166 research outputs found

    Corpus Linguistics based error analysis of first year Universiti Teknologi Malaysia students’ writing

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    The ability to write in English among Malaysian university students is generally not at the most satisfactory level although English is considered as a second language. There has been a growing research interest in the analysis of errors students make in their English writing. The purpose of this study is to identify the errors made by first year UTM students in their writing. Besides that, this study also seeks to find out how much students know about the errors that they produce in writing besides investigating how they react towards these errors. For this study, 66 questionnaires were distributed to first year UTM students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Besides that, students’ samples of paragraph were also used to collect the intended data. Findings from the study show that from the 66 paragraph samples analyzed, a total of 1202 errors were found and then tagged according to the types of error. Besides that, findings from the questionnaire show that many of the students are not sure about their English proficiency level and most of them agreed that they would like to improve their English writing by addressing the errors that they make. The paper concludes with the overall summary of the study, limitations of the study as well as the pedagogical implications of the study

    Challenging Zero Tolerance: Federal and State Legal Remedies for Students of Color

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    This research aims to determine the effect of workload on organizational commitment with work stress as an intervening agent. This research uses quantitative methods that is research methods using numbers and statistics in collecting and analyzing measurable data. Sampling was taken from production employees, namely machine operators, purchasing, finishing and packaging with a total sample of 86 respondents. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. The analysis technique used is path analysis. The results of the analysis state that workload has a significant effect on organizational commitment. Workload has a significant effect on work stress. Job stress has a significant effect on organizational commitment. And work stress mediates workload on organizational commitment

    Investigating defensive organisations and psychic retreats in anorexia.

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    This psychoanalytically informed research project combines three theoretical trajectories together with illustrative clinical material to present an exploration of anorexia through a particular conceptual lens. The three theoretical areas are synthesised in an original way through the ideas and arguments presented in the thesis. The theory included: contemporary understandings of eating disorders; contemporary Kleinian literature on pathological organisations and psychic retreats (Steiner, 1982; 1987; 1992; 1993; 2011); and literature on autistic-like (autistoid) defences in non-autistic adults (S. Klein, 1980; Tustin, 1972; 1973; 1978; 1981; 1986; 1991). The research aimed to interrogate and explicate the relationship between pathological organisations of personality structure in anorexia, using case studies and vignettes to illustrate and elaborate the arguments. There was also some consideration of other types of eating disorder, similarly conceptualised. Case material from clinical work as a psychoanalytically informed psychotherapist was used as data in all but one case, in the latter instance interview material being used. The body of the thesis was structured in the form of four journal articles

    Haplotype analysis of field collected aedes albopictus from Taman Bukit Kinrara, Selangor using the Nadh Dehydrogenase Subunit 5 (ND5) marker / Nor Adira Abdul Khalid

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    Studies examining the population genetics structure of Ae. albopictus based on mitochondrial DNA ND5 marker has not been elucidated at the local settings, despite its importance. Hence, this study was conducted to evaluate the intrapopulation and inter population genetic diversity among Ae. albopictus from Taman Bukit Kinrara, Selangor, a dengue cluster areas in Malaysia using a mitochondrial DNA marker. The genomic DNA of ten individual adult female Ae. albopictus mosquitoes and ten USM laboratory strains (USM LS)was extracted and analysed for DNA polymorphism based on the mitochondrial ND5 marker. 450 bp of amplified PCR products was obtained and sequenced. BLAST analysis showed high similarities with reference sequences from NCBI Gen Bank. Subsequently, the multiple nucleotide sequences were aligned using ClustaIX2.l. Haplotype network was constructed using TCS network in PopART software. Haplotypes generated was analyzed using DNaSP. Our findings revealed that Ae. albopictus population from Taman Bukit Kinrara, Selangor are genetically related at intra population and inter population levels with low genetic variation with Hd values of0.4368 and 0.5869 respectively. This study highlights the generation of 11 haplotypes from 49 sequences at 11 different polymorphic sites. The data obtained from this study may provides new fundamental knowledge regarding the genetic structure of local Ae. albopictus that could be utilised in forthcoming studies

    The Effect of Additional Compensation on Employee Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction of Employees of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk.

