1,173 research outputs found

    Trajectory and guidance parameters in flight control of the Venera 9 and Venera 10 spacecraft

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    The flight plans of the Venera 9 and Venera 10 spacecraft are discussed in terms of trajectory control and guidance. Results obtained from real time analysis to determine and predict the satellites' trajectories show good agreement between the actual and the design orbit evolution

    A note on generalizations of Hölder inequalities via convex and concave functions

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    A high fibered power of a family of varieties of general type dominates a variety of general type

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    We prove the following theorem: Fibered Power Theorem: Let X\rar B be a smooth family of positive dimensional varieties of general type, with BB irreducible. Then there exists an integer n>0n>0, a positive dimensional variety of general type WnW_n, and a dominant rational map X^n_B \das W_n.Comment: Latex2e (in latex 2.09 compatibility mode). To get a fun-free version change the `FUN' variable to `n' on the second line (option dedicated to my friend Yuri Tschinkel). Postscript file with color illustration available on http://math.bu.edu/INDIVIDUAL/abrmovic/fibered.p

    Three-body structure of low-lying 12Be states

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    We investigate to what extent a description of 12Be as a three-body system made of an inert 10Be-core and two neutrons is able to reproduce the experimental 12Be data. Three-body wave functions are obtained with the hyperspherical adiabatic expansion method. We study the discrete spectrum of 12Be, the structure of the different states, the predominant transition strengths, and the continuum energy spectrum after high energy fragmentation on a light target. Two 0+, one 2+, one 1- and one 0- bound states are found where the first four are known experimentally whereas the 0- is predicted as an isomeric state. An effective neutron charge, reproducing the measured B(E1) transition and the charge rms radius in 11Be, leads to a computed B(E1) transition strength for 12Be in agreement with the experimental value. For the E0 and E2 transitions the contributions from core excitations could be more significant. The experimental 10Be-neutron continuum energy spectrum is also well reproduced except in the energy region corresponding to the 3/2- resonance in 11Be where core excitations contribute.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Radiation measurements in the new tandem accelerator FEL

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    The measurements of both spontaneous and stimulated emissions of radiation in the newly configured Israeli EA-FEL are made for the first time. The radiation at the W-band was measured and characterized. The results match the predictions of our earlier theoretical modeling and calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, FEL 2003 Conference repor


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    From ancient times, classical higher education was based on humanitarian knowledge, primarily on widely interpreted rhetoric, which has armed itself with a variety of knowledge and ability to debate. But the modern university was formed in the Middle Ages, which determined the range of problems that the Modern and postmodern era is trying to solve; it was dominated by theology and, in general, an orientation towards what is recognized in the Renaissance as a humanitarian moment. From the beginning of the XIXth century in Western society as classical universities considered universities with a humanitarian bias; only then the “natural” faculties joined. However, even in this format, universities were not focused on flat utility, preferring the fundamental theory to it. In the XXth century was taken an orientation to unite “middle-level education higher“ institutions in the format of the commercialization of higher education — the so-called The Bologna process, but the classical university with strong traditions in the West is not threatened by either the outflow of applicants or the loss of attention of patrons. In our case, in the perspective of entering the Bologna process and the unconditional commercialization of education, there is also a tendency of absolute confidence in the engineering and computer – essentially supporting staff – for whom “humanitarian” is just “information noise”; so it is quite possible the complete destruction of the classical university and the total dehumanization of life with all the consequences of such actions.Key words: humanitarian of knowledge, classical University, Bologna process, commercialization of education.доктор філологічних наук, Абрамович С. Д. Концепція класичного університету і перспективи гуманітарної освіти в Україні / Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка, Україна, Кам’янець-ПодільськийКласична вища освіта з античних часів ґрунтувалася на гуманітарному знанні, найперше ж – на широко потрактованій риториці, яка озброювала найрізноманітнішими знаннями й вмінням дискутувати. Та сучасний університет склався у Середньовіччі, яке визначило коло проблем, що їх тільки намагається вирішити ера Модерну й постмодерну;  тут домінувала теологія й, у цілому, орієнтація на те, що в Ренесансі усвідомиться як гуманітарний момент. З початку ХІХ сторіччя у західному суспільстві класичними університетами вважали вузи з гуманітарним ухилом; лише згодом сюди долучилися «природничі» факультети. Та й у такому форматі університети не були орієнтовані на пласку утилітарність, віддаючи перевагу фундаментальній теорії. У ХХ столітті намічається згуртування «вузів-середнячків в форматі комерціалізації вищої освіти – т. зв. Болонський процес, але на Заході класичному університетові з міцними традиціями не загрожує ані відтік абітурієнтів, ані втрата уваги меценатів. У нас же, в перспективі входження до Болонського процесу та беззастережної комерціалізації освіти, вимальовується ще й тенденція абсолютної довіри до інженерно-комп’ютерного – по суті  допоміжного – персоналу, для якого «гуманітарищина» – це просто «інформаційний шум»; отож цілком можливе повне знищення класичного університету й тотальної дегуманізації життя з усіма наслідками таких дій.Ключові слова: гуманітарне знання, класичний університет, Болонський процес, комерціоналізація освіти

    New broad 8Be nuclear resonances

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    Energies, total and partial widths, and reduced width amplitudes of 8Be resonances up to an excitation energy of 26 MeV are extracted from a coupled channel analysis of experimental data. The presence of an extremely broad J^pi = 2^+ ``intruder'' resonance is confirmed, while a new 1^+ and very broad 4^+ resonance are discovered. A previously known 22 MeV 2^+ resonance is likely resolved into two resonances. The experimental J^pi T = 3^(+)? resonance at 22 MeV is determined to be 3^-0, and the experimental 1^-? (at 19 MeV) and 4^-? resonances to be isospin 0.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Graph hypersurfaces and a dichotomy in the Grothendieck ring

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    The subring of the Grothendieck ring of varieties generated by the graph hypersurfaces of quantum field theory maps to the monoid ring of stable birational equivalence classes of varieties. We show that the image of this map is the copy of Z generated by the class of a point. Thus, the span of the graph hypersurfaces in the Grothendieck ring is nearly killed by setting the Lefschetz motive L to zero, while it is known that graph hypersurfaces generate the Grothendieck ring over a localization of Z[L] in which L becomes invertible. In particular, this shows that the graph hypersurfaces do not generate the Grothendieck ring prior to localization. The same result yields some information on the mixed Hodge structures of graph hypersurfaces, in the form of a constraint on the terms in their Deligne-Hodge polynomials.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe