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    La tasca docent i la renovació a l'escola

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    Emotsioonide kogemine, väljendamine ja äratundmine: isiksuseomadused ja vanus kui olulised mõjutegurid

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneEmotsioonid loovad igapäevaselt inimeste elule värvingu, iga inimese emotsionaalne maailm on ühest küljest unikaalne, kuid samas on oluline mõista üldisi seaduspärasusi emotsioonide kogemise, väljendamise ja äratundmise mustrites. Käesoleva väitekirja peamiseks uurimisküsimuseks on: „Kuidas mõjutavad inimese isiksuseomadused ja vanus emotsioonide kogemist, väljendamist ja teiste inimeste emotsioonide äratundmist?“. Uurimustöö raames viidi läbi kaks eksperimenti, esimeses uuriti individuaalseid erinevusi emotsioonide äratundmises (Uurimus I ja II). Teises eksperimendis olid vaatluse all individuaalsed erinevused emotsioonide kogemises ja väljendamises, kasutades kogemuse väljavõtte meetodit (Uurimus III, IV, V). Väitekirja põhijäreldused on järgmised: – Inimestel on üsnagi selge ja üldistunud arusaam sellest, kui hästi suudetakse teise inimese seisundeid ja omadusi hinnata. Kuid see enesekohane hinnang oma inimesetundmise võimele ei ole seotud tegeliku sooritusega emotsioonide või isiksuseomaduste hindamisel, peegeldades pigem inimese isiksuseomadusi. Samas kui tegelik sooritus on seotud pigem vaimse võimekusega. (Uurimus I) – Vaatamata suuremale elukogemusele, tunnevad vanemad inimesed teatud negatiivseid emotsioone (eriti viha ja kurbust) halvemini ära, ning selline muutus on täheldatav juba 30-ndates eluaastates. Samas kui näiteks põlguse väljenduse äratundmine isegi tõuseb 60ndate eluaastateni. (Uurimus II) – Inimeste emotsionaalne maailm seisneb paljuski kogetud emotsionaalsete hetkede taasloomises. Uurimus III näitas, et kurbuse, hirmu, rõõmu ja viha kogemise mäletamine sõltub olenevalt möödaläinud ajast nii inimese hetke väsimusest kui ka isiksuseomadustest. – Väsimus on sageli kogetav vaimne seisund, mida mõjutavad nii kogetud emotsioonid kui ka nende varieeruvus. (Uurimus IV) – Sageli kogevad inimesed reaktsioonina mingile situatsioonile mitut emotsiooni korraga. Viha kogemisel surutakse viha alla või näidatakse seda välja ning see sõltub nii kaasuvatest emotsioonidest kui ka isiksuseomadustest. Näiteks kui lisaks vihale on inimene ka pettunud või hirmunud, näidatakse viha vähem välja. (Uurimus V)Emotions colour the life of every people every day. The emotional life is unique for each individual, but at the same time, there are general patterns of experience, expression and recognition of emotions. The current research is aimed to understand emotion processes and individual differences in them. The main research question can be formulated as: “To what extent are the experience, expression and recognition of emotions affected by personality traits and age of participants?” The thesis consists of two experiments, in the first one (studies I and II) the individual differences in emotion recognition were analyzed. In the second experiment (studies II, IV, and V), the individual differences in the experience and expression of emotions was explored. The main conclusions of the dissertation are the following: – People have generalized view about their emphatic accuracy across different domains (i.e. personality, identity etc.). This self-rated empathic accuracy, however, is not related to actual mind-reading skills, but rather reflects one´s personality traits. Actual mind-reading skills measured as an objective performance on emotion recognition and personality assessment rather reflect one’s cognitive abilities. (Study I) – Despite of growing life experience, the emotion perception of some specific emotions seems to decline during aging. First signs of age-differences in emotion recognition accuracy emerge already at the age of thirties, being most distinctive for negative emotions of anger and sadness. The recognition of facial contempt, however, increases until 60 years of age. (Study II) – Memories about experienced emotions of sadness, fear, happiness, and anger are systematically influenced both at state- and trait-level factors depending on the time passed. (Study III) – Tiredness as one of the most frequently reported mental states is influenced by both mean levels of experienced emotions as well as by emotional variability. (Study IV) – Anger behavior is influenced by co-occurring emotions that are simultaneously elicited in situations. There are specific interactive effects between the experience of momentary emotions and personality traits that lead to higher levels of either suppression or expression of anger behavior (or both). (Study V

