3,772 research outputs found
The Key To Successful Early Childhood Educators: Performance Study of The Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Teacher in Yogyakarta.
This research is to find out how to improve the performance of RA teachers who excel in Yogyakarta so that it is the key to its success. This research is a qualitative research through a psychological approach that is carried out directly to the object under study, to obtain data relating to aspects of teacher performance so that the performance improvement is an example for other teachers. Data collection methods using interviews, documentation, and observation.The results revealed that to improve the performance of outstanding RA teachers through 6 (six) steps undertaken by outstanding RA teachers, namely: 1) Knowing there are still shortcomings in performance, 2) Knowing weaknesses and shortcomings in the seriousness of teaching, 3) Identifying what becomes causes of deficiency especially those related to performance itself, 4) Develop a performance plan that is presented, 5) Assessing the problem has been resolved or not (problem solving), 6) Starting from the beginning again, if needed and needed again.
Excess Capacity in the Banking Sector and Its Effects on the Sub-Saharan Economy
The banking sector plays a critical role in driving economic growth and financial stability in any region. However, the issue of excess capacity within this sector can have a profound effect on the overall health of the economy. This study investigates the excess capacity in the banking sector within the context of the Sub-Saharan region and explores its implications on the economic performance of countries within this area.
This research employed a mixed methods approach that combines both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Firstly, a review of existing literature on excess capacity in the banking sector and its impact on economies is conducted to provide a comprehensive background for the study. Next, quantitative data is collected from macroeconomic indicators, to assess the extent of excess capacity present in the Sub-Saharan banking sector
Analisis Kebijakan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
Level of education, amount of incentive and the level of competence of teachers/caretakers three significantly influenced by the status of civil servant teachers/PNS on the quality of children's ideal, the status of civil servants/PNS for early childhood education programs/PIAUD should have the qualifications and competence yangt accordance with minimum service standards so that it has a higher chance to create quality children's ideal , Level of education, amount of incentive and the level of competence of teachers/caretakers three significantly influenced by the status of volunteer teachers to the quality of children's ideal, voluntary status for early childhood education programs/PIAUD should have the qualifications and competence yangt accordance with minimum service standards so that it has a higher chance to create quality children's ideal , but almost all providers of early childhood education conducted by both the foundations and the community pay less attention to the qualifications and competence His nurse, so it looks only at who has the time to become caretakers. It has alarming effects, seen from the perspective of educational administration, the ideal child's success into question, and generation like what 20 years to come. There is some education that shall be given to early childhood include: grateful, tauhid (with mengadzankan), physical education (strong physical), health, and intelligence
Perbaikan Sistem Kendali Robot Tangan EH1 Milano Menggunakan Sistem Kendali Loop Tertutup
Teknologi robotika sangat berkembang pesat dan penggunaanya semakin luas. Prensilia EH1 Milano dikembangkan sebagai organ buatan untuk menggantikan peranan tangan manusia yang cacat atau diamputasi. Robot EH1 Milano dilengkapi satu buah motor untuk masing-masing jari, sensor proximity untuk mendeteksi jari terbuka atau tertutup penuh, dan sensor arus yang digunakan untuk mengatur kekuatan genggaman dari robot tangan. Sebelumnya telah dibuat sistem mikrokontroler untuk mengendalikan robot tangan EH1 Milano, dengan sensor gerak berupa sarung tangan yang dilengkapi potensiometer, akan tetapi belum dapat melakukan gerakan menggenggam benda. Dalam penelitian ini dirancang sistem untuk mengendalikan robot EH1 Milano menggunakan sensor gerak berupa sebuah sarung tangan yang diengkapi flex sensor, yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi gerakan tangan manusia dengan menggunakan kendali PID. Flex sensor digunakan karena lebih sensitif terhadap Perubahan gerakan tangan dan memudahkan untuk mengendalikan robot untuk melakukan gerakan menggenggam benda. Dari pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa dengan sistem kendali yang diterapkan, robot tangan EH1 Milano dapat melakukan gerakan menggenggam benda dengan diameter lebih dari 5 cm. Performansi yang dihasilkan sistem kendali yang dibuat cukup baik dengan RMSE rata-rata tertinggi sebesar 0.102%± 0.016%. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya perlu perbaikan pada sensor gerak untuk ibu jari, agar pergerakan pada ibu jari dapat dilakukan dengan maksimal
Pendidikan Karakter Guru Raudlatul Athfal (RA) Berbasis Kehidupan Lebah
Picture (citra) of bees is as being polite and full of manners, discipline in carrying out its role, tenacious in producing quality performance, and has a patriotic spirit Bayangkara. Results as inscriptions engraved (atsar) is honey (honey), which is a bee product that has a very high value. Honey is assumed as a result of the totality of the bees performance. If the teacher is able to learn from the bees, the honey is meaningful as follows: First, teachers are able to create high performance through their competence. Second, the teacher strives to remain on the path to the existing rules (On the track) via implanted in his personal commitment. Third, a means that is believed Networking prowess in realizing the vision and mission as well as private institutions. Fourth, the teacher is able to integrate his mind and heart to produce a sense of fun and love on the job (Enjoy at work) which is mandated to him. And fifth, God willing, capable to be an example (You must be a good model) for the working environment especially in Raudlatul Athfal (RA
Perkembangan Kognitif Anak Raudlatul Athfal (RA)
Perkembangan tidaklah terbatas pada pengertian pertumbuhan yang semakin membesar, melainkan di dalamnya juga terkandung serangkaian perubahan yang berlangsung secara terus-menerus dan bersifat tetap dari fungsi-fungsi jasmaniah dan rohaniah yang dimiliki individu menuju ke tahap kematangan melalui pertumbuhan, pemasakan, dan belajar. Perkembangan menghasilkan bentuk-bentuk dan ciri-ciri kemampuan baru yang berlangsung dari tahap aktivitas yang sederhana ke tahap yang lebih tinggi.
