54 research outputs found

    Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Democratic Backsliding in Turkey: Beyond the Narratives of Progress

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    Unpacking the core themes that are discussed in this collection, this article both offers a research agenda to re-analyse Turkey’s ‘authoritarian turn’ and mounts a methodological challenge to the conceptual frameworks that reinforce a strict analytical separation between the ‘economic’ and the ‘political’ factors. The paper problematises the temporal break in scholarly analyses of the AKP period and rejects the argument that the party’s methods of governance have shifted from an earlier ‘democratic’ model – defined by ‘hegemony’ – to an emergent ‘authoritarian’ one. In contrast, by retracing the mechanisms of the state-led reproduction of neoliberalism since 2003, the paper demonstrates that the party’s earlier ‘hegemonic’ activities were also shaped by authoritarian tendencies which manifested at various levels of governance

    Effects of nitrous oxide on intraoperative bowel distension.

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    Hydrazine decomposition on nickel-embedded graphene

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    *Akça, Aykan ( Aksaray, Yazar )In this article, the catalytic effect of the Ni-embedded graphene has been investigated for hydrazine (N2H4) decomposition reaction through Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations with Grimme-D2 dispersion correction. Nickel embedded graphene systems are expected to be much cheaper than pristine nickel surfaces in the future because of relatively few numbers of Ni atom usage, experimentally synthesizable, and limit the Ni usage. The transformation of N2H4 has been taken into account in two different ways. The first way is sequential N–H and, the second one is the N–N bond cleavage from the gauche conformation which is the most stable conformation in gas phase and sole conformation observed on the Ni site. According to our findings, ·NH2 formation breaking the N–N bond in hydrazine has lower activation energy than hydrogen abstraction from hydrazine. The difficulty of breaking N–H bonds stems from the spatial accumulation of negative and positive charges, so it causes a mismatch between hydrogen atoms and negatively charges carbon atoms. NH3 formation pathway through the interaction of N2Hx (x = 1 → 4) species with co-adsorbed ·NH2 radicals is accompanied by much lower activation barriers and highly exothermic. Nevertheless, metal-embedded graphene systems are promising materials for hydrazine dehydrogenation and can be tailored to have more efficient charge distributio

    Microrna expression profiles and changes with treatment on childhood leukemias

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    MicroRNAs are non-protein coding RNAs that have recently been revealed to be effective in cancer biogenesis which effect post-transcriptional gene modification. The incidence of childhood hematologic cancers is increasing. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between miRNA expression and its prognosis in childhood leukemias. Twenty-one patients and 5 healthy control subjects were included in the study. Out of 26 subjects, 15 were patients diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 6 were patients diagnosed with acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) and 5 were healthy control subjects. Peripheral venous samples were col-lected from the patients before and 1 month after chemotherapy and their miRNA analyses were performed. Decreased expressions of let-7b, miR-31, miR-128-1, miR-218, miR-331, miR-372, miR-375, miR-422, miR-451 and miR-520 were found in patients with AL compared to the healthy control subjects. While the expression of miR-375 decreased in patients with ALL, the expressions of miR-21, miR-222, miR-30, miR-145, miR-146a and miR-155 increased. While the expression of miR-155 increased in patients with AML, the expressions of miR-10, miR-23, miR-218, miR-422 and miR-451 decreased. It was also found that while the expressions of miR-204,miR-7,miR-10, miR-30, miR-155, miR-192, miR-422, miR-451,miR-520, miR-548, miR-375, miR-1, miR-23 and miR-146a increased in patients with leukemia after the treatment, the expressions of let-7b and miR-132 decreased. A positive correlation was found between leukocyte count of patients with leukemia before the treatment and the expressions of miR-128-1 and miR-331 among miRNAs that changed after the treatment. MiRNAs play role in the pathogenesis, treatment response, relapse and prognosis of hematologic malignancies. © 2020, UHOD - Uluslararasi Hematoloji Onkoloji Dergisi. All rights reserved

    An improved method for determination of holocene coastline changes around two ancient settlements in Southern Anatolia: A geoarchaeological approach to historical land degradation studies

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    Two well-known ancient sites in southern Anatolia were selected to investigate and quantify the impact of historical land degradation on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. These sites are the Luwian settlements of Kelenderis (modem Aydincik) and nearby Nagidos (Bozyazi), both in Mersin Province and both occupied since around 4000BP. Changes in local climatic conditions over this period have produced variations in the rates of fluvial transport of sediment/soil from the hinterland into the relevant deltaic regions, thus influencing rates of coastal progradation and aggradation. In addition, both eustatic and neotectonic movements have contributed to deltaic subsidence and/or hinterland uplift, with consequential impact on coastal evolution (positive or negative). The novel geoarchaeological methodology adopted in this study involves the creation of a graphical archive from detailed and standardised measurements taken from rectified mono- and stereoscopic aerial photographs. These archival data were then integrated with data from several types of historical map and field measurements in order to develop a geographical information system (GIS) database that could be interrogated, enabling graphical models of past coastal change to be constructed and calculations then made of the coastal configurations at successive historical periods. These calculations reveal that over the past 6000 years there has been only limited erosion/degradation in the karstic hinterland supplying the sediment to these two study sites (contrary to some previous statements concerning the high degradation risk of Mediterranean karst terrains). Furthermore, rates of progradation in each delta appear to have become diminished or even reversed in the past several decades as a result of both natural and anthropogenic factors. The precise contribution of neotectonic movements in this seismically active zone remains unquantified and is a topic requiring further interdisciplinary study. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd