231 research outputs found

    Alpha-particle clustering in excited expanding self-conjugate nuclei

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca + 12C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce alpha-emission sources. From a careful selection of these sources provided by a complete detection and from comparisons with models of sequential and simultaneous decays, strong indications in favour of α\alpha-particle clustering in excited 16O, 20Ne and 24}Mg are reported.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions (NN2015), 21-26 June 2015, Catania, Ital

    Production of α\alpha-particle condensate states in heavy-ion collisions

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca^{40}Ca + 12C^{12}C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce excited states candidates to α\alpha-particle condensation. The experiment was performed at LNS-Catania using the CHIMERA multidetector. Accepting the emission simultaneity and equality among the α\alpha-particle kinetic energies as experimental criteria for deciding in favor of the condensate nature of an excited state, we analyze the 02+0_2^+ and 22+2_2^+ states of 12^{12}C and the 06+0_6^+ state of 16^{16}O. A sub-class of events corresponding to the direct 3-α\alpha decay of the Hoyle state is isolated.Comment: contribution to the 2nd Workshop on "State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics" (SOTANCP2), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), May 25-28, 2010, to be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics

    The effect of open lung ventilation on right ventricular and left ventricular function in lung-lavaged pigs

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    INTRODUCTION: Ventilation according to the open lung concept (OLC) consists of recruitment maneuvers, followed by low tidal volume and high positive end-expiratory pressure, aiming at minimizing atelectasis. The minimization of atelectasis reduces the right ventricular (RV) afterload, but the increased intrathoracic pressures used by OLC ventilation could increase the RV afterload. We hypothesize that when atelectasis is minimized by OLC ventilation, cardiac function is not affected despite the higher mean airway pressure. METHODS: After repeated lung lavage, each pig (n = 10) was conventionally ventilated and was ventilated according to OLC in a randomized cross-over setting. Conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV) consisted of volume-controlled ventilation with 5 cmH2O positive end-expiratory pressure and a tidal volume of 8-10 ml/kg. No recruitment maneuvers were performed. During OLC ventilation, recruitment maneuvers were applied until PaO2/FiO2 > 60 kPa. The peak inspiratory pressure was set to obtain a tidal volume of 6-8 ml/kg. The cardiac output (CO), th

    Neurodegeneration and Epilepsy in a Zebrafish Model of CLN3 Disease (Batten Disease)

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    The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses are a group of lysosomal storage disorders that comprise the most common, genetically heterogeneous, fatal neurodegenerative disorders of children. They are characterised by childhood onset, visual failure, epileptic seizures, psychomotor retardation and dementia. CLN3 disease, also known as Batten disease, is caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the CLN3 gene, 80–85% of which are a ~1 kb deletion. Currently no treatments exist, and after much suffering, the disease inevitably results in premature death. The aim of this study was to generate a zebrafish model of CLN3 disease using antisense morpholino injection, and characterise the pathological and functional consequences of Cln3 deficiency, thereby providing a tool for future drug discovery. The model was shown to faithfully recapitulate the pathological signs of CLN3 disease, including reduced survival, neuronal loss, retinopathy, axonopathy, loss of motor function, lysosomal storage of subunit c of mitochondrial ATP synthase, and epileptic seizures, albeit with an earlier onset and faster progression than the human disease. Our study provides proof of principle that the advantages of the zebrafish over other model systems can be utilised to further our understanding of the pathogenesis of CLN3 disease and accelerate drug discovery

    Goldstones in Diphotons

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    We study the conditions for a new scalar resonance to be observed first in diphotons at the LHC Run-2. We focus on scenarios where the scalar arises either from an internal or spacetime symmetry broken spontaneously, for which the mass is naturally below the cutoff and the low-energy interactions are fixed by the couplings to the broken currents, UV anomalies, and selection rules. We discuss the recent excess in diphoton resonance searches observed by ATLAS and CMS at 750 GeV, and explore its compatibility with other searches at Run-1 and its interpretation as Goldstone bosons in supersymmetry and composite Higgs models. We show that two candidates naturally emerge: a Goldstone boson from an internal symmetry with electromagnetic anomalies, and the scalar partner of the Goldstone of supersymmetry breaking: the sgoldstino. The dilaton from conformal symmetry breaking is instead disfavoured by present data, in its minimal natural realization.Comment: 18 pages + refs, 2 figures. v2: typos corrected, references added, discussions extended and three new plots. Conclusion unchanged. v3: published versio

    Alpha-particle condensation in excited 12C

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca^{40}Ca+12C^{12}C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce excited states candidates to α\alpha-particle condensation. The methodology relies on high granularity 4π\pi detection coupled to correlation function techniques. Under the assumption that the equality among the kinetic energies of the emitted α\alpha-particles and the emission simultaneity constitutes a reliable fingerprint of α\alpha condensation, we identify several tens of events corresponding to the deexcitation of the Hoyle state of 12^{12}C which fulfill the condition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The new fragment in-flight separator at INFN-LNS

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    An upgrade project of the Superconducting Cyclotron has been underway at INFN-LNS since 2019. One of the goals of this project is to deliver RIBs (Radioactive Ion Beams) of high intensity. To reach this aim, a dedicated facility consisting of a new fragment separator FRAISE (FRAgment In-flight SEparator) is ongoing, exploiting primary beams with a power up to approximate to 2-3 kW. The high intensity achievable with FRAISE requires the use of suitable diagnostics and tagging systems, able to operate also in a strong radioactive environment. In this framework, an R&D program has been started to develop the FRAISE facility, the diagnostics system and the tagging device; the latter will be especially useful in the CHIMERA multidetector beam line. The present contribution discusses the status of the R&D program, with particular focus on the RIBs available thanks to the use of FRAISE

    Radioactive ion beam opportunities at the new FRAISE facility of INFN-LNS

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    At the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN (INFN-LNS) in Catania, the construction of the new Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) facility FRAISE (FRAgment In-flight SEparator) has reached its ending phase. The facility uses the in-flight technique based on a primary beam fragmentation impinging on light Be or C targets. FRAISE makes use of light and medium mass primary beams, having power up to asymptotic to 2-3 kW, leading to RIBs, whose intensities vary in the range of asymptotic to 10(3)-10(7) pps, for nuclei far from and close to the stability valley, respectively. FRAISE aims at providing high-intensity and high-quality RIBs for nuclear physics experiments, also serving to interdisciplinary research areas, such as medical physics. Critical aspects for high-quality beams are the tuning and transport, representing time-consuming processes and requiring dedicated diagnostics and tagging devices measuring many features of RIBs. Some of these devices should be capable to operate in radioactively activated environments because of the expected 2 kW beam lost in the dipole after the production target. Due to its peculiar robustness to radioactive damage, Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology has been considered for the detection layer. In this view, an R & D campaign has been started aiming at developing the FRAISE facility, the new diagnostics system, and a new tagging device, the latter of which will be useful for the CHIMERA multidetector beamline. In this paper, we discuss the status and the perspectives of the facility with a focus on the RIBs opportunities
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