1,072 research outputs found

    Segregation and precipitation of Er in Ge

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    Although Er-doped Genanomaterials are attractive for photonic applications, very little is known about the basic properties of Er in Ge. Here, the authors study the annealing behavior of Geimplanted with keV Er ions to doses resulting in ≲1at.% of Er. Large redistribution of Er, with segregation at the amorphous/crystalline interface, starts at ≳500°C, while lower temperatures are required for material recrystallization. However, even at 400°C, Er forms precipitates. The concentration of Er trapped in the bulk after recrystallization decreases with increasing temperature but is independent of the initial bulk Er concentration for the range of ion doses studied here.Work at the ANU was supported by the ARC

    Surface thermal perturbations of the recent past at low latitudes ? inferences based on borehole temperature data from Eastern Brazil

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    International audienceBorehole temperature data from the eastern parts of Brazil has been examined in an attempt to extract information on surface thermal perturbations of the recent past at low latitudes. Forward models were employed in the analysis of temperature logs from 16 localities and, in addition, inverse modeling was carried out for data from 10 selected sites. The model results have allowed determination of the magnitude as well as the duration of ground surface temperature (GST) changes in three major geographic zones of Brazil. Prominent among such events are the warming episodes that occurred over much of the subtropical highland regions in the southeastern parts of Brazil. The present magnitude of GST changes in this region are in the range of 2 to 3.5°C but have had their beginning during the early decades of the 20th century. Nearly similar trends are also seen in temperature-depth profiles of bore holes in the subtropical humid zones of the interior and coastal areas of southern Brazil. The data from semi arid zones of northeast Brazil also indicate occurrence of surface warming events but the magnitudes are in the range of 1.4 to 2.2°C while the duration of the warming event is larger, extending back into the last decades of the 19th century. There are indications that changes in both climate and vegetation cover contribute to variations in GST. Thus the magnitudes of GST variations are relatively large in localities which have undergone changes in vegetation cover. Also there are indications that GST changes are practically insignificant in areas of tropical rain forest. Another important result emerging from model studies is that the climate was relatively cooler during the 17th and 18th centuries. The climate histories, deduced from geothermal data, are found to be consistent with results of available meteorological records in southern Brazil. Comparative studies also indicate that the magnitudes and duration of recent climate changes in southern and eastern Brazil are similar to those found in other continental areas such as North America, Asia and Europe

    DFT and PM3 Computational Studies of the Reaction Mechanism of the Oxidation of L-Tyrosine by Iodine in the Gas Phase

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    - The oxidation of L-Tyrosine by molecular iodine was studied using semi-empirical and density functional theory methods. Molecular information such as net charges, values of frontier orbital energies, composition, proportions and bonding contribution were obtained and analyzed. Thus, possible reactive sites were proposed and the reaction mechanism was postulated. The postulated transition states, intermediates and products were also computed using the PM3 and DFT methods. Computed enthalpies of the oxidation reaction at standard conditions for the PM3 and DFT calculation were 216.97 kJ/mol and -36327404.72 kJ/mol respectively. The calculated ΔGo andΔSo, for the transition states according to the DFT model were both large and negative indicating that the processes were exergonic associative substitution reactions

    Information exposure from consumer IoT devices: a multidimensional, network-informed measurement approach

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    Internet of Things (IoT) devices are increasingly found in everyday homes, providing useful functionality for devices such as TVs, smart speakers, and video doorbells. Along with their benefits come potential privacy risks, since these devices can communicate information about their users to other parties over the Internet. However, understanding these risks in depth and at scale is difficult due to heterogeneity in devices' user interfaces, protocols, and functionality. In this work, we conduct a multidimensional analysis of information exposure from 81 devices located in labs in the US and UK. Through a total of 34,586 rigorous automated and manual controlled experiments, we characterize information exposure in terms of destinations of Internet traffic, whether the contents of communication are protected by encryption, what are the IoT-device interactions that can be inferred from such content, and whether there are unexpected exposures of private and/or sensitive information (e.g., video surreptitiously transmitted by a recording device). We highlight regional differences between these results, potentially due to different privacy regulations in the US and UK. Last, we compare our controlled experiments with data gathered from an in situ user study comprising 36 participants

    Evaluation of composted coir p ith with chemical and biofertilizers on nutrient availability, yield and quality of b lack pepper (Piper nigrum L.)

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    Composted coir pith was evaluated at Madikeri (Karnataka) under integrated plant nutrient management system to substitute chemical input of fertilizers for improving the yield and quality of black pepper (Piper nigrum). Application of composted coir pith (CC) @ 2.5 t ha" with full recommended dose of NPK (100:40:140 kg ha" of N, P,O, and K, O) yielded the highest (4.18 kg vine" ) which was on par with 1.25 t ha·1 CC + full NPK, 2.5 t ha·1 CC + y, NPK + Azospirillum sp., 1.25 t ha" CC + y, NPK + Azospirillum sp. and 2.5 t ha" CC alone. The levels of composted coir pith application were on par with regard to quality (piperine and oleoresin contents). of black pepper. The highest benefit-cost ratio of 1.94 was recorded in the ,treatment with composted coir pith @ 1.25 t ha" + Azospirillum sp. &nbsp

    Influence of soil physico-chemical properties on productivity of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)

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    Soil surveys were conducted to study the physico-chemical characteristics of major black pepper (Piper nigrum) growing soils in Kerala and their relationship with black pepper productivity. Soil samples were collected from four major black pepper growing districts, namely, ldukki, Wayanad (high elevation), Kozhikode and Kannur (low elevation) and were classified based on yield as high, moderate and low yieJdinggardens. The relationships between elevations, physico-chemical properties and black pepper productivity were studied. The investigation revealed that soils of high yielding gardens were high in sand and low in clay fractions. These soils had high pH, base saturation, canon exchange capacity, organic carbon, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc status compared to low yielding gardens. These factors favoured good growth of black pepper vines with higher productivity. &nbsp
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