375 research outputs found

    Producción cinematográfica independiente 2.0: Estrategias de bajo presupuesto frente a la tecnología 3D y el contenido premium

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    La obra analiza cómo están influyendo las nuevas tecnologías en el sector cinematográfico, durante un periodo de siete años (2010 – 2017), proponiendo como hipótesis la tendencia a la polarización del cine; las superproducciones de alto presupuesto por un lado, adaptadas a las tecnologías punteras, como puede ser actualmente el 3D o el cine interactivo en general; y, por otro, las de bajo presupuesto, adaptadas a los nuevos modelos de negocio emergentes. Este fenómeno bipolar produce el hundimiento del escalón medio, es decir, aquellas películas de presupuesto medio que representan una amenaza para el sector debido al riesgo de su escasa posibilidad de amortización. Se estudia la situación de las superproducciones en estos últimos años y su contenido premium que diferencia la experiencia cinematográfica del resto, así como las nuevas ventanas de explotación abiertas también al cine independiente. Una gran parte de la investigación se centra en demostrar cómo a través de las nuevas tecnologías se puede llegar a conseguir un producto comercial (low cost) sin partir de una fuerte inversión económica, dando así acceso a nuevos productores. Se reflejan medios y estrategias disponibles para el productor indie, que eran tan inalcanzables para estos como la posibilidad de llegar a integrarse en el circuito comercial. RESUMEN DE TESIS DOCTORAL Presentada por Miguel Ángel Abuja Rodríguez bajo la dirección del Prof. Dr. D. Luis Navarrete Cardero PRODUCCIÓN CINEMATOGRÁFICA INDEPENDIENTE 2.0: ESTRATEGIAS DE BAJO PRESUPUESTO FRENTE A LA TECNOLOGÍA 3D Y EL CONTENIDO PREMIUM Partiendo de esta base, la obra plantea el reto de llevar a cabo una estrategia comercial, desde la creación de una empresa (Timber Films), en 2010, sin presupuesto, donde se utilizarán las nuevas tecnologías e Internet, demostrando así que esta es la base para ir generando una comunidad de contactos laborales y seguidores, tanto en Internet como físicamente. Explicando todos los avances materializados en los años venideros, hasta generar suficiente repercusión para conseguir la financiación de un largometraje comercial, en 2017. Durante este largo periodo se demuestra con material real una auténtica estrategia para recorrer un camino de cara a penetrar en ese polo del cine low cost comercial, mostrando las claves y materiales necesarios para reflejar todas las fases llevadas a cabo para dicho resultado. La investigación finaliza una vez conseguida la financiación para un largometraje cinematográfico de ficción. Así, se cierra la Tesis demostrando la hipótesis de cómo las nuevas tecnologías están facilitando ese acceso a productores indie, demostrando cómo hacer uso de ellas, facilitando un material y unas claves que no sólo corroboran la hipótesis sino que pueden ser de una gran utilidad para todo estudiante que quiera dedicarse al sector cinematográfico, así como a los profesionales que se estén adaptando a las nuevas tecnologías e iniciándose en este proceso

    Impact of the pre-examination phase on multicenter metabolomic studies

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    The development of metabolomics in clinical applications has been limited by the lack of validation in large multicenter studies. Large population cohorts and their biobanks are a valuable resource for acquiring insights into molecular disease mechanisms. Nevertheless, most of their collections are not tailored for metabolomics and have been created without specific attention to the pre-analytical requirements for high-quality metabolome assessment. Thus, comparing samples obtained by different pre-analytical procedures remains a major challenge. Here, H-1 NMR-based analyses are used to demonstrate how human serum and plasma samples collected with different operating procedures within several large European cohort studies from the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Infrastructure - Large Prospective Cohorts (BBMRI-LPC) consortium can be easily revealed by supervised multivariate statistical analyses at the initial stages of the process, to avoid biases in the downstream analysis. The inter-biobank differences are discussed in terms of deviations from the validated CEN/TS 16945:2016 / ISO 23118:2021 norms. It clearly emerges that biobanks must adhere to the evidence-based guidelines in order to support wider-scale application of metabolomics in biomedicine, and that NMR spectroscopy is informative in comparing the quality of different sample sources in multi cohort/center studies.Peer reviewe