    The role of a tour guide in tourism experiences the case of a DMC in Bergen, Norway

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    O presente trabalho é composto de duas partes: revisão de literatura e relatório de estágio. A revisão de literatura foca o turismo de experiências e a economia das experiências, destacando a sua importância para a satisfação e para as memórias dos turistas. Em segundo lugar, a revisão da literatura aborda o turismo de natureza, visto que a Noruega constitui um país atrativo relativamente a este tipo de oferta, levando a que muitos turistas procurem viver e experienciar diversas atividades turísticas relacionadas com a natureza. A revisão da literatura e o relatório de estágio destacam a importância que o guia turístico tem na prestação de serviços e experiências de qualidade para satisfazer as necessidades dos turistas. O estágio decorreu no operador de turismo Easy Travel Ltd, em Bergen, na Noruega, por um período de quatro meses. A Company Easy Travel Ltd é um operador turístico com sede na Finlândia. Todos os anos a empresa recebe 2500 turistas e colabora com inúmeras agências de turismo de todo o mundo. Neste contexto, o relatório de estágio visa descrever as funções de um guia turístico de uma DMC durante a experiência turística. O estágio foi concluído sob a supervisão de Artūrs Kisiļevs, sócio-gerente na Noruega da empresa anfitriã, e de Nelson Matos, professor da Universidade do Algarve. A equipa na Noruega era composta por cinco funcionários. Durante quatro meses - junho a outubro de 2018, as principais tarefas desempenhadas durante o estágio de guia turístico na Easy Tour Ltd, consistiram em: 1) Receber turistas, serviço de meet and greet e conduzir. A condução envolveu transferes para o aeroporto, para os hotéis, para a estação de comboios, para o terminal de cruzeiros e muitos outros locais; 2) Agir como guia local, orientando os turistas pela Noruega durante as excursões (de um ou cinco dias); 3) Comunicação interna e externa: Comunicação constante com os turistas, outros guias turísticos e supervisores da empresa; 4) Limpeza de veículos, por exemplo, a preparação do veículo antes e depois da excursão (aspiração, limpeza das janelas, limpeza do interior com guardanapos molhados, lavagem do veículo); 5) Pesquisa e planeamento antes, durante e depois das experiências; 6) Compra e pagamento de bens e produtos relacionados com a atividade de guia turístico; 7) manter sempre uma atitude profissional, cortês, de apoio e ajuda ao cliente durante a experiência. O cliente típico da Easy Travel Ltd é composto por casais jovens e idosos, embora o principal grupo etário seja o dos turistas com mais de 50 anos, aposentados e de nacionalidade americana. A Easy Travel Ltd opera com grupos exclusivos, oferecendo aos turistas conforto e privacidade pelo que pagaram. Constatou-se que uma característica comum para os diferentes grupos de turistas é que eles estão dispostos a gastar mais dinheiro, desde que a experiência seja gratificante. Verificou-se também que alguns turistas não são as pessoas mais aventureiras, e por esse motivo, apoiam-se na segurança e no conforto das empresas para terem profissionais em quem confiam a orientar a sua experiência de férias. No geral, estar numa equipa pequena e gerir um grande número de clientes em viagem constante, todos os dias, por toda a Noruega, foi um desafio e uma responsabilidade diária de toda a equipa. O estágio foi uma oportunidade de aprender com outros profissionais e colegas, e permitiu desenvolver novas skills no mercado de trabalho. Por último, o estágio juntamente com o mestrado de gestão, possibilitou o crescimento pessoal, profissional e académico do estagiário.The present work is composed of two parts: a literature review and the internship report. Firstly, the literature review is focused on tourism experiences and experience economy highlighting its importance to tourists’ satisfaction and memories. Secondly, the literature review also addresses nature experiences. In the fact, Norway is one of the most sought countries by tourists for nature-based tourism experiences. The review of the literature and the internship both point out the importance of the role of a tour guide, more precisely delivering and providing rich and quality experiences to satisfy tourists’ needs. The internship was in the Tour operator Easy Travel Ltd in Bergen, Norway for a duration of four months. The Easy Travel Ltd is a tour operator from Finland. Every year the company receives more than 2500 tourists and cooperates with many international tourism agencies. The goal of the internship is to describe the role and tasks of a DMC tour guide during experiences. The internship has been completed under the supervision of Artūrs Kisiļevs (Managing Partner Norway) for the hosting company, and Nelson Matos, Professor at the University of Algarve. For four months – June to October 2018, the main tasks of the internship as tour guide at the Tour operator Easy Travel Ltd, consisted of: 1) Welcoming and meeting tourists - meet and greet service and driving, which included hotel transfers, airport transfers, train station transfers, cruise transfers and many other; 2) Acting as a local guide: Tour guiding for a day or five-day trip, with the same group family across Norway. 3) Internal and external communication: between tourists, tour guides and supervisors to solves occurrences and unplanned events. 4) Cleaning vehicles; 5) Research and planning before, during and after tours. 6) Buying and paying for services during the experiences (e.g., gasoline, food, sightseeing tickets); 7) keeping a professional, kind and helpful attitude. The internship along with the master course allowed the intern to growth academically, professional and personally

