de la definición de bosque disponible para el suministro de madera. No obstante, y pese a que esta tesis supone un avance importante, queda patente que las necesidades de información forestal son cambiantes y es imprescindible continuar el proceso de armonización de los IFN europeos. ABSTRACT Over the last few decades, the objectives on forestry and forest management in Europe have shifted from being primarily focused on wood production to sustainable ecosystem management, which should consider all the goods and services provided by the forest. Therefore, there is a continued need for forest indicators and assessments at EU level to support the development and implementation of a number of European environmental policies and to conduct a proper forest management. To address these questions, intensive monitoring on the status of forests is required. Therefore, the scope of National Forest Inventories (NFIs), (primary source of data for national and large-area assessments), has been broadened to include new variables to meet these increasing information requirements. However, estimates produced by different countries are not easily comparable because of differences in NFI definitions, plot configurations, measured variables, and measurement protocols. As consequence, harmonizing data produced at national level is essential for the production of sound EU forest information. The present thesis has two main aims: (i) to establish a methodology design to assess forest biodiversity in the frame of the Spanish National Forest Inventory taking into account the different national and international initiatives with the intention to produce comparable estimates with other EU countries and (ii) to harmonize relevant indicators for national and international requirements. In consequence of the work done related to the first objective, the established methodology to estimate forest biodiversity was adopted and launched under the Third National Forest Inventory. It was composed of indicators grouped into: cover, woody species composition, richness of herbaceous species and ferns, endangered species, stand structure, dead wood, and epiphytic lichens. This methodology was analyzed considering the provided data, time costs, feasibility, and requirements. Consequently, in the ongoing Fourth National Forest Inventory a modified methodology is applied: sampling of herbaceous species and ferns, epiphytic lichens and endangered species were removed, protocols regarding structure and deadwood were modified, and sampling of invasive species, age, browsing impact and naturalness were added. As regards the second objective, progress has been made in harmonizing three groups of variables considered relevant in the context of IFN: Indicators of non-tree vegetation (which play an important role in forest ecosystems, it is where the highest diversity of plants occur and so far the related sampled data in NFIs were not known), the identification of old-growth trees (which have an important role as ecological niche and its identification is especially relevant for the assessment of forest biodiversity) and the available forest for wood supply (basic indicator of international forestry information requirements). A complete analysis of ground vegetation harmonization possibilities within NFIs frame was carried on by identifying and analyzing the different definitions and sampling techniques used by NFIs, providing reference definitions related to ground vegetation and proposing and analyzing two ground vegetation harmonized indicators: “Mean species cover” (MSC) and “Mean total cover” (MTC) for shrubs by European forest categories. A new methodology based on NFI data was established with the aim to provide an efficient tool for policy makers to estimate the number of old-growth trees and thus to be able to perform the analysis of the effect of forest management on the diversity associated to forest systems. The concept of “forest available for wood supply” (FAWS) was discussed and clarified, analyzing the consistency of the available international information on FAWS in order to provide recommendations for data harmonization at European level regarding National Forest Inventories (NFIs). As a result, a new reference definition of FAWS was provided (which will be adopted in the pan-European process) and the consequences of the use of this new definition in seven European countries are analyzed. The studies carried on in this thesis, can facilitate the supply and/or harmonization partially or fully of almost half of the forest indicators (47%) needed for international requirements. Of these, nearly 85% are related to inventoried data using the proposed methodology for the estimation of forest biodiversity, and the rest, with the establishment of the definition of forest available for wood supply. However, despite this thesis imply an important development, forest information needs are changing and it is imperative to continue the process of harmonization of European NFIs

    A new method for the identification of old-growth trees in National Forest Inventories: Application to Pinus halepensis Mill. stands in Spain

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    Old-growth trees play a very important role in the maintenance of biodiversity in forests. However, no clear definition is yet available to help identify them since tree age is usually not recorded in National Forest Inventories. To develop and test a new method to identify old-growth trees using a species-specific threshold for tree diameter in National Forest Inventories. Different nonlinear mixed models for diameter ? age were generated using data from the Spanish Forest Inventory in order to identify the most appropriate one for Aleppo pine in its South-western distribution area. The asymptote of the optimal model indicates the threshold diameter for defining an old-growth tree. Additionally, five site index curves were examined to analyze the influence of site quality on these models

    A century of national forest inventories - informing past, present and future decisions

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    In 2019, 100 years had elapsed since the first National Forest Inventory (NFI) was established in Norway. Motivated by a fear of over-exploitation of timber resources, NFIs today enable informed policy making by providing data vital to decision support at international, national, regional, and local scales. This Collection of articles celebrates the 100th anniversary of NFIs with a description of past, present, and future research aiming at improving the monitoring of forest and other terrestrial ecosystems.Non peer reviewe

    The role of European National Forest Inventories for international forestry reporting

