738 research outputs found


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    A field experiment was aimed at investigating the effect of natural guano organic fertilizers on growth and yield of Spring Onion (Allium fistulosum L.). The experiment was conducted from September to Nopember, 2014 in Unamendaa Village, Kolaka District. It was prepared by using a randomized block design  (RBD) with single factor namely doses of natural guano organic fertilizers. The treatments consisted of 4 levels were : (1) G0 = control or no treatment, (2) G1 = dose of 6 kg unit-1 (equivalent to 5 t. ha-1), (3) G2 = dose of 12 kg unit-1 (equivalent to 10 t. ha-1) and (4) G3 = dose of 18 kg unit-1 (equivalent to 15 t. ha-1), respectively. Every treatment was replicated 3 times, therefore overall there were 12 experimental units. Data was collected on growth and yield parameters of Spring Onion : (1) plant height, (2) number of leaves, (3) number of tillers, (4) diameters of stem and (5) yield (plant fresh weight unit-1). Data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (Anova) and followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the 1 % level. The result of experiments showed that fertilizations using natural guano organic was significantly affected on : plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, diameter of stem and plant fresh weight, respectively. Untill fertilization of 18 kg unit-1 (G3) were able to increased the growth and yield of Spring Onion, hence it was showed better performance on all parameter

    Perilaku Caring Perawat Dengan Kepuasan Pasien Di Ruang Rawat Inap Private Care Centre RSUP Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar

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    Background : Profesional service by nurses can be done by nurses to show caring behavior. Caring will allow the establishment of a harmonious interpersonal relationship between nursepatient, can assist and meet the needs of patients so as to give satisfaction to the patien t. Satisfaction as an indicator of the quality of health care and nursing service provider and the recipient of the service. This study aims to determine the relationship of caring behavior of nurses with patient satisfaction in the inpatient room at Private Care Center , Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital in Makassar. Methods : Analytic survey with cross sectional study. Sampling technique is done by simple random sampling as many as 40 respondents. The results of the study werwtested using the chi-square test with significance level a = 0,05. Results : Most patients consider nurse caring behavior were good (82,5%), more than half of patient satisfieds with nursing care 975,0%), there is relationship of caring behavior of nurses with patients satisfied with nurses with patient satisfaction in the inpatient room at Private Care Center ,Dr ,Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital in Makassar (p = 0,006 ). Conclusion : There is relationship of caring behavior of nurses with patient satisfaction. Therefore expected to nurses in order to provide optimal service to provide services in a professional manner to cultivate caring behavior in the daily service

    The Clash of Civilizations? Statistical Evidence from Armed Conflicts, 1989-2015

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    Do armed conflicts in the contemporary post-Cold War period reflect a clash of civilizations (CoC) as predicted by Samuel Huntington? This study substantially broadens and temporally extends the scope of major extant quantitative tests of the CoC thesis by assessing not only interactions among states but also interactions between states and non-state armed groups, from 1989 to 2015. Based on Chi-square and logistic regression tests, this study does not find empirical support for the CoC thesis as a basis for adopting foreign policies of civilizational containment

    Pengaruh Likuiditas, Risiko Bisnis dan struktur Aktiva terhadap Struktur Modal (Studi empiris pada perusahaan manfukatur sektor industri barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2015-2019)

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    The aim of this study was to find out the effect of liquidity, business risk, and asset structure to capital structure in consumer goods industry manufacturing companies listed on the Bursa Efek Indonesia for the period 2015-2019. The ratio used to measure the liquidity variable is the current ratio, the business risk variable is measured by BRISK, and the asset structure variable is measured by the fixed asset ratio. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling method. This research was conducted with 19 samples of companies in the consumer goods industry sector. The results show that the liquidity variable has a significant effect on the capital structure of manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the BEI for the period 2015-2019, meanwhile, the business risk and asset structure variables have no significant effect on the capital structure of manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry listed on the BEI for the period 2015-201

    Mechanism of Toxicity and Tolerance in Plants Against Aluminum Stress

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    Aluminum (Al 3+) is rhizotoxic ions in the soil (mineral) acid. Al activities increases with increasing soil acidity, below pH 5.5 the solubility of Al 3+ cations will increase. High level of soluble can cause interference with metabolic processes and plant physiology. Cumulatively, the physiology of metabolic disorders and initially looked at the root system. The tip of the root and lateral roots become thickened and hair and roots become lower, causing a decrease in root length and root tissue enlargement thus inhibiting the growth of roots, the absorption of nutrients and water, will further lower the growth, production and productivity of crops. Although Al disrupt metabolism and suppress the growth of the plant, until a certain threshold of adverse effects in Al still be tolerated, depending on the type of plant and the level of activity of Al. Tolerance of crops to Al can be expressed through two mechanisms, namely: external tolerance mechanism and internal tolerance mechanism. The main difference between the two mechanisms is in the area of detoxification Al whether in symplast (internal) or apoplast (exclusion). The ability of plants to be able to adapt to drought stress Al, depends on the ability of plants to produce organic acid in an amount sufficient for eliminating the toxic influence of stress Al. Root exudates of plants capable of producing such an organic acid that plays an important role in adaptation strategies. The high production of organic acids is associated with the formation of specific enzymes, as a response to stress Al. Allegedly the sensitive strain, the synthesis of organic acids is not adequate to chelate A

    Effectivity of Manure at Various Dose Added Agrobost to The Growth of Mango Seedlings

