212 research outputs found

    Colloids for Inkjet Printing of Highly Photoactive Thin Films

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    Creating of photovoltaic cells with high conversion of solar light – promising trend in the field of solar energy. In this paper, we proposed the use of inkjet printing technology of photoactive films based on MOFentrapped and pure TiO2 thin films. For this application we develop a unique low temperature sol-gel synthesis using physically activated sol of crystalline phases based on the titanium dioxide produced in the process of co-crystallisation with MOF. It is shown that the developed technology and materials not only provide point positioning photovoltaic layers with high efficiency, but also to promote self-cleaning properties, exhibiting photocatalytic properties

    Inkjetready Sol-gel Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Titania Colloids

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    Materials based on titanium dioxide produced as a highly photoactive catalysts, attracted the attention of many researchers because of the environmentally friendly destruction of substantially all organic contaminants. In this study, the inkjet titania films with hierarchical structures were prepared by a combined sol–gel and inkjet method. The X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) result indicated that the synthesized titania nanoproducts were of pure anatase phase. The data of low-temperature nitrogen adsorption-desorption and TEM (SEM) images demonstrate that the formed nanocolloids had a narrow particle size distribution with average diameter of 15 nm and were composed of nanocrystals with about 7 nm in diameter. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) results showed that the titania inkjet layers have high surface area (110-127 m2/g) and lots of mesopores

    Правовое регулирование предотвращения и возмещения экологического ущерба внутренних морей

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    The article discusses the problem of pollution of the world ocean and internal sea.В статье рассмотрены проблемы загрязнения мирового океана и внутренних морей

    Picosecond acoustics in single quantum wells of cubic GaN/(Al,Ga)N

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    A picosecond acoustic pulse is used to study the photoelastic interaction in single zinc-blende GaN/AlxGa1−xN quantum wells. We use an optical time-resolved pump-probe setup and demonstrate that tuning the photon energy to the quantum well’s lowest electron-hole transition makes the experiment sensitive to the quantum well only. Because of the small width, its temporal and spatial resolution allows us to track the few-picosecond-long transit of the acoustic pulse. We further deploy a model to analyze the unknown photoelastic coupling strength of the quantum well for different photon energies and find good agreement with the experiments

    Features of the development of physical qualities in children of the younger school age by means of moving and sporting games

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    The article raises the problem of the development of the physical qualities of children of primary school age in a general education school, in which outdoor and sports games are used not only within the framework of the academic discipline, but are widely used in the schoolchild's day regimen. The use of the games of the peoples of the world is associated with the process of the formation of ethnic tolerance.В статье поднята проблема развития физических качеств детей младшего школьного возраста общеобразовательной школы, в которой подвижные и спортивные игры применяются не только в рамках учебной дисциплины, но имеют широкое применение в режиме дня школьника. Применение игр народов мира сопряжено с процессом формирования этнической толерантности

    Magnon polaron formed by selectively coupled coherent magnon and phonon modes of a surface patterned ferromagnet

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    Strong coupling between two quanta of different excitations leads to the formation of a hybridized state which paves a way for exploiting new degrees of freedom to control phenomena with high efficiency and precision. A magnon polaron is the hybridized state of a phonon and a magnon, the elementary quanta of lattice vibrations and spin waves in a magnetically-ordered material. A magnon polaron can be formed at the intersection of the magnon and phonon dispersions, where their frequencies coincide. The observation of magnon polarons in the time domain has remained extremely challenging because the weak interaction of magnons and phonons and their short lifetimes jeopardize the strong coupling required for the formation of a hybridized state. Here, we overcome these limitations by spatial matching of magnons and phonons in a metallic ferromagnet with a nanoscale periodic surface pattern. The spatial overlap of the selected phonon and magnon modes formed in the periodic ferromagnetic structure results in a high coupling strength which, in combination with their long lifetimes allows us to find clear evidence of an optically excited magnon polaron. We show that the symmetries of the localized magnon and phonon states play a crucial role in the magnon polaron formation and its manifestation in the optically excited magnetic transients

    The Development of Nuclear Frequency Standard with the Use of Ion Crystals Manipulation System

