80 research outputs found

    Sub-Poissonian light and photocurrent shot-noise suppression in closed opto-electronic loop

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    We examine experimentally photocurrent noise reduction in the opto-electronic closed loop. Photocurrent noise density 12.5 dB below the shot-noise was observed. So large suppression was not reached in previous experiments and cannot be explained in terms of an ordinary sub-Poissonian light in the loop. We propose the concept of anticorrelation state for the description of light in the loop

    Formation of Luminescence Centers in Oxygen-Deficient Cerium Oxide Nanocrystals

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    In this work the peculiarities of oxygen vacancies formation in cerium oxide nanoparticles for different external influences have been investigated by spectroscopic methods. The features of oxygen vacancies and therefore non-stoichiometric cerium oxide formation in CeO2 nanocrystals depending on the atmosphere of high temperature treatment were investigated. Stimulation of oxygen vacancies formation in reducing and neutral atmospheres was revealed. Occurrence of two different luminescence centers (viz. the charge-transfer complexes formed by Ce4+ and O2- ions, and Ce3+ ions stabilized by vacancies) after cerium oxide nanoparticles annealing in a neutral atmosphere has been observed. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3544

    On Exchange of Orbital Angular Momentum Between Twisted Photons and Atomic Electrons

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    We obtain an expression for the matrix element for a twisted (Laguerre-Gaussian profile) photon scattering from a hydrogen atom. We consider photons incoming with an orbital angular momentum (OAM) of \ell \hbar, carried by a factor of eiϕe^{i \ell \phi} not present in a plane-wave or pure Gaussian profile beam. The nature of the transfer of +2+2\ell units of OAM from the photon to the azimuthal atomic quantum number of the atom is investigated. We obtain simple formulae for these OAM flip transitions for elastic forward scattering of twisted photons when the photon wavelength λ\lambda is large compared with the atomic target size aa, and small compared the Rayleigh range zRz_R, which characterizes the collimation length of the twisted photon beam.Comment: 16 page

    Suppression of impurity ions optical transitions dephasing in nanocrystals

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    Abnormally narrow spectral lines have been observed in the luminescence spectra of Y₂SiO₅Pr³⁺ and YVO₄:Eu³⁺ nanocrystals at the room temperature. This fact was interpreted as the result of optical transitions dephasing processes suppression in the nanocrystals. The general cause of the observed effect is the weakening of phonon scattering on the impurity centre as a result of the quantum size effect in nanocrystal phonon subsystem. At first the dependence of spectral line width on the nanocrystal size has been shown. Unnecessary of the deep cooling for narrow optical resonances obtaining makes these nanocrystals a potential candidate for the wide set of applications in the optical memory and quantum computing devices.На спектрах люмінесценції нанокристалів Y₂SiO₅Pr³⁺ та YVO₄:Eu³⁺ за кімнатної температури спостерігалася наявність аномально вузьких спектральних ліній. Це було інтерпретовано як результат заглушення процесів дефазування оптичних переходів у нанокристалах. Причиною зазначеного ефекту є ослаблення розсіювання фононів на домішковому центрі внаслідок впливу квантово-розмірного ефекту на підсистему фононів у нанокристалі. Уперше отримано залежність ширини спектральних ліній від розміру нанокристала. Відсутність потреби глибокого заморожування для отримання вузьких оптичних резонансів відкриває можливості використання таких нанокристалів для створення пристроїв оптичної памяті та квантових компютерів.На спектрах люминесценции нанокристаллов Y₂SiO₅Pr³⁺ и YVO₄:Eu³⁺ при комнатной температуре наблюдалось наличие аномально узких спектральных линий. Это было интерпретировано как результат подавления процессов дефазировки оптических переходов в нанокристаллах. Причиной наблюдаемого эффекта является ослабление рассеяния фононов на примесном центре в результате влияния квантово-размерного эффекта на подсистему фононов в нанокристалле. Впервые получена зависимость ширины спектральных линий от размера нанокристалла. Отсутствие необходимости глубокого замораживания для получения узких оптических резонансов открывает широкие возможности применения данных нанокристаллов для создания устройств оптической памяти и квантовых компьютеров

    Feedback cooling of a single trapped ion

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    Based on a real-time measurement of the motion of a single ion in a Paul trap, we demonstrate its electro-mechanical cooling below the Doppler limit by homodyne feedback control (cold damping). The feedback cooling results are well described by a model based on a quantum mechanical Master Equation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Interrelations between viral load and cellular immunity in patients with COVID-19 of varying severity

