
The use of logistics n the quality parameters control system of material flow


The relevance of the research problem is conditioned on the need to justify the use of the logistics methodologies in the quality parameters control process of material flows. The goal of the article is to develop theoretical principles and practical recommendations for logistical system control in material flows quality parameters. A leading approach to study this problem is a set of scientific knowledge and special methods, allowing identifying the main trends and features for the quality parameters control of material flows. The main results of the research with the scientific novelty are the following: - grounded conceptual framework for the qualitative parameters management of material flows and business processes; - defined the relationship of the evaluation criteria to characterize products and processes, and to highlight typical and assigned material flow characteristics; - proved the necessity of quality parameters logistical system control of material flows. The article can be useful to set up the quality parameters control system of material flow in the micro – mesa-logistics systems to optimize total costs, improve quality, material flow and processes and, as a consequence, improve the products competitiveness. © 2016 Karpova et al

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