822 research outputs found

    Nonexistence of Entanglement Sudden Death in High NOON States

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    We study the dynamics of entanglement in continuous variable quantum systems (CVQS). Specifically, we study the phenomena of Entanglement Sudden Death (ESD) in general two-mode-N-photon states undergoing pure dephasing. We show that for these states, ESD never occurs. These states are generalizations of the so-called High NOON states, shown to decrease the Rayleigh limit of lambda to lambda/N, which promises great improvement in resolution of interference patterns if states with large N are physically realized. However, we show that in dephasing NOON states, the time to reach V_crit, critical visibility, scales inversely with N^2. On the practical level, this shows that as N increases, the visibility degrades much faster, which is likely to be a considerable drawback for any practical application of these states.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Thermogravimetric experiments coupled with acoustic emission analysis dedicated to high-temperature corrosion studies on metallic alloys

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    International audienceHigh temperature corrosion of metallic alloys in industrial equipments, such as refinery and petrochemical equipments concerns several phenomena: oxidation, carburization... These phenomena can create stresses in the materials, the relaxation of which mostly produces transient elastic waves. Several methods enable the recording and analyzing of these transient elastic waves. Piezoelectric sensors fixed directly on the sample can record elastic waves with a low decrease in energy and frequency at ambient temperature. In case of high temperature environments, a waveguide can also be used to transmit waves from sample to sensors. For this purpose, alumina or platinum are mainly used as waveguide materials because these materials conserve the waveform. The goal of this study is to assign the elastic waves to the corrosion phenomena. This data base will then be useful for the monitoring of industrial equipment using acoustic emission methods. For this purpose, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) has been coupled with acoustic emission (AE) devices. Simultaneous measurements of the mass variation and of the acoustic signals emitted during the corrosion of samples of the Zirconium based alloy Zircaloy 4 at high temperatures in the range of 400 °C to 900 °C can provide complementary information to increase the level of understanding of high temperature corrosion mechanisms. Our work focuses on a specific waveguide (WG) conception and on the transmission of elastic waves (acoustic signals) through the waveguide at high temperature. Results on experiments concerning the corrosion of zirconium alloy plates under oxygen atmosphere are presented

    Entangled random pure states with orthogonal symmetry: exact results

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    We compute analytically the density ϱN,M(λ)\varrho_{N,M}(\lambda) of Schmidt eigenvalues, distributed according to a fixed-trace Wishart-Laguerre measure, and the average R\'enyi entropy ⟨Sq⟩\langle\mathcal{S}_q\rangle for reduced density matrices of entangled random pure states with orthogonal symmetry (β=1)(\beta=1). The results are valid for arbitrary dimensions N=2k,MN=2k,M of the corresponding Hilbert space partitions, and are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Material radiopurity control in the XENONnT experiment

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    The selection of low-radioactive construction materials is of the utmost importance for rare-event searches and thus critical to the XENONnT experiment. Results of an extensive radioassay program are reported, in which material samples have been screened with gamma-ray spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and 222Rn^{222}Rn emanation measurements. Furthermore, the cleanliness procedures applied to remove or mitigate surface contamination of detector materials are described. Screening results, used as inputs for a XENONnT Monte Carlo simulation, predict a reduction of materials background (∼17%) with respect to its predecessor XENON1T. Through radon emanation measurements, the expected 222Rn^{222}Rn activity concentration in XENONnT is determined to be 4.2 (−0.7+0.5)μBq/kg(^{+0.5}_{−0.7}) μBq/kg, a factor three lower with respect to XENON1T. This radon concentration will be further suppressed by means of the novel radon distillation system

    Speed of disentanglement in multi-qubit systems under depolarizing channel

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    We investigate the speed of disentanglement in the multiqubit systems under the local depolarizing channel, in which each qubit is independently coupled to the environment. We focus on the bipartition entanglement between one qubit and the remaining qubits constituting the system, which is measured by the negativity. For the two-qubit system, the speed for the pure state completely depends on its entanglement. The upper and lower bounds of the speed for arbitrary two-qubit states, and the necessary conditions for a state achieving them, are obtained. For the three-qubit system, we study the speed for pure states, whose entanglement properties can be completely described by five local-unitary-transformation invariants. An analytical expression of the relation between the speed and the invariants is derived. The speed is enhanced by the the three-tangle which is the entanglement among the three qubits, but reduced by the the two-qubit correlations outside of the concurrence. The decay of the negativity can be restrained by the other two negativity with the coequal sense. The unbalance between two qubits can reduce speed of disentanglement of the remaining qubit in the system, even can retrieve the entanglement partially. For the k-qubit systems in an arbitrary superposition of GHZ state and W state, the speed depends almost entirely on the amount of the negativity when k increases to five or six. An alternative quantitative definition for the robustness of entanglement is presented based on the speed of disentanglement, with comparison to the widely studied robustness measured by the critical amount of noise parameter where the entanglement vanishes. In the limit of large number of particles, the alternative robustness of the GHZ-type states is inversely proportional to k, and the one of the W states approaches 1/\sqrt{k}.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. to appear in Annals of Physic

