66,631 research outputs found

    Cellular therapy and tissue engineering for cartilage repair

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    Funding The authors are grateful to the Medical Research Council (grant numbers MR/L020211/1 and MR/L022893/1; CDB, AJR), Versus Arthritis (formerly Arthritis Research UK, grant numbers 20050, 20775, 20865, 21156, and 21800; CDB, AJR), Biosplice Therapeutics (CDB, AJR), and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (AZ, RAK) for supporting their research.Peer reviewedproo

    Effects of Stretch on the Bladder Umbrella Cell Apical Junctional Ring

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    A critical component of the epithelial barrier is the apical junctional complex (AJC), a ring- like structure circumscribing polarized epithelial cells, which is composed of the apical-most tight junction, the sub-adjacent adherens junction, and the punctate desmosomes. The AJC is physically associated with both actin and keratin filaments, which also form a belt encircling epithelial cells at the height of the AJC. Together the AJC and its associated cytoskeleton form the apical junctional ring (AJR). Critically, the AJR must maintain its continuity in the face of external mechanical forces that accompany normal physiological functions, such as during breathing, when blood flows through vessels, or when urine accumulates in the bladder; however, it is not well understood how this is accomplished. To accommodate dramatic changes in urine volume, the AJR of umbrella cells, which line the luminal surface of the bladder, expands during bladder filling and contracts upon voiding; however, the mechanisms that drive these events are unknown. We hypothesize that the active expansion and contraction of the umbrella cell AJR during filling and voiding requires the membrane trafficking of junctional proteins. Using native umbrella cells as a model, we observed that the umbrella cells’ AJR assumed a non-sarcomeric organization in which filamentous actin and α-actinin-4 formed a continuous belt, while non-muscle myosin II A (NMMIIA) formed discontinuous linear tracts along either side of the actin ring. Expansion of the umbrella cell AJR required formin-dependent actin assembly but was independent of NMMII ATPase function. AJR expansion also required membrane traffic, Rab13-dependent exocytosis specifically, but not trafficking events regulated by Rab8a or Rab11a. In contrast, the voiding-induced contraction of the AJR depended on actomyosin dynamics, as well as on RhoA, and dynamin-dependent v endocytosis. Taken together, our studies indicate that an important mechanism by which the urothelium retains continuity in the face of cyclical changes in urine volume is the expansion and contraction of the AJR. Whereas AJR expansion depends on actin polymerization, it also requires exocytosis, presumably of vesicles containing AJR-associated proteins. In contrast, contraction of the AJR is likely driven by actomyosin contraction of the AJR and endocytosis of excess AJR proteins

    Al-Ajru dalam Perspektif Ra’yu Zamakhsyariy (Studi Tematis Kitab Tafsir al-Kasyaf)

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    The discussion of reward is often the object of aqidah study for theologians and scholars of kalam. Therefore, in this study the author makes the interpretation of Al-Kasyaf by al-Zamakhsyari (467-538 H) as an object of study that leads to a more complete and deeper study of the science of kalam. In the interpretation of Al-Kasyaf, al-Zamakhsyari uses logic more and this is what is used as a material for criticism by some scholars as material for defending the muktazilah understanding that he believes in. Sometimes he berates the leading priests astray, especially if they have an opinion that contradicts him. This paper tries to describe Zamakhsyari's interpretation of the reward in the perspective of the Koran from Tafsir Al-Kasyaf from the word al-ajr. This paper uses the maudhu'i method through an approach to understanding the characters in his work. The results of the study show that the term ajr that appears in the Koran is always related to human actions in good things or about goodness. The existence of ajr from Allah Swt cannot be separated from the role of human good deeds. Various virtues that are present with Ajr, besides the goodness mentioned earlier, there are other virtues, such as piety and patience, striving in the way of Allah, and always remembering Allah. Although ajr is closely related to the good deeds that have been done, the source of ajr itself is essentially from Allah Swt

    Corrigendum to “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and COVID-19 infection during pregnancy” [Trav Med Infect Dis. (2020) 101641]

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    This article is made available for unrestricted research re-use and secondary analysis in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for the duration of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic.The authors regret that reference 6 was incorrectly cited and the following reference is the correct one “Liu D, Li L, Wu X, Zheng D, Wang J, Yang L, Zheng C. Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcomes of Women With Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pneumonia: A Preliminary Analysis. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2020 Mar 18:1–6. https://doi.org/10.2214/AJR.20.23072. [Epub ahead of print]. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused

