
Dynamic delamination buckling in composite laminates under impact loading: Computational simulation


A unique dynamic delamination buckling and delamination propagation analysis capability has been developed and incorporated into a finite element computer program. This capability consists of the following: (1) a modification of the direct time integration solution sequence which provides a new analysis algorithm that can be used to predict delamination buckling in a laminate subjected to dynamic loading, and (2) a new method of modeling the composite laminate using plate bending elements and multipoint constraints. This computer program is used to predict both impact induced buckling in composite laminates with initial delaminations and the strain energy release rate due to extension of the delamination. It is shown that delaminations near the outer surface of a laminate are susceptible to local buckling and buckling-induced delamination propagation when the laminate is subjected to transverse impact loading. The capability now exists to predict the time at which the onset of dynamic delamination buckling occurs, the dynamic buckling mode shape, and the dynamic delamination strain energy release rate

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