29 research outputs found


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    Represent Song oral discourse, write and art, so That potency to have studied linguisticsly. Song lyrics have brief language, Owning rhythm, and contain values and educative of the which is aesthetic, and be expressed poeticly Also cans. And so do the Things of with songs of Minang happily sung by Boy Shane, its very attractive Song Lyric Because having separate specification, specially at the aspect of lexical. The target of this research is to Explain and describe about usage of the aspect of lexical in two albums of Minang Padiah Diseso and Long Shadow In Blue Cloud warbled by Boy shandy covering: form usage of repeatation repetition, synonymy (correspond word), collocation (sit side by side words), antonyms (word opponent / meaning Opposition), hiponimi ([relation / link] to the unders) and equivalence (form correspondence). Method Used in the which is this qualitative research is descriptive method, namely try to elaborate and describe of lexical aspect. Technique of data collecting in this research is technique of refer-note. While the data processing of research Analyse with use of [is tables of ananlisis. The data in this research is in the form of words, phrases, sentence or clause showing the existence of usage of the aspect of lexical covering usage of repeatation (repetition), synonym (correspond word), collocation (sit side by side word), hiponimi ( [relation / link] to the unders), antonymy (word opponent / meaning opsisi), and equivalence (form correspondence) in bardic discourse of song of Minang the which there are in the album of Boy Shane (Padiah Diseso Shadow and Long [In] Blue Cloud). While Becoming the source of the data in this research is in the form of bardic discourse of song of Minang the which there are in two-song album of Boy Shane the which produced by PT. Carolina Record Field. Result of this research indicate That usage of the aspect of lexical items in the album cover of Boy Shandy: a) repeatation (restating), what consist of epizeuksis, anaphora, epistrofa, anadiplosis, and is intact, For example repetition of the word of trail (I [ is]), uda (elder brother), and adiak ([sister / brother]), b) synonymy (correspond word), what consist of synonym [Among / Between] free morpheme and morpheme tied, synonym [Among / Between] word with words, and synonym [Among / Between] and word of phrase, for example word synonym of trail (and me) of den me, c) collocation (sit side by side word), for example in love domain, d) antonymy ( Opposition meaning) what consist of absolute Opposition, Opposition of pole, [relation / link] Opposition, Opposition of hierarkial and, Opposition of compound, for example word of nyalo (flame) with Extinct word (death), e) hiponimi, for example month; moon (month, moon), star (star), the which is berhipernim with external objects of space and, f) equivalence, for example the use of words long (word and longing) of marindu (miss) coming from a long word (long)

    Palatability Test of Mineral Herbal Blocks on Performans of Local Sheep

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    This research was aimed to study of palatability and body weight gain local sheeps given minerals herbal (MBH). The farms used in this study were male 4 local sheep at the age of 12-18 months who showed symptoms of mineral deficiency. The research method used is the Latin Square Design (LSD). The treatment given is: H0 = Basal Feed + Salt; H1 = Basal Feed + Salt + Mineral + Turmeric; H2 = Basal Feed + Salt + Mineral + Ginger; H3 = Basal Feed + Salt + Mineral + Turmeric + Ginger. The research parameter is the mineral palatability of herbal blocks and body weight gain. The results showed that MBH given turmeric (10%), ginger (10%) and a combination of 5% + 5% ginger showed a non-significant effect on feed consumption and conversion. Palatability test showed that all MBH treatments were favored by local sheep, but the highest palatability of MBH was by adding ginger; followed by a combination of ginger and turmeric; and the lowest palatability is turmeric. Based on palatability tests, MBH with turmeric supplementation of 10%; 10% ginger or a combination of 5% ginger + 5% turmeric in the form of Herbal Minerals Block has a good palatability (preferred) and can improve the performance of local sheep


