558 research outputs found

    Casimir densities for two spherical branes in Rindler-like spacetimes

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    Wightman function, the vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor are evaluated for a scalar field obeying the Robin boundary conditions on two spherical branes in (D+1)-dimensional Rindler-like spacetime Ri×SD−1Ri\times S^{D-1}, with a two-dimensional Rindler spacetime RiRi. This spacetime approximates the near horizon geometry of (D+1)-dimensional black hole. By using the generalized Abel-Plana formula, the vacuum expectation values are presented as the sum of single brane and second brane induced parts. Various limiting cases are studied. The vacuum forces acting on the branes are decomposed into the self-action and interaction terms. The interaction forces are investigated as functions of the brane locations and coefficients in the boundary conditions.Comment: 15 page

    Finite gravitational action for higher derivative and stringy gravities

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    We generalize the local surface counterterm prescription suggested in Einstein gravity for higher derivative (HD) and Weyl gravities. Explicitly, the surface counterterm is found for three- and five-dimensional HD gravities. As a result, the gravitational action for asymptotically AdS spaces is finite and gravitational energy-momentum tensor is well-defined. The holographic trace anomaly for d2 and d4 boundary (gauge) QFT dual to above HD gravity is calculated from gravitational energy-momentum tensor. The calculation of AdS black hole mass in HD gravity is presented within above prescrition. The comparison with the standard prescription (using reference spacetime) is done.Comment: LaTeX file, 21 page

    Realization of Brane Descent Relations in Effective Theories

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    We examine Sen's descent relations among (non-)BPS D-branes by using low energy effective field theories of DpDpbar system. We find that the fluctuation around the kink solution reproduces the low energy matter content on a non-BPS D(p-1)-brane. The effective action for these fluctuation modes turns out to be a generalization of Minahan-Zwiebach model. In addition, it is shown that the fluctuations around the vortex solution consist of massless fields on a BPS D(p-2)-brane and they are subject to Dirac-Born-Infeld action. We find the universality that the above results do not refer to particular forms of the effective action.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps figure; v2:minor correction

    Cosmology and Fermion Confinement in a Scalar-Field-Generated Domain Wall Brane in Five Dimensions

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    We consider a brane generated by a scalar field domain wall configuration in 4+1 dimensions, interpolating, in most cases, between two vacua of the field. We study the cosmology of such a system in the cases where the effective four-dimensional brane metric is de Sitter or anti de Sitter, including a discussion of the bulk coordinate singularities present in the de-Sitter case. We demonstrate that a scalar field kink configuration can support a brane with dS4_4 cosmology, despite the presence of coordinate singularities in the metric. We examine the trapping of fermion fields on the domain wall for nontrivial brane cosmology.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures; minor changes, accepted by JHE

    Metamorphosis Of Tachyon Profile In Unstable D9-Branes

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    We explored a variety of brane configurations in our previous paper within the two derivative truncation of the unstable D9-brane effective theory. In this paper we extend our previous results with emphasis on the inclusion of the higher derivative corrections for the tachyon and the gauge fields computed in the boundary string field theories. We give the exact solutions to BPS brane configurations studied in our previous paper and find remarkable exact agreements of their energies and RR-charges with the expected results. We further find a few more solutions that we could not construct in the two derivative truncations, such as a (F,D6) bound state ending on a D8-brane whose existence turns out to be due to a higher derivative effect and also the dielectric brane of Emparan and Myers as a nonsupersymmetric example. These are also in exact agreements with the results obtained in the effective theory of supersymmetric D-branes.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, (v2) minor corrections and a misleading footnote concerning the paper hep-th/0012198 was eliminated. References added, (v3) an important correction of the normalizations in the action, while the results being intac

    Spontaneous Breaking of Lorentz Invariance

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    We describe how a stable effective theory in which particles of the same fermion number attract may spontaneously break Lorentz invariance by giving non-zero fermion number density to the vacuum (and therefore dynamically generating a chemical potential term). This mecanism yields a finite vacuum expectation value whichweconsiderinthecontextofproposedmodelsthatrequiresuchabreakingofLorentzinvarianceinordertoyieldcompositedegreesoffreedomthatactapproximatelylikegaugebosons.Wealsomakegeneralremarksabouthowthebackgroundsourceprovidedby which we consider in the context of proposed models that require such a breaking of Lorentz invariance in order to yield composite degrees of freedom that act approximately like gauge bosons. We also make general remarks about how the background source provided by could relate to work on signals of Lorentz violation in electrodynamics.Comment: revtex4, 11 pages, 5 figures; v2:references added; v3:more references added, typos fixed, some points in sect. IV clarified; v4:even more references added, discussion in sect. V extended; v5:replaced to match published version (minor corrections of form

    Progress in QCD next-to-leading order calculations

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    I review progress related to the calculation of QCD jet cross sections at the NLO accuracy. After a short introduction into the theory of NLO calculations, I discuss two recent developments: the calculation of two- and three-jet leptoproduction at the NLO accuracy and the extension of the dipole subtraction method for computing NLO corrections for processes involving massive partons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX using JHEP3.cls, Invited talk at the International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics (HEP 2001

    Brane cosmology with an anisotropic bulk

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    In the context of brane cosmology, a scenario where our universe is a 3+1-dimensional surface (the ``brane'') embedded in a five-dimensional spacetime (the ``bulk''), we study geometries for which the brane is anisotropic - more specifically Bianchi I - though still homogeneous. We first obtain explicit vacuum bulk solutions with anisotropic three-dimensional spatial slices. The bulk is assumed to be empty but endowed with a negative cosmological constant. We then embed Z_2-symmetric branes in the anisotropic spacetimes and discuss the constraints on the brane energy-momentum tensor due to the five-dimensional anisotropic geometry. We show that if the bulk is static, an anisotropic brane cannot support a perfect fluid. However, we find that for some of our bulk solutions it is possible to embed a brane with a perfect fluid though its energy density and pressure are completely determined by the bulk geometry.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    One-loop effective action for Einstein gravity in special background gauge

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    The one-loop effective action for Einstein gravity in a special one-parameter background gauge is calculated up to first order in a gauge parameter. It is shown that the effective action does not depend upon the gauge parameter on shell.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, no figure