    An open randomized clinical trial in comparing two artesunate-based combination treatments on Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Nigerian children: artesunate/sulphamethoxypyrazine/pyrimethamine (fixed dose over 24 hours) versus artesunate/amodiaquine (fixed dose over 48 hours)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) across malaria zones of the world. Fixed dose ACT with shorter courses and fewer tablets may be key determinants to ease of administration and compliance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Children aged one year to 13 years presenting with uncomplicated <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>malaria were recruited in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria. A total of 250 children each were randomly assigned to receive three doses of artesunate/sulphamethoxypyrazine/pyrimethamine (AS + SMP) (12 hourly doses over 24 hours) or three doses of artesunate/amodiaquine (AS + AQ) (daily doses over 48 hours). Efficacy and safety of the two drugs were assessed using a 28-day follow-up and the primary outcome was PCR- corrected parasitological cure rate and clinical response.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were two (0.4%) early treatment failures, one in each treatment arm. The PCR corrected cure rates for day 28 was 97.9% in the AS + AQ arm and 95.6% in the AS + SMP arm (p = 0.15). The re-infection rate was 1.7% in the AS + AQ arm and 5.7% in the AS + SMP arm (p = 0.021). The fever clearance time was similar in the two treatment groups: 1 - 2 days for both AS + SMP and AS + AQ (p = 0.271). The parasite clearance time was also similar in the two treatment groups with 1 - 7 days for AS + SMP and 1 - 4 days for AS + AQ (p = 0.941). The proportion of children with gametocytes over the follow-up period was similar in both treatment groups. Serious Adverse Events were not reported in any of the patients and in all children, laboratory values (packed cell volume, liver enzymes, bilirubin) remained within normal levels during the follow-up period but the packed cell volume was significantly lower in the AS + SMP group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study demonstrates that AS + SMP FDC given as three doses over 24 hours (12-hour intervals) has similar efficacy as AS + AQ FDC given as three doses over 48 hours (24-hour interval) for the treatment of uncomplicated <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>malaria in children in Nigeria. Both drugs also proved to be safe. Therefore, AS + SMP could be an alternative to currently recommended first-line ACT with continuous resistance surveillance.</p

    The Physiological Mechanisms of Effect of Vitamins and Amino Acids on Tendon and Muscle Healing: A Systematic Review

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    © 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.To evaluate the current literature via systematic review to ascertain whether amino acids/vitamins provide any influence on musculotendinous healing and if so, by which physiological mechanisms. Methods: EBSCO, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase Classic/Embase, and MEDLINE were searched using terms including "vitamins," "amino acids," "healing," "muscle," and "tendon." The primary search had 479 citations, of which 466 were excluded predominantly due to nonrandomized design. Randomized human and animal studies investigating all supplement types/forms of administration were included. Critical appraisal of internal validity was assessed using the Cochrane risk of Bias Tool or the Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory Animal Experimentation Risk of Bias Tool for human and animal studies, respectively. Two reviewers performed duel data extraction. Results: Twelve studies met criteria for inclusion: eight examined tendon healing and four examined muscle healing. All studies used animal models, except two human trials using a combined integrator. Narrative synthesis was performed via content analysis of demonstrated statistically significant effects and thematic analysis of proposed physiological mechanisms of intervention. Vitamin C/taurine demonstrated indirect effects on tendon healing through antioxidant activity. Vitamin A/glycine showed direct effects on extracellular matrix tissue synthesis. Vitamin E shows an antiproliferative influence on collagen deposition. Leucine directly influences signaling pathways to promote muscle protein synthesis. Discussion: Preliminary evidence exists, demonstrating that vitamins and amino acids may facilitate multilevel changes in musculotendinous healing; however, recommendations on clinical utility should be made with caution. All animal studies and one human study showed high risk of bias with moderate interobserver agreement (k = 0.46). Currently, there is limited evidence to support the use of vitamins and amino acids for musculotendinous injury. Both high-quality animal experimentation of the proposed mechanisms confirming the physiological influence of supplementation and human studies evaluating effects on tissue morphology and biochemistry are required before practical application.Peer reviewe

