73 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Consumer Ethnocentrism, Purchase Intention, and Lifestyle in First-generation Bicultural Ethnic Groups

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    This study analyzed the relationship between first-generation Colombian – Canadian bicultural ethnic consumers, their purchase intention, and lifestyles. These common types of consumers were to make purchases depending on the lifestyle, bicultural ethnic group, and the ethnocentric trends that might differ from the country of origin or the host country. There were 158 surveys administered in Toronto, Canada. Structural Equation Modeling was applied, using the Unweighted Least Squares Estimates and Maximum Likelihood Methods. An Exploratory Factor Analysis was run using the principal axis method and Promax rotation after conducting the multivariate normality tests, reliability, and discriminant and convergent validity tests. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis guaranteed an adequate measurement model. The purchase intention was explained as 85.2% for lifestyle factors, such as self-reliance and leadership, nurturing and family orientation, household oriented and industrious, and ethnocentrism in Colombia and Canada. It was found that lifestyle factors were not significantly related to purchase intention. However, ethnocentrism positively impacted Canadian product perceptions and a negative impact on Colombian products. Results showed that lifestyles (activities, interests, and opinions [AIO]) are not always key elements in consumer’s purchase intentions. Bicultural consumer ethnocentric trends are stronger in the host country because consumers in a developing country accept more developed countries. The study supported the theory of social identity (Tajfel, 1982) and optimal distinction (Brewer, 1979), which suggests consumers would have a bias towards the country with which they identify or experience dual or divided loyalties between the country of origin and the host country

    Forçage climatique et anthropogénique récent dans l'estuaire Pokemouche au nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada : évidences palynologiques

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    RÉSUMÉ: Cette étude vise à retracer les conditions climatiques du passé dans la côte nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick à partir de deux séquences sédimentaires courtes couvrant la période des derniers 1000 ans. Les carottes ont été prélevées, l'une à l'amont (eaux douces), l'autre à l'aval (eaux saumâtres du lac Inkerman) dans le bassin de la rivière et l'estuaire Pokemouche respectivement. Des reconstitutions quantitatives des paramètres climatiques ont été réalisées à partir des assemblages polliniques en utilisant la technique des analogues modernes (MAT). Les conditions marines ont été estimées à partir des assemblages de kystes de dinoflagellés et combinées avec les résultats de perte au feu (LOI550) et des analyses élémentaires et isotopiques du carbone et de l'azote. Dans le Lac Inkerman les faibles influx polliniques et des traceurs d'apport d'eau douce (Pediastrum sp. et Halodinium sp.) suggèrent l'instauration de conditions plus chaudes et sèches pendant l'Optimum Climatique Médiéval (AD 1000-1200). L'augmentation de l'influx pollinique et l'augmentation du pourcentage du pollen de bouleaux indiquent la mise en place de conditions plus froides et humides pendant le Petit Âge glacière (« PAG » ou « Little Ice Age, LIA » en anglais), entre AD 1200-1850. Les influx de kystes de dinoflagellés, ainsi que des traceurs d'apport d'eau douce et de productivité benthique (réseaux organiques de foraminifères) augmentent drastiquement durant le même période, suggérant une augmentation des productivités primaires et benthiques en lien avec des précipitations et des apports de nutriments durant cette période. La reconstitution des paramètres climatiques saisonniers, basée sur la stratigraphie pollinique, suggère des étés plus froids et humides et des hivers plus froids pendant le LIA. La diminution drastique de l'influx de palynomorphes terrestres et marins simultanément avec la diminution de l'influx des traceurs d'apport d'eau douce après AD 1850 jusqu'au présent, suggèrent la reprise de conditions plus sèches après le LIA, ce qui coïncide avec des étés et hivers plus chauds documentés selon les données historiques-instrumentales de température et de précipitation post AD 1850. L'augmentation des pourcentages de pollen de Poaceae et Ambrosia sp. témoigne du début des activités agricoles après l'arrivée des premiers colons français et britanniques (vers AD 1725 et 1780 respectivement). -- Mot(s) clé(s) en français : Anthropisation, dinokystes, estuaire, lac Inkerman, Nouveau-Brunswick, pollen, reconstitution climatique, rivière Pokemouche. -- ABSTRACT: This study aims to retrace the past climatic conditions along the northeast coast of New Brunswick (NB) Canada, from two short sedimentary sequences covering the last 1000 years. The cores were collected, one upstream (fresh waters), the other downstream (brackish waters) in the Pokemouche River and Estuary respectively. Quantitative reconstruction of climatic parameters from pollen assemblages were done using the Modern Analogue Technique (MAT). Marine conditions were estimated from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. These results were combined with loss on ignition (LOI550) measurements and elemental and isotopic analyses of carbon and nitrogen. In downstream Lake Inkerman the low influxes of pollen, spores and freshwater tracer (Pediastrum sp. and Halodinium sp.) suggest the installation of warmer and drier conditions during the Medieval Climate Optimum (1000 - 1200 AD). Increased pollen and spores influxes and rise in percentage of birch pollen indicate the installation of colder and wetter conditions during the Little Ice Age (LIA, between 1200 - 1850 AD). During the LIA the dinocyst, freshwater tracer and foraminifer lining (benthic productivity) influxes increased drastically, suggesting an increase in precipitations and discharge of nutrients during this period. The reconstructions of seasonal climatic parameters based on pollen stratigraphy indicate the installation of colder and wetter summers with colder and dry winters during this period. The drastic decrease in the influx of terrestrial and marine palynomorphs simultaneously with the decrease of freshwater tracer influxes after 1850 AD to the present, suggests the recovery of drier conditions after the LIA, which coincides with warmer summers and winters documented according to historical-instrumental temperature and precipitation data post AD 1850 . The pollen increases of Poaceae and Ambrosia sp., both point to the beginning of agricultural activities after the arrival of the first French (about AD 1725) and British settlers (about AD 1780). -- Mot(s) clé(s) en anglais : Anthropization, dinocysts, estuary, Lake Inkerman, New Brunswick, pollen, Pokemouche River, climate reconstruction

