798 research outputs found

    Guanylate cyclase C as a target for prevention, detection, and therapy in colorectal cancer.

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    INTRODUCTION: Colorectal cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States, and new strategies to prevent, detect, and treat the disease are needed. The receptor, guanylate cyclase C (GUCY2C), a tumor suppressor expressed by the intestinal epithelium, has emerged as a promising target. Areas covered: This review outlines the role of GUCY2C in tumorigenesis, and steps to translate GUCY2C-targeting schemes to the clinic. Endogenous GUCY2C-activating ligands disappear early in tumorigenesis, silencing its signaling axis and enabling transformation. Pre-clinical models support GUCY2C ligand supplementation as a novel disease prevention paradigm. With the recent FDA approval of the GUCY2C ligand, linaclotide, and two more synthetic ligands in the pipeline, this strategy can be tested in human trials. In addition to primary tumor prevention, we also review immunotherapies targeting GUCY2C expressed by metastatic lesions, and platforms using GUCY2C as a biomarker for detection and patient staging. Expert commentary: Results of the first GUCY2C targeting schemes in patients will become available in the coming years. The identification of GUCY2C ligand loss as a requirement for colorectal tumorigenesis has the potential to change the treatment paradigm from an irreversible disease of genetic mutation, to a treatable disease of ligand insufficiency

    Political Factors and Enforcement of the Nursing Home Regulatory Regime

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    This study analyzes the influence of political factors, oversight, and nursing home affiliation or ownership status on the enforcement of the nursing home regulatory regime, signified by the Nursing Home Reform Act ( NHRA ) and its progeny. Specifically speaking, it measures, using the statistical technique of regression analysis, factors that account for variations across states in the number of deficiencies (or violations of quality standards) cited by nursing home inspectors across the states. This work is a first of its kind, an analysis not government-related, by a set of public administration scholars that systematically studies the influence of political forces on nursing home regulations and inspection and their ultimate effect on the well-being of nursing home patients

    Political Factors and Enforcement of the Nursing Home Regulatory Regime

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    This study analyzes the influence of political factors, oversight, and nursing home affiliation or ownership status on the enforcement of the nursing home regulatory regime, signified by the Nursing Home Reform Act ( NHRA ) and its progeny. Specifically speaking, it measures, using the statistical technique of regression analysis, factors that account for variations across states in the number of deficiencies (or violations of quality standards) cited by nursing home inspectors across the states. This work is a first of its kind, an analysis not government-related, by a set of public administration scholars that systematically studies the influence of political forces on nursing home regulations and inspection and their ultimate effect on the well-being of nursing home patients

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Macromedia dengan Kuis Spin Mata Pelajaran IPA Materi Organ Tubuh Manusia untuk Siswa Kelas 5

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan dari media pembelajaran berbasis macromedia dengan kuis spin mata pelajaran IPA materi organ tubuh manusia untuk siswa kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar Negeri Deyeng 1. Penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian R & D dengan model pengembangan ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis kuaitatif digunakan untuk mengelola data dari angket dan lembar tes sedangkan analisis dekriptif digunakan untuk mengelola data dari respon berupa saran atau tanggapan atau kririk. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket validasi media & materi, angket respon guru & siswa, dan soal evaluasi. Hasil dari pengembangan media pembelajaran macromedia dengan kuis spin mata organ tubuh manusia yang dikembangkan bisa dikatakan valid, praktis, dan efektif. Hasil rata-rata kevalidan diperoleh 83% hal ini bahwa media pembelajaran macromedia dengan kuis spin mata organ tubuh manusia ini dikatakan sangat valid. Berdasarkan hasil kepraktisan media pembelajaran macromedia dengan kuis spin mata organ tubuh manusia membuktikan bahwa respon guru diperoleh 94% dan hasil angket respon siswa mencapai persentase 95% sehingga bisa dikatakan sangat praktis. Dan keefektifan dilihat dari hasil perhitungan soal evaluasi yang memperoleh rata-rata 95% sehingga media dikategorikan efektif

    Optical characterization of a-Si : H thin films grown by Hg-Photo-CVD

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    Mercury-Sensitized Photo-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (Hg-Photo-CVD) technique opens new possibilities for reducing thin film growth temperature and producing novel semiconductor materials suitable for the future generation of high efficiency thin film solar cells onto low cost flexible plastic substrates. This paper provides some experimental data resulting from the optical characterization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films grown by this deposition technique. Experiments have been performed on samples deposited at different temperatures, with and without thermal annealing.Mercury-Sensitized Photo-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (Hg-Photo-CVD) technique opens new possibilities for reducing thin film growth temperature and producing novel semiconductor materials suitable for the future generation of high efficiency thin film solar cells onto low cost flexible plastic substrates. This paper provides some experimental data resulting from the optical characterization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films grown by this deposition technique. Experiments have been performed on samples deposited at different temperatures, with and without thermal annealing

    Spatiotemporal variations in the abundance, biomass, fecundity, and production of Oithona brevicornis (Copepoda : Cyclopoida) in a West African tropical coastal lagoon (Grand-Lahou, Cote d'Ivoire)

