23 research outputs found

    Neutron star cooling: Theoretical aspects and observational constraints

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    The cooling theory of isolated neutron stars is reviewed. The main cooling regulators are discussed, first of all, operation of direct Urca process (or similar processes in exotic phases of dense matter) and superfluidity in stellar interiors. The prospects to constrain gross parameters of supranuclear matter in neutron-star interiors by confronting cooling theory with observations of isolated neutron stars are outlined. A related problem of thermal states of transiently accreting neutron stars with deep crustal heating of accreted matter is discussed in application to soft X-ray transients.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Adv. Sp. Res., accepted

    Does the Hubble Redshift Flip Photons and Gravitons?

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    Due to the Hubble redshift, photon energy, chiefly in the form of CMBR photons, is currently disappearing from the universe at the rate of nearly 10^55 erg s^-1. An ongoing problem in cosmology concerns the fate of this energy. In one interpretation it is irretrievably lost, i.e., energy is not conserved on the cosmic scale. Here we consider a different possibility which retains universal energy conservation. If gravitational energy is redshifted in the same manner as photons, then it can be shown that the cosmic redshift removes gravitational energy from space at about the same rate as photon energy. Treating gravitational potential energy conventionally as negative energy, it is proposed that the Hubble shift 'flips' positive energy (photons) to negative energy (gravitons) and vice versa. The lost photon energy would thus be directed towards gravitation, making gravitational energy wells more negative. Conversely, within astrophysical bodies of sufficient size, the flipping of gravitons to photons would give rise to a 'Hubble luminosity' of magnitude -UH, where U is the internal gravitational potential energy of the object and H the Hubble constant. Evidence of such an energy release is presented in bodies ranging from planets, white dwarfs and neutron stars to supermassive black holes and the visible universe.Comment: 18 pages, including 2 tables, one figur

    Nucleon superfluidity versus thermal states of isolated and transiently accreting neutron stars

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    The properties of superdense matter in neutron star (NS) cores control NS thermal states by affecting the efficiency of neutrino emission from NS interiors. To probe these properties we confront the theory of thermal evolution of NSs with observations of their thermal radiation. Our observational basis includes cooling isolated NSs (INSs) and NSs in quiescent states of soft X-ray transients (SXTs). We find that the data on SXTs support the conclusions obtained from the analysis of INSs: strong proton superfluidity with T_{cp,max} >= 10^9 K should be present, while mild neutron superfluidity with T_{cn,max} =(2*10^8 -- 2*10^9) K is ruled out in the outer NS core. Here T_{cn,max} and T_{cp,max} are the maximum values of the density dependent critical temperatures of neutrons and protons. The data on SXTs suggest also that: (i) cooling of massive NSs is enhanced by neutrino emission more powerful than the emission due to Cooper pairing of neutrons; (ii) mild neutron superfluidity, if available, might be present only in inner cores of massive NSs. In the latter case SXTs would exhibit dichotomy, i.e. very similar SXTs may evolve to very different thermal states

    Tkachenko waves, glitches and precession in neutron star

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    Here I discuss possible relations between free precession of neutron stars, Tkachenko waves inside them and glitches. I note that the proposed precession period of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125 (Haberl et al. 2006) is consistent with the period of Tkachenko waves for the spin period 8.4s. Based on a possible observation of a glitch in RX J0720.4-3125 (van Kerkwijk et al. 2007), I propose a simple model, in which long period precession is powered by Tkachenko waves generated by a glitch. The period of free precession, determined by a NS oblateness, should be equal to the standing Tkachenko wave period for effective energy transfer from the standing wave to the precession motion. A similar scenario can be applicable also in the case of the PSR B1828-11.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, accepted to Ap&S

    Large-scale periodicity in the distribution of QSO absorption-line systems

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    The spatial-temporal distribution of absorption-line systems (ALSs) observed in QSO spectra within the cosmological redshift interval z = 0.0--4.3 is investigated on the base of our updated catalog of absorption systems. We consider so called metallic systems including basically lines of heavy elements. The sample of the data displays regular variations (with amplitudes ~ 15 -- 20%) in the z-distribution of ALSs as well as in the eta-distribution, where eta is a dimensionless line-of-sight comoving distance, relatively to smoother dependences. The eta-distribution reveals the periodicity with period Delta eta = 0.036 +/- 0.002, which corresponds to a spatial characteristic scale (108 +/- 6) h(-1) Mpc or (alternatively) a temporal interval (350 +/- 20) h(-1) Myr for the LambdaCDM cosmological model. We discuss a possibility of a spatial interpretation of the results treating the pattern obtained as a trace of an order imprinted on the galaxy clustering in the early Universe.Comment: AASTeX, 13 pages, with 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Cooling of Neutron Stars with Strong Toroidal Magnetic Fields

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    We present models of temperature distribution in the crust of a neutron star in the presence of a strong toroidal component superposed to the poloidal component of the magnetic field. The presence of such a toroidal field hinders heat flow toward the surface in a large part of the crust. As a result, the neutron star surface presents two warm regions surrounded by extended cold regions and has a thermal luminosity much lower than in the case the magnetic field is purely poloidal. We apply these models to calculate the thermal evolution of such neutron stars and show that the lowered photon luminosity naturally extends their life-time as detectable thermal X-ray sources

    Lower Bound on the Magnetic Field Strength of a Magnetar from Analysis of SGR Giant Flares

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    Based on the magnetar model, we have studied in detail the processes of neutrino cooling of an electron--positron plasma generating an SGR giant flare and the influence of the magnetar magnetic field on these processes. Electron--positron pair annihilation and synchrotron neutrino emission are shown to make a dominant contribution to the neutrino emissivity of such a plasma. We have calculated the neutrino energy losses from a plasma-filled region at the long tail stage of the SGR 0526--66, SGR 1806--20, and SGR 1900+14 giant flares. This plasma can emit the energy observed in an SGR giant flare only in the presence of a strong magnetic field suppressing its neutrino energy losses. We have obtained a lower bound on the magnetic field strength and showed this value to be higher than the upper limit following from an estimate of the magnetic dipole losses for the magnetars being analyzed in a wide range of magnetar model parameters. Thus, it is problematic to explain the observed energy release at the long tail stage of an SGR giant flare in terms of the magnetar model.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Neutrino Cooling of Neutron Stars. Medium effects

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    This review demonstrates that neutrino emission from dense hadronic component in neutron stars is subject of strong modifications due to collective effects in the nuclear matter. With the most important in-medium processes incorporated in the cooling code an overall agreement with available soft X ray data can be easily achieved. With these findings so called "standard" and "non-standard" cooling scenarios are replaced by one general "nuclear medium cooling scenario" which relates slow and rapid neutron star coolings to the star masses (interior densities). In-medium effects take important part also at early hot stage of neutron star evolution decreasing the neutrino opacity for less massive and increasing for more massive neutron stars. A formalism for calculation of neutrino radiation from nuclear matter is presented that treats on equal footing one-nucleon and multiple-nucleon processes as well as reactions with resonance bosons and condensates. Cooling history of neutron stars with quark cores is also discussed.Comment: To be published in "Physics of Neutron Star Interiors", Eds. D. Blaschke, N.K. Glendenning, A. Sedrakian, Springer, Heidelberg (2001