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    International audienceAbstractKey messageDespite agreements on definitions, the national data provided for international reporting are lacking comparability. To address this limitation the European National Forest Inventory Network has established criteria to harmonise definitions and to provide tools to transform national data into internationally comparable data.ContextForest reporting presents a series of challenges for countries, owing to diverse processes at international level such as the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA), Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. Further challenges are faced at European level with Forest Europe and policy needs.AimsThe aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the national and international forest reporting processes and of the role of the National Forest Inventories (NFIs) and the long-associated challenges resulting from a lack of comparability in definitions used. In addition, there is a discussion on the role of the European National Forest Inventory Network (ENFIN) as a facilitator for enhancing harmonization and comparability of national data and the ancillary information required to monitor European forestry-related policies.MethodsNFIs take part to international reporting processes as providers of information. They are correspondent to the FRA process, and then they know very well the context of harmonization. Participating in the ENFIN research projects, NFIs, and particularly authors, conducted a screening exercise on harmonization status at European and World level.ResultsThis review article is a synthesis of the main findings of the abovementioned screening exercise. It highlights the main gaps in terms of comparability of result in international reporting. Thanks to ENFIN harmonization research project, it gives same ways of working as a possible benchmark for the rest of the world.ConclusionBased on the international reporting exercises, their interactions, and impacts on new forestry policy requirements, the need for a strengthened harmonization process can clearly be demonstrated. Due to European policy needs, research work within ENFIN has been initiated to develop tools for building comparable results at international level. This work is an important benchmark particularly for countries outside Europe from which to base future harmonization work

    Refining predictions of iberian plant distribution: lessons from p. nigra and p. sylvestris palaeoecological-based habitat suitability models

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    In recent years, challenged by the climate scenarios put forward by the IPCC and its potential impact on plant distribution, numerous predictive techniques -including the so called habitat suitability models (HSM)- have been developed. Yet, as the output of the different methods produces different distribution areas, developing validation tools are strong needs to reduce uncertainties. Focused in the Iberian Peninsula, we propose a palaeo-based method to increase the robustness of the HSM, by developing an ecological approach to understand the mismatches between the palaeoecological information and the projections of the HSMs. Here, we present the result of (1) investigating causal relationships between environmental variables and presence of Pinus sylvestris L. and P. nigra Arn. available from the 3rd Spanish Forest Inventory, (2) developing present and past presence-predictions through the MaxEnt model for 6 and 21 kyr BP, and (3) assessing these models through comparisons with biomized palaeoecological data available from the European Pollen Database for the Iberian Peninsula

    La estimación de la biodiversidad forestal en el Inventario Forestal Nacional. Aplicación en el IFN-4 en Galicia

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    Teniendo como punto de partida la Convención de la Diversidad biológica de 1992, desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX las perspectivas en política y gestión medioambiental han dado un giro sin precedentes. Variables intangibles, difíciles de medir, como es la biodiversidad, son cada vez más importantes para la sociedad. En consecuencia, enmarcado en políticas y requerimientos internacionales, desde el Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional (IFN-3) se está aplicando una nueva metodología en continuo desarrollo que trata de estimar nuevas variables relacionadas con la biodiversidad. El objetivo más importante es poder analizar mediante estos nuevos indicadores la evolución del estado de la biodiversidad forestal de nuestros bosques a lo largo de los sucesivos IFN. Para llevar a cabo este reto, la toma de datos de campo en el inventario se centra principalmente en indicadores relativos a la composición florística y a la estructura de las masas forestales. En este artículo se describe la evolución y el desarrollo de la metodología llevada a cabo hasta el momento para la estimación de la biodiversidad forestal en el IFN. Además, se detallan los resultados derivados de su aplicación en las formaciones forestales más representativas de Galicia. Finalmente, se exponen los nuevos indicadores relacionados con la biodiversidad forestal en los que se está investigando, así como nuevas perspectivas de análisis

    Large-scale determinants of diversity across Spanish forest habitats: accounting for model uncertainty in compositional and structural indicators

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    An integral understanding of forest biodiversity requires the exploration of the many aspects it comprises and of the numerous potential determinants of their distribution. The landscape ecological approach provides a necessary complement to conventional local studies that focus on individual plots or forest ownerships. However, most previous landscape studies used equally-sized cells as units of analysis to identify the factors affecting forest biodiversity distribution. Stratification of the analysis by habitats with a relatively homogeneous forest composition might be more adequate to capture the underlying patterns associated to the formation and development of a particular ensemble of interacting forest species. Here we used a landscape perspective in order to improve our understanding on the influence of large-scale explanatory factors on forest biodiversity indicators in Spanish habitats, covering a wide latitudinal and altitudinal range. We considered six forest biodiversity indicators estimated from more than 30,000 field plots in the Spanish national forest inventory, distributed in 213 forest habitats over 16 Spanish provinces. We explored biodiversity response to various environmental (climate and topography) and landscape configuration (fragmentation and shape complexity) variables through multiple linear regression models (built and assessed through the Akaike Information Criterion). In particular, we took into account the inherent model uncertainty when dealing with a complex and large set of variables, and considered different plausible models and their probability of being the best candidate for the observed data. Our results showed that compositional indicators (species richness and diversity) were mostly explained by environmental factors. Models for structural indicators (standing deadwood and stand complexity) had the worst fits and selection uncertainties, but did show significant associations with some configuration metrics. In general, biodiversity increased in habitats covering wider topographic ranges and comprising forest patches with more complex shapes. Patterns in other relationships varied between indicators (e.g. species richness vs. diversity), or even were opposed (trees vs. shrubs). Our study (1) allowed deepening the understanding of biodiversity patterns in a large set of Spanish forest habitats and (2) highlighted the increasing complexity of identifying common landscape conditions favouring forest biodiversity as the range of analysed biodiversity aspects is widened beyond the more commonly assessed species richness indicators.This work has received financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) and FEDER funds through the IBEPFOR (CGL2006- 00312/BOS) project. The NFI data were supplied by the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Spain)

