26 research outputs found

    Manajemen Inovasi Pendidikan dalam Konsep Perubahan menjadi Madrasah Wisata di MAN Sampang

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    Pada dasarnya pendidikan di Indonesia tetap membutuhkan perbaikan dan peningkatan mutu. Salah satunya dengan melalukan inovasi-inovasi pendidikan, untuk memajukan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Apalagi pada masa globalisasi yang menuntut kita untuk mampu bersaing di tengah-tengah bangsa lain yang mungkin lebih maju, baik dalam hal pendidikan, pengelolaan,  maupun ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, maka dalam hal ini inovasi pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan. Inovasi ini adalah suatu proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakkan dan pengontrolan terhadap perubahan sikap, pola pikir, prilaku, sistem, metode, tindakan manusia serta segala sumber daya yang ada dalam rangka pencapian tujuan yang lebih efisien, efektif dan produktif. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Tujuan kami dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk meneliti dan mengetahui manajemen inovasi Pendidikan dalam konsep perubahan menjadi MAN wisata di MAN Sampang. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah MAN Sampang telah melakukan inovasi dan perubahan melaui tahapan-tahapan dan proses dalam upaya menjadi madrasah wisata. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Dan Konsentrasi Hidrolisat Protein Kepala Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Beku Terhadap Kualitas Pasta Bekatul

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    Bekatul merupakan hasil samping pengolahan padi atau gabah yang terbentuk dari lapisan luar beras pecah kulit dalam penyosohan untuk menghasilkan beras putih atau beras kepala. Bekatul diperoleh dari proses penggilingan padi yang berasal dari lapisan terluar beras yaitu antara butir beras dan kulit padi berwarna cokelat. Kandungan gizi bekatul padi yang diperoleh pada penyosohan ke dua antara lain protein 14,5-15,7 g, lemak 2,9-4,3 g, serat kasar 6,8-10,4 g, karbohidrat 50,7-59,2 g, tiamin (vitamin B1) 3-19 mg, riboflavin (vitamin B2) 1,7-2,4 mg, niasin 224-389 mg. Hidrolisat protein merupakan sumber protein alami yang dihidrolisis secara parsial sehingga lebih mudah diasimilasi oleh makhluk hidup. Hidrolisis secara parsial mampu memecah molekul protein menjadi beberapa gugus asam amino maupun peptida melalui pemutusan ikatan rantai peptida. Hidrolisat protein merupakan protein yang mengalami degradasi hidrolitik dengan asam, basa, atau enzim proteolitik. Hasilnya berupa asam amino dan peptida. Hidrolisat protein memiliki beberapa kegunaan pada industri pangan maupun farmasi. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hidrolisat protein ikan digunakan sebagai bahan makanan tambahan dalam sup, kuah daging, penyedap sosis, biskuit, dan crackers. Selain itu hidrolisat protein juga dapat disertakan untuk diet pada penderita gangguan pencernaan. Bekatul memiliki serat lebih tinggi dibandingkan beras sehingga cocok sebagai bahan pengisi (filler) untuk campuran hidrolisat protein. Bekatul dan hidrolisat protein dijadikan pasta. Pasta bermacammacam bentuk maupun jenisnya, akan tetapi bentuk pasta harus disesuaikan dengan formula yang digunakan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lama penyimpanan dari konsentrasi hidrolisat protein kepala udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) dan bekatul terhadap kualitas pasta bekatul. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Juni 2017 sampai 17 Juni 2017 yang bertempat di Laboratorium Penanganan Hasil Perikanan dan Laboratorium Nutrisi Ikani Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode eksperimen menggunakan rancangan percobaan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan 3 kali ulangan. Bekatul sebanyak 200 g ditambahkan hidrolisat protein kepala udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) sebanyak 100 mL, 200 mL dan 300 mL disimpan pada suhu ruang dan dilakukan pengujian proksimat pada hari ke 0, 4, 8 dan 12. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi kadar kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar karbohidrat, rendemen dan pH. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa pengaruh lama penyimpanan dan konsentrasi hidrolisat protein kepala udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) dan bekatul yang disimpan pada suhu ruang berpengaruh pada setiap parameter pengujian yang dilakukan, baik pada hari ke 0, 4, 8 maupun pada hari ke 12

