62 research outputs found

    Understanding the formation of twinned dendrites (‘feather’ grains)

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    The phenomenon of feather grain growth is interesting from both a theoretical and commercial point of view. Here we report the results of phase-field simulations aimed at understanding the formation of twinned dendrites. We show that, while a competition between oppositely directed capillary and kinetic anisotropies with a simple four-fold symmetry can produce low anisotropy structures such as dendritic seaweed, there is no indication that this can give rise to twinned dendrites. In contrast, adding small components of an anisotropy, with higher order harmonics, can produce features reminiscent of twinned dendrites and may also be able to stabilise the grooved tip morphology

    An adaptive, fully implicit multigrid phase-field model for the quantitative simulation of non-isothermal binary alloy solidification

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    Using state-of-the-art numerical techniques, such as mesh adaptivity, implicit time-stepping and a non-linear multi-grid solver, the phase-field equations for the non-isothermal solidification of a dilute binary alloy have been solved. Using the quantitative, thin-interface formulation of the problem we have found that at high Lewis number a minimum in the dendrite tip radius is predicted with increasing undercooling, as predicted by marginal stability theory. Over the dimensionless undercooling range 0.2–0.8 the radius selection parameter, σ*, was observed to vary by over a factor of 2 and in a non-monotonic fashion, despite the anisotropy strength being constant

    Advanced numerical methods for the simulation of alloy solidification with high Lewis number

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    A fully-implicit numerical method based upon adaptively refined meshes for the thermal-solutal simulation of alloy solidification in 2D is presented. In addition we combine an unconditional stable second-order fully-implicit time discretisation scheme with variable step size control to obtain an adaptive time and space discretisation method, where a robust and fast multigrid solver for systems of non-linear algebraic equations is used to solve the intermediate approximations per time step. For the isothermal case, the superiority of this method, compared to widely used fully-explicit methods, with respect to CPU time and accuracy, has been demonstrated and published previously. Here, the new proposed method has been applied to the thermalsolutal case with high Lewis number, where stability issues and time step restrictions have been major constraints in previous research

    Characterisation of Phase Separation in Drop-Tube-Processed Rapidly Solidified CoCrCuFeNi0.8 High-Entropy Alloy

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    We investigate the impact of cooling rate on a CoCrCuFeNi0.8 high-entropy alloy with a predicted metastable miscibility gap. Rapid solidification via drop-tube processing simulates a containerless, low-gravity solidification environment. Droplets were produced with diameters ranging from 850+ µm to 38 µm, with calculated liquid phase cooling rates of between 600 and 60,000 K s−1. Contrary to studies on similar alloys with a reported metastable miscibility gap and similar investigations on binary alloys known to undergo metastable liquid phase separation, almost no core–shell microstructures were observed in the droplets, likely due to a heavily unbalanced volume fraction ratio between the two phases formed from the parent liquid. Instead, drop-tube processing yielded myriad structures, the occurrences of which vary heavily with cooling rate. At cooling rates of 600 K s−1, a solid-state decomposition reaction begins to become noticeable, populating dendrites with copper-rich dispersions after solidification. The prevalence of these structures increases with increasing cooling rate, occurring in above 95% of droplets once cooling rate exceeds 20,000 K s−1. Occurrence rate of dispersions attributed to liquid phase separation peaks at 8% of droplets at intermediate cooling rates between 5000 and 12,000 K s−1. Spontaneous grain refinement has a maximum prevalence between 1000 and 5000 K s−1. This study begins to show how cooling rate and undercooling can be used to tailor microstructures in HEAs and highlights drastic differences in obtainable microstructures compared to those found in binary and ternary immiscible alloys

    Quantification of mesh induced anisotropy effects in the phase-field method.

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    Phase-field modelling is one of the most powerful techniques currently available for the simulation from first principles the time dependant evolution of complex solidification microstructures. However, unless care is taken the computational mesh used to solve the set of partial differential equations that result from the phase-field formulation of the solidification problem may introduce a stray, or implicit, anisotropy, which would be highly undesirable in quantitative calculations. In this paper we quantify this effect as a function of various computational parameters and subsequently suggest techniques for mitigating the effect of this stray anisotropy

    The effect of the ratio of solid to liquid conductivity on the side-branching characteristics of dendrites within a phase-field model of solidification

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    We use a phase-field model of dendritic growth in a pure undercooled melt to examine the effect of the ratio of the thermal conductivities in the solid and liquid states (mu = ks/kl) on the side-branching characteristics of the dendrite. We find that high conductivity in the solid favours extensive side-branching while low conductivity in the solid appears to strongly suppress side branching. Over the range 0.5 < mu < 2.0, which is typical of most (metallic) systems which display dendritic growth the RMS distance at which the mean amplitude of the side-branches becomes equal to the tip radius varies from as little as 10 tip radii to in excess of 45 tip radii. This implies that there may be significant morphological difference between dendrites grown in different materials. The variation does not appear to follow exactly the analytical relationship predicted by solvability theory

    Structure and phase-composition of Ti-doped gas atomized Raney-type Ni catalyst precursor alloys

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    Raney-type Ni precursor alloys containing 75 at.% Al and doped with 0, 0.75, 1.5 and 3.0 at.% Ti have been produced by a gas atomization process. The resulting powders have been classified by size fraction with subsequent investigation by powder XRD, SEM and EDX analysis. The undoped powders contain, as expected, the phases Ni2Al3, NiAl3 and an Al-eutectic. The Ti-doped powders contain an additional phase with the TiAl3 DO22 crystal structure. However, quantitative analysis of the XRD results indicate a far greater fraction of the TiAl3 phase is present than could be accounted for by a simple mass balance on Ti. This appears to be a (TixNi1-x)Al3 phase in which higher cooling rates favour small x (low Ti-site occupancy by Ti atoms). SEM and EDX analysis reveal that virtually all the available Ti is contained within the TiAl3 phase, with negligible Ti dissolved in either the Ni2Al3 or NiAl3 phases

    Phase field analysis of eutectic breakdown.

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    In this paper an isotropic multi-phase-field model is extended to include the effects of anisotropy and the spontaneous nucleation of an absent phase. This model is derived and compared against a published single phase model. Results from this model are compared against results from other multi-phase models, additionally this model is used to examine the break down of a regular two dimensional eutectic into a single phase dendritic front

    Microstructural characterisation and compound formation in rapidly solidified SiGe alloy

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    Severe Ge segregation to grain boundaries was observed in a Si–14.2 at% Ge thermoelectric alloy rapidly solidified using a drop-tube facility, manifesting itself as a series of regions with uniform stoichiometric compositions. The step change in composition at the interface between adjacent regions was ascribed to the formation of different SiGe pseudocompounds and contradicted the accepted thermodynamic description of the SiGe system as a continuous random solid solution. Rapid solidification increased, rather than decreased, the inhomogeneity degree of the solid product, and the Ge content of the most Ge-rich regions was positively correlated with the cooling rate, which suggested the absence of solute trapping. The transmission electron microscopy/selected area electron diffraction analysis of the most Ge-rich regions revealed superlattice spots indicative of chemical ordering. However, simple chemical ordering within a single diamond cubic unit cell could not explain the fact that most stoichiometries had compositions that were multiples of 5 at% Ge, which indicated the presence of superstructural ordering
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