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    This research was conducted in Unit Resettlement The Nucleus Enterprise System (NES) of  LivestockBarumun District of AekNabaraBarumun Padang Lawas regency, lasts for three months.   There were 24  local sheep with initial average body weight 15,91 ± 3,69 kg were used in this research.Design of this experiment was completely randomized design factorial with factor A was feeding time (A1 = feeding at 08.00 and 16.00, A2 = the evening feeding time at 20.00 and 04.00 pm ), and factor B was shearing (B1=0 cm, B2=1 cm, B3=2 cm, B4=natural).The aim of thisresearchwas to analysis the effort from the utilization of feeding time and shearing towards the effort analysis of  local sheep that seem from  the sum production cost, the sum of production income, profit and loss, benefit cost ratio, break even point of production price and break even point of production volume, income over feed cost and return on investment. The results showed that feeding time was very significant (P 0.05) to BEP Volume; (P0.05) to total production, profit and loss, B / C ratio, BEP Volume, BEP Price and IOFC but not significantly different (P> 0.05) to total production cost; the interaction of feeding and cutting treatments had significant effect (P 0.05) on total production, profit loss, B / C ratio, BEP price and IOFC. The conclusion of this study is that the treatment of 2 cm cutting and night feeding of local sheep is the best, with no major differences in B / C ratio and profit-loss, and economically profitable.Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the difference of feeding time and length of cutting feathers affect the local sheep business analysis. Treatment of 2 cm cutting of the feathers and the provision of feed at night to local sheep provide the best results, and economically profitable

    Karakteristik Sifat Kualitatif Domba Di Ex Upt Pir Nak Barumun Kecamatan Aek Nabara Barumun Kabupaten Padanglawas

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    Peningkatan produktivitas ternak domba dapat dilakukan melalui penelitian mengenai Identifikasi Sifat-sifat Kualitatif Domba.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi Perusahaan Inti Rakyat Pola Ternak (UPT PIR Nak) Barumun Kecamatan Aek Nabara Barumun Kabupaten Padang Lawas, berlangsung selama dua bulan  mulai  bulan Juni hingga  Juli 2015.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh deskripsi sifat-sifat kualitatif Domba yang meliputi bentuk telinga, warna bulu, bentuk ekor dan bentuk tanduk. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif-analitik, data yang telah terkumpul selanjutnya diolah dengan bantuan komputer menggunakan Program Microsoft Excell.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa sifat-sifat kualitatif Domba lokal  di UPT Pir Nak Barumun  adalah sebagai berikut : bentuk telinga dominan berdaun hiris, dengan ekor berbentuk DEG, bentuk tanduk leang-leang dengan pola warna bulu dominan adalah putih tunggal,warna putih 21%, hitam 18.5% dan coklat 16.5% dan abu abu 2.75%. Kombinasi dua warna (warna hitam-coklat) yaitu; 15,25%, (coklta-putih) yaitu 13% diikuti kombinasi tiga warna (putih-hitam-coklat) 13%. memiliki pandangan mata yang tajam, cerah dengan bentuk, ukuran yang simetris dan normal; dan geraham atas dan geraham bawah sama rata serta normal bentuknya. Kata Kunci : Domba Warna Bulu, Motif Bulu, dan Bentuk Tandu


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemakaian repetisi (perulangan) dalam syair lagu Minang pada dua album Boy Shandy. Pendekatan pelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata-kata, frase, klausa atau kalimat yang menunjukkan adanya penggunaan aspek repetisi (pengulangan) dalam wacana syair lagu Minang yang terdapat dalam album Boy Shandy (Padiah Diseso Bayang dan Rindu Di Awan Biru). Sumber data penelitian ini berupa wacana syair lagu Minang yang terdapat dalam dua album lagu Boy Shandy yang diproduksi oleh PT. Carolina Record Padang.  Hasil penelitian ini meliputi aspek repetisi muncul dalam bentuk (1) repetisi epizeuksis, (2) repetisi anafora, (3) repetisi epistrofa, (4) repetisi anadiplosis, dan (5) repetisi utuh.Kata kunci: repetisi, album lagu, boy sand

    Performance of Broilers and Native Chickens Fed with Unfermented and Fermented Arenga Waste

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    The objectives of this research were to study the performances of broilers and native chicken given arenga waste (APAF) fermentation by Saccaromyces cerevisiae and arenga waste unfermentation (APA) in the ration. Sixty day-old chicks of broiler Arbor Acres strain and sixty native chicken were divided into four dietary treatments and three replications (10 birds/replicate). Design of this experiment was completely randomized design factorial 2x2, with factor A was feeding (A1 = arenga waste unfermentation, A2 = arenga waste fermentation), and factor B was chickens type (B1=native chicken, B2=broilers). The variables observed were: daily weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion. The results showed that the performances of the broiler given fed with unfermented and fermented arenga waste showing no significant differences between all treatments.  The results showed that there is an interaction between feeding and chicken type was no significant differences (P>0.05). Conclusion from this research of using fermented and unfermented arenga waste until level of 2.5% in ration showed no significant differences in the performance