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    AbstractThe perspectives for the increase in the accuracy of optical frequency standards by means of the development of “nuclear clocks” – a novel frequency standard based on the nuclear transition to the long-living isomer nuclear state of thorium-229 with energy ∼7.6eV are discussed. Theoretical estimations give a possible accuracy Δν/ν ∼1×10-20, that allows wide scope of applications for a frequency standard, from satellite navigation systems to experimental verification of the principles of the general theory of relativity. The results are presented and the future prospects for research are discussed on the measurement of the isomeric transition in the nucleus of thorium-229 and creation on its basis the frequency standard of the new generation

    Intellegent computers − the means for automatization of scientific investigating and reliable solving of scientific and engineering problems

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    The intelligent computer investigates characteristics of problem’s computer model and on the basis of this information it automatically constructs the solution algorithm, forms a topology from MIMD-computer’s processors, creates a parallel program code, solves the problem and, finally, estimates the reliability of the obtained results (the proximity between machine and mathematical solutions as well as estimate of inherited error in the obtained solution).Інтелектуальний комп’ютер досліджує властивості комп’ютерної моделі задачі і на підставі цієї інформації автоматично будує алгоритм рішення, формує топологію з процесорів MIMD-комп’ютера, створює код програми паралельних обчислень, вирішує завдання і по закінченні рахунки оцінює достовірність отриманих результатів (близькість машинного рішення до математичного та оцінку спадкової похибки в отриманому рішенні).Интеллектуальный компьютер исследует свойства компьютерной модели задачи и на основании этой информации автоматически строит алгоритм решения, формирует топологию из процессоров MIMD- компьютера, создает код программы параллельных вычислений, решает задачу и по окончании счета оценивает достоверность полученных результатов (близость машинного решения к математическому и оценку наследственной погрешности в полученном решении)

    Resonant driving of magnetization precession in a ferromagnetic layer by coherent monochromatic phonons

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    We realize resonant driving of the magnetization precession by monochromatic phonons in a thin ferromagnetic layer embedded into a phononic Fabry-Pérot resonator. A femtosecond laser pulse excites resonant phonon modes of the structure in the 10−40 GHz frequency range. By applying an external magnetic field, we tune the precession frequency relative to the frequency of the phonons localized in the cavity and observe an enormous increase in the amplitude of the magnetization precession when the frequencies of free magnetization precession and phonons localized in the cavity are equal

    Effect of androgen suppression on bone mineral density in patients with prostate cancer

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    The androgen-suppressive therapy (AST) in patients with prostate cancer (PC) may dramatically affect the bone mineral density (BMD), which puts patients at risk of severe adverse effects, such as weight-bearing bone fractures. Aim: To study the effect of AST on BMD in patients with non-metastatic hormone-sensitive PC treated with intermittent hormonal therapy, and effect of different total testosterone level on BMD. Materials and Methods: From 2011 to 2013 we treated 56 patients with non-metastatic hormone-naïve PC. Intermittent hormonal treatment with flutamide at a dose of 250 mg 3 times per day with nine monthly injections of luteinizing gonadotropic releasing hormone (LGnRH) [“treatment” period] followed by period of observance (“no treatment”) was administered. We evaluated the BMD of lumbar spine and both proximal thighs by means of dual-energy x-ray densitometry at the end of “treatment” period and at the end of “no treatment” period. Results: During the first treatment period, 44 of 56 patients (78.6%) experienced the reduction in BMD in both lumbar spine and thighs. Total testosterone level in all patients dropped to castration level. During the first period of “no treatment” there was an increase in BMD (p 50 ng/dl was 91 days (from 30 to 308 days), and > 100 ­ng/dl was 110 days (from 49 to 343 days). The changes in BMD positively correlated with the changes in total testosterone level (correlation 0.18 [95% CI, 0.04–0.27], p = 0.009). The decline in total testosterone level in serum was followed by the decline in BMD value in the studied areas, and vice versa. Conclusions: The changes in BMD positively correlated with changes in total testosterone level. The BMD decreases during the androgen suppression and increases during the pause in the treatment. This demonstrates the benefit of intermittent AST in preventing osteoporosis, pathological bone fractures and possibly, bone metastases. Key Words: prostate cancer, hormone therapy, osteoporosis, bone mineral density