242 research outputs found

    The isomorphism problem for ideal class monoids of numerical semigroups

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    The author is partially supported by the grant number ProyExcel_00868 (Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía) and by the Junta de Andalucía Grant Number FQM--343. He also acknowledges financial support from the grant PID2022-138906NB-C21 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF "A way of making Europe'', and from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), through the "Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu Programme for Centres and Unities of Excellence'' (CEX2020-001105-M). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA.From any poset isomorphic to the poset of gaps of a numerical semigroup S with the order induced by S, one can recover S. As an application, we prove that two different numerical semigroups cannot have isomorphic posets (with respect to set inclusion) of ideals whose minimum is zero. We also show that given two numerical semigroups S and T, if their ideal class monoids are isomorphic, then S must be equal to T.Junta de Andalucía ProyExcel_00868 FQM--343MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 PID2022-138906NB-C21ERDF "A way of making Europe''Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation CEX2020-001105-MUniversidad de Granada / CBU

    Almost symmetric numerical semigroups with high type

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    We establish a one-to-one correspondence between numerical semigroups of genus g and almost symmetric numerical semigroups with Frobenius number F and type F − 2g , provided that F is greater than or equal to 4g − 1.The first author was partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía research group FQM-366, and by the project MTM2017-84890-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE). The second author was partially supported by the research groups FQM-024 (Junta de Extremadura/FEDER funds) and by the project MTM2015-65764-C3-1-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and by the project MTM2017-84890-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE)

    El Presupuesto como Instrumento de la Política Económica

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    En este trabajo tengo la aspiración de lograr que los profesionales, pero sobre todo los estudiantes, que lean estos comentarios, encuentren en los problemas que trato, una fuente de meditaciones. Y estoy convencido que estos problemas son de índole más bien económico-financiera, no por eso deben escapar del campo de interés de los que tienen su vida dedicada al servicio de la noble profesión del Derecho. Es precisamente en dicha circunstancia que el presente ensayo encuentra el origen de sus limitaciones, en cuanto a la profundización en el tema y al uso medianamente generalizado del lenguaje corriente en lugar de los tecnicismos que son de estilo en esta clase de estudios. Así, este trabajo no tiene el propósito de hacer un estudio completo del Presupuesto sino el de destacar la posibilidad y necesidad de usar el Presupuesto en una forma consciente para fines de política económica y la forma en que las modernas tendencias presupuestarias sirven a estos fines

    Cartas de Abelardo y Heloisa : en verso castellano

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Propuesta De Prevención Contra El Suicidio Pape Dirigida A 3500 Estudiantes De Secundaria De Los municipios De Villamaria Y Manizales (Caldas – Colombia)

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    Desde la 66ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud Mental realizada en el año 2013 se planteos un programa para disminución del suicidio a nivel mundial, compromiso hecho entre los países interesados, sin embargo la OMS 2014 afirma que “solo 60 estados miembros disponen de datos de registro civil de buena calidad que se pueden utilizar directamente para estimar tasas de suicidio”. (Prevención del suicidio un imperativo global. Organización Panamericana de la salud. Organización Mundial de la Salud para la Américas 2014) Para la OMS los datos que se tienen sobre el número real de suicidios no son exactos por diferentes motivos en las legislaciones de algunos estados, En cifras calculan que unos 800.000 suicidios se comenten anualmente, es decir un cada 40 segundos. De allí que la meta de disminución a alcanzar para el 2020 sea un 10%. Colombia como muchos países tiene el suicidio como segunda causa de muerte, “con una tasa de 9,7 suicidios en la ciudad por cada 100 mil habitantes,” (16 de junio de 2019. BC noticias, noticias de Manizales.) Con este incremento, Manizales presentó la tasa de suicidios más alta entre las 23 ciudades principales, superando a Armenia y Pereira que históricamente han tenido alta incidencia de esta problemática.” Preocupa de manera directa las estadísticas de muertes autoinfrinjidas en Manizales cuando éstas presentan a la capital del departamento de caldas como la de mayor incremento. Observándose la imperiosa necesidad de incrementar programas de prevención contra el suicidio. El presente documento no aspira ofrecer una información por menorizada en datos estadísticos sobre el suicidio mundial, nacional o regional, como tampoco es un documento que ofrezca la solución definitiva a un asunto tan complejo. Es una herramienta pedagógica que estimula psicológica y emocionalmente hacia un cambio de actitud frente a las dificultades o ante aquellos acontecimientos que marcan la vida de las personas en cualquier etapa como pueden ser los duelos, los problemas, el mundo o las circunstancias que lo envuelven. La prevención es una estrategia practica que salva vidas de toda especie pero particularmente hablando el programa de Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos Estudiantiles o PAPE como será referido en este documento, tiene como meta ayudar en los procesos que a nivel regional se están llevando a cabo para disminuir al máximo la frecuencia de suicidios en jóvenes estudiantes de las poblaciones de Villamaria y Manizales departamento de Caldas –Colombia. Básicamente los PAPE son una serie de sesiones dentro de los planteles educativos en los que los estudiantes disfrutan de cinco películas, una obra de teatro y una actividad lúdica de dibujo espontaneo, actividades que se realizan con el acompañamiento de los educadores. Durante las sesiones se descubren algunos factores que dan cuenta de la pregunta del porqué los jóvenes se están suicidando, qué los motiva a tomar esta determinación o cuál es el detonante de estas acciones fatales. Los resultados finales de las respuestas que proporcionan los estudiantes en cada sesión arrojan un cuadro informativo que a su vez sirve como herramienta de retroalimentación para un seguimiento del programa. Simultáneamente en cada sesión se formula una pregunta tomada del cuestionario elaborado por el Doctor Miguel de subiría quien experimento en carne propia una situación familiar de esta índole. La metodología que se aplica es la participativa, ya que cada persona que asiste a las sesiones participa de manera directa con el programa y hace sus aportes dentro de las mismas. Los resultados esperados son de carácter cualitativos, ya que se deducen de la experiencia manifestada por cada participante.Since the 66th World Mental Health Assembly held in 2013, a program to reduce suicide worldwide was proposed, a commitment made between the countries concerned, however the WHO 2014 states that "only 60 member states have registration data good quality civilian that can be used directly to estimate suicide rates. ” (Suicide prevention a global imperative. Pan American Health Organization. World Health Organization for the Americas 2014) For the WHO, the data on the actual number of suicides are not accurate for different reasons in the laws of some states. In figures, they calculate that about 800,000 suicides are committed annually, that is, every 40 seconds. Hence, the reduction target to be reached by 2020 is 10%. Colombia, like many countries, has suicide as the second cause of death, "with a rate of 9.7 suicides in the city for every 100,000 inhabitants," (June 16, 2019. BC News, Manizales News.) With this increase , Manizales presented the highest suicide rate among the 23 main cities, surpassing Armenia and Pereira, which historically have had a high incidence of this problem. ” The statistics of self-inflicted deaths in Manizales are of direct concern when they present the capital of the department of Caldas as the one with the highest increase. Noting the urgent need to increase suicide prevention programs. This document does not aspire to offer retail information in statistical data on global, national or regional suicide, nor is it a document that offers the definitive solution to such a complex issue. It is a pedagogical tool that stimulates psychologically and emotionally towards a change of attitude in the face of difficulties or before those events that mark the lives of people at any stage such as duels, problems, the world or the circumstances that surround it. Prevention is a practical strategy that saves the lives of all species, but particularly speaking, the Student Psychological First Aid program or PAPE, as it will be referred to in this document, aims to help in the processes that are being carried out at the regional level to reduce the maximum frequency of suicides in young students from Villamaria and Manizales populations, Caldas department - Colombia. Basically the PAPE are a series of sessions within the educational establishments in which the students enjoy five films, a play and a spontaneous drawing activity, activities that are carried out with the accompaniment of the educators. During the sessions some factors are discovered that account for the question of why young people are committing suicide, what motivates them to make this determination or what is the trigger for these fatal actions. The final results of the answers provided by the students in each session produce an informative table that in turn serves as a feedback tool for monitoring the program. Simultaneously, in each session, a question is asked from the questionnaire prepared by Doctor Miguel, who would experience a family situation of this nature firsthand. The methodology applied is participatory, since each person who attends the sessions participates directly with the program and contributes within them. The expected results are qualitative in nature, as they are deduced from the experience expressed by each participant

