6 research outputs found

    Analysis and development of effective distance learning practices

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    Distance education at the present stage of development of the world educational practice has acquired a global character. The range of educational services has significantly expanded; the number of educational organizations and institutions involved in this form of education has increased; a huge number of students use the Internet, gadgets and high-tech services. It has influenced the development of the educational environment around the world. Effective distance education practices are those forms of distance learning that allow students and other students to receive “remote” education via the Internet, if necessary. Such a necessity today has become the epidemiological situation in the world with the spread of infection caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV). The publication describes those practices that have proven to be effective. Their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The ways of developing such practices are determined taking into account a number of characteristic features of distance education: flexibility, modularity, innovative quality control of education, role repertoire of the teacher, economic benefits, etc. Describes specific principles of distance education, allocated based on the study of domestic and foreign authors, content updated by the authors: the principle of free access; the principle of remoteness; the principle of interactivity, the principle of identification; the principle of adequacy and expediency of using digital technologies in distance education. Methodological recommendations for teachers are given. The purpose of our research is to analyze how effective distance education and its forms are for students and primary school teachers who master additional professional training programs. Examples of questionnaires and survey data on the subject under study are given

    Ближайшие результаты рентгенохирургического лечения миом матки — эмболизации маточных артерий, выполненного в ОКБ ХМАО — Югры

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    An efficient modern method for treatment of uterine fibroids is embolization of uterine arteries (EUA). It can be applied at single and multiple uterine fibroids. In most patients, myomatous nodes regress or resolve, bad symptoms reduce or disappear. EUA can also be made in women of reproductive age as an organ-preserving surgery allowing child-bearing in the future.Эффективным современнымметодом лечения миомы матки является эмболизация маточных артерий (ЭМА). Она может быть выполнена при единичной и множественной миоме матки. У большинства пациенток регрессируют или рассасываются миоматозные узлы, уменьшается или исчезает тревожащая симптоматика. ЭМА также можно провести у женщин репродуктивного возраста как органосохраняющую операцию, позволяющую в дальнейшем деторождение

    Analysis and development of effective distance learning practices

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    Distance education at the present stage of development of the world educational practice has acquired a global character. The range of educational services has significantly expanded; the number of educational organizations and institutions involved in this form of education has increased; a huge number of students use the Internet, gadgets and high-tech services. It has influenced the development of the educational environment around the world. Effective distance education practices are those forms of distance learning that allow students and other students to receive “remote” education via the Internet, if necessary. Such a necessity today has become the epidemiological situation in the world with the spread of infection caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV). The publication describes those practices that have proven to be effective. Their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The ways of developing such practices are determined taking into account a number of characteristic features of distance education: flexibility, modularity, innovative quality control of education, role repertoire of the teacher, economic benefits, etc. Describes specific principles of distance education, allocated based on the study of domestic and foreign authors, content updated by the authors: the principle of free access; the principle of remoteness; the principle of interactivity, the principle of identification; the principle of adequacy and expediency of using digital technologies in distance education. Methodological recommendations for teachers are given. The purpose of our research is to analyze how effective distance education and its forms are for students and primary school teachers who master additional professional training programs. Examples of questionnaires and survey data on the subject under study are given.La educación a distancia en la etapa actual de desarrollo de la práctica educativa mundial ha adquirido un carácter global. La gama de servicios educativos se ha ampliado significativamente; ha aumentado el número de organizaciones e instituciones educativas que participan en esta forma de educación; un gran número de estudiantes utiliza Internet, dispositivos y servicios de alta tecnología. Ha influido en el desarrollo del entorno educativo en todo el mundo. Las prácticas efectivas de educación a distancia son aquellas formas de aprendizaje a distancia que permiten a los estudiantes y otros estudiantes recibir educación “remota” a través de Internet, si es necesario. Tal necesidad hoy se ha convertido en la situación epidemiológica en el mundo con la propagación de la infección provocada por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV). La publicación describe aquellas prácticas que han demostrado ser efectivas. Se analizan sus ventajas y desventajas. Las formas de desarrollar tales prácticas se determinan teniendo en cuenta una serie de rasgos característicos de la educación a distancia: flexibilidad, modularidad, control innovador de la calidad de la educación, repertorio de roles del docente, beneficios económicos, etc. Describe los principios específicos de la educación a distancia, asignados según sobre el estudio de autores nacionales y extranjeros, contenido actualizado por los autores: el principio de libre acceso; el principio de lejanía; el principio de interactividad, el principio de identificación; el principio de adecuación y conveniencia del uso de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia. Se dan recomendaciones metodológicas para los profesores. El propósito de nuestra investigación es analizar qué tan efectiva es la educación a distancia y sus formas para los estudiantes y profesores de primaria que dominan programas de formación profesional adicionales. Se dan ejemplos de cuestionarios y datos de encuestas sobre el tema en estudio


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    Short-term results of X-ray treatment of uterine fibroids — embolization of uterine arteries in Yugra Regional Clinical Hospital

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    An efficient modern method for treatment of uterine fibroids is embolization of uterine arteries (EUA). It can be applied at single and multiple uterine fibroids. In most patients, myomatous nodes regress or resolve, bad symptoms reduce or disappear. EUA can also be made in women of reproductive age as an organ-preserving surgery allowing child-bearing in the future