    Utilization of insecticide treated nets during pregnancy among postpartum women in Ibadan, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pregnant women are susceptible to symptomatic malaria due to invasion of the placenta by plasmodium. Malaria increases the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes for mothers, the foetuses and newborns. The effective use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) would be of benefit to these vulnerable women. Previous studies have focused on prenatal-women but this study sought to explore the actual trend of utilization of the proven strategy across all the pregnancy stages among postpartum women in Ibadan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This cross-sectional survey utilized a validated structured questionnaire for data collection. A calculated sample of 335 postpartum women was proportionately recruited from three fee-paying facilities within Ibadan, Nigeria using a simple random sampling technique. These hospitals have high client flow for maternity cases and are known for provision of care under traditional ANC model. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics by means of Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15. The level of significance was set at = 0.05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The women's age ranged between 18 and 47 years, mean age was 29.4 ± 0.8 years. Various irregularities marked the traditional model of ANC provided at the settings and no exposure to preconception care. Also, 276 (82.4%) had heard of ITNs. Antenatal clinics formed the major source of information. Low utilization and compliance rates were observed. One hundred and twenty-seven (37.9%) of the women had high knowledge of Malaria in Pregnancy (MIP) but only 70 (20.9%) demonstrated positive attitude towards the use of ITNs. Participants' educational status, family types, employment and residential areas significantly influenced ITNs utilization.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The women knew and learned about ITNs from ANC visits. Majority of the women did not own ITNs because of lack of access to free distribution. The existing traditional model of ANC was marked by irregularities and none of the women was exposed to preconception care. In addition, negative attitude in spite of increased knowledge of MIP was observed among the women. Therefore, evaluation of free distribution of ITNs is recommended. Integration of focused ANC and preconception care are advocated to promote early access to health information.</p

    Technical Evaluation of Commercial Mutation Analysis Platforms and Reference Materials for Liquid Biopsy Profiling

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    Molecular profiling from liquid biopsy, in particular cell-free DNA (cfDNA), represents an attractive alternative to tissue biopsies for the detection of actionable targets and tumor monitoring. In addition to PCR-based assays, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based cfDNA assays are now commercially available and are being increasingly adopted in clinical practice. However, the validity of these products as well as the clinical utility of cfDNA in the management of patients with cancer has yet to be proven. Within framework of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) program CANCER-ID we evaluated the use of commercially available reference materials designed for ctDNA testing and cfDNA derived from Diagnostic Leukaphereses (DLA) for inter-and intra-assay as well as intra-and inter-laboratory comparisons. In three experimental setups, a broad range of assays including ddPCR, MassARRAY and various NGS-based assays were tested. We demonstrate that both reference materials with predetermined VAFs and DLA samples are extremely useful for the performance assessment of mutation analysis platforms. Moreover, our data indicate a substantial variability of NGS assays with respect to sensitivity and specificity

    Government Spending and Inclusive-Growth Relationship in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation

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    This study has investigated the relationship between government spending and inclusive growth in Nigeria over the period 1995 to 2014. Specifically, it examined how, and to what extent, government spending on education, government spending on health, economic freedom, public resource use, and real GDP growth rate have impacted on inclusive growth in the country. It used the Dickey-Fuller GLS unit root test to ascertain the order of integration of the series. Consequently, through the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound testing technique, the study found that in the long-run government spending on health, economic freedom, public resource use and real GDP growth rate had significantly positive influence on inclusive growth. In the short-run, however, only real GDP impacted significantly on inclusive growth while other variables were not significant in causing inclusive growth. Thus, in conclusion, government spending in the form of redistributive spending on health propelled inclusive growth in Nigeria