1,045 research outputs found

    Analysis of Thiobarbituric acid Value and Benzo(α)Pyrene of Smoked Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Using Corn Cob and Coconut Shells Liquid Smokes

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    Corn cob and coconut shells are agriculture waste that could be found easily and it has potential to be processed as liquid smoke and can be applied to Tilapia. The aim of this research is to find the different influence of corn cob and coconut shells liquid smoke to the changing of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value, benzo(α)pyrene, and organoleptic of the smoked tilapia during storage. The result showed that the smoked tilapia which use liquid smoke corn cob has higher organoleptic value than using coconut shells. The different of liquid smoke gives very significant effect to TBA value (P<0.01). The result on PAH of smoked tilapia using corn cob and coconut shells liquid smoke showed that there was no benzo(α)pyrene detected

    The Journal of International Relations, Peace and Development Studies 6th Edition, Issue 2 Introduction

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    This second issue of the journal is special publication to exhibit the works that were present at the 2021 AGS International Graduate Student Conference, on April 30th, which discussed the various causes, consequences and solutions of statelessness

    The Journal of International Relations, Peace and Development Studies 8th Edition Introduction

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    Our 8th annual edition of The Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies & Development, presents the following papers for their unique and valuable contribution to the broader discussion. Olivier Sempiga’s The impact of geopolitical risks on price variation and political trust in France: analyzing the Ukraine-Russia conflict, provides a geopolitical analysis demonstrating the far-reaching consequences of the conflict far from the Ukraine-Russian border. Camilla Gironi’s Decolonizing Kyiv’s politics of memory: current and potential implications of Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine on Ukrainian monuments and toponyms, presents an insightful examination of the conflict’s influenced Ukraine’s politics of memory, in the process to revive its national identity. Renée Stoute’s Bring On the Heat, discusses the opportunities, due to the conflict, for the European Union to accelerate its adoption of sustainable energy alternatives given its rejection of Russian oil and gas. Katherine Wallentine’s Never Enough: EU Military Spending Challenges in the Face of Open Conflict, which analyzes the EU’s military spending in light of the Ukraine-Russia conflict

    The Journal of International Relations, Peace and Development Studies 7th Edition Introduction

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    Introduction to The Journal of International Relations, Peace Studies, and Development, Volume 7


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah mikroba ikan tuna dan ikan kambing-kambing asap menggunakan asap cair tempurung kelapa selama penyimpanan suhu ruang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ikan tuna dan ikan kambing-kambing yang telah di fillet dengan berat 50 gram. Asap cair tempurung kelapa 3% serta larutan garam 10%. Analisa data pada penelitian ini menggunakan ANOVA. Parameter penelitian adalah cemaran mikroba (Total Plate Count), dan data pendukung uji organoleptik ikan segar dan ikan asap. Hasil uji TPC ikan tuna pada hari ke-0, 2, 4 adalah 2.3x103kol/gr, 2.8x104 kol/gr, tidak dapat dihitung (TBUD). Sedangkan hasil uji TPC ikan kambing-kambing asap pada hari ke-0, 2, 4 adalah 2.7x103 kol/gr, 4.7x104 kol/gr, TBUD. Hasil uji organoleptik ikan tuna asap selama penyimpanan suhu ruang hari ke- 0, 2, 4 adalah 8,67, 7,1, dan 1,83. Sedangkan hasil uji organoleptik ikan kambing-kambing asap selama penyimpanan hari ke-0, 2, 4 adalah 8,33, 7,23 dan 1,7. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian asap cair memberikan pengaruh nyata (P < 0,05) pada jumlah mikroba ikan tuna dan ikan kambing-kambing asap

    Different neutral surfactant template extraction routes for synthetic hexagonal mesoporous silicas

