77 research outputs found

    From Dynkin diagram symmetries to fixed point structures

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    Any automorphism of the Dynkin diagram of a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra induces an automorphism of the algebra and a mapping between its highest weight modules. For a large class of such Dynkin diagram automorphisms, we can describe various aspects of these maps in terms of another Kac-Moody algebra, the `orbit Lie algebra'. In particular, the generating function for the trace of the map on modules, the `twining character', is equal to a character of the orbit Lie algebra. Orbit Lie algebras and twining characters constitute a crucial step towards solving the fixed point resolution problem in conformal field theory.Comment: Latex, 60 pages (extended version 63 pages), 4 uuencoded figures Formula (6.25) corrected. While this correction might be important in applications of our work, the results of the paper are not affected by it. In the present submission the "extended version" is default. In this version the corrected formula is (6.32

    Simple currents versus orbifolds with discrete torsion -- a complete classification

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    We give a complete classification of all simple current modular invariants, extending previous results for (\Zbf_p)^k to arbitrary centers. We obtain a simple explicit formula for the most general case. Using orbifold techniques to this end, we find a one-to-one correspondence between simple current invariants and subgroups of the center with discrete torsions. As a by-product, we prove the conjectured monodromy independence of the total number of such invariants. The orbifold approach works in a straightforward way for symmetries of odd order, but some modifications are required to deal with symmetries of even order. With these modifications the orbifold construction with discrete torsion is complete within the class of simple current invariants. Surprisingly, there are cases where discrete torsion is a necessity rather than a possibility.Comment: 28 page

    Klein Bottles and Simple Currents

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    The standard Klein bottle coefficient in the construction of open descendants is shown to equal the Frobenius-Schur indicator of a conformal field theory. Other consistent Klein bottle projections are shown to correspond to simple currents. These observations enable us to generalize the standard open string construction from C-diagonal parent theories to include non-standard Klein bottles. Using (generalizations of) the Frobenius-Schur indicator we prove positivity and integrality of the resulting open and closed string state multiplicities for standard as well as non-standard Klein bottles.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX. References added, minor error correcte

    On the classification of (2,1) heterotic strings

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    We classify all untwisted (2,1) heterotic strings. The only solutions are the three already known cases, having massless spectra consisting either of 24 chiral fermions, or of 24 bosons, or of 8 scalars and 8 fermions of each chirality.Comment: Phyzzx and Tables macro packages require

    A matrix S for all simple current extensions

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    A formula is presented for the modular transformation matrix S for any simple current extension of the chiral algebra of a conformal field theory. This provides in particular an algorithm for resolving arbitrary simple current fixed points, in such a way that the matrix S we obtain is unitary and symmetric and furnishes a modular group representation. The formalism works in principle for any conformal field theory. A crucial ingredient is a set of matrices S^J_{ab}, where J is a simple current and a and b are fixed points of J. We expect that these input matrices realize the modular group for the torus one-point functions of the simple currents. In the case of WZW-models these matrices can be identified with the S-matrices of the orbit Lie algebras that we introduced in a previous paper. As a special case of our conjecture we obtain the modular matrix S for WZW-theories based on group manifolds that are not simply connected, as well as for most coset models.Comment: Phyzzx, 53 pages 1 uuencoded figure Arrow in figure corrected; Forgotten acknowledment to funding organization added; DESY preprint-number adde

    Open Descendants of Non-Diagonal Invariants

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    The open descendants of simple current automorphism invariants are constructed. We consider the case where the order of the current is two or odd. We prove that our solutions satisfy the completeness conditions, positivity and integrality of the open and closed sectors and the Klein bottle constraint (apart from an interesting exception). In order to do this, we derive some new relations between the tensor Y and the fixed point conformal field theory. Some non-standard Klein bottle projections are considered as well.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Fixed point resolution in extended WZW-models

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    A formula is derived for the fixed point resolution matrices of simple current extended WZW-models and coset conformal field theories. Unlike the analogous matrices for unextended WZW-models, these matrices are in general not symmetric, and they may have field-dependent twists. They thus provide non-trivial realizations of the general conditions presented in earlier work with Fuchs and Schweigert.Comment: 21 pages, Phyzz

    Simple Current Actions of Cyclic Groups

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    Permutation actions of simple currents on the primaries of a Rational Conformal Field Theory are considered in the framework of admissible weighted permutation actions. The solution of admissibility conditions is presented for cyclic quadratic groups: an irreducible WPA corresponds to each subgroup of the quadratic group. As a consequence, the primaries of a RCFT with an order n integral or half-integral spin simple current may be arranged into multiplets of length k^2 (where k is a divisor of n) or 3k^2 if the spin of the simple current is half-integral and k is odd.Comment: Added reference, minor change

    Asymmetric Gepner Models II. Heterotic Weight Lifting

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    A systematic study of "lifted" Gepner models is presented. Lifted Gepner models are obtained from standard Gepner models by replacing one of the N=2 building blocks and the E8E_8 factor by a modular isomorphic N=0N=0 model on the bosonic side of the heterotic string. The main result is that after this change three family models occur abundantly, in sharp contrast to ordinary Gepner models. In particular, more than 250 new and unrelated moduli spaces of three family models are identified. We discuss the occurrence of fractionally charged particles in these spectra.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figure
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