1,407 research outputs found

    The effect of reinfection and mixed Trypanosoma cruzi infections on disease progression in mice

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    The progression of Chagas disease (CD) varies significantly from host to host and is affected by multiple factors. In particular, mixed strain infections and reinfections have the potential to exacerbate disease progression subsequently affecting clinical management of patients with CD. Consequently, an associated reduction in therapeutic intervention and poor prognosis may occur due to this exacerbated disease state. This study investigated the effects of mixed strain infections and reinfection with Trypanosoma cruzi in mice, using two isolates from different discrete typing units, TcI (C8 clone 1) and TcIV (10R26). There were no significant differences in mortality rate, body weight or body condition among mice infected with either C8 clone 1, 10R26, or a mixture of both isolates. However, the parasite was found in a significantly greater number of host organs in mice infected with a mixture of isolates, and the histopathological response to infection was significantly greater in mice infected with C8 clone 1 alone, and C8 clone 1 + 10R26 mixed infections than in mice infected with 10R26 alone. To investigate the effects of reinfection, mice received either a double exposure to C8 clone 1; a double exposure to 10R26; exposure to C8 clone 1 followed by 10R26; or exposure to 10R26 followed by C8 done 1. Compared to single infection groups, mortality was significantly increased, while survival time, body weight and body condition were all significantly decreased across all reinfection groups, with no significant differences among these groups. The mortality rate over all reinfection groups was 63.6%, compared to 0% in single infection groups, however there was no evidence of a greater histopathological response to infection. These results suggest firstly, that the C8 clone 1 isolate is more virulent than the 10R26 isolate, and secondly, that a more disseminated infection may occur with a mixture of isolates than with single isolates, although there is no evidence that mixed infections have a greater pathological effect. By contrast, reinfections do have major effects on host survivability and thus disease outcome. This confirms previous research demonstrating spontaneous deaths following reinfection, a phenomenon that to our knowledge has only been reported once before

    Right-Handed New Physics Remains Strangely Beautiful

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    Current data on CP violation in B_d -> eta' K_S and B_d -> phi K_S, taken literally, suggest new physics contributions in b -> s transitions. Despite a claim to the contrary, we point out that right-handed operators with a single weak phase can account for both deviations thanks to the two-fold ambiguity in the extraction of the weak phase from the corresponding CP-asymmetry. This observation is welcome since large mixing in the right-handed sector is favored by many GUT models and frameworks which address the flavor puzzle. There are also interesting correlations with the B_s system which provide a way to test this scenario in the near future.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures; published version: added 1 reference and 1 clarificatio

    Synthesis of a 12R-type hexagonal perovskite solid solution Sr3NdNb3-xTixO12-delta and the influence of acceptor doping on electrical properties

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    A solid solution forms for Sr3NdNb3−xTixO12−δ with approximate limits 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.06. The system crystallizes with a 12R-type hexagonal perovskite structure in the space group R[3 with combining macron], as determined by neutron diffraction and selected area electron diffraction. The electrical properties of the end members have been investigated by impedance spectroscopy in the temperature range 550–800 °C under various gas atmospheres and as a function of oxygen and water-vapour partial pressure. Proton transport dominates under wet oxidising conditions in the temperature range 550–700 °C, as confirmed by the H+/D+ isotope effect. Acceptor doping considerably enhances proton conductivity with a value of 3.3 × 10−6 S cm−1 for the bulk response of x = 0.06 at 700 °C in moistened air. The presence of a −¼ slope for both doped and undoped samples in the range 10−19 ≤ pO2 ≤ 10−8 atm at 900 °C indicates n-type transport under reducing conditions following the extrinsic model attributable to acceptor centres. The conductivity is essentially independent of pO2 at 600 °C under dry oxidising conditions, consistent with oxide-ion transport; a positive power-law dependence at higher temperature indicates extrinsic behaviour and a significant electron–hole contribution. The dielectric constant at RT of nominally stoichiometric Sr3NdNb3O12 is εr ∼ 37, with a moderately high quality factor of Q × f ∼ 16 400 GHz at fr ∼ 6.4 GHz. The temperature coefficient of resonant frequency of x = 0 is τf ∼ 12 ppm °C−1, which lowers to −3 ppm °C−1 for the Ti-doped phase x = 0.06

    From Euclidean to Minkowski space with the Cauchy-Riemann equations

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    We present an elementary method to obtain Green's functions in non-perturbative quantum field theory in Minkowski space from calculated Green's functions in Euclidean space. Since in non-perturbative field theory the analytical structure of amplitudes is many times unknown, especially in the presence of confined fields, dispersive representations suffer from systematic uncertainties. Therefore we suggest to use the Cauchy-Riemann equations, that perform the analytical continuation without assuming global information on the function in the entire complex plane, only in the region through which the equations are solved. We use as example the quark propagator in Landau gauge Quantum Chromodynamics, that is known from lattice and Dyson-Schwinger studies in Euclidean space. The drawback of the method is the instability of the Cauchy-Riemann equations to high-frequency noise, that makes difficult to achieve good accuracy. We also point out a few curiosities related to the Wick rotation.Comment: 12 pages in EPJ double-column format, 16 figures. This version: added paragraph, two reference