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    The co-condensation of a tetraethoxysilane molecule on a neutral n-octylamine surfactant template is a convenient synthetic methodology for mesostructured material preparations. Distinct routes of template removal were investigated. The neutral surfactant was removed by calcination, hot solvent extraction, heating at 150 degreesC, in vacuo at room temperature and at 100 degreesC, and air drying, with the products assigned as HMM, HMS, HME, HMV1, HMV2 and HM, respectively. Si-29 NMR, infrared, surface area, pore diameters and pore volume determinations were employed to characterize each sample. Elemental analysis detected the presence of amine residues of 1.8, 1.2, 0.2, 1.6 and 0.30 mmol g(-1) for HMA, HME, HMS, HMV1 and HMV2, respectively. The HMM, HMS and HMV2 samples presented a low amount of amine residues, and HMS and HMV2 have the great advantage of permitting template removal without calcination.12123823382


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    Penelitinn ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perason kulit singkong pada berbagai dosis terhadap jumlah eritrosit. kadar hemoglobin dan Packed Cell Volume (PCV) tikus putih (Rattus navegicus) jantan. Hewan percobaan terdiri dari 25 ekor tikue putih jantan dangon berat rata-rata 200 gram dengnn kondisi tubuh baik dan sehat. Dua pulub lima ekor tikus putih terse but secara aeak dibagi dalam lima kelompok perlakuon yang masing masing terdiri dari lima ulangan untuk diberi perlakuan. Setelah seminggu diadaptasikan hewan pereobaan diberi perasan kuHt singkong secara oral (stomac tube) sebanyak: 0 ml (PO); 1,06 ml (PI); 1,32 mt (P2); 1,59 ml (P3) dan 1,86 ml (P4) perasan kulit singkong. Setelah lima minggu diambil sampel darah dari masing-masing tikus secara intrakardial untuk dilakukan test jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin dan PCV. Data yang diperoleh kemudion dianalisa dengan sidik ragam dan bila terdapat perbedaaan, dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian setelah dilakukan analisis statistik menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata pengaruh perasan kulit singkong terhadap jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin dan PCV. Dari analiaa yang telah dilakukan dapal disimpulkan bahwa pemberian perasan kulit singkong pada berbagai dosis dapat menurunkan jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin dan PCV

    POLA KERJASAMA SISWA DALAM KERJA KELOMPOK (Suatu Narrative Inquiry Pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas IV Tema 4 Berbagai Pekerjaan)

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    Pola kerjasama merupakan bentuk usaha yang dilaksanakan oleh dua pihak atau lebih untuk menggapai kepentingan yang sama berdasarkan masing-masing keahlian dari para anggota. Kerja kelompok pada pembelajaran IPA dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan keterampilan sosial, seperti kemampuan untuk bekerjasama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami pola kerjasama siswa dalam kerja kelompok dan faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhinya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode narrative inquiry dimana pengalaman hidup individu atau kelompok diceritakan kembali kedalam bentuk narasi dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah munculnya pola kerjasama antarsiswa dan antarkelompok dalam kegiatan kerja kelompok pada pembelajaran IPA. Pola kerjasama yang terjalin antarsiswa diantaranya ialah pola kerjasama spontan, langsung, verbal, dan tradisional. Sedangkan pola kerjasama yang terjalin antarkelompok diantaranya kerjasama negosiasi, koalisi, dan kooptasi. Kemudian tiap-tiap pola kerjasama memiliki karakteristiknya masing-masing diamati melalui indikator perilaku berdasarkan teori Lungdren yang dikolaborasikan dengan pendapat para ahli. The pattern of cooperation is a form of effort carried out by two or more parties to achieve the same interests based on each member's expertise. Group work in science learning can help students develop social skills, such as the ability to cooperate. The purpose of this study is to understand the pattern of student cooperation in group work and what factors influence it. This type of research is qualitative research using the narrative inquiry method where the life experiences of individuals or groups are retold in narrative form using the instruments of observation sheets, interviews, documentation, and field notes. The result of this research is the emergence of cooperation patterns between students and between groups in group work activities in science learning. The patterns of cooperation between students include spontaneous, direct, verbal, and traditional cooperation patterns. While the patterns of cooperation that exist between groups include negotiation, coalition, and co-optation cooperation. Then each pattern of cooperation has its own characteristics observed through behavioral indicators based on Lungdren's theory collaborated with the opinions of experts
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