    A handbook on business writing

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    Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer in Wall Assemblies

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    It is critical for the construction industry to ensure that new building designs and materials, including wall and floor assemblies, provide an acceptable level of fire safety. A key fire safety requirement that is specified in building codes is the minimum fire resistance rating. A manufacturer of building materials (e.g., insulation or drywall) is currently required to perform full-scale fire furnace tests in order to determine the fire resistance ratings of assemblies that use their products. Due to the cost of these tests, and the limited number of test facilities, it can be difficult to properly assess the impact of changes to individual components on the overall fire performance of an assembly during the design process. It would be advantageous to be able to use small-scale fire tests for this purpose, as these tests are relatively inexpensive to perform. One challenge in using results of small-scale fire tests to predict full-scale fire performance is the difficulty in truly representing a larger product or assembly using a small-scale test specimen. Another challenge is the lack of established methods of scaling fire test results. Cone calorimeter tests were used to measure heat transfer through small-scale specimens that are representative of generic wall assemblies for which fire resistance ratings are given in the National Building Code of Canada. Test specimens had a surface area of 111.1 mm (4.375 in.) by 111.1 mm (4.375 in.), and consisted of single or double layers of gypsum board, stone wool insulation and spruce-pine-fir (SPR) studs. As the specimens were designed to represent a one-quarter scale model of a common wall design, with studs spaced at a centre-to-centre distance of 406.4 mm (16 in.), the wood studs were made by cutting nominal 2x4 studs (38 mm by 89 mm) into 9.25 mm by 89 mm (0.375 in. by 3.5 in.) pieces. The scaled studs were then spaced at a centre-to-centre distance of 101.6 mm (4 in.). Three types of gypsum board were tested: 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) regular and lightweight gypsum board, and 15.9 mm (0.625 in.) type X gypsum board. Temperature measurements were made at various points within the specimens during 70 min exposures to an incident heat flux of 35, 50 and 75 kW/m2 using 24 AWG Type K thermocouples and an infrared thermometer. Temperature measurements made during cone calorimeter tests were compared with temperature measurements made during fire resistance tests of the same generic assemblies and the result show a very good agreement for the first 25 min of testing at the unexposed side. A one-dimensional conduction heat transfer model was developed using the finite difference method in order to predict temperatures within the small-scale wall assemblies during the cone calorimeter tests. Constant and temperature-dependent thermal properties were used in the model, in order to study the effects of changes to materials and thermal properties on fire performance. A comparison of predicted and measured temperatures during the cone calorimeter tests of the generic wall assemblies is presented in this thesis. The model had varying degrees of success in predicting temperature profiles obtained in the cone calorimeter tests. Predicted and measured times for temperatures to reach 100C and 250C on the unexposed side of the gypsum board layer closest to the cone heater were generally within 10%. There was less agreement between predicted and measured times to reach 600C at this location, and the temperature increase on the unexposed side of the test specimen. The model did not do a good job in predicting temperatures in the insulated double layer walls. Sensitivity studies show that the thermal conductivity of the gypsum board has the most significant impact on the predicted temperature

