8 research outputs found

    Anthropometric cranial measurements of normal newborn in Sergipe - Northeast of Brazil

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    O estudo antropométrico do crânio é fundamental para a avaliação do recém-nascido. As medidas antropométricas usadas na atualidade são baseadas em resultados obtidos há mais de cinco décadas, os quais não são capazes de determinar um padrão nacional em decorrência de possíveis influências de algumas etnias. Realizamos estudo descritivo analítico em uma Maternidade em Aracaju-SE, com medidas de perímetro cefálico, distancia biauricular e anteroposterior, índice cefálico e medida da fontanela; foram examinadas 450 recém-nascidos com idade gestacional entre 37 e 42 semanas; 49,3% era do gênero masculino e 50,6% do feminino. O perímetro cefálico variou entre 30,0 cm e 39,8 cm com média de 34,14±2,48 com P50 34 cm. O índice cefálico variou entre 0,69 e 1,13 com média de 0,98±0,06 com P50 1. Foi feito uma comparação entre os estudos estrangeiros e brasileiros; o recém-nascido sergipano aproxima-se mais dos resultados obtidos nos estudos da região sudeste do que dos resultados da região nordeste, geograficamente semelhante. A possibilidade de influencias étnicas foi levantada, como também a necessidade de realizar um estudo multicêntrico para criar um perfil antropométrico do recém-nascido brasileiro. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The anthropometric mesureaments of the skull is essential for the evaluation of the newborn. The anthropometrics measureaments utilized at the present time are based in the results obtained for more than five decades, which are not able to determine a national pattern mostly likely due to some ethnic influences. We carried out an analytical descriptive study in a maternity hospital in Aracaju-Sergipe, Northeast of Brazil. Measurements of cephalic perimeter, biauricular and anteroposterior distances, cephalic index and fontanels were obtained from 450 newborns with gestacional age from 37 and 42 weeks; 49.3% were male and 50.6% female. The cephalic perimeter ranged from 30.0 cm to 39.8 cm with mean value of 34.14±2.48 P50 34 cm, and cephalic index ranged from 0.69 and 1.13 with mean value of 0.98±0.06 P50 1. A comparison was made between brazilian and foreign studies; the results of the newborn from Sergipe were closer to results obtained in the southeast region than the ones obtained in the northeast region itself. The possibility of ethnical influences was raised as well as the need to design a multicentric study in order to define an anthropometric profile of the brazilian newborn

    How are legal matters related to the access of traditional knowledge being considered in the scope of ethnobotany publications in Brazil?

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    Hydrogel and membrane scaffold formulations of Frutalin (breadfruit lectin) within a polysaccharide galactomannan matrix have potential for wound healing

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    Plant lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins, which can interact with cell surfaces to initiate anti-inflammatory pathways, as well as immunomodulatory functions. Here, we have extracted, purified and part-characterized the bioactivity of Jacalin, Frutalin, DAL and PNA, before evaluating their potential for wound healing in cultured human skin fibroblasts. Only Frutalin stimulated fibroblast migration in vitro, prompting further studies which established its low cytotoxicity and interaction with TLR4 receptors. Frutalin also increased p-ERK expression and stimulated IL-6 secretion. The in vivo potential of Frutalin for wound healing was then assessed in hybrid combination with the polysaccharide galactomannan, purified from Caesalpinia pulcherrima seeds, using both hydrogel and membrane scaffolds formulations. Physical-chemical characterization of the hybrid showed that lectin-galactomannan interactions increased the pseudoplastic behaviour of solutions, reducing viscosity and increasing Frutalin's concentration. Furthermore, infrared spectroscopy revealed -OH band displacement, likely caused by interaction of Frutalin with galactose residues present on galactomannan chains, while average membrane porosity was 100 μm, sufficient to ensure water vapor permeability. Accelerated angiogenesis and increased fibroblast and keratinocyte proliferation were observed with the optimal hybrid recovering the lesioned area after 11 days. Our findings indicate Frutalin as a biomolecule with potential for tissue repair, regeneration and chronic wound healing

    Cárie precoce na infância: prevalência e fatores de risco em pré-escolares, aos 48 meses, na cidade de João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil Early childhood caries: prevalence and risk factors in 4-year-old preschoolers in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalência de cárie precoce na infância em crianças de nível sócio-econômico baixo da grande João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil, aos 48 meses de idade, pertencentes a uma coorte. Foram analisados os hábitos alimentares, higiene, exposição ao flúor e presença de defeitos de esmalte. Examinaram-se 224 crianças em domicílio, sob luz natural, utilizando-se a técnica joelho-a-joelho. Cada dente foi limpo com gaze estéril, sendo registrados cárie (OMS) e defeitos de esmalte (DDE Index). Durante o exame foi aplicado um questionário para obtenção de dados sobre dieta, higiene, uso de flúor e presença de amamentação natural e/ou artificial. Para análise estatística, utilizou-se o programa SAS com teste não paramétrico Mantel-Haenszel. Observou-se que 10,7% e 33,0% da amostra apresentaram cárie precoce e cárie severa, respectivamente. Dentre as crianças examinadas, 79,9% tinham ao menos um dente com defeito de esmalte, sendo este o único fator estatisticamente significante (p < 0,001) associado à etiologia da cárie precoce na infância. Sabendo da associação significativa entre cárie precoce e defeitos do esmalte, pode-se concluir que alterações superficiais no esmalte podem facilitar a propagação da doença.<br>The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC), in a cohort of children of low socioeconomic status at 48 months of age in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil, in relation to feeding practices, oral health behaviors, fluoride exposure, and enamel defects. 224 children were clinically examined in the Knee-Knee position at the children's home under natural light. Teeth were dried and cleaned with gauze, and caries (WHO index) and defect (DDE Index) were determined. Questionnaires on children's oral hygiene and dietary history were completed by parents or guardians. The SAS statistical program was used with the Mantel-Haenszel tests. The results showed a prevalence of 10.7% and 33.0% for ECC and SECC, respectively. Of all the children examined, 79.9% had at least one tooth with enamel defects, which was the only statistically significant factor (p < 0.001) for ECC. The association between enamel defects and ECC indicates that alterations in the enamel surface may cause progression of dental caries


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