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of additional compensation on employee performance at PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk Witel Medan. To determine the effect of job satisfaction and employee performance on additional compensation at PT. Telkom Indonesia, Tbk Witel Medan. To determine the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance at PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk Witel Medan. To determine the effect of additional compensation and employee performance on job satisfaction at PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk Witel Medan. The approach in this research is included in the quantitative research approach. The population used as a sample is all employees of PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk Witel Medan, totalling 70 people. The data analysis technique in this study uses Structural Equational Modelling (SEM) using Smart-PLS 3. The results of testing the first hypothesis show that the additional compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT Telkom. The results of testing the third hypothesis show that the additional compensation variable has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at PT Telkom. The results of testing the fifth hypothesis show that the job satisfaction variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT Telkom. The results of the sixth test show that employee job satisfaction mediates the effect of additional compensation on performance at PT Telkom by showing a positive but insignificant effect

    The Principal’s Strategy in Instilling Religious Values in the Independent Curriculum at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Depok

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    Tujuan penelitian dari penelitian ini, ialah hanyalah ingin mengetahui pada strategi kepala sekolah dalam menanamkan nilai keagamaan dalam kurikulum merdeka di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Depok. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sehingga dengan metode ini dapat menginterpretasikan objek penelitian sesuai dengan situasi yang terjadi di lapangan. Kemudian untuk pengumpulan data yang diperlukannya, maka penulis menggunakan dua metode. Pertama, penulis melakukan wawancara dengan kepala sekolah SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Depok, serta guru-guru disana yang berperan sebagai narasumber. Penulis tetap mengadopsi pendekatan wawancara terbuka dalam proses ini. Metode kedua adalah pencatatan lapangan yang melibatkan data hasil wawancara dan observasi terhadap objek penelitian. Selanjutnya untuk analisis data yang digunakan oleh penulis, ialah menggunakan pendekatan yang berisfat mereduksi data atau menyederhanakan data untuk kemudian menguraikan informasi yang terkandung dalam data tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang digunakan oleh kepala sekolah dalam menanamkan nilai keagamaan dalam kurikulum merdeka di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Depok terdapat lima hal. Pertama Integrasi Nilai-Nilai agama dalam Materi Pelajaran. Kedua Pengembangan Mata Pelajaran Keagamaan. Ketiga pengembangan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler berbasis agama. Keempat kolaborasi dengan Komunitas Keagamaan. Kelima terakhir, ialah adanya pembinaan karakter melalui bimbingan dan konseling dan penanaman etika dan sikap positi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implikatur percakapan dalam novel anak KKPK My Adventure In The World karya Vivi Difa pada setiap tuturan yang dituturkan oleh penutur dan lawan tutur. Peneliti menggunakan teknik simak dan catat dalam pengumpulan datanya. Data yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah kata atau kalimat yang terdapat dalam percakapan pada novel anak KKPK My Adventure In The World tahun 2015, tebal 88 halaman, penerbit Dar! Mizan PT Mizan Pustaka. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berupa sumber data tertulis yang terdapat dalam novel anak KKPK My Adventure In The World karya Vivi Difa. Pada penelitian ini peneliti menemukan implikatur percakapan konvensional dan implikatur percakapan khusus yang terdapat dalam novel anak KKPK My Adventure In The World karya Vivi Difa. Peneliti berhasil menemukan tiga implikatur percakapan konvensional dan enam implikatur percakapan khusus dengan menggunakan metode analisis data deskriptif dan pendekatan kualitatif sehingga menghasilkan data – data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis yang dapat diamati pada lingkungan sekita

    Osteosarcoma of the Breast

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    We present a case report of a rare malignancy, primary osteosarcoma of the breast
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