38 research outputs found

    A Rare Cause of Gross Hematuria in Childhood: Renal Lymphangiectasia

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    Renal lymphangiectasia is a rare disorder characterized by cystic malformation of the lymphatic ducts surrounding the kidney. In this article, an adolescent who presented with painless gross hematuria, hypertension, polycythemia and who was determined to have left perirenal lymphangiectasia and ipsilateral decreased renal function on imaging studies is reported

    Expression of PCNA, MMP-9 and P53 in bovine ocular squamous cell carcinomas: An immunohistochemical study

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    In this study, we aimed to compare and correlate the PCNA, MMP-9 and p53 expressions and differentiation degree of bovine ocular squamous cell carcinomas (BOSCCs) by immunohistochemical methods. The material of this study was composed of BOSCC biopsy samples taken from 30 cattle brought to our department. Tissue samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed routinely, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 5 μm, and stained with hematoxylin & eosin in order to detect histopathological changes. Sections were examined and photographed under a light microscope. Avidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used for immunohistochemistry. Macroscopically the masses were nodular to cauliflower-like shaped. The surfaces of the masses were highly hemorrhagic and ulcerative, and sometimes covered with a purulent discharge. Histopathologically, we defined cases with excessive and large numbers of keratin pearls, large tumoral islands, and evident squamous differentiation as well-differentiated. Cases with smaller tumoral islets, decreased number and size of keratin pearls, but higher number of poorly-differentiated cells compared to well-differentiated cases were defined as moderately-differentiated. Tumors in which keratinization was either absent or formed in individual cells were classified as poorly-differentiated. Statistical analysis revealed that there was no significant difference between well, moderately, and poorly differentiated tumors in terms of PCNA and MMP-9 expressions, but we found that the increase in p53 expression negatively correlated with the degree of differentiation of the tumor. In conclusion, we think that p53 can be a useful marker in determining the prognosis of BOSCCs

    The reliability and validity of decreased sound tolerance scale-screening

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    Objectives: Decreased Sound Tolerance (DST) is a negative reaction to a sound that does not cause any reaction in an individual with normal hearing. DST’s subclasses include hyperacusis, phonophobia, and misophonia, which are distinct and have therapy variations. There is no diagnostic method or scale that distinguishes them in the literature. This study’s purpose was to develop a screening scale that distinguishes these three DSTs. Methods: The study comprised 257 willing participants with normal hearing. Cronbach alpha coefficient, item-total correlation, and item differentiation of the Decreased Sound Tolerance Scale-Screening (DSTS-S) were evaluated. Structural validity of DSTS-S was performed by Varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization using Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA), and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to assess its structural compatibility. The scale’s total scores from each section were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test in symptom (+) and symptom (–) participants. Results: The Cronbach alpha value for hyperacusis, phonophobia, and misophonia sections of DSTS-S was calculated as 0.881, 0.775, and 0.938, respectively. The difference between the independent samplet-test and the variables was statistically significant (p < 0.01). The Mann-Whitney U test showed a significant difference between the median values of the total groups’ scores with and without hyperacusis, phonophobia, and misophonia (HTS, PTS, and MTS, respectively) (p < 0.05). Evaluation by ROC analysis showed that hyperacusis was useful in predicting the presence of hyperacusis, phonophobia was useful in predicting the presence of phonophobia, and misophonia was useful in predicting the presence of misophonia (p < 0.001). Hyperacusis and misophonia sections showed high reliability, and phonophobia section showed a moderately reliable level. The Kappa test showed that the compatibility between test–retest for the total scores was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The study’s results indicated that DSTS-S is a valid and reliable scale for identifying subtypes/problems/classes of decreased sound tolerance