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    Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di kandang aneka ternak “Mix Farming Experience (MFE)”, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan Padangsidimpuan. Mulai dari bulan Agustus sampai September 2019.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian andaliman (Zantoxylum Achantopodium, DC) dalam ransum terhadap persentase organ dalam ayam broiler, penelitian ini menggunakan ayam pedaging umur satu hari sebanyak 100 ekor broiler. Susunan perlakuan P0 (komersil), P1 (ransum basal), P2 (ransum basal + 0,25% andaliman), P3 (ransum basal + 0,5% andaliman) dan P4 (ransum basal + 0,75% andaliman).Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Data yang diperoleh di analisis sidik ragam (ANNOVA) dan apabila terdapat berbeda nyata antar perlakuan maka dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil  menunjukkan bahwa pemberian andaliman (Zantoxylum Achantopodium, DC) dalam ransum terhadap persentase organ dalam ayam broiler berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap persentase hati, persentase jantung, persentase gizzard, persentase panjang usus dan persentase karkas.Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari pemberian andaliman (Zantoxylum Achantopodium, DC) dalam ransum terhadap persentase organ dalam ayam broiler dapat meningkatkan persentase hati, persentase jantung, persentase gizzard, persentase panjang usus dan persentase karkas


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    The objectives of this research were to study the percentage of carcass of broiler and native chicken given arenga waste fermentation by Saccaromyces cerevisiae and to study arenga waste unfermentation in the ration. Sixty of broiler chickens Arbor Acres strain and sixty native chickens were divided into four dietary treatments and three replications (10 birds/replicate). The design of this experiment was completely randomized design factorial 2x2, with factor A was feeding (A1 : arenga waste unfermented, A2 : arenga waste fermented), and factor B was chicken species (B1:native chickens, B2:broilers). The variables observed were:  (1) body weight, (2) carcass, (3) percentage of carcass, and (4) Mortality.The purposes of this study  were to look at the effectiveness of rations and species of chicken used for the percentage of carcass and mortality. The results showed that there was no interaction (P> 0.05) between the fed arenga waste fermented or unfermented 2.5% in the ration,and  the type of chicken on weight, carcass and carcass percentage, but there was an interaction on mortality (P0,05) effect on weight, carcass, and carcass percentage, but  percentage, but significant effect (P <0.05) on mortality.  Types of chickens had a significant effect (P <0.05) on weight, carcass, percentage  of carcass and mortality. The mortality rate with unfermented arenga waste was high enough, especially in broiler chickens, but it can be tolerated  on native chicken and broilers with saccaromyces cerviseae fermented arenga waste. Keywords : Arenga Waste, Fermentation Arenga Waste, Native Chickens, Broile


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    This activity has been conducted in February to March 2017 in the village of Marenu sub-district of Aek Nabara Padanglawas District with partnersAdvanced Livestock Group Jaya with the aim to increase knowledge of the breeder about the processing of feed sheep and lamb weight disorders as well as mineral technology blocks transfer herbs.A special target in this program is producing herbal mineral products to accelerate weight gain local sheep. The product is potentially for patents, publications, appropriate technology, and textbook enrichment and increases the income of local sheep rancher above the UMR. The approach method does include phases: (a) Dissemination of herbal mineral technology program in an effort to overcome the local sheep weight disorders; (b) the preparation of the social preconditions, namely the strengthening of local sheep farmer groups, either group or forum as a media meet and problem solving-problems encountered breeder; (c) mineral technology program execution herbs both technical and nontechnicalfor the breeder community, supported by related agencies (local government and higher education (Faculty of animal husbandry, Muhammadiyah University of South Tapanuli); (d) Monitoring, evaluation and reporting. The results obtained are very satisfactory known breeders, among others, as follows: 1.) all cattle like the mineral blocks, 2) livestock appetite grew, 3)herding cattle so much faster, 4) livestock quieter moments infree-range, 5). cattle drinking increased and 6)the addition of the weight of the body of livestock. Keywords:Local Lamb, Mineral Blocks, Appetite, Body Weight