Hasilnya bahwa Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan kognitif anak RA antara lain: Faktor Hereditas/Keturunan, Faktor Lingkungan, Faktor Kematangan, Faktor Pembentukan, Faktor Minat dan Bakat, dan Faktor Kebebasan. Kemudian disesuaikan dengan standar pencapaian perkembangan kognitif anak usia dini dari pemerinta
Karakteristik Sains dalam Pemikiran Filosofis Kontemporer (Tinjauan Filsafat Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman)
Science becomes a furqon/criterion, distinguishing between the quality of the creature, even the quality of the man himself. Science is intended as an appetizer reality, then the name is a reality not only in the form of objects, phenomena, facts, data concrete empirical. So, we need approaches or different methods, and not enough to just rely on the senses, instinct and sheer human rationality. Moreover, basically humans also have the potential tool if used optimally can understand and uncover the whole truth of reality. Philosophy of Science today is better known as a vehicle for interactive dialogue between philosophy and science. Science is "fertile ground" for the study of philosophy (Philosophy of Science), and the philosophy is the foundation that is very useful for science in progress-progress. Hence the development and progress of the Philosophy of Science is inseparable from the development and progress of science, and vice versa.Philosophy of Science arable fields more focused on the components of ontology, epistemology, and axiology science. Similarly to the sciences of Islamic understanding of the construction philosophy can not be separated from these three components (ontology, epistemology, and axiology) can provide the basis for the review and development of sciences of Islamic
Impact of Practical Life on Montessory Method on the Concentration of Children in TK PKK Bhakti Tamanan
The purpose of the study was to determine the adaptation of the 2013 PAUD curriculum during the pandemic at the Kindergarten in Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. The data collection technique is a questionnaire through Google from several 20 teachers as respondents. The data analysis technique used is Miles and Huberman with three stages to go through. The stages are data collection, data reduction, and conclusions. The data obtained were tested for credibility using triangulation techniques. The results showed that the 2013 PAUD curriculum in Ogan Ilir underwent a significant adaptation. The adaptation includes learning references, learning materials, as well as learning processes and assessments that are used while continuing to use the 2013 PAUD curriculum and Permendikbud 146 of 2014. During the COVID-19 pandemic, learning carried out in Ogan Ilir Regency Kindergarten follows a limited face-to-face learning policy. In practice, students are divided into two groups in two learning sessions. The purpose of this policy is to stop the spread of covid 19. During the pandemic, students are given learning assignments to do at home. Thus, the adaptation of the 2013 PAUD curriculum during the pandemic at the Kindergarten in Ogan Ilir Regency continues to run well but experiences innovation in the learning process. This innovation has a significant impact on the development of early childhood education in the Ogan Ilir Regency, such as giving freedom to children to develop their potential through activities carried out at schoo
Perbaikan Sistem Kendali Robot Tangan EH1 Milano Menggunakan Sistem Kendali Loop Tertutup
Teknologi robotika sangat berkembang pesat dan penggunaanya semakin luas. Prensilia EH1 Milano dikembangkan sebagai organ buatan untuk menggantikan peranan tangan manusia yang cacat atau diamputasi. Robot EH1 Milano dilengkapi satu buah motor untuk masing-masing jari, sensor proximity untuk mendeteksi jari terbuka atau tertutup penuh, dan sensor arus yang digunakan untuk mengatur kekuatan genggaman dari robot tangan. Sebelumnya telah dibuat sistem mikrokontroler untuk mengendalikan robot tangan EH1 Milano, dengan sensor gerak berupa sarung tangan yang dilengkapi potensiometer, akan tetapi belum dapat melakukan gerakan menggenggam benda. Dalam penelitian ini dirancang sistem untuk mengendalikan robot EH1 Milano menggunakan sensor gerak berupa sebuah sarung tangan yang diengkapi flex sensor, yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi gerakan tangan manusia dengan menggunakan kendali PID. Flex sensor digunakan karena lebih sensitif terhadap perubahan gerakan tangan dan memudahkan untuk mengendalikan robot untuk melakukan gerakan menggenggam benda. Dari pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa dengan sistem kendali yang diterapkan, robot tangan EH1 Milano dapat melakukan gerakan menggenggam benda dengan diameter lebih dari 5 cm. Performansi yang dihasilkan sistem kendali yang dibuat cukup baik dengan RMSE rata-rata tertinggi sebesar 0.102%± 0.016%. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya perlu perbaikan pada sensor gerak untuk ibu jari, agar pergerakan pada ibu jari dapat dilakukan dengan maksimal
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