    Adsorption of reactive yellow 145 onto chitosan coated magnetite nanoparticles

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    Removal of dyes from the industrial discharge water is an important issue for safety of the environment. In this study, magnetic (magnetite, Fe3O4) nanoparticles were coated with chitosan (CS) and the efficiency of these chitosan coated magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4-CS) for the adsorption of a reactive textile dye (Reactive Yellow 145, RY145) was examined first time in literature. TEM, XRD, and EPR results revealed that the thickness of the coat was about 25 nm, no phase change in the spinel structure of magnetic particles existed after coating, and particles had paramagnetic property, respectively. Adsorption of RY145 on Fe3O4-CS nanoparticles occurs according to Langmuir model in the temperature range 25 degrees C-45 degrees C with a maximum adsorption capacity of 47.62 mg g(-1) at 25 degrees C, in aqueous media. Thermodynamic parameters demonstrated that the adsorption process was endothermic and spontaneous, and the maximum desorption of the dye was 80% over a single adsorption/desorption cycle. In this study, the high efficiency of the CS coated magnetic nanoparticles in the adsorption and removal of reactive dyes from water was shown on model RY145. This type of nanoparticles can be good candidates in industrial applications for the decolorization of waste waters. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 201

    Activation of poly(dimer acid-co-alkyl polyamine) particles for covalent immobilization of alpha-amylase

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    Poly(dimer acid-co-alkyl polyamine) particles were activated by using various chemicals such as carbodiimide (CDI), ethylene diamine (EDA), and hexamethylene diamine (HMDA) and studied as support materials for covalent immobilization of alpha-amylase. The activities of the immobilized enzymes on these activated particles were investigated. The highest activity of free enzyme was obtained at pH 7.5 while this value was shifted to pH 6.5 for CDI and EDA activated systems and to pH 8.0 for HMDA activated system. The highest activities of immobilized enzymes were obtained at higher temperature (55 degrees C) than that of the free enzyme (40 degrees C). Kinetic parameters were calculated as 2.51, 3.13, 3.47 and 3.17 g dm(-3) for K-m and 1.67 x 10(-3), 6.16 x 10(-4), 7.34 x 10(-4) and 3.30 x 10(-4) g dM(-3) min(-1) for V-max for the free enzyme, and CDI, EDA and HMDA activated immobilized systems, respectively. Enzyme activities were found to be about 75.0%, 62.5% and 95.0% of the original, for CDI, EDA and HMDA activated systems, respectively, after one month of storage while free enzyme lost its activity completely in 20 days. In repeated batch experiments, after 40 uses in 3 days; 91.3%, 77.6% and 99.1% of the original enzyme activities were retained by CDI, EDA and HMDA activated systems, respectively. Among the systems prepared, HMDA activated poly(dimer acid-co-alkyl polyamine) particles demonstrated the highest stability and efficient reusability for the immobilized alpha-amylase

    Preparation of Chitosan-Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles and Application for Immobilization of Laccase

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    In this study, immobilization of laccase (L) enzyme on magnetite (Fe(3)O(4)) nanoparticles was achieved, so that the immobilized enzyme could be used repeatedly. For this purpose, Fe(3)O(4) nanoparticles were coated and functionalized with chitosan (CS) and laccase from Trametes versicolor was immobilized onto chitosan-coated magnetic nanoparticles (Fe(3)O(4)-CS) by adsorption or covalent binding after activating the hydroxyl groups of chitosan with carbodiimide (EDAC) or cyanuric chloride (CC). For chitosan-coated magnetic nanoparticles, the thickness of CS layer was estimated as 1.0-4.8 nm by TEM, isoelectric point was detected as 6.86 by zeta (zeta)-potential measurements, and the saturation magnetization was determined as 25.2 emu g(-1) by VSM, indicating that these nanoparticles were almost superparamagnetic. For free laccase and immobilized laccase systems, the optimum pH, temperature, and kinetic parameters were investigated; and the change of the activity against repeated use of the immobilized systems were examined. The results indicated that all immobilized systems retained more than 71% of their initial activity at the end of 30 batch uses. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 123:707-716, 201

    Detection of prostate spesific antigen ( p30 ) for forensic purpose by using the ouchterlony technique ( double diffusion in agar )