    The relationship of consumer ethnocentrism, purchase intention, and lifestyle in first-generation bicultural ethnic groups

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    The study analyzed consumer ethnocentrism’s relationship in the first generation Colombian-Canadian bicultural ethnic consumer with purchase intention and lifestyle. One hundred and fifty-eight personal surveys were conducted in Toronto, Canada. It found that ethnocentrism positively influenced the perceptions of Canadian products compared to Colombian products. However, lifestyle was not significantly related to purchase intention. These findings motivate companies to identify their bicultural consumers who may favor products of the host country over most foreign products. It is possible that individuals who incorporate dual ethnic identities can move away from one value system and adopt another; thus, more empirical evidence on the behavior of this type of consumer must be provided, mainly when multinationals compete among one another rather than with their national rivals, with the concept of country of origin being highlighted. Consequently, organizations should know how affiliation with the host country may positively affect on purchase intentions concerning the country of origin

    Evolución de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en ecuador, 2000-2015

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    Este artículo evalúa la evolución de las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito controladas por la Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria de Ecuador en el período 2000-2015.En la metodología se calculó un índice basado en los factores clave del negocio (cartera, captaciones y resultados) ajustados por inflación (año base 2007), cuyos resultados fueron aplicados a la teoría Fisher y comparados con la variación porcentual del Producto Interno Bruto. Del análisis se concluye que las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito que forman parte del Sistema Financiero Popular y Solidario crecieron en términos reales el 18,18% lo que las convierte en las Instituciones Financieras de mejor desempeño en el Sistema Financiero Nacional

    Estudio de la demanda de carreras universitarias a nivel de bachillerato

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    The present research is directed to show the importance of higher education for high school students in the public, fiscal, fiscomisionales and municipal institutions from the Quito Canton, Pichincha province, allowing the analysis of several variables such as: university positioning, diverse options of faculties and careers, study schedules and training camps. It is necessary for the Instittutions of Higher Education (IES) to take into account that the demands of the new market segments of the country are related to academic innovation, and new teaching-learning processes and practices.La presente investigación está orientada a evidenciar la importancia que tiene la educación superior para los estudiantes de bachillerato de las instituciones públicas, fiscales-fiscomisionales y municipales del cantón Quito de la provincia de Pichincha, permitiendo analizar variables como: posicionamiento de las universidades, preferencia entre distintas opciones de facultades y carreras, horarios de estudio y campos de formación. Es necesario que las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) tomen en cuenta que las exigencias de los nuevos segmentos de mercado del país se relacionan con la innovación académica, nuevos procesos y prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Proceso de conversión de estados financieros desde norma local a normas internacionales de información financiera - NIIF para pymes: caso práctico Pesquera el marinero

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    En el proceso de conversión de los estados financieros de la empresa PESQUERA EL MARINERO se toma como fuente el Consejo de Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad (IASB, por sus siglas en inglés). Que emite las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad e Información Financiera (NIIF) con estándares internacionales y de aseguramiento de la información, normas y regulaciones de procesos dinámicos para grandes y pequeñas compañías, y establece las mejores prácticas para los procedimientos que permiten llegar a un fin: la re-expresión de estados financieros. La aplicación en Colombia de las NIIF permite la globalización de la economía para acceder a los mercados mundiales y atraer la inversión extranjera, lo que genera desarrollo. Para la empresa PESQUERA EL MARINERO cuya actividad principal es la comercialización de alimentos la norma introduce un cambio importante: el concepto de deterioro que se extiende a las cuentas por cobrar y por pagar, y la cuenta de anticipos ya no se utilizan. En el presente proyecto, se parte de lo general a lo particular, utilizando los antecedentes de las NIIF, enfocados al caso práctico de la empresa, y la metodología descriptiva.In the process of translating the financial statements of the company PESQUERA EL MARINERO, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is taken as the source. It issues International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) with international standards and assurance of information, rules and regulations of dynamic processes for large and small companies, and establishes best practices for procedures that make it possible to reach an end: The re-expression of financial statements. The application in IFRS of Colombia allows the globalization of the economy to access the world markets and attract foreign investment, which generates development. For the company PESQUERA EL MARINERO whose main activity is the commercialization of food, the standard introduces an important change: the concept of impairment that extends to accounts receivable and payable, and the imprest account are no longer used. In the present project, starting from the general to the particular, using the background of the IFRS, focused on the practical case of the company, and the descriptive methodology

