110 research outputs found


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    The article deals with the problem of developing definitions of research objects using cognitive methods and intellectual circuit techniques. The category “act of a literary hero” shows that there are a large number of definitions of this category, but there is no definition reflecting the fundamental essential characteristics of the hero’s act in the literature. To construct the definition of the category “act of the literary hero”, the method of two-level triadic decryption of the basic category was used, which is a tool of categorical system methodology. As a result, an exhaustive description of “the act of a literary hero” arising in the literature of a given historical period was obtained.El artículo aborda el problema del desarrollo de definiciones de objetos de investigación utilizando métodos cognitivos y técnicas de circuitos intelectuales. La categoría "acto de un héroe literario" muestra que hay un gran número de definiciones de esta categoría, pero no hay una definición que refleje las características esenciales fundamentales del acto del héroe en la literatura. Para construir la definición de la categoría "acto del héroe literario", se utilizó el método de descifrado triádico de dos niveles de la categoría básica, que es una herramienta de la metodología de sistemas categóricos. Como resultado, se obtuvo una descripción exhaustiva del " acto de un héroe literario " que surge en la literatura de un período histórico determinado.В статье рассмотрена проблема разработки определений объектов исследования с применением когнитивных методов и интеллектуальной схемотехники. На примере категории «поступок литературного героя» показано, что при наличии большого числа определений данной категории отсутствует дефиниция, отражающая фундаментальные сущностные характеристики поступка героя в литературе. Для конструирования определения категории «поступок литературного героя» использован метод двухуровневой триадической дешифровки базовой категории, являющийся инструментом категориально-системной методологии. В результате получено исчерпывающее описание рассматриваемой категории – поступка литературного героя, возникшего в литературе заданного исторического периода

    Privacy virtualisation as an element of the new gender order

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    The article is analysed the privacy virtualisation phenomenon, which has become a trend in the digital world. Considering virtual communication practices in the context of global sociality transformations, the author shows that their impact on gender relations is progressive; the formats differ in structural and content diversity. The overview of the most important world studies in virtuality sociology is presented. They have in common is the concern of scholars about the substitution of real interpersonal relationships by virtual ones, the blurring of boundaries between these life layers with the social loneliness growth. The methodological basis is the gender approach and its private concept – the theory of changing the gender order, within which the rules and norms regulating the private sphere are conceptualized as variable, changeable and having socio-cultural conditioning. The author proposes a theoretical model of the mechanism for choosing a virtual partner, supported by the results of an online survey, analyses the features of the formation and development of virtual relations, the possibility of moving to the real plane, depending on the motivation of actors and trust in the virtual partner. Some trends in the development of virtual private practices are noted, including the development of artificial sociality, control of the digital footprint and communication with virtual agents

    Measurement of the status of complex systems in multidimensional phase spaces

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    A method for complex measurement of the state of objects in relation to the reference state and the reference process has been developed, based on obtaining state equations in the form of phenomenological relationships and using multidimensional scaling methods. As examples, the equations of states are obtained and measuring scales for two complex systems are constructed. The first example is related to the study of the similarity of biological species in the three-dimensional phase space of state variables. The second example uses statistical data on the state and development of Russian citie

    New Technologies and Innovative Solutions in the Development of Multimedia Corpus of Mezen Robinsons Texts

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    Objective: New Technologies and Innovative Solutions in creating a multimedia corpus of texts about the "Mezen Robinsons" aims to preserve the memory of an event that occurred in the 18th century and to study the history of Spitsbergen development. This article presents a multimedia corpus of Russian-language texts about the "Mezen Robinsons" written in 1766–2022. Observations show that the history of the survival of the Mezen hunters on Edge Island in 1743–1749 has repeatedly attracted the attention of specialists from various fields of knowledge: historians, archaeologists, publicists, professional writers, translators, etc. The corpus unites texts, audio, video, and multimedia resources. Methods: continuous sampling was used to collect the material; when analyzing and describing the data, we applied a descriptive method, a biographical method of studying literature, statistical data processing, philological analysis, observation, assessment, and corpus modeling methods. Findings: the methodology and technology of building an independent multimedia corpus, its architecture, and its design are described. Novelty: the multimedia corpus is a contribution to the development of a new approach to studying the subjectology of Russian literature. Practical significance:the findings can become the basis for studying the biographies and creativity of various authors who built their works on the plot of the Mezen industrialists and for further comparison of various interpretations of one event from the history of the development of the Arctic. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-07 Full Text: PD

    Обеспечение безопасности при эксплуатации беспилотных летательных аппаратов на объектах транспортной инфраструктуры