    Vortex states in binary mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The vortex configurations in the Bose-Einstein condensate of the mixture of two different spin states |F=1,m_f=-1> and |2,1> of ^{87}Rb atoms corresponding to the recent experiments by Matthews et. al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2498 (1999)) are considered in the framework of the Thomas-Fermi approximation as functions of N_2/N_1, where N_1 is the number of atoms in the state |1,-1> and N_2 - in the state |2,1>. It is shown that for nonrotating condensates the configuration with the |1,-1> fluid forming the shell about the |2,1> fluid (configuration "a") has lower energy than the opposite configuration (configuration "b") for all values of N_2/N_1. When the |1,-1> fluid has net angular momentum and forms an equatorial ring around the resting central condensate |2,1>, the total energy of the system is higher than the ground energy, but the configuration "a" has lower energy than the configuration "b" for all N_2/N_1. On the other hand, when the |2> fluid has the net angular momentum, for the lowest value of the angular momentum \hbar l (l=1) there is the range of the ratio N_2/N_1 where the configuration "b" has lower energy than the configuration "a". For higher values of the angular momentum the configuration "b" is stable for all values of N_2/N_1.Comment: minor changes, references adde

    1/f Noise in Electron Glasses

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    We show that 1/f noise is produced in a 3D electron glass by charge fluctuations due to electrons hopping between isolated sites and a percolating network at low temperatures. The low frequency noise spectrum goes as \omega^{-\alpha} with \alpha slightly larger than 1. This result together with the temperature dependence of \alpha and the noise amplitude are in good agreement with the recent experiments. These results hold true both with a flat, noninteracting density of states and with a density of states that includes Coulomb interactions. In the latter case, the density of states has a Coulomb gap that fills in with increasing temperature. For a large Coulomb gap width, this density of states gives a dc conductivity with a hopping exponent of approximately 0.75 which has been observed in recent experiments. For a small Coulomb gap width, the hopping exponent approximately 0.5.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 6 encapsulated postscript figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Characterisation of retrotransposon insertion polymorphisms in whole genome sequencing data from individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    The genetics of an individual is a crucial factor in understanding the risk of developing the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). There is still a large proportion of the heritability of ALS, particularly in sporadic cases, to be understood. Among others, active transposable elements drive inter-individual variability, and in humans long interspersed element 1 (LINE1, L1), Alu and SINE-VNTR-Alu (SVA) retrotransposons are a source of polymorphic insertions in the population. We undertook a pilot study to characterise the landscape of non-reference retrotransposon insertion polymorphisms (non-ref RIPs) in 15 control and 15 ALS individuals’ whole genomes from Project MinE, an international project to identify potential genetic causes of ALS. The combination of two bioinformatics tools (mobile element locator tool (MELT) and TEBreak) identified on average 1250 Alu, 232 L1 and 77 SVA non-ref RIPs per genome across the 30 analysed. Further PCR validation of individual polymorphic retrotransposon insertions showed a similar level of accuracy for MELT and TEBreak. Our preliminary study did not identify a specific RIP or a significant difference in the total number of non-ref RIPs in ALS compared to control genomes. The use of multiple bioinformatic tools improved the accuracy of non-ref RIP detection and our study highlights the potential importance of studying these elements further in ALS

    Social roles and aging from a life-span perspective

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    Este trabalho investigou os papéis sociais e as tarefas evolutivas desempenhados por adultos. O local escolhido para investigação foi um assentamento de famílias de baixa renda do Distrito Federal criado em 1989. Utilizou-se um questionário contendo 17 questões abertas e 15 questões fechadas, preenchido pela primeira autora durante uma visita domiciliar. Participaram 98 respondentes (73 F e 25 M), sendo 51 entre 50 e 59 anos e 47 a partir de 60 anos. Os resultados apontaram que este grupo é heterogêneo e que seus papéis sociais são influenciados pelas variáveis demográficas (idade, sexo, escolaridade, ocupação, naturalidade e estado civil) e também pelas variáveis relativas à moradia atual. Concluiu-se também que as expectativas sociais, o suporte social e a escolarização são fatores de suma importância para oferecer recursos para a otimização e compensação necessárias a um envelhecimento bem sucedido. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study investigated the social roles and developmental tasks of adults. The study took place in a settlement of low-income families, created in The Federal District in 1989. Data were collected through a questionnaire composed of 17 open and 15 closed questions, administered by the first author during a home visit. There were 98 respondents, 73 female and 25 male, being 51 between 50 to 59 years old and 47 elders above the age of 60. The result indicated that this group is heterogeneous and that its social roles are influenced by the demographic variables - age, sex, educational level, work, place of the birth and marital status, as well for the relative variables to current residence. The data allow the conclusion that social expectations, social support and the educational level are important resources for the optimization and necessary compensation to successful aging

    Star formation histories in mergers: the spatially resolved properties of the early-stage merger luminous infrared galaxies IC 1623 and NGC 6090

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    The role of major mergers in galaxy evolution is investigated through a detailed characterization of the stellar populations, ionized gas properties and star formation rates (SFR) in the early-stage merger luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) IC 1623 W and NGC 6090, by analysing optical integral field spectroscopy and high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope imaging. The spectra were processed with the starlight full spectral fitting code, and the emission lines measured in the residual spectra. The results are compared with non-interacting control spiral galaxies from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. Merger-induced star formation is extended and recent, as revealed by the young ages (50–80 Myr) and high contributions to light of young stellar populations (50–90 per cent), in agreement with merger simulations in the literature. These early-stage mergers have positive central gradients of the stellar metallicity, with an average ∼0.6 Z⊙. Compared to non-interacting spirals, they have lower central nebular metallicity, and flatter profiles, in agreement with the gas inflow scenario. We find that they are dominated by star formation, although shock excitation cannot be discarded in some regions, where high velocity dispersion is found (170–200 km s−1). The average SFR in these early-stage mergers (∼23–32 M⊙ yr−1) is enhanced with respect to main-sequence Sbc galaxies by factors of 6–9, slightly above the predictions from classical merger simulations, but still possible in about 15 per cent of major galaxy mergers, where U/LIRGs belong
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