    Catalytic Ozonation as a Promising Technology for Application in Water Treatment: Advantages and Constraints

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    Freshwater pollution compromises drinking water in a worldwide context. Water pollution is one of the major environmental challenges facing humanity. Therefore, the application of methods to control the pollution in water is a growing research field. Among the methods, ozone has been widely applied due to its high oxidation potential. However, one disadvantage is the presence of refractory organic compounds that are partially oxidized leaving mineralization incomplete. Several approaches have been considered to improve the oxidizing power, reducing the reaction time, and increasing the mineralization degree of ozone. So far, the combination of a solid catalyst with ozone (catalytic ozonation) has shown to enhance the degradation of refractory organic compounds in water. This chapter presents the combination of different metallic oxides (Al2O3, TiO2, SiO2, and NiO) with ozone to determine the effect of ozone decomposition and the subsequent elimination of one chlorinated compound (2,4-D). The chemical structure of the initial compound (2,4-D, benzoic and phthalic acid), as well as the initial catalyst dosage (0.1 and 0.5 g L−1) with the mentioned compounds, was also studied. Moreover, the degradation of two aromatic compounds (naphthalene and naproxen) with different proportions of ethanol (representing the organic matter of wastewater) was analyzed to establish their effect on the catalytic ozonation process

    Millennials ¿similares o diferentes?: inclinación al individualismo en una sociedad colectivista (Estudios)

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    This investigation intends to identify whether collectivist cultures may show individualistic tendencies due to generational change. Personal polls were made including instrument VSM08 on a sample of 390 Ecuadorian millennials, as well as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney’s U, Kruskal-Wallis and chi-squared tests. It was noted that there might be cultural changes in collectivism-oriented countries. It was also found that there are differences between men and women depending on their age and location. Younger men and women tend to be more individualistic, with men being less individualistic depending on their residency area. Finally, it was proven that IDV is a valid indicator despite cultural changes.Esta investigación buscó identificar si las culturas colectivistas pueden presentar tendencias individualistas según los cambios generacionales. Mediante encuestas personales se aplicó el instrumento VSM08 a una muestra de 390 millennials ecuatorianos y se utilizó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, U de Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis y chi cuadrado de Pearson. Se evidenció que pueden existir cambios culturales en países colectivistas. Además, se encontró que existen diferencias entre hombres y mujeres de acuerdo con su edad y sector de ubicación. Los hombres y las mujeres más jóvenes son más individualistas y los hombres son menos individualistas en función al sector donde residen. Finalmente, se prueba que el IDV es un indicador válido a pesar de los cambios culturales

    Kinetic study of nordihydroguaiaretic acid recovery from Larrea tridentata by microwave-assisted extraction

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    Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) is a powerful antioxidant that can be found in plants like Larrea tridentata (Zygophyllaceae), also known as creosote bush, which grows in semidesert areas of Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico [1]. Several studies have demonstrated that NDGA has important biological activities with great interest in the health area, such as antiviral, cancer chemopreventive, and antitumorgenic activities [2]. Extraction of bioactive compounds from plants is conventionally performed using a heat‐reflux extraction method. However, different techniques have been developed in order to decrease extraction time and solvent consumption, as well as to increase the extraction yield and enhance the extracts quality [3]. The objective of this study was to develop a microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE) method for NDGA recovery from Larrea tridentata leaves, and compare the obtained results with those found by using the conventional heat‐reflux extraction (HRE)

    Estrategias de comercialización de ganado bovino, a partir de la implementación de un tiangue municipal, en el municipio de San Ildefonso, departamento de San Vicente, para el año 2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo primordial determinar estrategias de comercialización de ganado bovino, a partir de la implementación de un tiangue municipal, en el municipio de San Ildefonso, departamento de San Vicente. Brindando de esta manera herramientas que impulsen el desarrollo del sector ganadero y del municipio. La recolección de la información se realizó a través de dos instrumentos (encuestas y entrevistas) que proporcionaron la información más exacta posible extraída propiamente de los ciudadanos y ganaderos del municipio, así como también la recolección de información de otros tiangues municipales y del señor alcalde. Finalmente, el equipo investigador espera que el trabajo de investigación sea utilizado por las diferentes instituciones que tienen como finalidad contribuir al desarrollo económico y principalmente de la ganadería del municipio de San Ildefonso