56 research outputs found

    Performance comparison of differential space-time signalling schemes for OFDM systems

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    Differential transmit diversity is an attractive alternative to its coherent counterpart, especially for multiple antenna systems where channel estimation is more difficult to attain compared to that of single antenna systems. In this paper we compare two different types of differential transmit diversity techniques for OFDM based transmissions. The first technique uses differential space-time block codes (DSTBC) from orthogonal designs and the second uses the differential cyclic delay diversity (DCDD). The results compare the bit error performance for several transmit antenna configurations. The results show that DCDD offers a very close performance to that of DSTBC, with the advantage of a simplified receiver structure

    Pengungkapan dan pengkajian latar belakang isi naskah kuno hikayat nasrunwan ade

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    Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan melalui Proyek Pengkajian dan Pembinaan Nilai-nilai Budaya Pusat telah melakukan pengkajian naskah-naskah lama, di antaranya pengungkapan dan pengkajian latar belakang isi naskah kuno Hikayat Nasruwan Ade. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam naskah atau dokumen tertulis meliputi semua aspek kehidupan budaya bangsa mencakup bidang-bidang filsafat, agama, kepemimpinan, ajaran, dan hal lain yang menyangkut kebutuhan hidup. Karena itu, menggali, meneliti, dan menelusuri karya sastra dalam naskah-naskah kuno di berbagai daerah di Indonesia pada hakekatnya sangat diperlukan dalam rangka pembentukan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya

    “Customer awareness in purchasing personal loan at Koperasi Pendidikan Islam Malaysia (Ukhwah) and the elements of marketing mix” / A.Samad A.Hamid

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    Creating customer awareness is a core business challenge which has attracted considerable business attention. There many attributes that can develop customer awareness which are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Creating customer awareness is vital because when a customer know the existence of a product, customer will tend to purchase if its can satisfy the need of customer. Customer awareness is the major driving force for business sustainability and in today’s competitive global marketplace, it is recognized that high customer awareness is essential for the success of the firm. From this research, we can conclude that the level of customer’s awareness is high which is neither agree nor disagree that they are aware towards purchasing loan at UKHWAH. This is because the mean score is 4.40. We also can conclude that the most influence factor is price. This is because mean score for price is the highest with 4.152. Lastly, we can conclude that independent variables of product and price have coefficient relationship with dependent relationship

    Comparative study on RFID, hotspot and car plate scanning method : for intelligent parking management system

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    Intelligent Parking lvlanagement System technology that enables l:fficil:nt USl: l1! parking will be increasingly important as a growing population placcs c\w-gro\':ing demands on existing transportation infrastructure. While thc problems of parking shortages are well recognized, the cost of providing additional capacity is frl:qucntly prohibitive. Intelligent Parking lv!anagemcnt System may pro\'idl: a scnsible mC~lns to effectively increase parking capacity, while simultancously rl:ducing lkmand by enabling parking service operators to charge market rates depcnding on timl: of day. The potential benefits of Intelligent Parking lv!anagement System arl: it GlI1 impm"l: security for both car park operators and car park users, flexible acccss contml to easily accommodate visitors and delivery vehicles, imprO\'e traffic flo\\' during pC:lk periods and others. The Intelligent Parking lvlanagement system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and hotspot technology is thl: ad":Inccd p:lrking technologies to manage existing parking spaces at a shopping complex to incrcasl: effective capacity and transit access. Smart parking systems implemcntcd \\,orld\\'idt: have been found to reduce delays and improve convenience of parking (Shahl:cn, 2003). The car plate scanning implement also can reduce vehicle stolen problem and increase the security of parking area more competcntly. Although this is :I nc\\' technology in Malaysia, the RFID application is world \\'idc accl:ptl:d by othl:r country. The research method is a primary data which is gathercd through a litnaturl: review and on line web on RFID, hotspot and car plate scanning mcthod. Through this research, the writer found that passive RFID tags is morc cost cffccti"l: than active tags. It also the Jnost preferable tag by other rescarchcr. Although thl:rc art: some obstacles to implement RFID and hotspot technology, during invcstigation, thl: writer found that there arc four solutions can be put into practicc: implelllt:nt reference tag to amplify the passivc tag signal to havc grl:atcr length of covnagc, utilize hybrid RFID tag design that is protocol-compatiblc with existing Institutt: of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 or Bluetooth standards as \\'cll as existing Radio Frequency (RF)-tag standards, the arrangement of antcnna and RFID tag and use RFID reader with Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) 802.11 intcrfacc to dctl:ct RFID tag. Finally, the proposed network architecture for thc Intclligl:nt Parking Management System is designed

    Cerita rakyat daerah sulawesi tenggara

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    Buku ini berisi tentang cerita rakyat di daerah sulawesi tenggara dari berbagai kabupaten. Berhubung belum begitu banyak dikenal daerah ini dari dahulu bahkan sampai sekarang ini maka dalam rangka penulisan dan pencatatan Cerita Rakyat di daerah ini rasanya perlu menge-mukakan beberapa aspek tertentu yang bersangkut paut dengan keadaan daerah dan penduduknya, mata pencahariannya, potensi ekonominya, agama dan kepercayaannya dan situasi masyarakat dalam masa pembangunan dewasa ini

    The Needs of Model Management Learning of Mandar Etnic Dance Educational Value to Grow Characters in Elementary School

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    Abstract The general purpose of this research was: (1) to find out the model of management learning needs for values ethnic mandar dance in education; (2) to find out the effectiveness of management learning needs for values Ethnic Mandar Dance in education after the experters validation. Specific targets achieved was the availability of learning models of the education values of the South Sulawesi Mandar ethnic dance in elementary school, especially the value of dance education to growing the character of students, and the tools in the form (learning model of the value of Mandar ethnic dance education). To achieve this targets, an R&D model was used where developed by Borg and Gall model designs with research and development steps, in which the study was devoted to the preliminary study stage as needs and content analysis. The results show that: (1) the value of education in Mandar ethnic dance is needed to shape the character of elementary school students in Mandar; (2) the design of the learning management model of the value of dance education Mandar ethnic group includes: three steps learning planning; nine steps, learning implementation; three steps learning evaluation. Keywords—management leaning, etnic dance, educational value, character

    Highly potent stem cells from full-term amniotic fluid: a realistic perspective

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    Amniotic fluid (AF) is now known to harbor highly potent stem cells, making it an excellent source for cell therapy. However, most of the stem cells isolated are from AF of mid-term pregnancies in which the collection procedure involves an invasive technique termed amniocentesis. This has limited the access in getting the fluid as the technique imposes certain level of risks to the mother as well as to the fetus. Alternatively, getting AF from full-term pregnancies or during deliveries would be a better resolution. Unfortunately, very few studies have isolated stem cells from AF at this stage of gestation, the fluid that is merely discarded during delivery. The question remains whether full-term AF harbors stem cells of similar potency as of the stem cells of mid-term AF. Here, we aim to review the prospect of having this type of stem cells by first looking at the origin and contents of AF particularly during different gestation period. We will then discuss the possibility that the AF, at full term, contains a population of highly potent stem cells. These stem cells are distinct from, and probably more potent than the AF mesenchymal stem cells (AF-MSCs) isolated from full-term AF. By comparing the studies on stem cells isolated from mid-term versus full-term AF from various species, we intend to address the prospect of having highly potent amniotic fluid stem cells from AF of full-term pregnancies in human and animals

    A study of biogegradable straw from tapioca roots

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    Economic development changes people’s lifestyle from various aspect. Statistics shows the world population in 2019 is 7 billion according to World Population Review [1]. The rapid increase of human population has put an incredible strain on our environment. Only 5% of the remaining ocean wilderness is within existing marine protection areas [2]. Kendall Jones who led a research about world’s oceans damaged by human impact are amazed at how little marine wilderness remains. The ocean is immense, covering over 70% of our planet, but almost all of this vast ecosystem have been significantly affected. While developed countries continue to taint the environment and consume its resources, developing countries are under increasing pressure to compete economically and their industrial advancements are damaging as well. Therefore, it can be summarized that as standards of living and disposable incomes increases

    Causes of genome instability: the effect of low dose chemical exposures in modern society

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    Genome instability is a prerequisite for the development of cancer. It occurs when genome maintenance systems fail to safeguard the genome's integrity, whether as a consequence of inherited defects or induced via exposure to environmental agents (chemicals, biological agents and radiation). Thus, genome instability can be defined as an enhanced tendency for the genome to acquire mutations; ranging from changes to the nucleotide sequence to chromosomal gain, rearrangements or loss. This review raises the hypothesis that in addition to known human carcinogens, exposure to low dose of other chemicals present in our modern society could contribute to carcinogenesis by indirectly affecting genome stability. The selected chemicals with their mechanisms of action proposed to indirectly contribute to genome instability are: heavy metals (DNA repair, epigenetic modification, DNA damage signaling, telomere length), acrylamide (DNA repair, chromosome segregation), bisphenol A (epigenetic modification, DNA damage signaling, mitochondrial function, chromosome segregation), benomyl (chromosome segregation), quinones (epigenetic modification) and nano-sized particles (epigenetic pathways, mitochondrial function, chromosome segregation, telomere length). The purpose of this review is to describe the crucial aspects of genome instability, to outline the ways in which environmental chemicals can affect this cancer hallmark and to identify candidate chemicals for further study. The overall aim is to make scientists aware of the increasing need to unravel the underlying mechanisms via which chemicals at low doses can induce genome instability and thus promote carcinogenesis