380 research outputs found

    The Prevalence of Haemoparasites in Rodents and Shrews Trapped from Domestic and Peridomestic Houses in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. A Hidden Public Health Threat

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    A total of 70 small mammals were captured from domestic and peri-domestic houses in Morogoro municipality to determine the prevalence, relative abundance and diversity of haemoparasites. Tramping was carried out using Shermans and locally made live traps bated with a mixture of peanut butter and maize bran. Blood samples were collected from supraorbital vein in the captured animals. Thick and thin smears were made and screened for infectious agents of public health importance that included Babesia spp., Plasmodium spp., Trypanosoma spp. and Bacillus spp.Two rodent species from captured samall mammals were identified as Rattus rattus (Roof rat) being the most dominant specie followed by Mastomys natalensis (Farm rat). Four blood protozoan species were found infecting the rodent population namely, Plasmodium spp. (n=6/70, 8.57%), Babesia spp. (n=5/70, 7.14%), Bacillus spp. (n=2/70, 2.86%) and Trypanosoma spp. (n=3/70, 4.29%). The relative abundance of the Rattus rattus was estimated to be (n=60/70, 85.7%) while that of Mastomys natalensis was (n=10/70, 14.3%). There was no any Shrew spp. that were captured in the trapping sites. The diversity of haemoparasites in the study area was 1.01. Plasmodium spp. infections as well as that of Trypanosoma spp were observed in both sexes; however, infections were higher in sub-adult rats. Malaria and sleeping sickness remain as a serious health threat and yet a vaccine is not yet available. Mosquitoes that are biting rodents also bite humans in their houses. So spreading of Plasmodium spp and Trypanosoma spp fromrodents to humans is inevitable. Every year, many people suffer from malaria and sleeping sickness and die as a consequence of these diseases. In most cases children in Africa under the age of five die from Malaria while people of all ages die from sleeping sickness in the tsetse fly infested areas. The public health implications of these findings require communitywide rodents control strategies with strong emphasis on community participation in order to prevent rapid spread of rodent population. Keywords: Haemoparasites, Rodents, Malaria, Sleeping sickness, Public health, Morogoro Municipalit


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    Property owned by Indonesia spread throughout Indonesia, one of wealth in themining sector is the mining and oil and gas that spread across several regions in Indonesia, one of which is located in East Java. Any mining activity can potentially have an impact on the environment and the community either negative or positive. One company that makes the exploration and exploitation activities in East Java is the Joint Operating body-Petrochina Pertamina East Java (JOB PPEJ). As a company dedicated to the mining companies also have to make the implementation of the accountability to monitor the impact of the exploration and exploitation in the Tuban, East Java. In this study the author uses the method of empirical legal studies, field studies, that requires or uses as raw data and support primary data, secondary data through interviews that make users directly and structured for consultants or related resources. This thesis are expected contributions to the central Government, local go vernment, and mining companies o obtain more attention to the mining area of greater attention to the environment and the health of the community in the area of Tuban, especially the closer to the mine

    Martial poetry in Mecca and Medina in the late pre-Islamic and early Islamic periods

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    Challenging the incompatibility paradigm: a democratic audit of Jordan, 1990-2010

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    This thesis assesses the state of democracy in Jordan over a period of twenty years (1990-2010), and revisits the claims of incompatibility between democracy and both Islam and Islamism. It subjects the claims to theoretical and empirical tests. This is possible through a case study of Jordan. The state was established by Britain, and is ruled by a dynasty, which highlights its lineage to the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. Jordan also allowed the Muslim Brothers to take part in the process characterised by King Hussein in 1989 as the ‘resumption of our democratic life.’ Incompatibility is taken to mean that Islamic teachings prohibit adopting democracy as a system of government, as Qutb and Mawdudi have argued; and that democracy cannot take root in a Muslim society because the state and church (mosque) are inseparable, as argued by Lewis and others. The thesis outlines the procedure Muslim jurists use to declare an act or a notion to be allowed (halal) or forbidden (haram). It also engages with various democratic theories including the argument that democracy is ‘an essentially contested concept.’ The thesis establishes that, theoretically, Islam is not incompatible with democracy, whether as claimed by Qutb and Mawdudi, or Lewis and Huntington. Moreover, the thesis posits that if the democratic audit establishes that Jordan is a democracy, the compatibility of democracy and Islam is validated empirically. The audit revealed that Jordan was not a democracy. The roles of Islam and Islamism in hindering the development of democracy in Jordan were examined. The evidence indicated that they did not. Therefore, other reasons were examined, such as rentierism, Arab-Israel conflict, and Rustow’s modernisation theory. The latter offers the most plausible explanation, as Jordan has not satisfied Rustow’s four antecedents to democracy. The Islamist groups have not yet managed to be in power through democratic means. It remains debatable whether they will adhere to democracy after it brings them to power. The case of Jordan provides counter-evidence that the Islamists can hold the belief that Islam provides a superior form of government, but can simultaneously play by democratic rules. One could even argue that in Jordan there was a case of a democratic paradox in reverse

    Towards more sustainable urban forms in the city of Benghazi: a study of urban fragmentation at the neighbourhood level