    Compact smallest eigenvalue expressions in Wishart-Laguerre ensembles with or without fixed-trace

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    The degree of entanglement of random pure states in bipartite quantum systems can be estimated from the distribution of the extreme Schmidt eigenvalues. For a bipartition of size M\geq N, these are distributed according to a Wishart-Laguerre ensemble (WL) of random matrices of size N x M, with a fixed-trace constraint. We first compute the distribution and moments of the smallest eigenvalue in the fixed trace orthogonal WL ensemble for arbitrary M\geq N. Our method is based on a Laplace inversion of the recursive results for the corresponding orthogonal WL ensemble by Edelman. Explicit examples are given for fixed N and M, generalizing and simplifying earlier results. In the microscopic large-N limit with M-N fixed, the orthogonal and unitary WL distributions exhibit universality after a suitable rescaling and are therefore independent of the constraint. We prove that very recent results given in terms of hypergeometric functions of matrix argument are equivalent to more explicit expressions in terms of a Pfaffian or determinant of Bessel functions. While the latter were mostly known from the random matrix literature on the QCD Dirac operator spectrum, we also derive some new results in the orthogonal symmetry class.Comment: 25 pag., 4 fig - minor changes, typos fixed. To appear in JSTA

    Observation of Electron-Hole Puddles in Graphene Using a Scanning Single Electron Transistor

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    The electronic density of states of graphene is equivalent to that of relativistic electrons. In the absence of disorder or external doping the Fermi energy lies at the Dirac point where the density of states vanishes. Although transport measurements at high carrier densities indicate rather high mobilities, many questions pertaining to disorder remain unanswered. In particular, it has been argued theoretically, that when the average carrier density is zero, the inescapable presence of disorder will lead to electron and hole puddles with equal probability. In this work, we use a scanning single electron transistor to image the carrier density landscape of graphene in the vicinity of the neutrality point. Our results clearly show the electron-hole puddles expected theoretically. In addition, our measurement technique enables to determine locally the density of states in graphene. In contrast to previously studied massive two dimensional electron systems, the kinetic contribution to the density of states accounts quantitatively for the measured signal. Our results suggests that exchange and correlation effects are either weak or have canceling contributions.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement dynamics of two-bipartite system under the influence of dissipative environments

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    An experimental scheme is suggested that permits a direct measure of entanglement in a two-qubit cavity system. It is realized in the cavity-QED technology utilizing atoms as flying qubits. With this scheme we generate two different measures of entanglement, namely logarithmic negativity and concurrence. The phenomenon of sudden death entanglement (ESD) in a bipartite system subjected to dissipative environment is examined. We show that the sudden death time of the entangled states depends on the initial preparation of the entangled state and the temperature of the reservoir.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure

    The practice of physicians and nurses in the Brazilian Family Health Programme – evidences of change in the delivery health care model

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    The article analyzes the practice of physicians and nurses working on the Family Health Programme (Programa de Saúde da Família or PSF, in Portuguese). A questionnaire was used to assess the evidences of assimilation of the new values and care principles proposed by the programme. The results showed that a great number of professionals seem to have incorporated the practice of home visits, health education actions and planning of the teams' work agenda to their routine labour activities

    Continuous-mode 448 kHz capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency induces greater deep blood flow changes compared to pulsed mode shortwave: a crossover study in healthy adults

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Binoy Kumaran, Anthony Herbland and Tim Watson, ‘Continuous-mode 448 kHz capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency induces greater deep blood flow changes compared to pulsed mode shortwave: a crossover study in healthy adults’, European Journal of Physiotheraphy, first published online 20 April 2017. The version of record is available online at doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21679169.2017.1316310. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Aims: Radiofrequency-based electrophysical agents (EPAs) have been used in therapy practice over several decades (e.g. shortwave therapies). Currently, there is insufficient evidence supporting such EPAs operating below shortwave frequencies. This laboratory-based study investigated the deep physiological effects of 448 kHz capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency (CRMRF) and compared them to pulsed shortwave therapy (PSWT). Methods: In a randomized crossover study, 17 healthy volunteers initially received four treatment conditions: high, low and placebo dose conditions receiving 15-min CRMRF treatment and a control condition receiving no intervention. Fifteen participants additionally received high-dose PSWT as fifth condition, for comparison. Pre- and post-treatment measurements of deep blood flow and tissue extensibility were obtained using Doppler ultrasound and sonoelastography. Group data were compared using analysis of variance model. Statistical significance was set at p ≤ .05, 0.8 power, and 95% confidence interval. Results: Significant increases in volume and intensity of deep blood flow were obtained with CRMRF over placebo, control (p = .003) and PSWT (p < .001). No significant changes in blood flow velocity or tissue extensibility were noted for any condition. Conclusions: Deep blood flow changes with CRMRF were more pronounced than that with PSWT, placebo or control. Potential greater therapeutic benefits need to be confirmed with comparative clinical studies.Peer reviewe
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