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    Assessment of viral load levels in various biological samples taken from the respiratory tract can be an indicator of an ongoing process of active viral replication and may be used to monitor severe respiratory viral infections. The study of the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 viral load and immunological laboratory parameters is an important step in the search for clinical markers of COVID-19.The aim of this research was to quantify viral load in patients with COVID-19 and to identify the relation-ship between viral load and changes in the parameters of the cellular component of the immune system.A laboratory examination was carried out on 74 patients diagnosed with COVID-19, they were divided into 3 groups based on the severity of the disease: mild, moderate, severe. Total viral load in clinical samples was determined by the number of SARS-CoV-2 RNA copies per 100 copies of the reference RNaseP gene.     A comprehensive assessment of the cellular component of the immune system was performed using flow cytometry and direct monoclonal antibodies, and the IL-6, and C-reactive protein concentrations were determined.We revealed a relationship between the development of serious clinical conditions in the patients with COVID-19, and the levels of viral load. High levels of viral RNA in biological samples correlate with main indicators of the T cell component of the immune system associated with disease severity. In a subgroup of patients with an extremely high viral load, strong positive correlations were found between the relative numbers of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD3+CD8+), activated T lymphocytes (CD3+HLA-DR+), as well as absolute and relative numbers of activated B lymphocytes and NK cells (CD3-CD25+).Laboratory monitoring of the cellular component of the immune system, along with the assessment of viral loads, should improve  early assessment of clinical condition in the patients with COVID-19. Changes   in expression levels of activation markers on immune cells can be potentially viewed as indicators of recovery during COVID-19

    Nonlinear vortex light beams supported and stabilized by dissipation

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    We describe nonlinear Bessel vortex beams as localized and stationary solutions with embedded vorticity to the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with a dissipative term that accounts for the multi-photon absorption processes taking place at high enough powers in common optical media. In these beams, power and orbital angular momentum are permanently transferred to matter in the inner, nonlinear rings, at the same time that they are refueled by spiral inward currents of energy and angular momentum coming from the outer linear rings, acting as an intrinsic reservoir. Unlike vortex solitons and dissipative vortex solitons, the existence of these vortex beams does not critically depend on the precise form of the dispersive nonlinearities, as Kerr self-focusing or self-defocusing, and do not require a balancing gain. They have been shown to play a prominent role in "tubular" filamentation experiments with powerful, vortex-carrying Bessel beams, where they act as attractors in the beam propagation dynamics. Nonlinear Bessel vortex beams provide indeed a new solution to the problem of the stable propagation of ring-shaped vortex light beams in homogeneous self-focusing Kerr media. A stability analysis demonstrates that there exist nonlinear Bessel vortex beams with single or multiple vorticity that are stable against azimuthal breakup and collapse, and that the mechanism that renders these vortexes stable is dissipation. The stability properties of nonlinear Bessel vortex beams explain the experimental observations in the tubular filamentation experiments.Comment: Chapter of boo

    Клиническая эффективность и безопасность применения иммунной плазмы реконвалесцентов для лечения COVID-19

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    Aim: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of convalescent plasma therapy for patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection.Materials and methods: the study included 64 patients with laboratory-confirmed severe new coronavirus infection. The control group consisted of 58 patients who, in addition to standard therapy, received a transfusion of plasma from donors who had recovered from COVID-19. The effectiveness of immune plasma was assessed by the duration of fever, the level of oxygen (SpO2 %) in dynamics, the detection of SARSCoV-2 RNA in nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs using PCR method in dynamics, as well as by the dynamics of blood tests results. Adverse events (any medically adverse events that occurred after immune plasma transfusion) were recorded as safety criteria.Results: patients who received convalescent plasma, showed a significantly shorter period of SARS-CoV-2 replication compared with the control group. The use of immune plasma did not have a statistically significant effect on the duration of the fever, as well as the dynamics of blood oxygenation. Also, there were no significant differences compared with the control group when assessing blood tests parameters.Conclusion: The use of COVID-19 convalescent plasma to treat severe COVID-19 did not show significant clinical effect but reduced the period of viral replication. It also showed no unexpected or serious adverse events. Цель. Оценка эффективности и безопасности применения иммунной плазмы реконвалесцентов для лечения COVID-19 у пациентов с тяжелой степенью тяжести.Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 64 пациента с подтвержденной новой коронавирусной инфекцией тяжёлой степени тяжести, которым, помимо стандартной терапии, проводили трансфузию иммунной плазмы реконвалесцентов новой коронавирусной инфекции. Контрольную группу составили 58 пациентов, получавших базисную терапию. Эффективность терапии иммунной плазмы оценивалась по длительности лихорадки, уровню сатурации (SpO2 %), выявлению РНК SARS-CoV-2 методом ПЦР в отделяемом со слизистой рото-/носоглотки в динамике, а также по изменениям общеклинических и биохимических показателей крови. В качестве критериев безопасности регистрировались нежелательные явления (любые неблагоприятные с медицинской точки зрения события, возникшие после трансфузии иммунной плазмы).Результаты. У пациентов, получавших иммунную плазму реконвалесцентов, отмечался достоверно более короткий период вирусной репликации SARS-CoV-2 по сравнению с контрольной группой. На продолжительность лихорадки, а также динамику насыщения кислородом крови применение иммунной плазмы статистически значимого влияния не оказывало. Также не отмечалось достоверных различий по сравнению с контрольной группой при оценке общеклинических, биохимических показателей крови.Заключение. Терапия пациентов с тяжёлым течением COVID-19 иммунной плазмой реконвалесцентов, перенёсших инфекцию, вызванную SARS-CoV-2, достоверно не оказывала значимого клинического эффекта, однако сокращала период репликации вируса. Трансфузия иммунной плазмы также не вызывала серьёзных нежелательных явлений