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    Urban sprawl is a challenge to the sustainability of many cities around the world. Fragmented urban development and vacant land are widespread problems in many Arab cities (UN-Habitat, 2012) which are, according to Ben-Hamouch, mainly a result of inappropriate modern planning and poor land management (2013). This study addresses the problem of urban fragmentation at the neighbourhood level and examines to what extent the concept of compact urban form can contribute to the improvement of social and environmental sustainability in the Libyan city of Benghazi and Arab cities in general. The objectives and scope of the study have justified a morphological approach, where eleven case studies that present different urban typologies in the city have been investigated. The research strategy and selection of case studies were driven by the availability of data and meant to cover the main urban types and important issues defined within this context. This research, which has been conducted to explore and explain the relationships that exist between local urban forms and their performance in terms of sustainability, has produced valuable knowledge and helped to identify measures which target the improvement of people’s quality of life and environmental sustainability of the city. The research draws on the argument that adopting a type of human scale urban form, which is relatively compact and dense, well-connected and comfortably diverse, coupled with concepts of urban greening and flexible development relevant to the local context, would help to create a high quality urban form that is liveable and accessible, while causing minimum damage to the natural environment. This work is an attempt to respond and add to the ongoing debate on sustainable urban form in the developing countries (see: (Jenks, 2000)). The findings have contributed to the understanding of urban fragmentation and highlighted the relevance of the theory of compact city to sustainable development in Benghazi and the South in general. It is anticipated that this work would raise awareness on the impact of urban fragmentation on the sustainability of the built environment within this context and help to advance research on planning theory and practice based on real-life experience and responses to local circumstances

    Bacteria and Fungi Associated with Acute Otitis Media

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    To identify the bacteria  and fungi from the otitis media inflammation  samples taken during otitis media of patients with acute, This work was applied on 44 otitis media patients  admitted to the Hospital in Hilla  with age range (9-60) years . Swabs  cultures of otitis media patients reveals major types of bacteria growth  shown in Isolated and diagnostic types of bacteria G+ve and G-ve which form G-ve with persentige60.97% also M.catarhals form persentige21.9% and other of thease Ps. aeroginosa form persentige20.7%and lessness famous H.influnza form persentige 1.21.%the  bacteria G-ve form persentige 39.2% in front of St.pnemonia persentige form persentige19.5% and other bacteria S,aurius persentige 17.7% and lessness famous of bacteria St, pyogens in persentige 2.03%. This study also Isolated and diagnostic type of fungi compare to the patints of otitis which type of sample fungi 54 infront of A.flaves persentige 24.7% and other of it A.fumguts in persentige 22.2% and lessness famous A.alternaria in persentige 3.7%. Keywords: Otitis media  Infection , Bacteria and Fungi from the otitis media inflammation

    Teaching in the eyes of others: a review of teaching square group

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    The project's main objective is to learn through peer observation. The Teaching Squares program provides faculty an opportunity to gain new insight into their teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection. The four faculty in each "teaching square" agree to visit each other's classes over the course of a semester and then meet to discuss what they learned from their observations

    Oil flow, cavitation and film reformation in journal bearings, including an interactive computer-aided design study

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    An interactive computer program for the design of steadily loaded fluid film, hydrodynamic journal bearings based on the procedure of E S D U Item No. 66023 (1966) is presented. The program was developed in two forms, a graphics and a non-graphics version. The computer program procedure enabled a detailed study of the effect of changes in the parameters on the bearing performance, which in turn permitted the design of an optimized bearing. A theoretical and experimental study of the influence of film reformation on the performance of hydrodynamic journal bearings, and the side flow rate in particular, is also presented. A numerical analysis technique based on a cavitation algorithm proposed by H.G. Elrod was developed. This technique was capable of an automatic d etermination of the boundaries of the cavitation region and included a consideration of the lubricant inlet conditions (groove geometry and supply pressure). Theoretical data for journal bearings with a single axial groove located at the position of maximum film thickness is presented for a wide range of the values of the bearing design and o perating parameters. An apparatus was designed and commissioned to study the lubricant flow rate in journal bearings. Tests were performed wi t h three glass bushes of width-to-diameter ratio of unity at variable values of eccentricity ratio and lubricant supply pressure. The agreement achieved between theory and experiment for dimensionless side flow rate was excellent. For the location of the film reformation boundary, the correlation between theoretical predictions and experimental measurements was satisfactory, except at low values of eccentricity ratio and dimensionless supply pressure. A study of the correlation between the predictions of dimensionless load capacity, attitude angle and dimensionless side flow rate obtained from ESDU Item No. 66023 (.1966) and those of the new bearing analysis reported in the thesis is presented. Good agreement was observed for the predictions of side flow rate

    Teaching in the eyes of others: a review of teaching square group

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    The project's main objective is to learn through peer observation. The Teaching Squares program provides faculty an opportunity to gain new insight into their teaching through a non-evaluative process of reciprocal classroom observation and self-reflection. The four faculty in each "teaching square" agree to visit each other's classes over the course of a semester and then meet to discuss what they learned from their observations

    A search for p-mode pulsations in white dwarf stars using the Berkeley Visible Imaging Tube detector

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    We present high-speed photometry (resolution 0.1 s) obtained during the commissioning of the Berkely Visible Imaging Tube system on the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT). The observations were an attempt to search for very rapid p-mode oscillations in white dwarf stars and included three DA stars known to be g-mode pulsators (ZZ Cet, HK Cet and AF Pic), one other DA star (WD 1056-384) not known to be variable and one AM Cvn star (HP Lib). No evidence was found for any variations greater than about 1 mmag in amplitude (∼0.1 per cent) at frequencies in excess of 60 mHz (periods <17 s) in any of the target stars, though several previously known g-mode frequencies were recovered.Web of Scienc