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, are gaining more and more practical application in modern society, particularly as the tools of implementation of the concepts of «smart city», «smart health care», «smart industries», Internet of Things, 3D mapping, digital transport. But currently it is impossible to use of UAV at certain objects, comprising objects of transport infrastructure (OTI), primarily, airports, because of existing restrictions due to security threats arising during the UAV flight.The authors of the present work have set a goal to offer a solution that allows to start operating UAV at transport infrastructure facilities that are currently prohibited for UAV flights. To achieve the objective of the work, using analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, factors and conditions for safe use of UAV at OTI have been formulated, a method for increasing security of UAV flight has been developed, followed by the suggestion on the UAV route control system.The proposed system makes it possible to safely use UAVs at OTI by restraining their flight area strictly to the designated corridor, which eliminates a threat of a collision of UAV with other vehicles operated at OTI, dangerous elements of OTI, as well as with people at the object.The system does not need electric power feeding, which makes it possible to implement the system without creating an auxiliary power supply infrastructure.The practical application of the proposed system and, as a consequence, implementation of a greater number of opportunities for the use of UAV, are capable to generate fundamentally new technological processes and structures at transport facilities, which is one of the directions for creating the next generation transport infrastructure based on IoT and artificial intelligence.Беспилотные летательные аппараты (БПЛА), также известные как дроны или беспилотники, получают всё большее практическое применение в современном обществе, в том числе как инструменты реализации концепций «умного города», «умного здравоохранения», «умной индустрии», Интернета вещей, 3D‑картографии, цифрового транспорта. Но, в настоящий момент, применение БПЛА на определённых объектах, в том числе и транспортной инфраструктуры (ОТИ), в первую очередь, в аэропортах, невозможно в силу существующих ограничений, вызванных угрозами безопасности, возникающими при полёте БПЛА.Авторами в данной работе была поставлена цель предложить решение, позволяющее начать эксплуатацию беспилотных летательных аппаратов на объектах транспортной инфраструктуры, в настоящий момент закрытых для полётов БПЛА.Для достижения цели работы, с применением анализа и синтеза, сравнения и обобщения, сформулированы факторы и условия безопасного применения БПЛА на ОТИ, с учётом которых разработаны метод повышения безопасности движения беспилотных летательных аппаратов и реализующая его система контроля маршрутов беспилотных летательных аппаратов.Предложенная система делает возможным безопасно применять БПЛА на ОТИ за счёт ограничения зоны их полёта строго в обозначенном коридоре, что позволяет исключить угрозу столкновения БПЛА с другими транспортными средствами (ТС), эксплуатируемыми на ОТИ, опасными элементами ОТИ, людьми и т.д.Для функционирования системы не требуется электроэнергия, что позволяет внедрять систему без создания вспомогательной энергообеспечивающей инфраструктуры.Практическое применение предложенной системы и, как следствие, внедрение большего количества возможностей, возникающих при применении БПЛА, способно генерировать на объектах транспорта принципиально новые технологические процессы и структуры, что является одним из направлений создания транспортной инфраструктуры следующего поколения, основанной на IoT и искусственном интеллекте

    The use of logistics n the quality parameters control system of material flow

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    The relevance of the research problem is conditioned on the need to justify the use of the logistics methodologies in the quality parameters control process of material flows. The goal of the article is to develop theoretical principles and practical recommendations for logistical system control in material flows quality parameters. A leading approach to study this problem is a set of scientific knowledge and special methods, allowing identifying the main trends and features for the quality parameters control of material flows. The main results of the research with the scientific novelty are the following: - grounded conceptual framework for the qualitative parameters management of material flows and business processes; - defined the relationship of the evaluation criteria to characterize products and processes, and to highlight typical and assigned material flow characteristics; - proved the necessity of quality parameters logistical system control of material flows. The article can be useful to set up the quality parameters control system of material flow in the micro – mesa-logistics systems to optimize total costs, improve quality, material flow and processes and, as a consequence, improve the products competitiveness. © 2016 Karpova et al

    Method and criteria for assessing the sustainable development

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    The present paper proposed socio-econometric scales for assessing the development of regions as well as criteria for characterizing their sustainability based on a relative comparison of development vector of each region with the reference vector of development of control group of region

    Efficiency improvement of forest machinery exploitation

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    The purpose of this work was to develop a model of the interaction process between the wheeled forwarder and the soil of the cutting area, which allows evaluating the influence of soil conditions, the parameters of the wheeled forwarder, as well as load and number of cycles of its application, on the indicators of resistance and adhesion of the forwarder to the traction surface. Modeling results for 3-and 4-Axle forest machines with different load levels showed that for different soil categories, types of bodies, and tire sizes. The results of the approximation analysis enabled the derive of calculation formulas for estimating the propulsive coefficient and rut depth after the first passage depending on the values of load-bearing capacity, body load coefficient, wheel width, and soil deformation module. The proposed model can be used at laying down the skidding roads and its optimization not only in economic terms but also with respect to the environment as intensive harvesting operations lead to extensive soil destructions. The practical application of the results is expressed in increased performance capacities of wood skidding operations and minimization of costs for restoring the productivity of forest area. © 2020 Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics. All rights reserved


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    Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам антимонопольного регулирования российского страхового рынка. На основе анализа ситуации, сложившейся на страховом рынке, выявлены противоречия участников страховых отношений, которые в настоящее время обостряются в результате монополизации страхового рынка. Обоснована возможность достижения локального компромисса между страховщиком и страхователем в условиях конкурентного предложения страховой защиты на страховом рынке.The article is devoted to topical issues of antimonopoly regulation of the Russian insurance market. Based on the analysis of the situation in the insurance market, revealed contradictions participants of insurance relations, which are now exacerbated as a result of the monopolization of the insurance market. The possibility of achieving local compromise between the insurer and the insured in a competitive offer insurance protection in the insurance market