    Historia de Abelardo y Heloisa : seguida de sus cartas

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Provision of awareness of learners' emotions through visualizations in a computer interaction-based environment

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    One of the challenges of intelligent systems for education is to use low-level data collected in computer environments in the form of events or interactions to infer information with high-level significance using artificial intelligence techniques, and present it through visualizations in a meaningful and effective way. Among this information, emotional data is gaining track in by instructors in their educational activities. Many benefits can be obtained if an intelligent systems can bring teachers with knowledge about their learner's emotions, learning causes, and learning relationships with emotions. In this paper, we propose and justify a set of visualizations for an intelligent system to provide awareness about the emotions of the learners to the instructor based on the learners' interactions in their computers. We apply these learner's affective visualizations in a programming course at University level with more than 300 students, and analyze and interpret the student's emotional results in connection with the learning process.Work partially funded by the EEE project, ‘‘Plan Nacional de I+D+I TIN2011-28308-C03-01’’ and the ‘‘Emadrid: Investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías para el e-learning en la Comunidad de Madrid’’ project (S2009/TIC-1650)’’

    Detection and Analysis of Anomalies in People Density and Mobility Through Wireless Smartphone Tracking

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    One of the challenges of this century is to use the data that a smart-city provides to make life easier for its inhabitants. Speci cally, within the area of urban mobility, the possibility of detecting anomalies in the movement of pedestrians and vehicles is an issue of vital importance for the planning and administration of a city. The aim of this paper is to propose a methodology to detect the movement of people from the information transmitted by their smart mobile devices, analyze these data, and be able to detect or recognize anomalies in their behavior. In order to validate this methodology, different experiments have been carried out based on real data aiming to extract knowledge, as well as obtaining a characterisation of the anomalies detected. The use of this methodology might help the city policy makers to better manage their mobility and transport resources.This work was supported by in part by the Dirección General de Tráfico under Project SPIP2017-02116, in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under Grant RTI2018-102002-A-I00, in part by the Ministerio español de Economía y Competitividad under Grant TIN2017-85727-C4-2-P, in part by the FEDER under Grant TEC2015-68752, and in part by the FEDER y Junta de Andalucía under Project B-TIC-402-UGR18

    Learning Analytics @ UC3M

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    Proceedings of: 2013 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 13-15 March 2013, Berlin (Germany).Feedback is important for any activity, and learning is no exception. Whereas assessment can give summative feedback about the proficiency of the learning, learning analytics can give a much finer level of feedback about the learning process. Learning analytics can help in identifying the effectiveness of learning elements, can help in engaging students, can guide teachers in the preparation and deployment of the teaching activity. In this paper, we present a number of different initiatives carried out at UC3M that include elements of learning analytics for different purposes.The eMadrid Excellence Network is being funded by the Madrid Regional Government (Comunidad de Madrid) with grant No. S2009/TIC-1650. We wish to acknowledge stimulating discussions with our partners in the context of the network. Partial support has also been received from the EEE project (TIN2011-28308-C03-01)