547 research outputs found

    Unscreened Coulomb repulsion in the one dimensional electron gas

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    A tight binding model of electrons interacting via bare Coulomb repulsion is numerically investigated by use of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method which we prove applicable also to very long range potentials. From the analysis of the elementary excitations, of the spin and charge correlation functions and of the momentum distribution, a picture consistent with the formation of a one dimensional "Wigner crystal" emerges, in quantitative agreement with a previous bosonization study. At finite doping, Umklapp scattering is shown to be ineffective in the presence of long range forces.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages with 8 eps figures. To be published on Phys. Rev.

    Spin fluctuations and pseudogap in the two-dimensional half-filled Hubbard model at weak coupling

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    Starting from the Hubbard model in the weak-coupling limit, we derive a spin-fermion model where the collective spin excitations are described by a non-linear sigma model. This result is used to compute the fermion spectral function A(k,ω)A({\bf k},\omega) in the low-temperature regime where the antiferromagnetic (AF) coherence length is exponentially large (``renormalized classical'' regime). At the Fermi level, A(kF,ω)A({\bf k}_F,\omega) exhibits two peaks around ±Δ0\pm\Delta_0 (with Δ0\Delta_0 the mean-field gap), which are precursors of the zero-temperature AF bands, separated by a pseudogap.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, revised versio

    New quantum phase transitions in the two-dimensional J1-J2 model

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    We analyze the phase diagram of the frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet, the J1-J2 model, in two dimensions. Two quantum phase transitions in the model are already known: the second order transition from the Neel state to the spin liquid state at (J_2/J_1)_{c2}=0.38, and the first order transition from the spin liquid state to the collinear state at (J_2/J_1)_{c4}=0.60. We have found evidence for two new second order phase transitions: the transition from the spin columnar dimerized state to the state with plaquette type modulation at (J_2/J_1)_{c3}=0.50(2), and the transition from the simple Neel state to the Neel state with spin columnar dimerization at (J_2/J_1)_{c1}=0.34(4). We also present an independent calculation of (J_2/J_1)_{c2}=0.38 using a new approach.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures; added referenc

    Sub-milliarcsecond imaging of a bright flare and ejection event in the extragalactic jet 3C 111

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    ContextFlares in radio-loud active galactic nuclei are thought to be associated with the injection of fresh plasma into the compact jet base. Such flares are usually strongest and appear earlier at shorter radio wavelengths. Hence, very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) at millimeter(mm)-wavelengths is the best-suited technique for studying the earliest structural changes of compact jets associated with emission flares. AimsWe study the morphological changes of the parsec-scale jet in the nearby (z = 0.049) γ-ray bright radio galaxy 3C 111 following a flare that developed into a major radio outburst in 2007. Methods\ua0We analyse three successive observations of 3C 111 at 86 GHz with the Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) between 2007 and 2008 which yield a very high angular resolution of ∼45  μas. In addition, we make use of single-dish radio flux density measurements from the F-GAMMA and POLAMI programmes, archival single-dish and VLBI data. ResultsWe resolve the flare into multiple plasma components with a distinct morphology resembling a bend in an otherwise remarkably straight jet. The flare-associated features move with apparent velocities of ∼4.0c to ∼4.5c and can be traced also at lower frequencies in later epochs. Near the base of the jet, we find two bright features with high brightness temperatures up to ∼1011 K, which we associate with the core and a stationary feature in the jet. ConclusionsThe flare led to multiple new jet components indicative of a dynamic modulation during the ejection. We interpret the bend-like feature as a direct result of the outburst which makes it possible to trace the transverse structure of the jet. In this scenario, the components follow different paths in the jet stream consistent with expectations for a spine-sheath structure, which is not seen during intermediate levels of activity. The possibility of coordinated multiwavelength observations during a future bright radio flare in 3C 111 makes this source an excellent target for probing the radio-γ-ray connection

    Muonium avoided level crossing measurement of electron spin relaxation rate in a series of substituted anthradithiophene based molecules

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    Muon spin spectroscopy and in particular the avoided level crossing technique is introduced, with the aim of showing it as a very sensitive local probe for electron spin relaxation in organic semiconductors. Avoided level crossing data on tert-butyl-ethynyl anthradithiophene, tri-methyl-silyl-ethynyl anthradithiophene and tri-ethygermyl-ethynyl anthradithiophene at different temperatures are presented. This series of molecules have an identical anthradithiophene backbone, but we have performed a targeted substitution on the central atom of the two side groups, of C, Si and Ge. We extracted the electron spin relaxation for the three molecules of this series and discuss them in the context of previously published results

    Collective Modes and Raman Scattering in One Dimensional Electron Systems

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    In this paper, we review recent development in the theory of resonant inelastic light (Raman) scattering in one-dimensional electron systems. The particular systems we have in mind are electron doped GaAs based semiconductor quantum wire nanostructures, although the theory can be easily modified to apply to other one-dimensional systems. We compare the traditional conduction-band-based non-resonant theories with the full resonant theories including the effects of interband transitions. We find that resonance is essential in explaining the experimental data in which the single particle excitations have finite spectral weights comparable to the collective charge density excitations. Using several different theoretical models (Fermi liquid model, Luttinger liquid model, and Hubbard model) and reasonable approximations, we further demonstrate that the ubiquitously observed strong single particle excitations in the experimental Raman spectra cannot be explained by the spinless multi-spinon excitations in the Luttinger liquid description. The observability of distinct Luttinger liquid features in the Raman scattering spectroscopy is critically discussed.Comment: A review to be published in the special issue of Solid State Communications on one-dimensional system

    Multiband tight-binding theory of disordered ABC semiconductor quantum dots: Application to the optical properties of alloyed CdZnSe nanocrystals

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    Zero-dimensional nanocrystals, as obtained by chemical synthesis, offer a broad range of applications, as their spectrum and thus their excitation gap can be tailored by variation of their size. Additionally, nanocrystals of the type ABC can be realized by alloying of two pure compound semiconductor materials AC and BC, which allows for a continuous tuning of their absorption and emission spectrum with the concentration x. We use the single-particle energies and wave functions calculated from a multiband sp^3 empirical tight-binding model in combination with the configuration interaction scheme to calculate the optical properties of CdZnSe nanocrystals with a spherical shape. In contrast to common mean-field approaches like the virtual crystal approximation (VCA), we treat the disorder on a microscopic level by taking into account a finite number of realizations for each size and concentration. We then compare the results for the optical properties with recent experimental data and calculate the optical bowing coefficient for further sizes

    Path Integral Description of a Semiclassical Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model

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    The electron motion along a chain is described by a continuum version of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hamiltonian in which phonon fields and electronic coordinates are mapped onto the time scale. The path integral formalism allows us to derive the non local source action for the particle interacting with the oscillators bath. The method can be applied for any value of the {\it e-ph} coupling. The path integral dependence on the model parameters has been analysed by computing the partition function and some thermodynamical properties from T=1KT= 1K up to room temperature. A peculiar upturn in the low temperature {\it heat capacity over temperature} ratio (pointing to a glassy like behavior) has been ascribed to the time dependent electronic hopping along the chain

    Electronic susceptibilities in systems with anisotropic Fermi surfaces

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    The low temperature dependence of the spin and charge susceptibilities of an anisotropic electron system in two dimensions is analyzed. It is shown that the presence of inflection points at the Fermi surface leads, generically, to a TlogT T \log T dependence, and a more singular behavior, χT3/4logT\chi \sim T ^{3/4} \log T, is also possible. Applications to quasi two-dimensional materials are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, revtex 4 styl