    Politik Negara dalam Pengupahan Buruh di Indonesia

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    Abstak: Indonesia, sebuah negara yang sistem ekonominya terhegemoni oleh kapitalisme, kebijakan perindustriannya, lebih khusus lagi tentang sistem perburuhannya, di set up sebagai bagian dari sistem produksi dengan metafora mesin. Upah yang diberikan kepada buruh dianggap sebagai cost (biaya) yang sepadan dengan produktivitas yang dihasilkan. Bahkan semakin rendah upah semakin baik dimata pengusaha, sebaliknya bila upah terus menggelembung, maka akan mengurangi laba perusahaan. Pemerintah sebenarnya menetapkan kebijakan pengupahan yang melindungi pekerja/buruh dengan menggunakan standar upah minimum berdasarkan kebutuhan hidup layak dan dengan memperhatikan produktivitas dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Akan tetapi, upah buruh yang ditetapkan dengan Upah Minimum Kabupaten/Kota (UMK) hanya untuk memenuhi Kebutuhan Hidup Minimal (KHM), bukan pada Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL), sehingga seluruh potensinya habis untuk opportunity cost, tanpa pernah bisa menikmati economic rent. Hukum Islam menjelaskan bahwa pada dasarnya upah (ujrah) adalah salah satu bentuk kompensasi yang besarnya ditentukan oleh jasa atau nilai kerja (produktivitas) itu sendiri, bukan ditentukan oleh tenaga (ain al-`Amal) yang dicurahkan oleh seorang pekerja, maupun harga produk yang dihasilkan oleh seorang pekerja. Bahkan besaran upah hendaknya juga dikaitkan dengan hak dasar untuk hidup (hifz al-nafs) secara layak. Upah dalam sistem ekonomi Islam terbagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu al-Ajr al-Musamma, dan al-Ajr al-Mithli. al-Ajr al-Musamma adalah upah yang sebutkan  pada waktu akad dengan ada unsur kerelaan dari kedua belah pihak sedangkan al-Ajr al-al-Misthli adalah upah pengganti ketika dalam keadaan tidak diketahui atau ada paksaan atau penipuan. Kedua macam upah ini dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat ketentuan-ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi disaat berlangsungnya proses pengupahan. Di antaranya, seorang buruh haruslah dijelaskan bentuk kerjanya (job description), batas waktunya (timing), besar gaji/upahnya (take home pay), serta berapa besar tenaga /ketrampilan (skill) harus dikeluarkan


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    The foundational discovery of inversion in wealth disparity among territories that Europeans seized as their imperial power by Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (AJR) is used in this study to assess growth theories in the context of past data. Using the AJR inversion of fortune concept as a reference point, we attempt to discover which greater deters in the non-European universe in the pre-colonial historical past have converted themselves into impoverished communities in contemporary correlation, although some of the poorest areas in the pre-1500 specified timeframe are now considered one of the most developed markets of currently. Our findings show that, while theoretically and empirically proof in the research points to organizational explanations for differences in long production developments, historical and ethnic boundaries must be considered to get a full picture of how various organizational structures have progressed in various locations over time

    The public/private law headache: relief for sufferers?

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    This thesis concerns the distinction between public and private law in English administrative law, concentrating upon judicial remedies and procedures. Chapter 1 of the thesis examines the circumstances that led to the decision of the House of Lords in O'Reilly v. Mackman (that in some cases public law issues may be raised only by Application for Judicial Review (AJR) under RSC Order 53) and outlines in broad terms the problems for litigants which the decision has posed. Also discussed is the "obverse" of the O'Reilly rule, laid down in R v. East Berks. Area Health Authority, ex parte Walsh (CA), that disputes raising no public law issue cannot be litigated by AJR. Chapter 2 examines post-O’Reilly cases in which public law issues have been permissibly raised other than by AJR. These are cases in which a public law matter has had to be resolved in order to settle a dispute concerning liability in either private or criminal law. It is concluded that the recent decision of the House of Lords in Roy v. Kensington Family Practitioner Committee leaves unresolved some of the uncertainties in this area. In O'Reilly, and in other cases, public law has been defined in terms of the scope of the prerogative remedies. The scope of certiorari is accordingly considered in chapter 3, where it is observed that the courts have effected a significant extension of public law - an extension which may continue into areas once axiomatically "private". Chapter 4 examines when a statutory duty is enforceable by action for damages and when, by contrast, only mandamus or injunction upon an AJR are available. Chapter 5 concludes with an overview of the problems caused by both O'Reilly and ex parte Walsh. To the extent that advocates of reform have seen obstacles in their path, those obstacles, it is concluded, are possibly illusory

    Autologous blood patch after CT-guided lung biopsy might reduce pneumothorax requiring chest tube placement

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    A critical appraisal and clinical application of Malone LJ, Stanfill RM, Wang H, Fahey KM, Bertino RE. Effect of intraparenchymal blood patch on rates of pneumothorax and pneumothorax requiring chest tube placement after percutaneous lung biopsy. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2013;200(6):1238-1243. doi: 10.2214/ajr.12.8980

    The sharp upper bound of the lifespan of solutions to critical semilinear wave equations in high dimensions

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    The final open part of Strauss' conjecture on semilinear wave equations was the blow-up theorem for the critical case in high dimensions. This problem was solved by Yordanov and Zhang in 2006, or Zhou in 2007 independently. But the estimate for the lifespan, the maximal existence time, of solutions was not clarified in both papers. In this paper, we refine their theorems and introduce a new iteration argument to get the sharp upper bound of the lifespan. As a result, with the sharp lower bound by Li and Zhou in 1995, the lifespan T(\e) of solutions of uttΔu=u2u_{tt}-\Delta u=u^2 in R4×[0,)\R^4\times[0,\infty) with the initial data u(x,0)=\e f(x),u_t(x,0)=\e g(x) of a small parameter \e>0, compactly supported smooth functions ff and gg, has an estimate \exp(c\e^{-2})\le T(\e)\le\exp(C\e^{-2}), where cc and CC are positive constants depending only on ff and gg. This upper bound has been known to be the last open optimality of the general theory for fully nonlinear wave equations

    The effect of fluorination on the surface structure of truxenones

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    LAR, AJR and TSJ acknowledge support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [Grant Number EP/H021388/1]. SH and CBN acknowledge support from the following funding bodies: EPSRC Project EP/G037515/1, EC FP7 Project SC2 (610115), EC FP7 Project ArtESun (604397), and EC FP7 POLYMED (612538). The raw data associated with this article can be accessed at the following DOI: 10.17632/mmp65j8jgs.