    A speech recognition model based on tri-phones for the Arabic language

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    One way to keep up a decent recognition of results- with increasing vocabulary- is the use of base units rather than words. This paper presents a Continuous Speech Large Vocabulary Recognition System-for Arabic, which is based on tri-phones. In order to train and test the system, a dictionary and a 39-dimensional Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC) feature vector was computed. The computations involve: Hamming Window, Fourier Transformation, Average Spectral Value (ASV), Logarithm of ASV, Normalized Energy, as well as, the first and second order time derivatives of 13-coefficients. A combination of a Hidden Markov Model and a Neural Network Approach was used in order to model the basic temporal nature of the speech signal. The results obtained by testing the recognizer system with 7841 tri-phones. 13-coefficients indicate accuracy level of 58%. 39-coeefficents indicates 62%. With Cepstrum Mean Normalization, there is an indication of 71%. With these small available data-only 620 sentences-these results are very encouraging

    Critical success factor for different project objectives

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    Community Participation Model in Household-Based Waste Management Synergy in Singojuruh Village Banyuwangi Regency

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    Household waste is a complex problem because based on the results of a study that 76% of waste in the village comes from the kitchen in the form of organic waste and 24% in the form of inorganic. The purpose of this service is to build synergy between the community and the government to manage household-based waste as a source of additional income. This service approach uses Participatory Action Research (PAR). The results of the service show that every household that plays a role in disposing of waste is a housewife. So far, housewives still mix kitchen waste with plastic waste and then throw the garbage in the river or burn it. Household synergy with the government is very meaningful in answering the waste problem in Singojuruh Village, Banyuwangi District, with education on sorting waste from households, utilizing waste that has economic value, and disposing of residual waste through waste collection services

    Green synthesis of silver nanoclusters via Melia azedarach plant and their potential towards catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol

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    Biomolecules present in the plant extracts have potential to reduce metal ions to nanoclusters by a single-step green synthesis approach. In the current study, we have synthesized the silver nanoclusters (AgNCs) from a medicinal plant, Melia azedarach and studied their catalytic activity toward the reduction of 4-nitophenol to 4-aminophenol and organic dyes. Morover, the phytochemical analysis of the plant extract was carried out in order to determine the bioactive compounds present in it. Metallic nature of the synthesized AgNCs was verified by X-ray diffraction study, while their morphology and size of was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy and Zetasizer, respectively. The study revealed that they were 56±2 nm in size and formed clusters. Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy gives information about the different functional groups present in synthesized these NCs. Furthermore, the important catalytic applications, such as catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol in the presence of mild reducing agent NaBH4 and the catalytic degradation of organic dyes was monitored by FTIR. Therefore, these results indicate that the obtained nanomaterials have important applications in industrial areas.                     KEY WORDS: Green synthesis, Silver nanoclusters, Catalytic reduction, Characterization   Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2021, 35(1), 197-206. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v35i1.1

    Pembinaan Pengurus Pesantren Tentang Kepemimpinan Dalam Islam Menurut Al-Qur’an Dan Hadist di Pondok Pesantren Mukhtar Syafa’at Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi

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    Pesantren as an educational institution as well as a religious institution is quite interesting to observe from various sides, including leadership. The purpose of this service is to develop boarding school administrators about leadership in Islam according to the Qur'an and Hadith at the Mukhtar Syafa'at Islamic Boarding School Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi to strengthen the potential of students in leading. The importance of knowledge and understanding of students regarding leadership becomes a guide for students when interacting with the community


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    The objectives of this research are 1) To know the application of the qardh principle to the Sharia Gold Pawn product at BMT UGT Nusantara Capem Muncar. 2) Knowing the application of the principle of rahn on Sharia Gold Pawn products in BMT UGT Nusantara Capem Muncar. 3) to find out the application of the principle of ijarah to Sharia Gold Pawn product at BMT UGT Nusantara Capem Muncar. The research approach uses qualitative methods phenomenology with data collection methods with in-depth interviews and documentation to employees of BMT UGT Nusantara Capem Muncar. The results of the study show that the qardh principle in the Islamic Pawn Gold product is used to bind loans given by BMT to customers. The rahn principle is used to bind the collateral in the form of gold and the ijarah principle is used to bind the rental of the place for storage and security of the collateral goods. The conclusion from the analysis of the application of the contract in the practice of Islamic gold pawning (GES) at BMT UGT Nusantara Capem Muncar, shows that the principle of ijarah on sharia gold pawn products at BMT UGT Nusantara Capem Muncar is used as a contract to bind the rental of storage and security of collateral goods, the determination of fees or ujrah on this product is not in accordance with sharia provisions as described in the regulations governing ujrah and Bank Indonesia Circular Letter regarding gold-backed qardh