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    One of the efforts to increase mango production in Southeast Sulawesi is to produce high quality and high quantity mango seeds. Manure contains macro and micro nutrients that are important for plant growth and development as well as play a role in maintaining nutrient balance in the soil to improve soil properties. The aim of this study was to obtain the best manure doses applied with agrobost in improving the growth of Arumanis mango seedlings. This research was conducted in Kemaraya Sub-District of West Kendari District, Kendari City. The study design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with 6 treatments, namely: control (T0), 100 g (T1); 150 g (T2); 200 g (T3); 250 g (T4); and 300 g (T5) of manure per polybag. Each treatment was added with agrobost of 17 ml/polybag and replicated 5 times. The variables observed were plant height, stem diameter; number of leaves, and leaf area, at ages 1, 2, and 3 months after planting. The results showed that the manure added agrobost influenced the growth of Arumanis mango seedlings. The manure treatment with a dose of 150 g per polybag (T2) was the best treatment in improving the growth of Arumanis mangoes at 1, 2 and 3 months after planting. This was indicated by the plant height of 28,40; 30,94; and 32,82 cm, stem diameter of 0,44; 0,70; and 0,99 cm; and number of leaves 6,60; 7,20 and 9,00 strands were significantly higher compared to other treatments during the stud


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    The low understanding of the functions of Human Resources management, affects the weak performance of employees. As a result, it has an impact on the wheels of the organization in the Al-Ghufron Pamekasan Foundation. So to find out how much, the effect caused, research needs to be done. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. As a result, many employees do not understand the HR function. So, it needs to be equipped with education or training on an ongoing basis, in order to improve the quality of work

    Democratization, Parliamentary Power, and Belligerency: A Quantitative Analysis

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    Research linking democratization, institutional strength, and war prescribes the construction of strong central government institutions prior to mass elections as a prime mechanism for mitigating the danger of international belligerency associated with democratization. However, institutional analysis of the democratization – war linkage skews institutional strength measures in favour of the executive, overlooking the other arms of government. Drawing on Côte d’Ivoire’s 2010 – 2011 internationalized post-election civil conflict, which was largely engendered by excessive executive powers and limited legislative leverage, this paper quantitatively evaluates the effect state legislatures bear on the democratization – war linkage. The evaluations yield at least some evidence for the postulated influence of state legislatures. Thus, whilst heeding extant scholarly recommendations for strengthening state institutions, foreign policies promoting liberal democracy should ensure the ultimate institutional configuration of power in aspirant democracies favours parliaments over executives for more auspicious outcomes

    Multicultural Strategies for Developing a Church With Intentional References to Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Structure as Modeled by the All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church, Berrien Springs, Michigan, 1979-2012

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    Problem. The development of a multicultural church is a challenge because it requires a fusion of diverse cultural entities into a single church. When the All Nations Church began in 1979 in Berrien Springs, Michigan, church leaders discouraged its establishment, believing the experiment would be divisive, and encourage dysfunction and misunderstanding. Members of other Seventh-day Adventist churches in the community disapproved of the concept of a multicultural church within its boundaries. To date, no formal evaluation has been done to determine the effectiveness of the multicultural ministry to the community. Method. This narrative culture-inspired project is the report of a descriptive study that included a review of current literature related to racial and multicultural issues in organizational development in the context of a theological study of unity in diversity. The document includes responses to a survey distributed to core members of the All Nations Church in Berrien Springs, the multicultural congregation that served as the target population. Interviews were conducted that included leaders and individuals who contributed to the formation of the All Nations Church and those who thought contrary to the need for its existence. Results The survey and interviews identified some of the successes and failures of establishing a multicultural church in the context of the All Nations Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Given a study by DeYoung, Emerson, Yancey, and Kim (2003, p. 165), a multicultural church congregations can be divided into assimilated, pluralist, and integrated multiracial congregations. The study indicated that the current status of the All Nations Church falls between pluralist and integrated. Conclusion. For the past 32 years, the All Nations Church has claimed its reason for existence to be that of an intentionally multicultural Seventh-day Adventist church, under the auspices of the Lake Region Conference. The pioneers of the All Nations Church saw the need in the community for a multicultural church but the idea of establishing such a church was going against the tide of public opinion. Presently, it seems that some of the reasons for establishing such a congregation have disappeared, but the members indicate that it still serves the original purpose, but the opinions are still mixed as to whether or not the church can be declared a success

    Restricted Export Flexibility and Risk Management with Options and Forward Contracts

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    This paper examines the interaction between operational and financial hedg-ing in the context of a risk averse competitive exporting firm under exchange rate uncertainty. The firm is export-flexible in that it makes its export deci-sion after observing the realized spot exchange rate. However, export-flexibility is limited by certain minimum sales requirements due to long-term consider-ations. This creates a piecewise linear exchange rate exposure. If the firm is allowed to use customized derivatives contracts, its optimal hedge position can be replicated by selling currency forward contracts and call options. If the firm is restricted to use forward contracts as the sole hedging instrument, optimal output is unambiguously smaller. Introducing currency call options thus stim-ulates production. An extension analyzes more general types of exchange rate exposure. This paper examines the interaction between operational and financial hedg-ing in the context of a risk averse competitive exporting firm under exchange rate uncertainty. The firm is export-flexible in that it makes its export deci-sion after observing the realized spot exchange rate. However, export-flexibility is limited by certain minimum sales requirements due to long-term consider-ations. This creates a piecewise linear exchange rate exposure. If the firm is allowed to use customized derivatives contracts, its optimal hedge position can be replicated by selling currency forward contracts and call options. If the firm is restricted to use forward contracts as the sole hedging instrument, optimal output is unambiguously smaller. Introducing currency call options thus stim-ulates production. An extension analyzes more general types of exchange rate exposure.postprin
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