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    Adli bilimler seksüel saldırı olgularında hukukun gereksinimlerinin karşılanmasında çok önemli bir rol üstlenmiştir. Adli bilimler bu tür olgularda tıbbi ve fiziksel bulguları ortaya koyar. Seksüel saldırı olgularında genital ve anal bölgede saptanabilecek bulgular çoğunlukla tanı koydurucu olmaktan çok; düşündürücü, destekleyici niteliktedir. Genital travmanın tek spesifik fizik muayene bulgusu himende saptanan taze yırtıktır. Seksüel saldırının gerçekleştiğinin kesin kriteri mağdurun vücudunda ya da giysilerinde semen artığı ya da spermatozoa saptanmasıdır. Semenin varlığının ortaya konmasında; sitolojik, immünolojik ve biyokimyasal çeşitli yöntemler kullanılmaktadır. Semene spesifik olması, çok az miktarlarda dahi gösterilebilmesi, leke ve vaginal ortamdaki dayanıklılığı ve seminal plazmanın bileşiminde bulunması ve genetik kontrol altında bir protein olması nedeni ile prostat spesifik antijen (PSA), semen için adli belirleyici olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Basit ve ileri teknoloji kullanılarak uygulanan çeşitli yöntemlerle PSA gösterilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada basit bir immünolojik yöntem (Ouchterlony metodu) modifiye edilerek anabilim dalımız laboratuvarlarında bir ön yöntem olarak kullanılmak üzere PSA gösterilmesine uyarlanmıştır. Bu deneysel çalışma; 1/2 oranında sulandırılmış anti-PSA'nın (15ml) en uygun sulandırılma oranı olduğu, 1/2 anti- PSA ile 1/40 ve 1/80 oranında sulandırılan seminal plazmada (10 ml) en iyi presipitasyon bantının izlendiği, vaginal sürüntüde; direk sürüntü pamuğu ve sürüntü pamuğundan elde edilen ekstratın birlikte çalışılması gerektiğini gösterdi.Forensic sciences have important role in evaluation of the medical and physical evidences of sexual assaults. Genital and anal physical findings of the victims are mostly suggestive but not diagnostic. The only specific physical finding of genital trauma is acute laceration of the hymen. Obvious indicators for sexual assaults are the presence of sperms or other seminal components on the bodies or/and the cloths of the victims or at the crime scene. Cytological, immunological and biochemical methods have been used for identification of seminal components. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) has been recognized as a forensic marker because of its biological specificity and detectability in trace amounts, and stability in dried stains and vaginal environment. Nowadays, simple and high technological methods are available for detection of PSA. In this study, a simple immunological method (Ouchterlony technique) has been modified and adapted for our serology laboratory as a preliminary detection method of PSA. The performed experiments revealed that the best precipitation zones were obtained with the 1/2 (15ml) dilution of anti-PSA and with the 1/40 and 1/80 dilutions of the seminal plasma (10ml). The vaginal swabs and the extractions of swabs should be tested simultaneously for the best results

    Enhancement of antibacterial properties of polyurethanes by chitosan and heparin immobilization

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    Being antibacterial is a required property for the materials used in medical devices and instruments. Polyurethanes (PUs) are one class of polymers widely used in the production of devices that especially come in contact with blood (e.g. heart valves, blood vessels, vascular grafts and catheters). In this study, hexamethylene diisocyanate based polyurethanes (PUh) were synthesized and antibacterial and anti-adhesive properties were added by immobilizing chitosan (CH) and heparin (Hep) on the samples of PUh via a stepwise process. Chemistry and topography of the modified film samples (PUh-CH and PUh-CH-Hep) were examined by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry-Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR-ATR), Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and surface free energy (SFE) values after each step were determined by goniometer. PUh-CH and PUh-CH-Hep samples were found to be antibacterial against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis) (both Gram positive) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa)( both Gram negative) bacteria, and bacterial adhesion results showed a significant decrease in the number of viable bacteria on both modified samples where PUh-CH-Hep was the most effective. The findings of this study show that polymeric surfaces can be effectively modified and converted to be antibacterial by chitosan and heparin immobilization, and presence of both chemicals enhance efficacy against bacteria