5,009 research outputs found

    Tensile buckling of advanced turboprops

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    Theoretical studies were conducted to determine analytically the tensile buckling of advanced propeller blades (turboprops) in centrifugal fields, as well as the effects of tensile buckling on other types of structural behavior, such as resonant frequencies and flutter. Theoretical studies were also conducted to establish the advantages of using high performance composite turboprops as compared to titanium. Results show that the vibration frequencies are not affected appreciably prior to 80 percent of the tensile speed. Some frequencies approach zero as the tensile buckling speed is approached. Composites provide a substantial advantage over titanium on a buckling speed to weight basis. Vibration modes change as the rotor speed is increased and substantial geometric coupling is present

    Composite Blade Structural Analyzer (COBSTRAN) theoretical/programmer's manual

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    This manual describes the organization and flow of data and analysis in the computer code, COBSTRAN (COmposite Blade STRuctural ANalyzer). This code combines composite mechanics and laminate theory with an internal data base of fiber and matrix properties and was developed for the design and analysis of composite turbofan and turboprop blades and composite wind turbine blades. Inputs to the code are constituent fiber and matrix material properties, factors reflecting the fabrication process, composite geometry and blade geometry. COBSTRAN performs the micromechanics and laminate analyses of these fiber composites and generates a NASTRAN finite element model of the blade. This manual describes the equations formulated and solved in the code and the function of each of the seventy-two subroutines. COBSTRAN is written in FORTRAN 77

    Structural dynamics of shroudless, hollow fan blades with composite in-lays

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    Structural and dynamic analyses are presented for a shroudless, hollow titanium fan blade proposed for future use in aircraft turbine engines. The blade was modeled and analyzed using the composite blade structural analysis computer program (COBSTRAN); an integrated program consisting of mesh generators, composite mechanics codes, NASTRAN, and pre- and post-processors. Vibration and impact analyses are presented. The vibration analysis was conducted with COBSTRAN. Results show the effect of the centrifugal force field on frequencies, twist, and blade camber. Bird impact analysis was performed with the multi-mode blade impact computer program. This program uses the geometric model and modal analysis from the COBSTRAN vibration analysis to determine the gross impact response of the fan blades to bird strikes. The structural performance of this blade is also compared to a blade of similar design but with composite in-lays on the outer surface. Results show that the composite in-lays can be selected (designed) to substantially modify the mechanical performance of the shroudless, hollow fan blade

    Fiber Composite Sandwich Thermostructural Behavior: Computational Simulation

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    Several computational levels of progressive sophistication/simplification are described to computationally simulate composite sandwich hygral, thermal, and structural behavior. The computational levels of sophistication include: (1) three-dimensional detailed finite element modeling of the honeycomb, the adhesive and the composite faces; (2) three-dimensional finite element modeling of the honeycomb assumed to be an equivalent continuous, homogeneous medium, the adhesive and the composite faces; (3) laminate theory simulation where the honeycomb (metal or composite) is assumed to consist of plies with equivalent properties; and (4) derivations of approximate, simplified equations for thermal and mechanical properties by simulating the honeycomb as an equivalent homogeneous medium. The approximate equations are combined with composite hygrothermomechanical and laminate theories to provide a simple and effective computational procedure for simulating the thermomechanical/thermostructural behavior of fiber composite sandwich structures

    Dynamic delamination buckling in composite laminates under impact loading: Computational simulation

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    A unique dynamic delamination buckling and delamination propagation analysis capability has been developed and incorporated into a finite element computer program. This capability consists of the following: (1) a modification of the direct time integration solution sequence which provides a new analysis algorithm that can be used to predict delamination buckling in a laminate subjected to dynamic loading, and (2) a new method of modeling the composite laminate using plate bending elements and multipoint constraints. This computer program is used to predict both impact induced buckling in composite laminates with initial delaminations and the strain energy release rate due to extension of the delamination. It is shown that delaminations near the outer surface of a laminate are susceptible to local buckling and buckling-induced delamination propagation when the laminate is subjected to transverse impact loading. The capability now exists to predict the time at which the onset of dynamic delamination buckling occurs, the dynamic buckling mode shape, and the dynamic delamination strain energy release rate

    Parametric studies of advanced turboprops

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    The effects of geometric variables (sweep and twist) on the structural performance of advanced turboprops are investigated. The investigation is limited to aerodynamically efficient turboprops using an acceptable design configuration as a baseline. The baseline configuration is modified using a seven by seven array of independently varying sweep and twist parameters while maintaining acceptable aerodynamic efficiency. The turboprop structural performance is evaluated in terms of critical speeds, tip displacements, and vibration frequencies where geometric nonlinearities are included. The results obtained are presented in such a manner as to highlight the effects of sweep and twist on the structural performance of aerodynamically efficient turboprop configurations

    DNA damage induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in the liver and the mammary gland of rats exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon enzyme inducers during perinatal life

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    The long-lasting modulating effect induced by the prenatal or neonatal exposure to phenobarbital (PB) and aroclor on the genotoxic activity of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) in female Sprague-Dawley rats was studied. The effect was measured as DNA damage evaluated in the liver and in the mammary gland of 55-day-old animals, 4 and 24 h after an i.g. injection of 80 mg/kg of DMBA. PB was given per os, i.g. or in drinking water to pregnant females and by i.g. only to neonates or in adult progeny. Aroclor was injected i.g. in prenatal and in neonatal life, and a second dose was given in adult life. Under these experimental conditions it was shown that DNA damage kinetics caused by DMBA are modulated by exposure to PB and, to a minor extent, by aroclor. The amount and persistence of DNA damage were highest when PB was administered to neonates. An average 2-fold increase in the elution constants (K) of DNA in the liver and the mammary gland was observed 4 h after DMBA treatment, as compared to uninduced animals. Repeated enzyme induction by PB seems to reduce DMBA genotoxicity, as shown by a decrease in DNA damage and persistence in the liver and mammary gland. The inducibility of the monooxygenase enzyme system in perinatal life favouring metabolic activation of inactivation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons might be critical in determining individual susceptibility of adult progeny to chemical carcinogenesis by DMB