32 research outputs found

    Analysis of cosmic microwave background data on an incomplete sky

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    Measurement of the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background is most often based on a spherical harmonic analysis of the observed temperature anisotropies. Even if all-sky maps are obtained, however, it is likely that the region around the Galactic plane will have to be removed as a result of its strong microwave emissions. The spherical harmonics are not orthogonal on the cut sky, but an orthonormal basis set can be constructed from a linear combination of the original functions. Previous implementations of this technique, based on Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization, were limited to maximum Legendre multipoles of lmax & 50, as they required all the modes have appreciable support on the cut-sky, whereas for large lmax the fraction of modes supported is equal to the fractional area of the region retained. This problem is solved by using a singular value decomposition to remove the poorly supported basis functions, although the treatment of the non-cosmological monopole and dipole modes necessarily becomes more complicated. A further difficulty is posed by computational limitations – orthogonalization for a general cut requires Oðl 6 maxÞ operations and Oðl 4 maxÞ storage and so is impractical for lmax * 200 at present. These problems are circumvented for the special case of constant (Galactic) latitude cuts, for which the storage requirements scale as Oðl 2 maxÞ and the operations count scales as Oðl 4 maxÞ. Less clear, however, is the stage of the data analysis at which the cut is best applied. As convolution is ill-defined on the incomplete sphere, beam-deconvolution should not be performed after the cut and, if all-sky component separation is as successful as simulations indicate, the Galactic plane should probably be removed immediately prior to power spectrum estimation

    Current warming will reduce yields unless maize breeding and seed systems adapt immediately

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    The development of crop varieties that are better suited to new climatic conditions is vital for future food production1, 2. Increases in mean temperature accelerate crop development, resulting in shorter crop durations and reduced time to accumulate biomass and yield3, 4. The process of breeding, delivery and adoption (BDA) of new maize varieties can take up to 30 years. Here, we assess for the first time the implications of warming during the BDA process by using five bias-corrected global climate models and four representative concentration pathways with realistic scenarios of maize BDA times in Africa. The results show that the projected difference in temperature between the start and end of the maize BDA cycle results in shorter crop durations that are outside current variability. Both adaptation and mitigation can reduce duration loss. In particular, climate projections have the potential to provide target elevated temperatures for breeding. Whilst options for reducing BDA time are highly context dependent, common threads include improved recording and sharing of data across regions for the whole BDA cycle, streamlining of regulation, and capacity building. Finally, we show that the results have implications for maize across the tropics, where similar shortening of duration is projected

    Clover experiment: The receiver block

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    The ClOVER instrument (described elsewhere in this volume) is being built to measure the B-mode polarisation of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Each of the 256 pixels is made up a pseudo-correlation receiver that can be realised using either waveguide or microstrip technology. In this work we present a design study for a possible waveguide-based solution. Each of the individual components has been optimised using electromagnetic finite-element modelling software (HFSS)