4,815 research outputs found

    Quantum Machine and SR Approach: a Unified Model

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    The Geneva-Brussels approach to quantum mechanics (QM) and the semantic realism (SR) nonstandard interpretation of QM exhibit some common features and some deep conceptual differences. We discuss in this paper two elementary models provided in the two approaches as intuitive supports to general reasonings and as a proof of consistency of general assumptions, and show that Aerts' quantum machine can be embodied into a macroscopic version of the microscopic SR model, overcoming the seeming incompatibility between the two models. This result provides some hints for the construction of a unified perspective in which the two approaches can be properly placed.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. Introduction and Conclusions improved, minor corrections in several sections. Accepted for publication in Foundations of Physic

    The pulsations and potential for seismology of B stars

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    We review the nature of the oscillations of main-sequence and supergiant stars of spectral type B. Seismic tuning of the interior structure parameters of the ÎČ\beta Cep stars has been achieved since three years. The results are based on frequencies derived from long-term monitoring and progress in this area is rapid. Oscillations in mid-B stars as well as Be stars are well established by now, but we lack good mode identification to achieve seismic modelling. We provide recent evidence of g-mode pulsations in supergiant B stars. The spherical wavenumbers of their modes are yet unidentified, preventing seismic probing of such evolved hot stars at present. Improving the situation for the three groups of g-mode oscillators requires multi-site long-term high-resolution spectroscopy in combination with either space photometry or ground-based multicolour photometry. The CoRoT programme and its ground-based programme will deliver such data in the very near future.Comment: Invited talk, Proc. SOHO 18 / GONG 2006 / HELAS I Conference: Beyond the spherical Sun. ESA SP-624, K. Fletcher, ed., in press, 8 pages with 5 figure

    Quantum Structures: An Attempt to Explain the Origin of their Appearance in Nature

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    We explain the quantum structure as due to the presence of two effects, (a) a real change of state of the entity under influence of the measurement and, (b) a lack of knowledge about a deeper deterministic reality of the measurement process. We present a quantum machine, where we can illustrate in a simple way how the quantum structure arises as a consequence of the two mentioned effects. We introduce a parameter epsilon that measures the size of the lack of knowledge on the measurement process, and by varying this parameter, we describe a continuous evolution from a quantum structure (maximal lack of knowledge) to a classical structure (zero lack of knowledge). We show that for intermediate values of epsilon we find a new type of structure, that is neither quantum nor classical. We apply the model that we have introduced to situations of lack of knowledge about the measurement process appearing in other regions of reality. More specifically we investigate the quantum-like structures that appear in the situation of psychological decision processes, where the subject is influenced during the testing, and forms some of his opinions during the testing process. Our conclusion is that in the light of this explanation, the quantum probabilities are epistemic and not ontological, which means that quantum mechanics is compatible with a determinism of the whole.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Entanglement of Conceptual Entities in Quantum Model Theory (QMod)

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    We have recently elaborated 'Quantum Model Theory' (QMod) to model situations where the quantum effects of contextuality, interference, superposition, entanglement and emergence, appear without the entities giving rise to these situations having necessarily to be of microscopic nature. We have shown that QMod models without introducing linearity for the set of the states. In this paper we prove that QMod, although not using linearity for the state space, provides a method of identification for entangled states and an intuitive explanation for their occurrence. We illustrate this method for entanglement identification with concrete examples

    Estimating the conditions for polariton condensation in organic thin-film microcavities

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    We examine the possibility of observing Bose condensation of a confined two-dimensional polariton gas in an organic quantum well. We deduce a suitable parameterization of a model Hamiltonian based upon the cavity geometry, the biexciton binding energy, and similar spectroscopic and structural data. By converting the sum-over-states to a semiclassical integration over dd-dimensional phase space, we show that while an ideal 2-D Bose gas will not undergo condensation, an interacting gas with the Bogoliubov dispersion H(p)≈spH(p)\approx s p close to p=0p=0 will undergo Bose condensation at a given critical density and temperature. We show that Tc/ρcT_c/\sqrt{\rho_c} is sensitive to both the cavity geometry and to the biexciton binding energy. In particular, for strongly bound biexcitons, the non-linear interaction term appearing in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation becomes negative and the resulting ground state will be a localized soliton state rather than a delocalized Bose condensate.Comment: 2 figure

    Interpreting Quantum Particles as Conceptual Entities

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    We elaborate an interpretation of quantum physics founded on the hypothesis that quantum particles are conceptual entities playing the role of communication vehicles between material entities composed of ordinary matter which function as memory structures for these quantum particles. We show in which way this new interpretation gives rise to a natural explanation for the quantum effects of interference and entanglement by analyzing how interference and entanglement emerge for the case of human concepts. We put forward a scheme to derive a metric based on similarity as a predecessor for the structure of 'space, time, momentum, energy' and 'quantum particles interacting with ordinary matter' underlying standard quantum physics, within the new interpretation, and making use of aspects of traditional quantum axiomatics. More specifically, we analyze how the effect of non-locality arises as a consequence of the confrontation of such an emerging metric type of structure and the remaining presence of the basic conceptual structure on the fundamental level, with the potential of being revealed in specific situations.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Ephemeral properties and the illusion of microscopic particles

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    Founding our analysis on the Geneva-Brussels approach to quantum mechanics, we use conventional macroscopic objects as guiding examples to clarify the content of two important results of the beginning of twentieth century: Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen's reality criterion and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. We then use them in combination to show that our widespread belief in the existence of microscopic particles is only the result of a cognitive illusion, as microscopic particles are not particles, but are instead the ephemeral spatial and local manifestations of non-spatial and non-local entities

    Magneto-asteroseismology of massive magnetic pulsators

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    Simultaneously and coherently studying the large-scale magnetic field and the stellar pulsations of a massive star provides strong complementary diagnostics suitable for detailed stellar modelling. This hybrid method is called magneto-asteroseismology and permits the determination of the internal structure and conditions within magnetic massive pulsators, for example the effect of magnetism on non-standard mixing processes. Here, we overview this technique, its requirements, and list the currently known suitable stars to apply the method.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, IAUS 329 conference proceeding

    Observational signatures of convectively driven waves in massive stars

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    We demonstrate observational evidence for the occurrence of convectively driven internal gravity waves (IGW) in young massive O-type stars observed with high-precision CoRoT space photometry. This evidence results from a comparison between velocity spectra based on 2D hydrodynamical simulations of IGW in a differentially-rotating massive star and the observed spectra.We also show that the velocity spectra caused by IGW may lead to detectable line-profile variability and explain the occurrence of macroturbulence in the observed line profiles of OB stars. Our findings provide predictions that can readily be tested by including a sample of bright slowly and rapidly rotating OB-type stars in the scientific programme of the K2 mission accompanied by high-precision spectroscopy and their confrontation with multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of IGW for various masses and ages.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter
