13 research outputs found

    Lattice Boltzmann method for direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows

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    We present three-dimensional numerical simulations (DNS) of the Kida vortex flow, a prototypical turbulent flow, using a novel high-order lattice Boltzmann model. Extensive comparisons of various global and local statistical quantities obtained with an incompressible flow spectral element solver are reported. It is demonstrated that the lattice Boltzmann method is a promising alternative for DNS as it quantitatively capturesall the computed statistics of fluid turbulence

    Bifurcations in the wake of a thick circular disk

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    Using DNS, we investigate the dynamics in the wake of a circular disk of aspect ratio χ = d/w = 3(where d is the diameter and w the thickness) embedded in a uniform flow of magnitude U0 perpendicular to its symmetry axis. As the Reynolds number Re = U0d/ν is increased, the flow is shown to experience an original series of bifurcations leading to chaos. The range Re ∈ [150, 218] is analysed in detail. In this range, five different non-axisymmetric regimes are successively encountered, including states similar to those previously identified in the flow past a sphere or an infinitely thin disk, as well as a new regime characterised by the presence of two distinct frequencies. A theoretical model based on the theory of mode interaction with symmetries, previously introduced to explain the bifurcations in the flow past a sphere or an infinitely thin disk (Fabre et al. in Phys Fluids 20:051702, 2008), is shown to explain correctly all these results. Higher values of the Reynolds number, up to 270, are also considered. Results indicate that the flow encounters at least four additional bifurcations before reaching a chaotic state

    Distributed forcing of the flow past a blunt-based axisymmetric bluff body

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    In this paper we address the influence of a blowing/suction-type distributed forcing on the flow past a blunt-based axisymmetric bluff body by means of direct numerical simulations. The forcing is applied via consecutive blowing and suction slots azimuthally distributed along the trailing edge of the bluff body. We examine the impact of the forcing wavelength, amplitude and waveform on the drag experienced by the bluff body and on the occurrence of the reflectional symmetry preserving (RSP) and reflectional symmetry breaking (RSB) wake modes, for Reynolds numbers 800 and 1000. We show that forcing the flow at wavelengths inherent to the unforced flow drastically damps drag oscillations associated with the vortex shedding and vorticity bursts, up to their complete suppression. The overall parameter analysis suggests that this damping results from the surplus of streamwise vorticity provided by the forcing, that tends to stabilize the ternary vorticity lobes observed at the aft part of the bluff body. In addition, conversely to a blowing-type or suction-type forcing, the blowing/suction-type forcing involves strong nonlinear interactions between locally decelerated and accelerated regions, severely affecting both the mean drag and the frequencies representative of the vortex shedding and vorticity bursts

    High-Order Boundary Discretization for Discontinuous Galerkin Codes

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