    Riskikäitumine ja HIV-nakkuse levimus süstivate narkomaanide seas

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    2007. aastal korraldati kaks uurimust, et saada ülevaade nakkuste ja riskikäitumise levikust HIV-ennetustöö prioriteetses sihtrühmas. Andmeid koguti uuritava poolt juhitud kaasamise meetodil Tallinna ja Kohtla-Järve süstivatelt narkomaanidelt (SN) ning kõikse (esmakliendid) või kvootvalimi (korduvkliendid) alusel süstlavahetusteenuse (SV) kasutajatelt. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(5):311−31

    Studies on Contact Sensitivity to Chromium in the Guinea Pig. The Role of Valence in the Formation of the Antigenic Determinant

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    Guinea pigs sensitized with either the trivalent chromium chloride or the hexavalent potassium dichromate are capable of reacting in vivo and in vitro to challenges with both chromium salts. This double reactivity is retained also after repeated restimulations with only 1 of these chromium compounds. From the failure to select lymphocytes directed specifically against a chromium determinant of a particular valence it is concluded that by sensitization with chromium salts of different valences a common determinant or closely related determinants are formed. It is suggested that this determinant is formed by chromium in the trivalent form

    Taaselustamine haiglaväliselt tekkinud südame äkksurmast. Tulemused Eestis aastatel 1999–2013

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    Eesmärk. Hinnata taaselustamise tulemusi tunnistajate juuresolekul haiglaväliselt tekkinud südame äkksurmast Eestis ajavahemikul 1999–2013 ja välja selgitada hospitaliseeritud patsientide elulemust mõjutanud tegurid.Metoodika. Populatsioonipõhine prospektiivne kohortuuring tehti Eesti kiirabi elustamiskaartide andmete põhjal alates 01.01.1999 kuni 31.12.2013. Elulemust hinnati kolmes viieaastases uuringuperioodis: I periood 1999–2003, II periood 2004–2008 ja III periood 2009–2013. Eraldi analüüsiti tunnistajate juuresolekul tekkinud südame äkksurmast taaselustatud ja hospitaliseeritud patsientide rühma. Taaselustamist hinnati edukaks, kui patsient kirjutati haiglast välja kesknärvisüsteemi hea või rahuldava funktsiooniga.Tulemused. Ajavahemikul 1999–2013 rakendati haiglaväliseid taaselustamiskatseid kokku 8586 patsiendile. Nendest patsientidest 3335 (38,8%) puhul oli tegemist tõenäoliselt südame äkksurmaga, mis oli tekkinud tunnistajate juuresolekul. Taaselustamine oli edukas 10,2%-l (341 juhul 3335-st). Elulemuse paranemist täheldati ajavahemikul 2009–2013 aga 13,8% võrreldes 9,4%-ga (p = 0,0032) 1999.–2003. aastal ja võrreldes 7,9%-ga (p < 0,0001) 2004.–2008. aastal.Südame äkksurmast taaselustatud ja hospitaliseeritud patsientide rühmas oli uuritud tegurite suhtes kohandatud šanss jääda ellu suurem III perioodil (šansside suhe, ingl odds ratio (OR) 2,73; 95% usaldusvahemik (uv) 1,80–4,13), esmaste taaselustamisvõtete, eeskätt südamemassaaži rakendamisel (OR = 1,89; 95% uv 1,23–2,88), esmase defibrilleeritava rütmi olemasolu korral (OR = 4,25; 95% uv 2,83–6,37); šanss oli väiksem vanuserühmas 40–60 aastat (OR = 0,34; 95% uv 0,16–0,73) ja vanuserühmas üle 60 aasta (OR = 0,17; 95% uv 0,08–0,37); kiirabi üle 10 minuti pikkuse reageerimisaja korral (OR = 0,37; 95% uv 0,21–0,64) ning taaselustamise kestuse korral 10–20 minutit (OR = 0,32; 95% uv 0,21–0,47) ja üle 20 minuti (OR = 0,09; 95% uv 0,05–0,16).Järeldused. Uuringutulemused näitasid, et ajavahemikul 1999–2013 paranes südame äkksurmast haiglaväliselt taaselustatud patsientide elulemus uuringu viimasel viiel aastal. Üheaegselt kiirabi kohalejõudmise lühema ajaga ja defibrilleeritava rütmi varajase defibrillatsiooniga on esmatähtis elanikkonna valmisolek ja oskus rakendada esmaseid taaselustamisvõtteid