40,880 research outputs found

    An improved boundary force method for analyzing cracked anisotropic materials

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    The Boundary Force Method (BFM), a form of indirect boundary element method, is used to analyze composite laminates with cracks. The BFM uses the orthotropic elasticity solution for a concentrated horizontal and vertical force and a moment applied at a point in a cracked, infinite sheet as the fundamental solution. The necessary stress functions for this fundamental solution were formulated using the complex variable theory of orthotropic elasticity. The current method is an improvement over a previous method using only forces and no moment. The improved method was verified by comparing it to accepted solutions for a finite-width, center-crack specimen subjected to uniaxial tension. Four graphite/epoxy laminates were used: (0 + or - 45/90)sub s, (0), (+ or - 45)sub s, and (+ or - 30)sub s. The BFM results agreed well with accepted solutions. Convergence studies showed that with the addition of the moment in the fundamental solution, the number of boundary elements required for a converged solution was significantly reduced. Parametric studies were done for two configurations for which no orthotropic solutions are currently available; a single edge crack and an inclined single edge crack

    Observations of HONO by laser-induced fluorescence at the South Pole during ANTCI 2003

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    Observations of nitrous acid (HONO) by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) at the South Pole taken during the Antarctic Troposphere Chemistry Investigation (ANTCI), which took place over the time period of Nov. 15, 2003 to Jan. 4, 2004, are presented here. The median observed mixing ratio of HONO 10 m above the snow was 5.8 pptv (mean value 6.3 pptv) with a maximum of 18.2 pptv on Nov 30th, Dec 1st, 3rd, 15th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th and 28th. The measurement uncertainty is ±35%. The LIF HONO observations are compared to concurrent HONO observations performed by mist chamber/ion chromatography (MC/IC). The HONO levels reported by MC/IC are about 7.2 ± 2.3 times higher than those reported by LIF. Citation: Liao, W., A. T. Case, J. Mastromarino, D. Tan, and J. E. Dibb (2006), Observations of HONO by laser-induced fluorescence at the South Pole during ANTCI 2003, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L09810, doi:10.1029/2005GL025470

    A Low-Dimensional Model for the Maximal Amplification Factor of Bichromatic Wave Groups

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    We consider a low-dimensional model derived from the nonlinear-Schrödinger equation that describes the evolution of a special class of surface gravity wave groups, namely bichromatic waves. The model takes only two modes into account, namely the primary mode and the third order mode which is known to be most relevant for bichromatic waves with small frequency difference. Given an initial condition, an analytical expression for the maximal amplitude of the evolution of this initial wave group according to the model can be readily obtained. The aim of this investigation is to predict the amplification factor defined as the quotient between the maximal amplitude over all time & space and the initial maximal amplitude. Although this is a problem of general interest, as a case study, initial conditions in the form of a bichromatic wave group are taken. Using the low dimensional model it is found that the least upper bound of the maximal amplification factor for this bichromatic wave group is √2. To validate the analytical results of this model, a numerical simulation on the full model is also performed. As can be expected, good agreement is observed between analytical and numerical solutions for a certain range of parameters; when the initial amplitude is not too large, or when the difference of frequency is not too small. The results are relevant and motivated for the generation of waves in hydrodynamic laboratories

    Improved drive current in RF vertical MOSFETS using hydrogen anneal

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    This letter reports a study on the effect of a hydrogen anneal after silicon pillar etch of surround-gate vertical MOSFETs intended for RF applications. A hydrogen anneal at 800 ?C is shown to give a 30% improvement in the drive current of 120-nm n-channel transistors compared with transistors without the hydrogen anneal. The value of drive current achieved is 250 ?A/?m, which is a record for thick pillar vertical MOSFETs. This improved performance is obtained even though a sacrificial oxidation was performed prior to the hydrogen anneal to smooth the pillar sidewall. The values of subthreshold slope and DIBL are 79 mV/decade and 45 mV/V, respectively, which are significantly better than most values reported in the literature for comparable devices. The H2 anneal is also shown to decrease the OFF-state leakage current by a factor of three

    Clock and Trigger Synchronization between Several Chassis of Digital Data Acquisition Modules

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    In applications with segmented high purity Ge detectors or other detector arrays with tens or hundreds of channels, where the high development cost and limited flexibility of application specific integrated circuits outweigh their benefits of low power and small size, the readout electronics typically consist of multi-channel data acquisition modules in a common chassis for power, clock and trigger distribution, and data readout. As arrays become larger and reach several hundred channels, the readout electronics have to be divided over several chassis, but still must maintain precise synchronization of clocks and trigger signals across all channels. This division becomes necessary not only because of limits given by the instrumentation standards on module size and chassis slot numbers, but also because data readout times increase when more modules share the same data bus and because power requirements approach the limits of readily available power supplies. In this paper, we present a method for distributing clocks and triggers between 4 PXI chassis containing DGF Pixie-16 modules with up to 226 acquisition channels per chassis in a data acquisition system intended to instrument the over 600 channels of the SeGA detector array at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. Our solution is designed to achieve synchronous acquisition of detector waveforms from all channels with a jitter of less then 1 ns, and can be extended to a larger number of chassis if desired.Comment: CAARI 200