17 research outputs found

    Experimental Verification of the Elastic Formula for the Aspirated Length of a Single Cell Considering the Size and Compressibility of Cell During Micropipette Aspiration

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    In this study, an aspiration system for elastic spheres was developed to verify the approximate elastic formula for the aspirated length of a single solid-like cell undergoing micropipette aspiration (MPA), which was obtained in our previous study by theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. Using this system, foam silicone rubber spheres with different diameters and mechanical properties were aspirated in a manner similar to the MPA of single cells. Comparisons between the approximate elastic formula and aspiration experiments of spheres indicated that the predictions of the formula agreed with the experimental results. Additionally, combined with the MPA data of rabbit chondrocytes, differences in terms of the elastic parameters derived from the half-space model, incompressible sphere model, and compressible sphere model were explored. The results demonstrated that the parameter ξ (ξ = R/a, where R is the radius of the cell and a is the inner radius of the micropipette) and Poisson’s ratio significantly influenced the determination of the elastic modulus and bulk modulus of the cell. This work developed for the first time an aspiration system of elastic spheres to study the elastic responses of the MPA of a single cell and provided new evidence supporting the use of the approximate elastic formula to determine cellular elastic parameters from the MPA data

    Analyses on the mechanisms that underlie the chondroprotective properties of calcitonin

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    Introduction Calcitonin (CT) has recently been shown to display chondroprotective effects. Here, we investigate the putative mechanisms by which CT delivers these actions. Methods Immortalized C-28/I2 cells or primary adult human articular chondrocytes (AHAC) were cultured in high-density micromasses to investigate: (i) CT anabolic effects using qPCR and immuhistochemistry analysis; (ii) CT anti-apoptotic effects using quantitation of Bax/Bcl gene products ratio, TUNEL assay and caspase-3 expression; (iii) CT effects on CREB, COL2A1 and NFAT transcription factors. Results CT (10−10–10−8 nM) induced significant up-regulation of cartilage phenotypic markers (SOX9, COL2A1 and ACAN), with down-regulation of catabolic (MMP1 and MMP13 and ADAMTS5) gene products both in resting and inflammatory conditions. This was mirrored by an augmented production of type II collagen and accumulation of glycosaminoglycan- and proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrix in vitro. Mechanistic analyses revealed only partial involvement of cyclic AMP formation in these effects of CT. Congruently, using reporter assays for specific transcription factors, there was no indication for CREB activation, whereas the COL2A1 promoter was genuinely and directly activated by cell exposure to CT. Phenotypically, these mechanisms supported the ability of CT, whilst inactive on its own, to counteract the pro-apoptotic effects of IL-1β, demonstrated by TUNEL-positive staining of chondrocytes and ratio of BAX/BCL genes products. Conclusion These data may provide a novel lead for the development of CT-based chondroprotective strategies that rely on the engagement of mechanisms that lead to augmented chondrocyte anabolism and inhibited chondrocyte apoptosis

    High density micromass cultures of a human chondrocyte cell line: A reliable assay system to reveal the modulatory functions of pharmacological agents

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    Osteoarthritis is a highly prevalent and disabling disease for which we do not have a cure. The identification of suitable molecular targets is hindered by the lack of standardized, reproducible and convenient screening assays. Following extensive comparisons of a number of chondrocytic cell lines, culture conditions, and readouts, we have optimized an assay utilizing C-28/I2, a chondrocytic cell line cultured in high-density micromasses. Utilizing molecules with known effects on cartilage (e.g. IL-1β, TGFβ1, BMP-2), we have exploited this improved protocol to (i) evoke responses characteristic of primary chondrocytes; (ii) assess the pharmacodynamics of gene over-expression using non-viral expression vectors; (iii) establish the response profiles of known pharmacological treatments; and (iv) investigate their mechanisms of action. These data indicate that we have established a medium-throughput methodology for studying chondrocyte-specific cellular and molecular responses (from gene expression to rapid quantitative measurement of sulfated glycosaminoglycans by Alcian blue staining) that may enable the discovery of novel therapeutics for pharmacological modulation of chondrocyte activation in osteoarthritis

    Application of the effective formula of growth functional to quantitative description of growth of plant cells

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    An effective formula describing expansive plant growth is derived from the modified Lockhart/Ortega-type equation. Its applicability is demonstrated on selected experimental data extracted from available literature. Quantitative information about the “diffusion rate” (k 2) of the growth factors is obtained for two different model species in plant science: Arabidopsis thaliana L. belongs to the dicots and Zea mays L. belongs to the monocots. It is shown that the value of the diffusion rate may be useful in comparing different datasets and serve as a measure of reproducibility of standard measurements. Analysis of the formula and fits allows to identify and suggest a set of criteria for reporting future experiments, which would improve comparability and reproducibility of the results