17 research outputs found

    Flame retardants: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers

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    Para melhorar a qualidade de vida do Homem foram desenvolvidos durante as últimas décadas muitos produtos químicos, como por exemplo os retardantes de chama. Estes compostos são adicionados a uma grande variedade de materiais cuja finalidade é evitar ou retardar a propagação de incêndios.Os éteres difenílicos polibromados (PBDEs, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers) pertencem ao grupo de retardantes de chama bromados. Estes compostos são misturados com os polímeros e tendem a libertarem-se por acção do tempo, do calor e da luz para o meio ambiente. Os PBDEs são compostos lipofílicos e são classificados como poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs, Persistent Organic Pollutants) por serem persistentes, tóxicos e bioacumuláveis. Por serem POPs, os PBDEs ganharam relevo nos estudos efetuados em diversas matrizes ambientais e no Homem (fluidos fsisiológicos, tecidos, órgãos), com o objetivo de estudar e identificar a sua ocorrência, assim como, evitar a sua dispersão.Este artigo tem como objetivo abordar o problema dos retardantes de chama, mais concretamente dos PBDEs, no que se refere à sua utilização, propriedades físico-químicas, toxicidade e ocorrência no meio ambiente, dando enfase aos estudos e problemas em Portugal. To improve the quality of life of people have been developed during the last decades many chemicals such as flame retardants. These compounds are added to a wide variety of materials whose purpose is to prevent or slow the spread of fire.Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) belong to the group of brominated flame retardants. These compounds are blended with polymers and tend to free themselves by weathering, heat and light to the environment. PBDEs are lipophilic compounds and are classified as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to be persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. As belonging to the class of POPs, PBDE gained importance in the studies on various environmental matrices and in humans (physiological fluids, tissues, organs) in order to study and identify their occurrence, as well as to prevent its spread.This article aims to address the problem of flame retardants, in particular of PBDE in relation to its use, physico-chemical properties, toxicity and incidence on the environment, and studies focusing on the problems in Portugal

    Bioaugmentation of activated sludge with <i>Achromobacter denitrificans</i> PR1 for enhancing the biotransformation of sulfamethoxazole and its human conjugates in real wastewater:Kinetic tests and modelling

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    Achromobacter denitrificans PR1 has previously shown potential to degrade the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole, whereby sulfamethoxazole biotransformation was stimulated in the presence of biogenic substrates. This study examined the biotransformation kinetics of sulfamethoxazole and its two main conjugates, N-4-acetyl-SMX and SMX-N-1-Glucuronide, by activated sludge and activated sludge bioaugmented with A. denitrificans PR1. SMX biotransformation under both anoxic and aerobic conditions was tested, with and without the addition of acetate as growth substrate, to understand the range of applicable conditions for bioaugmentation purposes. Biological process models, such as the pseudo-first order kinetic and cometabolic models, were also applied and, following the estimation of kinetic parameters, could well describe data measured in bioaugmented and non-bioaugmented AS batch experiments under various test conditions. Experimental and modelling results suggest that (i) retransformation of the two conjugates to SMX in AS occurred under both aerobic and anoxic conditions, and (ii) biotransformation kinetics of SMX can vary significantly depending on redox conditions, e.g., SMX was biotransformed by AS only under aerobic conditions. Notably, SMX biotransformation was significantly enhanced when PR1 was bioaugmented in AS. Addition of acetate as biogenic substrate is not necessary, as PR1 was capable of enhancing the SMX biotransformation by using the carbon sources present in wastewater. Overall, bioaugmentation by means of A. denitrificans PR1 could be a viable strategy for enhancing SMX removal in AS wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs)

    Bioaugmentation of activated sludge with <i>Achromobacter denitrificans</i> PR1 for enhancing the biotransformation of sulfamethoxazole and its human conjugates in real wastewater:Kinetic tests and modelling

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    Achromobacter denitrificans PR1 has previously shown potential to degrade the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole, whereby sulfamethoxazole biotransformation was stimulated in the presence of biogenic substrates. This study examined the biotransformation kinetics of sulfamethoxazole and its two main conjugates, N4-acetyl-SMX and SMX-N1-Glucuronide, by activated sludge and activated sludge bioaugmented with A. denitrificans PR1. SMX biotransformation under both anoxic and aerobic conditions was tested, with and without the addition of acetate as growth substrate, to understand the range of applicable conditions for bioaugmentation purposes. Biological process models, such as the pseudo-first order kinetic and cometabolic models, were also applied and, following the estimation of kinetic parameters, could well describe data measured in bioaugmented and non-bioaugmented AS batch experiments under various test conditions. Experimental and modelling results suggest that (i) retransformation of the two conjugates to SMX in AS occurred under both aerobic and anoxic conditions, and (ii) biotransformation kinetics of SMX can vary significantly depending on redox conditions, e.g., SMX was biotransformed by AS only under aerobic conditions. Notably, SMX biotransformation was significantly enhanced when PR1 was bioaugmented in AS. Addition of acetate as biogenic substrate is not necessary, as PR1 was capable of enhancing the SMX biotransformation by using the carbon sources present in wastewater. Overall, bioaugmentation by means of A. denitrificans PR1 could be a viable strategy for enhancing SMX removal in AS wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs).</p