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    Raphael N'doua Etile, Maryse N'guessan Aka, Aka Marcel Kouassi, Marc Pagano, and Valentin N'douba (2012) Spatiotemporal variations in the abundance, biomass, fecundity, and production of Oithona brevicornis (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) in a West African tropical coastal lagoon (Grand-Lahou, Cote d'Ivoire). Zoological Studies 51(5): 627-643. Oithona brevicornis is a very important zooplankton species in coastal and estuarine aquatic ecosystems of West Africa and was recorded in very high abundances in coastal lagoons of Cote d'Ivoire. To better understand the functional role of this key species, spatio-seasonal variations in O. brevicornis abundance, biomass, fecundity, and production were investigated at 21 stations in Grand-Lahou Lagoon during an annual cycle from Jan. to Dec. 2004. The abundance and biomass showed more or less important spatiotemporal variations. Two peaks were recorded for the mean spatial values in Feb.-Mar. and Sept. During the long (LDS) and short dry seasons (SDS), all developmental stages showed their weakest density and biomass in the channel zone and near the mouth of the Boubo River. During the long (LRS) and short rainy seasons (SRS), O. brevicornis almost disappeared or showed very low abundances (< 1 individual/L) in the northern part and near the channel. Spatiotemporal variations in O. brevicornis fecundity and production showed no particular pattern during the dry seasons (LDS and SDS), while during the rainy seasons (LRS and SRS), very low fecundity and production values were recorded at stations influenced by river inputs. Correlation analyses showed that temperature and salinity were the main variables explaining these spatio-seasonal variations. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/51.5/627.pd

    A Review of the Impacts SMEs as Social Agents of Economic Liberations in Developing Economies

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    1/w hene.f/ts 1!1 o hooming .\ 1//~ sector can be seen in the creation of a sound industrial hm,· for an emerging eumonn It rang!'~ .fi"om the prm·iswn of' employment, sources of subsistencl'. ,·,luiwble distrthution of IIK0111es to its citi::ens. to deployment of domestic savings for investments. It ul.111 include. bw not limited. to the increase in capital financial gains. important contribution to Cross I >omestic Product (CIJI'i lwrnessing c1{ natil·e raw materials. curtailing rural-urban migration and efficient uti!i::ation o(a nation·.\ resource. as can b~ seen in the case of Taiwan. South Korea, Singapore. <'t( These are cowuries that were huilt on a d\'namic SML sector 1/owever. many less developed economies /w,·e not bel'n a hie to jullt· utili::e the 111cmv henejits of this sl'ctor. perhaps due to ignorance. This revietr <'\llmined the ntenlto which these .1ocial agems (S\1/~s) which hm·e libera!i::ed several economies oflhe d, l'e!opl'd coumries. such as the { nitecl States. { nited 1\ ingdom. Wider Europe and the BRICS countrh ' 1 Bra:: if. R11.11i11. India. ( 'llina wul So111h .lji-icaJ is being treated with levity within the developing econnlllll'.\. The sttu!r howet'l.'r. focuses 011 the .)',\/Es operating within the Nigerian state. It employed in its ennrety !he re1•ie1r ofsecondw:t· duta , 1171/findings revealed a plethora of issues. Of note was the facl that despite the benefit~ of this l'ihrulll sector to the \'igerian economy. the government policies, infrastructures. finances ammtgst others are not Jhl'omble for its gr01111t all(/ sustainability. The authors recommend that the 1\igerian gm·~mlll<'llt as well os gm·emme/11 of other developing economies must invest substamial!t·to the growth. de,·elollllte/11 011(/ sustainohility of SM!~·s through the provision of essential inji·a.1tructures. 1111111111111 er. microfiiiWICI'. 1·ecurin• am/ adequate po!inji-cunework

    Xanthomatose normolipidemique a localisation nasale chez une patiente de 18 ans

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    Introduction : Exposer un cas de xanthomatose normolipidémique.Observation : il s’agit d’une adolescente de 18 ans qui a présenté une masse des cavités nasales dont le bilan paraclinique a plaidé en faveur d’un xanthogranulome juvénile. L’évolution à court terme a été satisfaisante après l’exérèse chirurgicale par une voie combinée externe et endonasle.Conclusion : il s’agit d’une présentation inhabituelle de la xanthomatose dont les difficultés diagnostiques d’ordre multifactoriel, ont été relevées.Mots clés : Cavités nasales – Xanthomatoses –granulomatoses chroniquesIntroduction : To expose a case of normolipidemic xanthomatosisCase report : An 18 years aged girl has presented a swelling involving the nasal cavities. Paraclinical examens have evoked a case of juvenile xanthogranuloma. Earlier outcome was good after a surgical removal which has combined external and endonasal way.Conclusion: it’s an unusual feature of xanthomatis. The difficulties of diagnosis which seemed caused by many factors have been point out.Keyswords : Nasal cavities – Xanthomatosis – Chronic granulom