    Lesson from the habitat suitability models to evaluate the environmental of Pinus nigra Arnold and Pinus sylvesris L. in the Iberian Peninsula

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    PREDICT POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION. Spatial and temporal evolution of the species under different climate scenarios. Generation of habitat suitability models (HSM) high degree of uncertainty and limitations. The importance of their validation has been stressed. In this work we discuss the present potential distribution of P. sylvestris and P. nigra in the Iberian Peninsula by using MaxEnt, and evaluate the influence of the different environmental variables. Our intention is to select a set of environmental variables that explains better their current distribution, to achieve the most accurate and reliable models. Then we project them to the past climatic conditions (21 to 0 kyrs BP), to evaluate the outputs with existing palaeo-ecological data

    Harmonized classification of forest types in the Iberian Peninsula based on National Forest Inventories

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    National Forest Inventories (NFIs) collect and provide a large amount of information regarding the forest volume, carbon stocks, vitality, biodiversity, non-wood forest products and their changes. Forest stands variables data are paramount to understanding their composition, especially on those related with understory characteristics and the coverage of species according to canopy layers; they are essential to assess biodiversity and to support forest management. At the same time, these inventories allow the development of harmonized forest descriptions beyond the national scale. This study aims to develop a homogeneous characterization of the Iberian Peninsula’s forests, in order to classify and identify the forest types. For this purpose, harmonized data from NFIs of Portugal and Spain were used to assess the composition of species, dominance and the percentage of cover for each species in a vertical space defined by seven canopy layers. Using the “K-means” clustering algorithm, a set of clusters was identified and georeferenced using forest polygons from land use and cover maps of both countries. The interpretation and description of the clusters lead to the establishment of 28 forest types that characterize all of the Iberian Peninsula forests. Each forest area has been described through one of the forest types and their relation with other ecological characteristics of the stands was analyzed. Shrubs formations are generally widely distributed in the forest area of the Iberian Peninsula, however their abundance in terms of cover is lower in comparison with tree species. Around 71% of the forest types are dominated by trees, mainly species from the genera Pinus and Quercus, and 21% are dominated by shrub formations with species of Ulex spp., Cytisus spp., and Cistus spp. The Quercus ilex s.l. L. and Pinus pinaster Aiton are the common species of importance for both NFIs. The results represent a powerful and homogenous multi-use tool describing the Iberian Peninsula’s forestlands with applications on landscape analysis, forest management and conservation. This information can be used for comparisons at larger scales, allowing cross-border analysis in relation to various aspects, such as hazards and wildfires, as well as management and conservation of forest biodiversity. The developed method is adaptable to an updated dataset from more recent NFIs and to other study areasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plot size matters: Toward comparable species richness estimates across plot-based inventories

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    To understand the state and trends in biodiversity beyond the scope of monitoring programs, biodiversity indicators must be comparable across inventories. Species richness (SR) is one of the most widely used biodiversity indicators. However, as SR increases with the size of the area sampled, inventories using different plot sizes are hardly comparable. This study aims at producing a methodological framework that enables SR comparisons across plot-based inventories with differing plot sizes. We used National Forest Inventory (NFI) data from Norway, Slovakia, Spain, and Switzerland to build sample-based rarefaction curves by randomly incrementally aggregating plots, representing the relationship between SR and sampled area. As aggregated plots can be far apart and subject to different environmental conditions, we estimated the amount of environmental heterogeneity (EH) introduced in the aggregation process. By correcting for this EH, we produced adjusted rarefaction curves mimicking the sampling of environmentally homogeneous forest stands, thus reducing the effect of plot size and enabling reliable SR comparisons between inventories. Models were built using the Conway–Maxell–Poisson distribution to account for the underdispersed SR data. Our method successfully corrected for the EH introduced during the aggregation process in all countries, with better performances in Norway and Switzerland. We further found that SR comparisons across countries based on the country-specific NFI plot sizes are misleading, and that our approach offers an opportunity to harmonize pan-European SR monitoring. Our method provides reliable and comparable SR estimates for inventories that use different plot sizes. Our approach can be applied to any plot-based inventory and count data other than SR, thus allowing a more comprehensive assessment of biodiversity across various scales and ecosystems.publishedVersio